Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 136: Stop killing without fighting

Sangbo, a unicorn, has a somber complexion and is out of breath. ?

From the very beginning, the ethnic heavy black magic gun was taken away by Xiao Chen. The master of the ethnic group was killed and injured, which made the unicorn triumphant and mocked. Since then, Xiao Chen has revealed her identity on the battlefield of the ethnic group, and she has learned that her marriage to the demon group is a loud slap to the unicorns. Since then, the unicorn genius, Golden Horn, has been beheaded and killed.

Xiao Chen and the unicorn can be said to have long been full of grievances and cannot be eased.

"Kill the human race, Xiao Chen, and wash away the shame of my people!"

"Stepping on this person's wreckage has created a reputation!"

This man growled wildly.


It was in this short moment that Xiao Chen felt countless murderous gazes, some of which even he had to deal with carefully, secretly fearing.

Things, as his identity was revealed, went completely out of control.

Xiao Chen's face was extremely ugly, and he looked up at Mo Di at the other end. This man's cultivation was absolutely incapable of seeing how he changed his appearance. Obviously, some of them played a very disgraceful role.

Gaze was sweeping, sweeping among countless monks on the ground, paused somewhere, and then recovered.

Now that his identity has been broken, he naturally does not need to pretend again, his mind moves slightly, and he immediately restores his appearance. Although he is not too handsome, his calm face is matched with the dark eyes of the stars, but it is There was a moment of power.

"Xiao Chen is here, if anyone wants to take their lives, they can come."

The voice fainted from the void, and the voice did not fall. His foot stepped forward, and the figure melted into the sky and disappeared suddenly.

Just when Xiao Chen's figure disappeared, the unicorn ethnic group Tianjiao Golden Horn smiled coldly, without any hesitation in his figure, stepping directly under his feet, the figure blended into the void, following the breath that Xiao Chen had not completely dissipated, Leaving in an instant.

The earth giant clan Sosang roared, and his body broke directly into the void at 15o, squeezed into it, and the figure disappeared.

The destiny twins of the demon tribe and the king of arabesque also did not pause. They took a step forward and followed.

Only the shadow-killing seven wounds were the most weird. The figure of the person still stood in place, and a breeze blew into a dark shadow, which disappeared into the space directly.

Within a short period of time, the few remaining ethnic groups, Tianjiao, pursued and killed together, and the remaining monks looked at each other. Now things are tumultuous, unexpected by any monk.

Su Suqiao's face turned pale, her body shook, and her atrium shrank violently, giving birth to endless pain.

How can this be?

Jun blameless expression, but he couldn't help laughing wildly! Xiao Chen, even if you are advanced, you still have to be counted by me. This time, many proud people from other ethnic groups have made a shot, and see if you can retreat from your whole body!

Die, die!

An Ran Xiu's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her eyes looked at Jun without blame. Although he was calm on the surface and showed nothing at all, the woman seemed to see something, sighed a little, and anxiety flashed in her eyes.


The demon blasted out, and the majestic mana turned into a mighty power to knock Du Mo Mo's figure into flight, but he did not continue to shoot, but he looked gloomy and stopped. At the same time, the Dread Demon King seemed to have anticipated this already. He forced Fu Yunqi back, but also came straight. The fierce fighting between Tianjiao, the human and the magic, was temporarily suspended.

Duan Modi's face was pale and his flesh was dry and thin, but his body's breath was so strong that he spread the violent momentum to the outside world, as if to tear the world.

Fu Yunqi looked dignified, stepped forward, and instantly appeared on the side of Du Modie, confronting the two demons.

"Duan Mo Di, Ben Mo has no intention to continue fighting with you today, otherwise you will know what the outcome will be."

"Give up the monument of the first demon, the demon will leave immediately, otherwise this battle will never end!" Si Mohan said in a voice of gloom, countless murderous!

He gave up and did not fight. He wanted to kill Xiao Chen. Shi Mu Dan was too important to be taken away by others. Otherwise, how could he let the opportunity to kill Tianjiao be so easy!

Suddenly, Du Mo's face suddenly became more ugly, and Lengheng was about to open his mouth, but the demon suddenly widened his eyes, his endless burst of light, the endless power broke out, and turned into an ancient devil on his head. Shadow Yang growls.

"The stone of the first demon is my holy relic. This demon must take it away this time. If you don't want to, then you and I can only fight it!"

"Even if the legend on Fu Yunqi is true, do you have to think that only your people in this world have the power to reincarnate! This demon can assure you that even if Fu Yunqi tears the seal at all costs, the demon can stop you .The Stone of the First Demon, you can't take it! "

The voice was cold, showing endless firmness, and more powerful and confident.

Obviously, the words of this demon are by no means false.

Duan Modi was about to open his mouth, but Fu Yunqi suddenly waved to stop it, Shen said: "The Stone of the First Demon can be given to you, but this thing is purchased by my people for 13o trillion spirit stones, Si Mo Tao You must pay Only the equivalent of the spirit stone can be taken away. "This is not the spirit stone, but the face of the ethnic group. If really called out like this, what makes people face.

Si Mo paused for a moment, then immediately took out a storage ring, raised his hand and threw it out, "There are 13o trillion spirit stones in it, and the Beginning of the Demon and Me!"

Fu Yunqi's Yuanshen induction was no different, so he took the storage ring and swept away. Then he nodded slightly to Du Mo Di, and said, "Duan Daoyou, give the Stone Demon to the Sima Daoyou."

Even though Duan Modi was unwilling, he understood that the best way to deal with it at this moment was to sigh and take out the stone of the first demon and throw it out.

