Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

173. Chapter 172 Gold Core Pseudo (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 172 Gold Core·Fake (Seeking Subscriptions!)

After confronting Chen Yi, Yu Xian felt as if he had shed a layer of shackles and gained great spiritual freedom. Instead, he actively focused his attention and refrained from fooling around outside.

This can also be considered as an explanation to Chen Yi.

Otherwise, if he had just said he would work hard to catch up with others, but then went out and indulged in a life of debauchery, no one would believe what he said before was true.

At least he should try his best for two or three years.

So, he began his serious cultivation.

Alchemy, formation arrays, talisman crafting, refining tools, he delved into each aspect of cultivation.

Especially in the field of formation arrays, he had natural talent in this area, and there were many formation array masters in the city for him to exchange ideas with. Additionally, there was the Xuan Yang Golden Light Formation, a third-order large-scale formation, as a learning reference. His progress in the field of formation arrays can be described as steadily rising.

Another noteworthy person is his eldest uncle, Chen Xiao.

The Daoist formation patterns engraved on his body are the work of a fourth-order Daoist formation master.

The so-called Daoist formation master is one of the advanced professions of formation array masters, specializing in engraving Daoist formation patterns and cultivating high-level Daoist formations.

A high-level Daoist formation like Chen Xiao can possess the combat power of an ordinary Gold Core realm cultivator.

If ten people or a hundred people join forces, using people as the formation and deploying a Daoist formation army, with a hundred people as one, the combined power would be earth-shattering. Even if a Nascent Soul true immortal were to enter, they would have to retreat in defeat.

Whether or not a sect possesses a Daoist formation army is also one of the criteria for judging whether a sect can be considered a top sect.

Ordinary cultivators only know that a sect with a Nascent Soul true immortal is considered a top sect.

However, the criteria for a top sect are far more than that. The most important criterion is having a proper inheritance and generations of cultivators with Nascent Soul combat power.

Otherwise, even if a sect has a Nascent Soul true immortal presiding over it, after thousands of years, when the true immortal passes away, the sect will also decline.

But a Daoist formation army is different. As long as a sect cultivates a fourth-order Daoist formation master, they can leave behind high-level Daoist formations, becoming the foundation of the sect.

In this way, even if a sect temporarily lacks a Nascent Soul true immortal, having a Daoist formation army is equivalent to having a bloated Nascent Soul true immortal. It may lack offensive power, but it has enough defensive power to maintain the dignity of a top sect.

Most importantly, in a certain sense, Daoist formations can already be considered humanoid weapons. As long as they are well-maintained, they can last for thousands or even tens of thousands of years without being destroyed.

High-level Daoist formations like Chen Xiao, after a hundred years, when his soul fades away, his physical body will forever become a guardian Daoist formation of the Xuan Yin Sect.

Going off on a tangent.

In short, Chen Xiao himself is like a condensed version of a fourth-order formation disc. Just by observing the formation patterns on his body, Yu Xian has gained a lot.

Originally, Chen Xiao was unwilling.

But when he heard that his own sister kicked Yu Xian, he felt happy but also a little guilty. So he let Yu Xian mess around with him and use him as a model for a Daoist formation, as compensation.

That's how it is.

Yu Xian's daily life became more fulfilling.

After all, cultivating immortality involves a hundred arts, and every profession is worth a cultivator's lifetime of study.

In the blink of an eye, six or seven years have passed.

On this day, Yu Xian lifted the moon-white silk sacrificial robe covering his face and groggily climbed out of a cold jade bed. The icy bed gradually cleared his mind.

Last night, he spent the whole night refining pills in Luo Han's cave, finally displaying extraordinary skill and successfully refining a Yellow Dragon Pill.

The Yellow Dragon Pill can help a cultivator in the mid-stage of Qi Refining break through the bottleneck of the late stage of Qi Refining. He even auctioned off two of them to Yu Lan at the auction.

This pill is a first-grade superior pill, which means he has become a first-grade superior alchemist.

To be able to reach the level of a mainstream alchemist in Shangyang City in just six or seven years, starting as a novice in pill refining, is no small feat. In addition to his own cultivation reaching the late stage of Foundation Building and his spiritual consciousness being comparable to the peak of Foundation Building, the help of Luo Han, a quasi-third-grade alchemist, is indispensable.

Self-study is never as good as having a renowned teacher.

So, in order to thank this teacher in pill refining, Yu Xian worked hard and used the dual cultivation technique to refine his body with his own essence, assisting him in breaking through the mid-stage of Foundation Building.

It's like he took the initiative to be the furnace, allowing Luo Han to replenish himself.

This also resulted in a significant decrease in his combat power, but after just one night of battle, he became exhausted and finally fell asleep on this cold jade bed.


Yu Xian's gaze was sharp. After a night of cultivation, his cultivation realm finally advanced further.

