Dao Companions Help Me Live Forever

174. Chapter 173 Hearing About The Beast Tide Again

Chapter 173: Another Beast Tide

Some things are always difficult to break through for the first time.

But once the first time happens, the second time, the third time, and countless times after that become natural and smooth.

Just like the relationship between Luo Han and Yu Lan.

From avoiding each other before, to now talking about everything and being as close as sisters, it took less than half a month.

Of course, the main credit for this goes to Yu Lan.

She seems to have a natural affinity that makes other women not see her as a threat or opponent.

The highest virtue is like water, which benefits all things without contention. Therefore, nothing in the world can contend with it.

Luo Han moved into the No. 3 mansion and started a new life.

As for the No. 2 cave mansion, she only goes there when she refines pills, and also takes care of the medicinal garden.

Yu Xian expressed his only dissatisfaction with Luo Han being too shy, which made him have to find another place after one shot and run back and forth in the middle of the night in the east and west courtyards.

Oh, there's also Zhao Shiwen.

This nominal concubine has now completely integrated into the position of Deputy Director of the Taxation Department, and her cultivation has barely reached the Qi Refining stage of perfection.

It shouldn't take long for her to break through to the Foundation Building stage.

However, just like when she was in the Zhao family, Zhao Shiwen treats the department as her home and never disturbs the main residence on ordinary days, faithfully fulfilling her duties as a concubine.

Although Yu Xian's cultivation is important, and all his energy is used to deal with the two women at home, he occasionally goes to the Taxation Department to change things up.

Office romance has its own unique taste.

Especially when he sees Deputy Director Zhao, who is well-known in Shangyang City, take off her glamorous outerwear in front of him...


Yu Xian's despicable heart is greatly satisfied.

Time slowly passes.

In a situation where Yu Xian doesn't want trouble, no one is idle enough to come and find trouble for him.


Six months later.

No. 3 mansion.

Yu Xian quietly celebrated his 60th birthday and was thinking about today's joy and celebration.

But someone from the City Lord's Mansion came and invited him to the former eldest uncle's room.

"Beast tide?!"

Yu Xian's tea cup trembled as he picked it up, almost dropping it.

"Eldest uncle, don't joke with me."

Chen Xiao felt that this eldest uncle was quite annoying, but considering that his sister had already kicked Yu Xian, he endured it.

After all, he had endured it many times.

He snorted and said, "Do you think I would joke about something like this? If it weren't for the fact that I can't see Xiao Yi now, I wouldn't need to come and discuss it with you."

Yu Xian put away his joking attitude and asked seriously, "Is the news confirmed? Who reported it?"

Chen Xiao said, "It's news from the Zhou family. They are in charge of the Spirit Beast Department and have discovered a large-scale gathering of monsters in the Wan Yao Mountain Range recently. Many new species of monsters have appeared, suspected to have come out from deep within the Wan Yao Mountain Range.

After receiving the news, I personally went there and sensed the aura of three monster kings from a distance. I didn't dare to act rashly, so I came back first."

"Three monster kings?!"

Yu Xian repeated in astonishment.

The sudden appearance of a beast tide was already troublesome enough, but now there were three monster kings appearing. It was like pushing people onto a dead end.

If it weren't for his ex-girlfriend being on the mountain right now, he would probably have packed his bags and run away.

A monster king is equivalent to a Gold Core cultivator. He, as a mere Foundation Building cultivator, could only rely on the defensive formation to withstand one.

If two more came, he could only wait for death.

Although the third-level formation was powerful, it also depended on the strength of the main formation controller.

"Why would there be such a change?"

Yu Xian had previously studied the beast tide in Shangyang City.

Generally, it would occur once every thirty to fifty years, with a large scale, but the majority of the monster horde would be concentrated at the first level, and second-level monsters were considered leaders.

Most of the time, there would be one third-level monster king, occasionally two.

When two monster kings appeared, it was a calamity for the cultivation world of Shangyang City.

At that time, only Shangyang City could serve as a fortress to protect the last piece of pure land. Other cultivators and mortals could only hide like mice in various corners.

This kind of life would continue until reinforcements from the sect arrived, which would take about three to five years.

But three monster kings, even if he searched through the city's historical records since its founding, had never happened before.

"Well..." Chen Xiao hesitated for a moment and said, "I probably know what's going on."

He suddenly remembered the reminder from Dan Yang Zhenren when he parted with his sister.

"Xuanyang Sect's true disciple, Zhang Yan, went to the Wan Yao Mountain Range not long ago and killed two Yao Kings. This may have triggered the next wave of beasts ahead of schedule, so be careful and stay on guard."

