I squatted down as she said, and Lou Ling rode on top of me.

Uh, I'm so sorry to say that, what I said was that she was riding on my neck, like a little girl riding on an adult

It turns out that you want to borrow my height.


Since that's the case, I'll stand up...

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"Wow! Be careful!"

Lou Ling clamped his thighs in order to stabilize his body.

Feeling the warm and tender touch from the soft thighs and the back of my neck pressing against my cheeks after being clamped, I feel a little...-

Maybe it's been a long time since I didn't do anything, I vented it, and it turned out to be a stone...

It's all their fault, my body has become too demanding! Damn it!

But now is not the time to be in heat, there are still things to do.

Taking advantage of my height, Lou Ling touched the light source, and then forcefully 'pushed something away'.

The range of light has changed... No, it's illuminated.

Then, I saw her 'crawl out'.

Then, she turned back and reached out to me from the 'outside'.

At this point, I had stopped thinking and just reflexively grabbed her outstretched hand.

She tried her best to pull me up.

I cooperated to grab the \'edge', and then I struggled to go up...

Climbed out.

From the 'drawer'.

Just like the debut of Doraemon, he climbed out of the drawer. In front of you is a Japanese-style room, with a visual area of ​​about four and a half.

"Ah ah ah ah ah?!"

I was stunned. How is this possible?

Why is there such a room here?!

Where the **** is this... Isn't it in the original particle...

I can't figure it out myself.

What the **** is your sister's place?


Chapter 44.44 Heart and Speechless


No matter how you cut it, you can't finish it, and it regenerates in an instant. The speed of this regeneration is too fast.

Is it because it is hair that it regrows so fast?

But if this is hair, the toughness is also very good. You need to compress the wind blade to the thinnest and push it with the greatest force before cutting it off - a snake head.

However, just cutting it off is useless, it will reconnect immediately, so cut it and blow the hair away with a strong wind.

No matter what, we must buy time first, so that Yu Hui and Ke Ling can escape to a safe area smoothly...

During the high-intensity battle, for some reason, I thought in a trance, my brother...

Brother, has he been doing this kind of thing all the time?

In order not to let Ke Ling and I get involved in the danger, every time I take the brunt of rushing into this danger, and then settle these things silently...

--For Lord Juncheng, only you and Lord Keling are different from others. The reason why you are not allowed to touch these things is because you don't want to worry about you, and in turn, you want to protect you.

-Only you can be treated like this, but you are never satisfied.

I thought I knew what my brother was thinking.

But never really experienced what he did for us...

Too self-righteous...

I clenched my teeth and was distracted just for a moment. The regenerated black snake suddenly appeared in the field of vision and opened its **** mouth.

Gather... can't be in time!

A fireball fell from the sky and burned it to ashes.

Xiao An, who opened her wings, flew to my side and complained.


"Hey! What a daze at this time! Sister-chan! Wake up!

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It's my fault, to think about other things at this time, it's too careless!

Xiangyuexun suddenly ran wild just now, and was already in a state of semi-out of control, perhaps reaching a critical point.

The big snake who was standing beside Xiangyuexun and called himself Faye suddenly said to us, 'Get out of here now, as far as you can get away' Ask what happened.

But Ke Ling suddenly shouted, 'Get out of here quickly!', Yu Hui responded the fastest, picked up his little brother and Ke Ling, turned around and ran away.

As for Xiao An and I, we stayed to procrastinate -- we already tried our best.

Originally, I was worried about whether Kazuki would get hurt, but later I found out that I was thinking too much.

Xiao An unceremoniously used a sun-like fireball to directly attack Kazuki in the middle, but was quickly swallowed by the big snake in the middle.

He actually swallowed it directly... Is there a black hole in that bottomless mouth?

"I really can't help it, Xun, you really like to run wild. Sure enough, ghosts, who are naturally unrestricted, are troublesome.

Xiao An swept away, all the big snakes had recovered, and watched her every move with vigilant eyes.

Apparently these big snakes also discovered that Xiao An is the most difficult one to deal with... What the **** am I doing?

"Those who don't have the will to fight should retire immediately.

\"! I can still....

Come on, your mind is not here at all, go and protect Sister Keling, leave it to me here.


"You're so annoying! If you're told to go, just go! If you stay here in this state, it will only cause trouble for me... Mum! It hurts...

She was so anxious that she bit her tongue.

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Xiao An glared at me with tears in her eyes. I knew that I was no longer qualified to stay here.

"Well then...you have to be careful! I'll wait for you to come back, Xiao An!"

Xiao An waved her hand impatiently, then stuck out her tongue and took a few breaths.

"...Ugh!. It's not good! Come on, just zoom in on the trick! This is a brand new trick that I have lived for tens of thousands of years and learned again. If you can't stop it, Xun There is no dust left after being burned!

Xiao An continued to fly higher into the sky. I saw that she took off the jade hook on her chest and clenched it with one hand.

When it was released again, the hook jade had become a luminous ball.

"[Nuclear fusion].

The light ball burst into light, then shrank instantly, and then...

A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Paradox [imaginary space].

Before the explosion, the two of them disappeared.

I turned around, although I could tell from the sound, but I still turned around.

Sure enough, it was a certain head maid with supernatural powers.

"Hello, Miss Xinran."

..Didn't you say you wouldn't interfere with the game?\'

"Hehehehe, the whole city will be turned into ashes after this release. Although there is no prohibition of destruction in the game, it will be difficult if the game field is completely cleared, so I have to temporarily exclude it from this game. Guess you also don't want to see the game terminate unexpectedly B?"

"Then they two... 2K0

"As for Miss Xun and Miss Yanling, I don't think you need to worry anymore, I'll take care of it.

Really reassuring speech..

No wonder the elder brother would show a reassuring smile every time he talked about the head maid.

Because as long as the head maid is there, everything can be solved perfectly.

It's like a superhero will definitely save everyone, knowing that she's here, it's all right.

"I said, is it really okay for you to stay here?"


Then I suddenly thought of it.

Originally, the head maid would only stay by the eldest lady's side, but after finishing the matter here, she did not return immediately. This means-

"There are not many "players" left, and the game is coming to an end, won't you go?"

Is she here!

Listen to the wind... I found it!

Immediately, go to Yuhui and the others!

The woman is coming!

When I arrived at the scene, she had already appeared.

And besides Yu He and Ke Ling, there are others... Is that Teacher Lily? The other man doesn't know each other, and there is a woman...

That person...who is it?

It's very familiar, I feel like I've seen it before, but I think it's the first time we've met 24

"Sister Xinran!

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Ke Ling called out after seeing me.

"Xin Ran, have you arrived yet... It really isn't that everyone is here.

The woman she didn't know said the same thing.


Just as I was about to ask who she was, a thunderstorm fell in the sky.

"Hehehehe, it's time to end this farce."

The person who appeared was a certain eldest lady, but...


The main reason is that Ji Lianbing's image is too 'novel'.

She was still wearing a maid outfit, but with a bag and a baby in her arms, holding a baby bottle in one hand and a rattle in the other. She saw that there was a baby carriage by her side, and there were paper diapers in the car.

"It's...not following a routine, Miss Ji Lianbing, no, it's a bit too early for the Great Demon King to appear, isn't it?

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