In front of his eyes, a green panel quietly appeared.

[Name: Yu Xian]

[Cultivation: Gold Core·Pseudo (8/89000)]

[Soulmates: Yu Lan, Luo Han (2/2)]

With the help of Yu Lan and Luo Han, his cultivation steadily improved, gaining fourteen to fifteen thousand cultivation points every year.

With less than one hundred thousand cultivation points remaining, this six or seven years is enough to fill them all.


Suddenly, Yu Xian made a puzzled sound.

The cultivation points required to break through the Gold Core realm are actually fewer than those required for the late stage of Foundation Building.

And he directly surpassed the peak of Foundation Building.

However, Yu Xian thought for a moment and realized that it seems there is no division of the peak of Foundation Building in the cultivation world.

The Foundation Building realm only has three small stages: early, middle, and late.

As for the early stage, the division of the realms of Peak and Pinnacle is more of a distinction in terms of the cultivator's identity.

For example, a cultivator who has just broken through the Foundation Building stage can be called an early Foundation Building cultivator, distinguishing them as newcomers to the Foundation Building stage.

In reality, the early Foundation Building stage is the same as the pre-Foundation Building stage.

And the Peak of Foundation Building still belongs to the later stage of Foundation Building, but it refers to those who have immersed themselves in the later stage of Foundation Building for many years.

Peak means reaching the limit that cannot be surpassed.

The next step is to break through the Gold Core realm.

And now, he is quite familiar with the process. After replenishing the cultivation points for this Gold Core pseudo, he should be able to smoothly break through the Gold Core realm.

No need for any Foundation Building pills or Gold Core pills at all.

Just like when he broke through the Foundation Building stage, he didn't need any Foundation Building pills. Instead, he used eighty-nine cultivation points. When he broke through the Foundation Building stage, he used eight hundred and ninety cultivation points.

"And, it's a hundred times increase..."

At this moment, Yu Xian finally confirmed the required number of cultivation points for each realm.

The Qi Refining realm is the simplest, with each small realm ranging from tens to hundreds of points.

But the Foundation Building realm starts at thousands and tens of thousands of points.

Following this pattern, the Gold Core realm requires hundreds of thousands and millions of points, while the Nascent Soul realm requires tens of millions and billions of points.

It is impossible for him to obtain so many cultivation points even if he grinds an iron rod into a needle.

After all, the increase in cultivation points obtained by a Dao companion when advancing to a higher realm is only a mere two times. Compared to the hundredfold increase in realm, this two times increase is too insignificant.

This means that the realms that can be broken through in a dozen years now will require thousands of years in the future, and even if it's only half the time, it will still take hundreds of years.

The more Yu Xian thought about it, the more panicked he became.

He used to think that he could sleep his way to becoming an immortal, but now it seems that his idea was too simplistic.

"In other words, the higher the realm, the fewer cultivation points the Golden Finger can provide, and I will need to cultivate like an ordinary cultivator to obtain more points.

Just like when Yulan and I were cultivating, we only had four basic cultivation points at first. But both of us practiced the Red Powder Peach Blossom Technique, which allowed us to refine essence and transform qi. So every time we practiced, we could gain six cultivation points.

This is still because we are in the early stages of cultivation. If we immerse ourselves in this technique for a longer time and deepen our understanding, perhaps we can gain even more cultivation points.

And there are the spirit pills refined by Luo Han, especially the previous Golden Wind Jade Dew Pill.

If I rely solely on physical exercise, even if I keep moving day and night, I will never be able to break through in my lifetime."

"Damn, it's cheating. Can't it be easier? One slash, nine nines, guaranteed to become an immortal."

Yu Xian rubbed his face, took a deep breath, and secretly pondered.

"Alright, contentment brings happiness. Compared to others, I am already lucky enough."

"The biggest advantage of the cheat for me is that I can cultivate without resources in the early stages, and in the later stages, there should be no bottleneck in breakthroughs."

"Even if I temporarily can't compare to the likes of Chen Yi, she will eventually encounter bottlenecks and even come to a halt."

"But I will take one step at a time until I surpass everyone."

"However, my plan to stay in the newbie village all the time is ultimately not feasible."

"After I break through to the Gold Core realm, at most, I can stay in Shangyang City for a few more decades, but I will have to go to a higher-level map in the mid-Gold Core stage."

"Otherwise, not only will my cultivation progress slow down, but without enough resources, both Yulan and Luo Han may stop before reaching the Gold Core stage."

"Sigh, such a familiar script."

Yu Xian cursed inwardly, but for the time being, he didn't have a good solution.

He put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom barefoot.

In the main hall.

Luo Han was bending over, tending to the medicinal herbs in the medicinal garden.

The cave was closed off, but the ever-burning Mingguang array kept the cave perpetually bright.