However, he was like a wooden man at the time, and those words went in one ear and out the other. Plus, the beast tide hadn't come yet, so he didn't take it seriously.

It was only now, after receiving Yu Xian's reminder, that he remembered.

"Ah, it turns out it was you, kid, who attracted the ghosts, no, the Yao beasts!"

Yu Xian glared angrily at his former eldest uncle.

He had just been living peacefully for a few days and hadn't made enough money yet.

Chen Xiao, on the other hand, sneered, "This matter has something to do with you."

Yu Xian looked stunned, "Me? Eldest uncle, don't falsely accuse me! I haven't even been to the Wan Yao Mountain Range, how could I attract so many Yao beasts?"

Chen Xiao sneered repeatedly, "If it weren't for my sister insisting on coming to find you, the Xuanyang Sect's true transmission wouldn't have shamelessly followed along. If the Xuanyang Sect's true transmission didn't follow along, he wouldn't have suffered a loss at Xiao Yi's place. If he didn't suffer a loss, he wouldn't have gone to the Wan Yao Mountain Range to vent on the Yao beasts. If he didn't go to kill those few Yao Kings, there wouldn't be today's beast tide! And you say it's not your fault!"

"After all that talk, you still haven't gotten to the point. What's the deal with the Xuanyang Sect's true transmission?"

How could Yu Xian bear being wronged? He slammed the table, his momentum not giving in at all. He was taking advantage of the fact that his honest eldest uncle wouldn't fight back.

"Chen Xiao, I sincerely called you eldest uncle, and yet you secretly instigated your sister to find another man behind my back. Chen Xiao, I misjudged you. I originally thought you were a man of your word, but now it seems you're just a petty person who schemes behind others' backs. No wonder your sister was so quick to leave me, she had already found someone else, right?"

When it came to his sister's reputation, Chen Xiao's face immediately panicked, and he quickly explained, "No, no, Yu Xian, you've misunderstood."

A smile squeezed onto his face as he quickly recounted the whole story.

"This is how it happened..."

After listening to Yu Xian, only four words came to mind - a calamity caused by a beauty!

A butterfly flapped its wings ten years ago, and today it caused a huge storm.

A Gold Core true transmission that cannot be pursued for love. When he is unhappy, he goes to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain Range to slaughter several Demon Kings to vent his frustration, and then he leaves without a care.

Now, the retaliation from the other party has arrived. The main culprits have nothing to do with it, but instead, it is these unsuspecting people who bear the brunt of it.

Now it seems that it was indeed right for him and Chen Yi to temporarily separate. His strength simply does not allow him to engage in such high-level schemes. After all, Chen Yi cannot be by his side at all times. If he is not careful, he wouldn't know when he would be killed by an assassin who suddenly appears.

But now that the situation has already happened, it is useless to blame others or complain about the heavens. He can only face it calmly and seek the most beneficial way for himself.

As the saying goes, fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

The beast tide is a disaster and an opportunity for everyone. After the last beast tide, although several Foundation Building cultivators died in the city and Zhao Laozu was seriously injured as a result, his mentality became unbalanced afterwards, and he lost everything because of it.

However, the number of Foundation Building cultivators that emerged after the beast tide was actually several times more than the number of Foundation Building cultivators who died.

For example, Zhao Jia, the Foundation Building cultivator who is currently stationed in the clan's territory, and Yulan, who was able to break through to Foundation Building, also owe their progress to the aftermath of the beast tide.

Without the contribution of those demon beasts' demon cores, there would not be enough Foundation Building pills produced.

That's why the Foundation Building cultivators in Shangyang City were killed one after another by Chen Xiao and him. Most of these killed Foundation Building cultivators were newly rising families. They ascended to the heavens in one step and their mentality did not have time to stabilize, which is why they dared to resist the authority of the Gold Core cultivators.

On the contrary, the ancient cultivation families with long-standing legacies were the first to correct their attitudes and openly support the Gold Core cultivators, taking advantage of the situation to develop vigorously.


In Yu Xian's dantian, a crimson flying sword continuously roamed in the blood-like liquid mana, as if it was in mutual resonance with its master, emitting a bloodthirsty light.

His Blood Transformation Demon Art has never stopped cultivation. This is his main cultivation technique now. The essence of the blood and flesh of the demon beasts is also a great supplement for his demonic art.

Even if he himself does not want his mana to be contaminated with impurities from blood, his blood puppets under his command do not care about such things.

If he can use this beast tide to promote Jiang Laozu and Zhao Laozu to become third-tier puppets, then he will have another trump card in his hands.

Also, he can refine a demonic treasure, the Blood Demon Sword, using the thousands of flesh and blood, which will be perfect for him to use after breaking through to Gold Core.


