Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 103: Forbidden magical powers are unexpected

Although Xiao Chen's performance was eye-catching, it was obviously not enough to change the views of many cultivators, and his ban on Taoism was not enough to influence the situation of the battle. ([八?<<<<一Chinese<<网W]W]W). }8}1) ZW. COM But even so, Xiao Chen's understatement of the supernatural powers of removing the carrion made the black-robed monk bizarrely angry. Thinking of him, the peak monk in the late stage of the tribulation, with all his strength, was unable to kill the kid in the middle stage of the tribulation, even if the opponent was a forbidden master, he still felt the naked humiliation.

Damn it! Absolutely unforgivable!

"Black Feather, cover the sky and the sun, kill!"

During the roar, this person shot frantically, his hand flickered, and a cold breath exploded from it. With a punch, the black light burst in his hand, turning into black dots, and he rushed forward, with a shocking power.

After the black light spot was released, the body began to change rapidly, from an irregular shape to a rapid stretch, turning into black feathers of different sizes, dark and deep in color, gleaming with a faint metal light, penetrating the space, and piercing the ears. The empty sound turned into a black wave, sweeping from the sky, like a rush of thousands of arrows, but the speed was much faster than the sharp arrows.

In a flash, this dense and incalculable number of black feather arrows has broken through the air!

This magical power was caused by the black-robed monk with all his strength. After the explosion, the person's face was slightly pale, and it was obvious that this magical power was extremely depleted to him.

"Die, die for me!"

The black robe monk snarled frantically in his heart, and murderous intent roared in his eyes. This magical power is his strongest trump card. Once it is used, even a cultivator at the same level cannot resist it, and it is absolutely impossible to retreat completely.

He didn't believe that this Liuyun could resist.

Heiyu broke through the air, carrying a murderous intent, and lasing, unstoppable.

The green-robed monk stood with his hands holding his hands, raised his face, and looked at the black feathers like arrows in the void. His complexion was calm, his dark eyes were calm and introverted, crystal clear and moist, no waves in the ancient well, no mood swings at all.

The green robe grinned and flew behind the black, facing such supernatural powers, without fear.

With his current cultivation base, even if he didn't want to expose all his cultivation base, the black-robed monk wanted to hurt him, still just wishful thinking.

Now that the identity has been mistaken for the Forbidden Daoist, let's borrow this new identity and re-expose it to the monks of all races.

Xiao Chen's mind moved slightly, but he didn't even move at all. Around his body, there was suddenly dense forbidden runes that crazily condensed, and they got close and merged, and finally turned into a whole 365 star-like forbidden light clusters, flashing The dazzling aura shrouded the space of thousands of square meters. Between the light clusters formed by this forbidden rune, there are light cables of spiritual power connected to each other, stretching and shrinking, like breathing, gradually turning from chaos to order, entering the same frequency.

At this instant when the light cables of the spiritual power stretched and contracted, the light clusters formed by the 365 forbidden runes in the space around Xiao Chen's body suddenly exploded with abundance of light, like the scorching sun. Slowly dispersed.

Forbidden magical powers, guard the stars!

With the rune of the forbidden road, 365 forbidden stars are condensed into the number of days in the week. They are connected to each other, and the breath is drawn and merged.

The Quartet Annihilation Array is not enough to resist the black feather magical power, but the guardian of the stars is enough to swallow it all.

"Guardian of the stars! Heaven, is actually the guardian of the forbidden powers and stars!"

"One of the strongest supernatural powers of the Forbidden Daoist in the Cross Tribulation Realm. After it is cast, the person under the Heaven and Human Realm will never be able to damage this supernatural power. This cultivation base of the Cross Tribulation Realm in the Liuyun District can actually display such a supernatural power. !"

"Perhaps I still underestimated this person. If I was not sure, how could Liuyun rush into today's affairs."

"This flowing cloud may be the person who can influence or even change the situation of the battle. No wonder that Rock will value this person so much."

"I'm afraid this battle is going to be worth seeing!"

Outside the energy layer, the human monks roared and spoke. The scene was very noisy for a time. All eyes moved in an instant, looking at the emptied monk with a green robe. There are 365 stars-like forbidden light clusters floating around him, just like The ancient gods descended.


"Guardian of the stars." Liu Dongbo frowned slightly, his face showed a bit of surprise, but soon disappeared. The Guardian of the Stars, known as one of the strongest protective magical powers of the Forbidden Taoist Crossing Tribulation Realm, can resist any attack below the Heaven and Human Realm without damage, but in his opinion, it is nothing more than that. With his strength, if he explodes with all his strength, his combat power will soar to the three realms of heaven and man, enough to destroy it instantly.

But at this moment, what he valued was the potential of this flowing cloud.

With the cultivation base in the middle of the Tribulation, you can successfully cultivate the Forbidden Dao, Supernatural Power and Guardian of the Stars. This is enough to show what terrible talent this person has on the forbidden path. If you can cultivate it in the future, you can definitely become a unique character.

