"Ah..., ah... ah ah ah ah ah!

Obviously it will be soon, it will be soon.

I'm about to get the death I've always wanted... It hurts.


Why do I have to suffer like this?

I covered my cheeks, but I couldn't isolate the pain.

The pain made me scream, and the light scattered uncontrollably around me.

Then the person who gave me this pain came to me.

A girl with long white hair and red eyes.

"I am going to kill you."

The skin was cut, the muscles were cut, the bones were cut.

Pain, I can't think anymore...

But he can't die.

For.. why! Why!

Lord, do you really love me!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

All, purify it.

Gather the light and condense it into a sword.

"Is that.- Tiancong Yunjian! Haha! Isn't this more interesting!"

I don't know, whatever.

"Please kill me...

"I will.

so good =

Today, it was finally my turn to be purified. one


Chapter 44 Juncheng and Escape

"Uh, I said, don't waste any more effort, we can't get out of here by ourselves anyway.'

After Lou Ling appeared here, it has passed... er, how long has it passed?

Because there is no watch, it is difficult to keep time in this place.

Although there are game consoles, the clocks on the game consoles are messed up... because there is no concept of time in this place.

There is no way to record the time correctly, and there is no way to perceive the time correctly.

To say why, because this is where the beginning and the end are.

is the beginning of everything.

It is also the focus of everything.

The head and tail are joined together.

This is also the most crucial reason why I have never found 'she'.

I never thought that it would be... the most old-fashioned and the most helpless [Jun gave birth to me] ah...

Er, let's not talk about these things, in short, there is infinite time to waste in this place.

Anyway, I have nothing to do. When I played with her, I left a pile of game props, so let's play the game.

But Lou Ling: Apparently he's not used to it yet.

She kept arguing that she wanted to go out, and then tossed and tossed, I was tired looking.

Although I have explained it to her many times, she just doesn't listen.

I think so too.

People who can't understand where this place is will not give up the idea of ​​going out.

If I didn't know, I think I would try to get out like Lou Ling did.

Unfortunately, this is the only place where you can't get out, because this place itself is not a 'little dark room' where people are locked up.

This place itself is like this, if there is no entrance, how can there be an exit?

Speaking of which, I am confused again...

How did Lou Zero get in?

Curious...because she is the world?

Lou Ling sat decadently beside the bed, obviously having doubts about the world.

Oh, well, she started to have self-doubt. f

, SF light novel

I feel like I'm going to be depressed, right? I mean?

This kind of weird atmosphere is even more uncomfortable than when she is alone. Seeing her holding her legs and burying her head, I really can't stand it.

Then I couldn't help but enlighten her.

Put down the gamepad, turned off the game console, and the space fell into dead silence again.

"I'm not telling you to give up, but sometimes 'waiting' is also a way to solve problems.

No response, could it be that my chicken soup is not pure enough?

It seems that she needs to say some touching words to make her react.

Er, recalling the chicken soup for the soul in those magazines that I read, I remember that I was very moved when I read it.

By the way, chicken soup usually has some real stories in it, so that it can move people's hearts.

Then I should also tell Lou Ling a story and let her fall into the story, so that she will be moved by me, inspired by the story I tell, and then cheer up and start facing a new life!

...if that's the case... ahahaha.

Uh, in short, there are only two people here. If she doesn't play games with me, I'll be really bored.

Then set a small goal first, let Lou Ling play games with me.


I walked over and sat beside Lou Ling, coughed twice, and said to her in a heavy tone.

"Well, then let's tell a story, a long, long time...".

Beginning with a very old-fashioned storytelling... I suddenly found that my wording was inappropriate, and quickly corrected it.

"Well, it's not a past event, after all, it's not something I 'personally experienced'.

"It's just quite far away, so long ago that it's not recorded by anyone, it's not even a legend, it's just an unknown story, it's a story about the pursuit...

It's about her.

Who she was and what her name was, it doesn't matter anymore.


Anyway, she is no longer her.

And it doesn't matter who I used to be or what I was called.

SF Light Novel

I won't do more disclosure of private information here. How should I say it? Just like what Miss Lei Li said, I feel that if I say all of it at this time, it will be boring, right?

I don't care if I'm bored, I don't want other people to be bored too.

I didn't pursue her because I loved her, it was the reason that moved people.

Although the tenth reincarnation will definitely be inseparable from the word 'love'.

But in fact, I really didn't pursue her because I loved her deeply.

I already have other, special, inexplicable feelings for her.

Love is just a part of it.

-...that's a bit vague.

It would be better to explain it with an example. I pursued her like a bug chasing the light, and Kuafu chasing the sun.

The feelings in it are already indescribable.

But there is one thing that can be affirmed. Just like the ending of Kuafu Chasing the Sun, ‘I’ will never be able to catch up with ‘she’.

Lou Ling, who was sitting beside him, suddenly stood up, startling me.

I look like Lou Ling strangely, because I have just told the beginning of this story, and I haven't even finished the foreshadowing, let alone the climax.

But she suddenly stood up. Did I say it too well? It was just the beginning that attracted her?

I.-What a **** genius!

It seems that I have a talent for writing novels. If I go to write online novels, I will definitely become the most popular writer on the Internet!

Well, if I can go out, I can write these stories of my experiences in an autobiographical system, and I can also intersperse some subjective feelings of Lianbing and the others to make the story more lively and interesting!

Passed, I will be a god-level writer on the Internet in the future!

However, while I was still daydreaming, Lou Ling ran away and disappeared.

I looked around and quickly found Lou Ling's figure, and in front of her, there was something that seemed to be glowing.

My dream of being a writer just ended. "or Mu Xiaowan

Well, it turns out that she just made a new discovery, so she rushed over to confirm it in such a hurry...

"Hey-Is the story I tell so boring?

I sighed and stood up and walked towards the place where Lou Ling ran past.

I said that it is impossible to go out, so what's the use of being excited, anyway, it must be a light similar to the star rainbow phenomenon above your head, right?

With that in mind, I looked up.


The light above his head is gone.

Ah ah ah ah?

Then I immediately looked forward again, and by this time Lou Ling had already reached the place where the light was shining.

Only then did I notice that the light was very strange, it was actually linear.

It feels like 'light leaking from somewhere'.

I instantly thought of a possibility, and Lou Ling should be the same as I thought.

....how can that be?

"Hey! Come here quickly!"

Lou Ling was calling me, looking very anxious.

I already knew what she wanted to do, so I speeded up and ran over.

"Quickly squat down!"

"Ah? What are you doing?"

"I'll explain it to you later! You do as I say!"

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