The cultivation of a high-grade Gold Core divine ability in the Blood Transformation Demon Art also requires a blood and flesh array as a sacrifice.

He is not like Chen Yi, who has the financial support of a wealthy sect behind her. He has already prepared the resources needed for cultivating the Gold Core divine ability while breaking through to the Gold Core realm.

According to the original situation, he could only break through the Gold Core realm first.

Then, he would spend several decades or even hundreds of years collecting various resources to cultivate the Gold Core divine abilities, and finally reluctantly cultivate a Gold Core divine ability that was neither good nor bad.

In fact, this is the normal cultivation process for most Gold Core cultivators.

But if this beast tide is handled properly, it will not only be a bad thing, but it can also help him greatly improve his cultivation and strength.

In an instant, thoughts raced through Yu Xian's mind, and he came up with a plan.

But on the surface, he worriedly said, "The trouble caused by the true disciple of Xuan Yang Sect, but we have to bear the responsibility. But even if we want to take responsibility now, I'm afraid we can't afford it. Big Brother, with our current strength, how many Demon Kings can we handle?"

Chen Xiao is ultimately only a second stage body cultivator, and his third stage combat power is all thanks to the array patterns on his body, which is enough to deal with ordinary Gold Core cultivators.

But expecting him to fight ten battles as a war king is simply wishful thinking.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly, "I came to discuss with you. You have made great achievements in formations, and you can even perceive the array patterns on my body. I want you to take charge of the city defense formation, and I will assist from the side to see if we can withstand the three Demon Kings."

Yu Xian hinted, "What about Xiao Yi?"

Chen Xiao naturally said, "If I can see Xiao Yi now, why would I come to you? For her, what are three Demon Kings?"

"So as long as we hold on long enough until Xiao Yi comes out of seclusion, the crisis will be resolved."

Yu Xian: "..."

"It's just a matter of two steps to go up the mountain. You are her brother. Even if you make her unhappy, can she kill you?"

But Chen Xiao was stubborn at this moment and shook his head, "In any case, I can't disturb Xiao Yi's cultivation."

Yu Xian fell silent for a while and said, "You have the final say. Anyway, if the city is breached, I will definitely be the first to run."

He didn't shy away from his decision to flee before fighting.

Chen Xiao rolled his eyes, "I'm not really stupid. If I can't beat them, I'll run to Xiao Yi's cultivation palace. Any Demon King will die."

"I am her brother. Even if I really disturb her cultivation, can she kill me?"

Yu Xian: "..."

Wow, he actually made Big Brother put on an act.

Speaking of which, this should have been his idea.

But perhaps subconsciously, he didn't want to see his ex-girlfriend so soon before he obtained strength equal to Chen Yi's.

Yu Xian suddenly asked, "But have you ever thought that if you could awaken Xiao Yi earlier, many lives in the city might have been saved?"

After hearing this, Chen Xiao fell silent for a while, and suddenly laughed, his voice filled with a cold indifference and sadness that was unfamiliar to Yu Xian.

He stared at Yu Xian and said word by word,

"Yu Xian, do you know that in the real cultivation world, the lives of ordinary people are worthless?

The more we value the lives of ordinary people, the faster they will die.

Because in the hearts of some people, if we cherish these people, then they become a threat to us, a trap that we fear.

In the end, because of excessive compassion, everyone will die."

Chen Xiao's face took on a hint of the aura of a great sage.

"So let them survive like wild grass. As long as there is a little rain and sunshine, they can thrive and spread across the wilderness."

"Therefore, we don't need to protect them deliberately. If they really can't wait for Xiao Yi's awakening and are devoured by the demonic beasts, then it is their fate."

Yu Xian was stunned and asked, "Is this your insight in Xuan Yin Sect? The heavens and earth are ruthless, treating all living beings as mere dogs?"

Chen Xiao's momentum suddenly dissipated, and he said somewhat embarrassedly, "Uh... I learned this from someone else. I think what she said makes sense."

"I remember once Xiao Yi received a mission from the sect to deal with a troublesome demonic cultivator, and I followed her as her attendant.

The demonic cultivator was quickly defeated by Xiao Yi, but he was skilled at escaping. After escaping from Xiao Yi's hands, he went to a small town.

He had set up a scheme in advance, using the lives of the entire town as a threat to make Xiao Yi let him go.

At that time, Xiao Yi was still very naive and, in order to keep her promise, she spared him for the sake of the lives of the people in the town.

Later, they met again.

Using the same scheme, this time the demonic cultivator forced Xiao Yi to choose to save only half of the people.

