Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 102: Forbidden teacher

"What to do, let's not intervene in this matter, but I'm quite optimistic about this guy from Rock. As long as he doesn't die, there will definitely be a day in the future. Eight W.81ZW.COM" Wang Fatty sat somewhere on the highest floor of the auction hall. In the secret room, holding the abacus with black and white jade beads in his hand, and scratching on it, "We have bet a lot on him over the years. If he slumps halfway, this is a considerable loss."

The indifferent female Qingxu had slightly frowns, and then she stretched out, her face was still that cold and cold, and said lightly: "You and I bet on Friends of the Rock Road because he does have the potential for appreciation. Lameness can only be regarded as my own bad luck, and it has nothing to do with my vision. "

"Moreover, Li Yunqi is the Li family, not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated at will. You and I do not yet have the power to organize. In the event of offending the Li family, it is definitely not a good thing. Instead, just stay away and wait. It turned out. "

Wang Fatzi nodded his head and sighed, and said, "Now it seems that this has to be the case. I just hope that you, the Rock Taoist, must be a little stronger, but don't just hang on."



Although the specifics of the enmity between Pan Shi and Li Yunqi are unknown, they are so fierce that they don't wear the sky together, otherwise they will not just meet each other and put the other side to death. Now that it has entered the battlefield, naturally it is not necessary to waste too much of the tongue. The two sides looked at each other, and there was a Moran roar in their mouths. The majestic breath carried Moran's killing machine against the current, like a dragon in the void. hit.

A layer of visible fluctuations can be seen from the naked eye, swiping away from the center of the collision in an instant, sweeping away in all directions, the mountains and rocks breaking along the way, the dust and hustle and bustle, covering the sky.

call out!

call out!

There were 7 monks on each side, all of them flashed out of their bodies, each chose an opponent, and the figures roared forward.

Respond to the problem of Li Yunqi!

Wang Hu is strong in physical strength and not weak in magical powers.

Jiang Chen was born with sword cultivation. Although he was not sure, he still came forward to deal with sword cultivation.

Jin Shang, Ye Xi, Lan Qiu, and Xiao Chen also chose their opponents, and the fierce fighting instantly burst.

The rock roared, the eyes instantly turned red, the mana flowed in the body, and the sound of roaring and roaring sounds was astonishing. The violent mana crazily drilled into the axe along the arm, and the endless sharp breath burst from it instantly, and it was about to tear the world apart.

Wang Hu's mouth snarled, a flurry of crackling sounds flew inside the flesh, flesh flew high, and the skin exuded an almost metallic luster. Apparently, the magical powers had reached its limit.

Qing Feng behind Jiang Chen fell into his hands and pointed obliquely to the sky. The whole person's atmosphere suddenly gave rise to a twist and change. It actually produced a feeling of being integrated with the sharp sword in his hand. Turning himself into a sword is a very high level of kendo. .

Jin Shang, Ye Xi and Qiu Lan also showed their strongest means at the same time.

What Xiao Chen dealt with was Li Yunqi's side being the weakest person, but even so, he reached the peak level in the late period of the robbery. However, with this practice, it is still easy to kill a mid-duration monk.

Therefore, the opponent wearing a black robe sneered, did not look at Xiao Chen at all, settled for attention, and killed him before turning around to deal with other enemies.

"Boy, let me die!"

During the sip, the big hand stretched out and snapped off.

With the shooting of this palm, the entire space suddenly trembled, and then there was an endless mana whistle condensing into one palm, about ten feet in size, with a fine texture like a substance, with a black body and a icy coldness. The qi, even the stench smell of stars, came out of it.

This palm seems simple, but it contains a very venomous supernatural power, named Carrion Hand! Once injured by this supernatural power, the monk's physical body will decay like a corpse for an extreme period of time, and in the process, the Yuan Shen will be banned within the physical body, and will be corrupted together with endless suffering before he can die.

The peak of repairs in the later period of crossing the robbery is bursting, how can this Liuyun resist!

"Repair in the middle of the robbery, and dare to intervene in today's fight. It is really beyond our control, and we are looking for a way out!"

"Hey, now that you have entered the deathmatch, it is natural to be prepared to lose your life. This is your choice and you can't blame others."

"The monks responded to the peak of the later period of the robbery in the middle period of crossing the robbery. Even if they are fast, they will still die!"

"It seems today that this Rock Squad is afraid of escaping!"

Outside the battlefield, the energy shield is transparent, which can clearly see the pictures and shadows, and clearly show the killing situation of each person.

Now many monks have spoken in a mixed manner, but they are not optimistic about Xiao Chen at all, thinking that he will die this time. However, no one appeared at the moment. In the face of the black robe monk's killing, his face was still very calm, and his dark eyes flashed faintly cold.

Suddenly, the cold mang in those eyes disappeared, and then a forbidden rune emerged from it, like a river waterfall, flowing down.

At the same time, Xiao Chen shot.

The hands in the robe sleeve stretched out, shaking slightly, lifting upwards, the fingers were bent and straightened, and the movements were subtle, but the dense rune rune condensed out instantly, the whistling shot forward, and it was directly restrained in the void.

The Quartet annihilates the ban, can resist thousands of magical powers, and once they enter it, they are annihilated.

Each forbidden rune is carefully arranged in the void according to some mysterious trajectory, flashing with aura of light, connected to each other, echoing each other, a faint breath spreads out from it, although not overbearing, it is deeply inexplicable and obscure.


The carrion hand shot down and entered the Quartet's extermination ban. The power of the prohibition was immediately stimulated, and the endless evil spirit burst from the array instantly. The layers of destruction energy came from the four sides of the prohibition to completely wrap the carrion hand. Its shape shrinks sharply, the dark black color gradually fades, and then it exudes a sense of tremor and instability, and it seems to collapse in the next instant.

As a result, all the monks had unexpected expectations in an instant.

"Forbidden Taoist, this Liu Yun is actually a forbidden Taoist, and judging from his understatement when he set up the battle, this person's cultivation of the forbidden Tao along the way is absolutely extremely strong!"

"The forbidden teacher who cultivated in the middle of the robbery relies on the mysterious forbidden Tao. The combat power that can be burst out is often far from his own practice. It seems that I really despised this person."

"Even what the forbidden Taoist can do, the mid-term revision of the robbery is doomed to his limited strength. Even if he can resist the strangulation of his opponent, as long as the fight between other people results, he will still die."

"Taoyou said very well. Except that Pan Shi and Li Yunqi were fighting with each other very hard, the other members of the Pan Shi team were all crushed down. It was only a matter of time."

"This liuyun can elevate the forbidden road to such a state. It can be seen as an extraordinary character. If it does not die midway, there will be a rise in the future. But today, I am afraid that it will still be difficult to escape. It is a pity."

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