
Chapter 42.24 Child Love and Out of Control

Lily has regained her mobility, so there are more cards available—...and it will be a key card.

Lan's mind-reading skills are still excellent. He has already read my plan in advance, and asked me first.

"Are you going to see Xinran next?

I replied while rubbing my shoulders.

"Yes, I remember Yujiu should also be with Xinran. Eighty percent of the rest of the body parts are with Xinran and the others, so they must go to an interview--talk.

Originally, I was planning to go to see Miss Ji Lianbing directly. With no support here, if I wanted to hug my thighs, I would have to hug the thickest one—

But since I was lucky enough to meet the elusive Lan, I would have to temporarily change the plan.

As I expected, I succeeded in persuading Lan, and only paid a small price equivalent to a blank check.

Hehe, of course I'm not telling lies, but it's not up to me to decide whether Juncheng wants to have the first child with you or not.

Well, I guess she guessed what I was thinking, but she still agreed, which means she just wanted an 'excuse'.

As for how to execute it, it is estimated that there are thousands of ways for the blue fox to let Jun Cheng be captured.

"I originally thought about going straight to the final boss, but since I have you as a companion, I can't continue this step.

Forming an alliance with Lan means a complete confrontation with the young lady's camp, and there is no possibility of reconciliation.

"Huhuhu, this is the correct solution, that eldest lady won't listen to anyone now.

"I also know, but without you, that's the only way, even if the success rate is low, you have to try it.

"Aiya, I'm going to fall in love with you when I take people so seriously, Zi Ai-chan~ I really want to have **** with you~ Let's kiss and love each other together?"

What the saucy fox Lan said must be true love for each other, and the pure Baitaihua will also turn yellow with her.

"Jingxie Bumin, I'm not interested in women.

"I said the two of you, don't talk for now, it seems that something terrible is happening over there...


where is it?

Looking towards the direction Yang Shifan pointed, that is, the direction we came from.

The light that blooms is not dazzling at all but has a terrifying quality.

Decompose all the matter that is irradiated, that is, burst clothes... No, that is the light of destruction!

Wait for the shattering light

"How is that possible! A saint in the form of an angel should not be able to use this light!"

The Light of Destruction is a skill that can only be used when the Force of Destiny is awakened and becomes the fourth form, the Holy Light form!

How did she wake up when Juncheng wasn't there?

It's possible to be near death...

Did Xue Qing kill the Holy City?

"Even forcing this out, how powerful has she become in Xueqing..."

That little loli is too powerful, right? The four major disasters should not be able to compete with the two major disasters in terms of fate.

The already awakened snow can slaughter all things, has a slaying blade that can be cut off, and has a great increase in physical fitness.

Probably can draw a tie with the Saint of the second stage.

However, the snow situation in this world seems to be stronger, because there is still half of Xun'er's soul in the body, so he can still borrow the power of ghosts.

But the light of shattering came out, even the snow situation probably wouldn't last long...

"Time is running out, and I don't know how long she will be able to hold on to the snow, so we must act immediately.

"That light, is it really a saint? Why does a saint appear here!

"I don't know, I still want to ask you. Isn't it the one you recruited?"

"But now Juncheng has nothing to do with her! I don't even know who each other is! When I recruited, I limited the abnormal people who were connected with Cheng, and she couldn't appear here!"

"If you don't know me, you don't know, but one thing is clear, she's as 'shouldn't be here' as I am)

"What the **** is going on...

Lan bit her nails unhappily and pondered, her plan being messed with is one of the things she hates most.

"I don't know, there's not enough information, we'll talk about this later. Sort out the priority, Miss Stalker, don't waste any more time, go straight to the destination.

"It's a long-lost title... But I still want to clarify, I'm not a stalker!"


Ghosts believe you.

Lan has the whereabouts of everyone in the city, and the mobile phone can locate the coordinates of others.

Sure enough, as I thought, Xinran, Yuhui, and the other two Luo Li were together, but there was one more person who saw the bright spot.

Well, you will know when you arrive at the scene.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the other end of the city.

When I arrived at the scene, it was completely different from what I imagined.

It's not a harmonious scene, but rather a very chaotic scene.