If he could be promoted to the Heaven and Human Realm, thinking of the horrific methods of the Heaven and Human Realm Forbidden Taoist Master, he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his identity. If they can be recruited to their subordinates, it is very likely that in the future, they will be able to contribute a lot to the fight for family rights.

Thinking of this, Liu Dongbo lifted up, spoke lightly, and said: "Baisheng, go and investigate the background of this flowing cloud. If he can come out of the battlefield alive today, he will be recruited for my use." The voice was calm, but Filled with a touch of domineering aura that cannot be rejected.

Perhaps in Liu Dongbo's opinion, given his reputation and position among human monks and his background behind him, Liu Yun would never have the slightest idea of ​​rejecting the olive branch he threw out.

After all, this is not a small opportunity.

Liu Baisheng nodded slightly, took out a jade slip with his backhand, branded the matter into it, and raised his hand to punch it out.

The jade slip flew out, naturally a special monk took it away, and began investigating the matter accurately and quickly.


Shangyuan Auction Hall.

"Good fellow, I said that this little Liuyun kid is definitely not easy. I didn't expect that he could hide so deeply, he could actually use the cultivation base of the mid-Tribulation period and display the guardianship of the stars. This is even more nasty than someone in the organization. The guy is not weak anymore."

"I miscalculated, miscalculated. I knew he had this method. We should have gotten him close when we met last time. This kid is definitely a high-quality stock, and the appreciation potential is immeasurable."

Wang Huahua stared at the scene in the picture with his eyes, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, almost "sweeping" from the outlet.

The indifferent female Qingluan gave him a cold look and said: "It's too early to regret it. In today's death battle, even if he can display the guardian of the stars, he may not be able to come out alive."

"If he can display another magical power that cooperates with the guardian direction of the stars, perhaps today's situation may be reversed, otherwise the Rock Team will still be ill-advised."

The woman spoke, unceremoniously to strike at the passion that Fat Wang had just given birth.

"Uh, this is also true, even if it has potential, but if you die, it will be one hundred, and it has no meaning. The magical power that cooperates with the guardian of the stars, this seems a little difficult to use, I remember that guy is also trying to overcome the catastrophe. Only when the pinnacle level was about to be promoted to the heaven and human realm, he barely realized it."

"Although I don't want to admit it, that guy's forbidden talent is indeed rare in the world. Although this flowing cloud is not weak, it must be with him, I am afraid it is somewhat..."

Wang Huahua shook his head and shook his head. She was in the midst of her words, but suddenly held her breath, her face showed a bit of sluggishness, her face was pale, her lips trembled, her fingers swayed forward, and she looked like a ghost.

Even if she had always been extremely cold, she seemed to be cold and would not change her face when the sky had fallen, but now she had a pretty face, and her eyes showed incredible color.

All this is because the man surrounded by the forbidden stars in the field waved his hand slightly, and then the stars revolved and scattered thousands of stars. Among the stars, the black feathers that were shooting crazily disappeared suddenly, and then appeared directly The black robe monk is less than a thousand feet away!

"Dou Zhuan Xing Zong! Actually it is forbidden Dao's magical power to fight Zhuan Xing Zong, heaven, earth, I think Wang Huahua is also a genius of cultivation. I think I should be shining and the focus of the world's eyes, but why do I always meet more evil spirits than me? Guy."

"In the middle of the catastrophe, you can perform the guardian of the stars and the transfer of the stars, ah, ah, blow, it is a blow, this Liuyun boy is more than a star and a half stronger than I was before."

After the wailing, Fatty Wang showed a resolute color on his face.

"The potential stock is definitely a big potential stock. This Liuyun kid will achieve limitless achievements in the future. You must seize the opportunity to establish absolute intimacy with him before others have won him, before he soars into the sky. Relationship."

"If he doesn't die this time, my Wang Huahua will spare the hundreds of catties of fat, and make every effort to make friends with him!"

There was a sense of solemnity on the face of the cold female Qingluan, and she nodded slightly when she heard the words, but this time she did not continue to hit Fatty Wang with enthusiasm. It was obvious that Xiao Chen's potential had been recognized in her heart and she was qualified for them to make friends.


Liu Dongbo got up slightly, his face was a bit solemn again, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were cloudy for a while before he suddenly said, "Baisheng, there is no need to continue investigating the identity of this person, I am sure. This flowing cloud definitely does not belong to any power, otherwise such a peerless genius for the forbidden way would definitely not be unknown within my human race."

"This is a genius who hasn't joined any forces yet. I must bring it into my hands. I think if I get a peerless genius who can display the magical powers of the guardian of the stars and the transfer of the stars in the middle of the robbery, the family elder will definitely treat me Performance is extremely satisfactory."

"Baisheng, when the fight is over, you personally go to the death arena and invite that Liuyun into my command in my name!"

The voice was low, but it was hard to hide the excitement.

I made a lot of money, this time I made a lot of money.

The Terran base here was created on a whim by Tuoba Feng, but after that, he was tired of staying there for a long time, so Liu Dongbo secretly took over. Originally, he just wanted to earn some spirit stones and purchase treasures, but he had an accident. reward.

The allegiance of this Liuyun is worth hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, countless treasures!

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