There was also a fire spirit stone embedded above the stone wall, providing light and heat for the growth of the medicinal herbs.

Attribute spirit stones are a variation of spirit stones. Most of the spirit stones mined are attributeless or all-attribute spirit stones, suitable for all cultivators.

Attribute spirit stones, on the other hand, are more targeted, equivalent to natural elixirs. Using them for auxiliary cultivation has a doubly effective effect for cultivators of the same attribute.

Because of this, the value of attribute spirit stones is far higher than that of ordinary spirit stones, with a conversion rate of one to ten.

And in small places like Shangyang City, they are priceless.

After all, Shangyang City is poor in resources, without even a spirit stone mine. They rely entirely on imports of spirit stones.

In a few more decades, if the Xuan Yang Chamber of Commerce doesn't come again, the entire cultivation world in Shangyang City will likely revert to a primitive barter system.

After all, spirit stones themselves are consumables, unlike ordinary currency.

But that doesn't matter to him.

Yu Xian quietly admired Luo Han's beauty.

At this moment, Luo Han was wearing a loose men's robe, but it still couldn't hide her hot figure. Even in her every move, one could vaguely see the wonderful curves beneath the robe.

However, Master Luo is usually intellectual and restrained in front of others, which often makes people overlook her own beauty.

And Luo Han also noticed Yu Xian's fiery gaze.

"You're awake."

Her lips curled with a smile, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Take a look at what's different about me now?"

Luo Han walked out of the medicine garden, turned around in front of Yu Xian, and the robes around her waist swayed, blooming like flowers.

Yu Xian propped up his chin and commented seriously, "Hmm, you've grown."

Luo Han blushed and complained, "I'm talking seriously to you. I made a breakthrough... thanks to you."

Although they had been married for a long time, she had always been conservative and reserved when it came to intimate matters between men and women.

But last night was different. In order not to waste the essence Yu Xian had given her, she had to actively cooperate with him in some embarrassing techniques.

Yu Xian said that's how it was written in the cultivation method, and it wouldn't work if they didn't do it.

She was skeptical, but actions speak louder than words.

Thanks to Yu Xian's selfless efforts, she successfully broke through to the mid-stage of Foundation Building before the age of sixty.

In theory, at the current rate of progress, she could reach the peak of Foundation Building before the age of one hundred, with a glimmer of hope to break through to Gold Core.

Yu Xian smiled faintly and said, "If you want to thank me, show it with some practical actions. How about what I told you last time?"

"It's quite troublesome for me to run around every day."

Besides, you will eventually have to meet each other. Can you avoid it for a lifetime?"

Although Luo Han had become his Dao companion, she still had some resistance towards Yulan, who came before her, and refused to live together.

So, apart from their daily cultivation, he had to allocate time for each of them separately.

After pondering for a moment, under Yu Xian's pleading gaze, Luo Han finally nodded and agreed.



In the Fudi District, House No. 3.

Since the cancellation of the spiritual energy tax, various cultivators had flooded into the inner city, causing an overload of spiritual veins, and the name of the Fudi District had become misleading.

Now, the cultivation effect in the inner city was at most equivalent to a top-grade first-order spiritual vein.

It was said that many departments had started researching how to reduce the permanent population in the inner city.

Of course, this reduction only targeted the scattered cultivators.

And Yu Xian had long stopped taking care of these matters, only appearing a few times a year at the Taxation Department to collect his share.

Although he was currently in an indefinite cooling-off period with Chen Yi, he still had to take advantage of the benefits he deserved.

His regular income of seventy to eighty thousand spirit stones per year was barely enough.

Now he had stored various materials worth over five hundred thousand spirit stones in his storage bag. In terms of personal wealth, he could be considered one of the top three in the city.

When Yu Xian brought Luo Han back, Yulan was practicing in the backyard.


Yulan sat cross-legged among the flowers, and wisps of pink mist-like aura exhaled from her mouth and nose with each breath.

Then the pink aura dispersed and enveloped the flowers in the garden, one by one.

After a while.

The pink aura left the petals and gathered again, turning into a mist that Yulan breathed in.

With each inhalation and exhalation, the pink aura grew stronger.

This was a cultivation method called Hundred Flowers Body in the Red Powder Peach Blossom Scripture. It could absorb the essence of a hundred flowers, not only giving one's body a floral fragrance but also having indescribable benefits for cultivation in the bedroom. It was an excellent auxiliary physique.

However, the flowers here were just ordinary flowers contaminated with spiritual energy, so they could only cultivate the most basic Hundred Flowers Body.

To achieve mastery, various rare spirit flowers were needed as supplements.

After an unknown amount of time, Yulan silently opened her eyes, and her whole person became radiant, with a faint floral fragrance emanating from her body.


As soon as Yulan opened her eyes, she saw Yu Xian smiling at her. She was delighted at first, then she noticed Luo Han standing half a step behind Yu Xian, looking a bit restrained.