Several huge black snakes were destroying the city wantonly, as if they were fighting something, destroying all the nearby buildings.

There were several whirlwinds blowing in the sky, and the storm directly impacted the body of a large black snake. The raging storm shattered its body, but black silk threads emerged from the damaged part, and reassembled at a super-fast speed-- But just as this 'wound' was about to be repaired, it fell from the sky - a huge fireball, burning the black snake to black ashes.

But in the next second, another large black snake formed out of thin air, and attacked violently all around.

On the outside, we watched this scene, which was comparable to the special effects battle in the movie, and there was no room for insertion.

Yang Shifan looked at this scene in a stunned manner and said.

"My God, is it a monster war!"

"What's up with these black snakes? They don't look like creatures, and that... Hey, shouldn't this be...

Thinking of these, I can only think of one.


At this time, one of the large black snakes noticed our existence and included us as the target to be destroyed. It wriggled its huge body and rushed towards the door, destroying the streets along the way.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran, and he had to pick up Yang Shifan's poor boy and Lily, who was completely messy.

Lan's reaction was as fast as mine, running side by side with me.


-Same Once Female Line SF Light Novel

"Why did Xun'er go wild again!"

"I don't even know what's going on!"

"Aren't you monitoring the whole city! Why don't you know!

"It's not Juncheng, why should I - stare at them!"

"You are unqualified to be the host!

Oops, it's the first time I've seen Xun'er in this form! It's impossible to solve it with past experience!

"Think of a way! Blue!"

"Huh, I really love to call people, I'm here to block it, you hide in a safe place first, little cuties~ Gather

A large amount of pink liquid seeped out from the gap on the ground, and a huge pink Slime appeared in the blue after a while.

"Please! Retreat strategically!\'

Lan's words should be no problem for self-protection. We can't help much. Staying there will only increase the burden on Lan.

In short, retreat one after another.... Xun'er's runaway was completely beyond my expectations, and it felt even more terrifying than being possessed by the Mother Earth!

Could it be that the only way is to bring the saint over and let two super-spec monsters fight each other?

While thinking about it, I managed to run a certain distance with Caizi and Lily, so it shouldn't be affected here.

What should I do next... think, An Ziai, don't stop thinking.

think of a way

"Hey? Zi Ai-sama?! Why are you here!


Looking at Xunsheng, it turned out to be Yuhui, who escaped at the same time as us.

The maid outfit on her body was damaged a lot, and it was still dirty. Judging from her embarrassed appearance, she must have suffered a lot.

Then I noticed another person beside her.

The duck was sitting on the ground, rubbing its little head.

I believe that my pupils are definitely shrunk now. Seeing 'her' in 'here' is more unscientific than seeing a ghost.

For a while, I couldn't say anything, even my body trembled involuntarily. I stretched out my finger and pointed at the man sitting on the ground.

Yuhui noticed something was wrong with me and asked suspiciously.


F light novel

"My son loves your lord?"

Lily also looked at me strangely and asked, and followed my fingertips to the man on the ground.

"What's wrong? Ai-chan?"


The man sitting on the ground also noticed that his eyes were focused on himself, raised his head and made a suspicious voice.


Then a certain bad boy who didn't know the atmosphere at all pinched his chin and said.

"Oh, I remember that you are An Juncheng's younger sister, right? Is it An Keling? Or are you An Ran? I remember that An Jun has two younger sisters, but I don't know which is which.

"I'm An Keling! You're talking about my sister!"

"Oh, so. Why don't you get up first?

"Don't come near me! Dead virgin!"

"..It's really unfriendly..Forget it. For the sake of you, the poor person who was involved, I won't care about you. Unbelievable things are happening almost every minute in this hellish place.

"What the **** are you kidding!"

Almost shouted.

Juncheng's catchphrase.

I was angry. If it was Juncheng, he would definitely be as angry as me, or even more angry than me.

"..-What’s wrong with you"


After me, and after the saint.

The third one, who shouldn't be here, appeared.

I didn't know until this time that the matter this time was very complicated, and the situation was completely beyond the scope of my ability to solve it.

become uncontrollable.

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