When Xiao Yi hesitated, the demonic cultivator killed all the people in the town and left, saying that he wanted Xiao Yi to remember him for a lifetime.

After that, they met again.

The demonic cultivator used the lives of a small city as a threat, forcing Xiao Yi to make a choice. At that time, I almost couldn't help but beat that bastard to death.

This time..."

Chen Xiao paused for a moment and sighed.

"Xiao Yi killed everyone, including that robber cultivator.

Then Xiao Yi was depressed for a long time and met an old woman sweeping the floor in the sect, who said this to Xiao Yi."

Yu Xian: "......"

Damn it, he wouldn't believe it if it wasn't in the script.

In order to cultivate Chen Yi's Dao heart, they actually used the lives of the people in the city as props.

It can only be said that they are truly from the demonic sect. Even if they change their appearance, they cannot change their disdain for all living beings.

Compared to them, his little scheming is no different from being innocent and pure.

Chen Xiao thought that Yu Xian was scared, so he walked forward with the air of an older brother and patted Yu Xian's shoulder, saying,

"Don't tell me you're scared by such a small matter. I heard that those major demonic sects require the lives of millions of people for a small-scale blood sacrifice.

In their eyes, ordinary people are no different from livestock.

We can just go with the flow and protect some people, that's already enough."

Yu Xian let out a breath and smiled.

"Survival of the fittest, I understand."


That night.

The entire Shangyang City, both the inner and outer cities, suddenly announced a curfew.

The entire city fell into a long-lost silence, not knowing whose wrathful thunder it was.

Meanwhile, a group of tax officials dressed in black uniforms left the city overnight.

Zhang San was an old man in the tax office who had been a temporary worker for eight years but had not yet successfully become a regular employee. He could be considered a small legendary figure in the tax office.

Because among his colleagues who entered the tax office at the same time, either they successfully broke through and became Foundation Building cultivators, or they failed to become regular employees and left the tax office in disappointment, or they couldn't even endure the five-year temporary worker career.

After all, working in the tax office was really offensive to people, even if they had the backing of the Chief Manager and other important figures, it was still a high-risk occupation.

Being a regular employee was still fine, as it was the face of the tax office, and most of them came from prestigious families with deep backgrounds. If one of them died, the entire city would face a massive manhunt.

In the end, they would always bring out a few Foundation Building cultivators to pay the price.

After several Foundation Building cultivators died, the safety of regular employees was basically guaranteed.

But temporary workers were miserable.

All the anger could only be directed at the temporary workers, so the casualty rate among them was extremely high.

And as long as the person who made the move didn't leave any traces, they would generally get away with it.

After all, there were plenty of people waiting to be recruited as temporary workers in the tax office, even the cultivators from those cultivation families all rushed to become temporary workers.

The allure of the Foundation Building Pill was just too great.

Although there was only one regular employee position available each year, there were also merit-based promotions that didn't take up a regular position.

In just a few years, the tax office had distributed ten Foundation Building Pills, two of which were exchanged for merits by regular employees, and eight were benefits for temporary workers to become regular employees.

In total, three Foundation Building cultivators were created, and they were all scattered cultivators who became regular employees.

This miracle gave many scattered cultivators great hope.

The tax office was really delivering on its promises.

And Zhang San had been working diligently for eight years, but his application for regular employment had been rejected time and time again. Seeing that he was approaching sixty, he had long had the idea of taking a gamble.

After all, looking at those who successfully became regular employees, they all had merits as a foundation.

Although he worked hard, his luck was extremely poor.

He didn't get to handle any major tax cases several times, and now he could be a small team leader, all thanks to his years of service.

"Boss, why are we sneaking around doing things in the tax office?"

A team member next to him looked at the dark night, which seemed to be raining, with a displeased expression.

"Shut up!"

Zhang San still had the promise Vice Director Zhao gave him in his mind.

After completing this mission, he would be promoted to a regular employee.

Regular employment!

The usually kind-hearted Zhang San was filled with these two words in his mind.

"We must follow the instructions for this mission. Anyone who makes the slightest mistake is going against me and obstructing the great revenge of the Dao!"

He looked at every member of his team with bloodshot eyes.

"Only success is allowed, failure is not!"

"Boss, boss, what are we doing now?"

A team member who had never seen Zhang San so serious and fierce trembled in his voice.

Zhang San scanned the surroundings and saw that the positions were about right. He reached into his pocket and took out a stack of formation discs and flags, throwing them to his subordinates.

"Set up the formation!"

PS: To all the single dogs on 520, I wish you happiness. As for those who are not single dogs, you are already happy enough, so I won't bless you (from the resentment of this single dog).

(End of this chapter)

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