"You must be Luo Han, little sister Han," Yulan said happily, stepping forward and grabbing Luo Han's hand, her smile gentle.

"Husband has mentioned you to me all the time, but I never had a chance to meet you. Now that I've seen you, I know that my husband's taste is as good as ever."

"Hello, Sister Lan," Luo Han replied. Although she was older than Yulan, at this moment, she seemed to have truly become a little sister. With Yulan's warm attitude, her nervousness gradually subsided.

The main reason she didn't dare to come and see Yulan was mostly due to shame. She always felt like she had taken someone else's man when Yulan wasn't around.

In this situation, how could she dare to come and see Yulan?

She didn't want to be pointed at and called a fox spirit.

Now, under Yulan's proactive acceptance, the two quickly started chatting, starting with Yu Xian as the focal point, and then moving on to alchemy and cultivation.

When it came to her familiar field, Luo Han's expression became confident.

Yulan occasionally covered her mouth and laughed, and the two quickly became enthusiastic.

Yu Xian watched with a joyful mood from the side.

This is the life he wanted.

If Chen Yi were standing here, even if she didn't say anything, the atmosphere would definitely not be as harmonious.

Because she is too strong.

Strong to the point where standing there is like a towering mountain, making people awe-inspiring, destined to consider her attitude and thoughts in everything they say and do.

Of course, this is not her fault.

Yu Xian looked towards the direction of Shangyang Mountain.

I wonder how she is doing now.


Shangyang Mountain.

Real person's palace.

In the center, there is a super large room resembling a palace.

In the middle, there is a three-tiered gathering spirit formation, which can provide the cultivation effect of a third-grade lower-level spiritual vein, but it can only meet the needs of an ordinary Gold Core early-stage cultivator.

For a genius like Chen Yi, it is far from enough.

In one cultivation session, she absorbs a much larger amount of spiritual energy than an ordinary Gold Core cultivator, so there is a small formation plate in the center of the gathering spirit formation.

The formation plate is embedded with five orange spiritual stones in the shape of a pentagram, as well as various complex patterns, which are quite profound and complicated.

Lower-grade spiritual stones are white, middle-grade spiritual stones are blue, upper-grade spiritual stones are purple, and top-grade spiritual stones are orange.

Using five top-grade spiritual stones as the energy core of the formation plate is enough to forcibly extract the energy of the spiritual veins.

So even in the cultivation of a second-grade spiritual vein, Chen Yi's progress is not much slower.

Yu Xian thought that her junior sister would waste fifty years here, but how could she know how many treasures her master had given her good junior sister.

The empty palace was quiet and deserted, and all the sweeping boys had been sent down the mountain.

On the vast mountaintop, there was only Chen Yi alone.

Even if Chen Xiao did not allow it, he could not see her.

At this moment.

Chen Yi had been sitting in the gathering spirit formation for nearly seven years.

In these seven years, she did not take a step away, just silently cultivating, but with her spiritual consciousness intensity, she could already cover the entire city.

As long as she wanted to, she could see anyone and anything in any place.

But she never did.


A pair of bright eyes opened.

Strands of black tassel-like radiance shimmered around her, and then condensed into a dark and profound divine light, as if it could devour people's hearts.

Chen Yi stared at this divine light, and a dark light also appeared on her fingertips.

It was the first-grade Gold Core divine ability she cultivated - Profound Yin Annihilation Divine Light.

At this moment, she had cultivated the second Profound Yin Annihilation Divine Light in seven years, which meant that this divine ability was no longer her ultimate move.

"I have become stronger again."

Chen Yi fell silent, but she didn't feel as happy as when she first cultivated the divine ability. Instead, she fell into an indescribable confusion.

As if she had suddenly lost the motivation to cultivate.

In these seven years, no one knew her pain.

She used cultivation to numb herself, wanting to quickly forget this relationship.

However, when she woke up, those forgotten and dormant memories surged back like a tide.

She couldn't forget after all.

People are always greedy.

In the past, she wanted power, the freedom to control, so she resolutely turned and went to the cultivation world.

Now that she has gained power and freedom, she wants emotions again.

Clearly, she did nothing wrong, yet she lost this relationship.

"Why is it like this?"

Chen Yi looked at the silent and empty palace, sighing softly.

"In the end, I am too weak."

"Like a bird and a fish, if I were a Kunpeng True Spirit, swallowing the world, how could I lose a small fish?"

"The sect, the master, how can they stop my will?"

"Yu Xian, I will wait for you to come to me. Before that, I will remove all obstacles!"

"By then, you will just be you, and I will just be me."

My body hasn't fully recovered, my head is dizzy, and the chapters have been sealed, so I don't have the mood to write. So, the extra chapters for the monthly tickets will have to wait for two more days.

(End of this chapter)

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