The demon's eyes flashed, and the figure shot directly. After confirming that the Tomb of the First Demon was no different, he put it into the storage ring, turned around and stepped out. The figure disappeared instantly, but his voice came, "Fu Yunqi, Among the human races, the one who fights with the demon is only your ear. If there is a chance, the devil will fight with you happily! "

The voice came out, and Du Momo's face suddenly became more gloomy!

Fu Yunqi arched her hand and said lightly: "Si Mo Tao friends go, if there is a chance to fight, they must be accompanied next!"

After the Dread Lord slowly retreated, the figure disappeared after a few steps and merged into the void.

Two horrors breathed away towards Xiao Chen's departure.

Fu Yunqi's eyes flickered a little, and her eyes flashed a bit worried, and she looked at Duan Modi, and said, "Duan Daoyou, you can stay for the time being to suppress the internal injuries. I'll take a look. After all, Xiao Chen is the cultivation of my people. Nothing should be unexpected. "

With no words, he also turned to tear the space.

Duan Modi's complexion was cloudy and half loud, and then he took a step forward. After leaving everyone's sight, this talent sprayed a bite of blood that was suppressed, and his complexion suddenly turned gray.

"Fu Yunqi! One day I will let you know that I am the enemy's first day of pride!"

This person roared loudly, revealing a sense of sensibility in his eyes, "Xiao Chen, don't think that you can be rude in front of this seat if you are a little stronger. I can put you to death with no effort and see you like this How to retreat with the hunt. "

After sneer, the man waved his sleeves and suddenly opened a cave in the rock in front of him, got into it and began to suppress the injuries in his body.

The elixir is like a body, and the energy exchanged for sacrificing flesh and blood can be maintained for about a day. He must perform mystery to retain this power and then mobilize it at a critical moment.


In the void, there is a monk in green robes tearing through the space. The figure flashes continuously between heaven and earth, often flashing once, and can span tens of thousands of miles. It can really be called wind and electricity, the fairy realm.

This Qingpao monk is Xiao Chen.

He felt very clear about the killing behind him. The horrifying atmosphere, like a long sword, screamed, mixed with endless killings, and it seemed that he would be completely beheaded before being recovered.

The alien tribe chased and killed afterwards, but at this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion had calmed down, and the gloomy former color had dissipated.

Based on his practice, relying on the power of space avatars, he can completely enter the space turbulence instantly, and easily escape the monks behind him to ensure that they cannot detect the slightest difference and can only retreat in vain.

But Xiao Chen didn't want to do this, and didn't bother to do it!

He is now practicing that, although it cannot be said that he has reached the peak, he has also reached a higher level in the spiritual world. Although these ethnic arrogants are powerful, they have not yet qualified for him to directly retreat. What's more, nowadays Xiao Chen lacks an opportunity to truly shake the spiritual community and attract the attention of the senior people. Although it is a crisis at the moment, it may not be a wonderful opportunity. As long as you grasp it and plan it, today, he will disappear hundreds of times. Years later, it became famous again and again.

Xiao Chen's mouth slightly tilted, showing a cruel smile, and whispered: "Since you want to die, as a stepping foot for Xiaomou's rise, how can you push the good intentions."

"Let Xiao Chen burst into full force, cover the sky with the earth, coffin with the earth, and burn incense with magical power, and send you to be buried!"

"I don't know, who will be the third ethnic arrogant who died in Xiao's hands? I am looking forward to this."

Whispering, flashing teleportation, flashing instantaneously, compared with the countless skyrocketing before, turned into a misty shadow, galloping between heaven and earth.


call out!

In the harsh sound of the air, a sharp dazzling golden swordman swept through the void, exuding an endless sharp edge, tearing the clouds and mist along the way, and crushing them into powder. If you look closely, this sword is actually a monk figure, this person is the unicorn Sambo.

When Xiao Chen left, this man first set off and pursued him at this moment.

"Xiao Chen's beheading can not only wash away the stigma of the ethnic group, but also be appreciated by the senior members of the ethnic group. What's more important is the huge opportunity that this person has."

"Aside from Shi Mudan, there must be other precious treasures on this person. As long as they fall, all of this will belong to me!"

"Today, my Sambo must be the first person to kill this person at all costs!"

Sambo roared, his face was somber, and his heart was even more murderous. But at this moment, he suddenly lifted his eyes, with a bit of surprise in his eyes. "It actually accelerated the escape. It seems that Xiao Chen has also sensed the pursuit behind him. In fear, he fled in a hurry."

"The degree has suddenly doubled. This person must have used some mystery and even caused some loss to himself. In this way, his strength will be greatly reduced, and then I will kill it with my hand."

"Fortunately, I have kept this treasure in my hand, but it is more appropriate to use it today, Xiao Chen, and see where you fled this time!"

In a sneer, the man suddenly burst into a dazzling aura, and then a golden ball appeared, which was severely gripped by Sambo and crushed. It was at this moment when the beads broke, an earth-shattering sword in the sky burst instantly, but it did not turn into a sword, but directly integrated into his own body. In the next moment, a pair of illusive translucent pale golden wings appeared directly behind Sambo, and the feathers were sharp, like a sword, gently swinging, and a strange breath slowly spread out from it.

Sangbo smiled coldly, his mind moved slightly, and his wings fluttered behind him. In a flash, his figure skyrocketed almost three times, like a meteor catching up to the moon, and he went on a horrendous murderous move.

In this way, I am afraid it will not take long for this person to catch up with Xiao Chen!


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