Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 137: The third group of Tianjiao

[First change today, 2 changes, afternoon and evening. ?

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Suddenly there was an angry roar in the mouth of the earth giant tribe. His combat strength was strong, and his flesh was even more powerful. However, he was only slightly weak, and he was not usually inconspicuous, but it was immediately apparent in the life and death fight of monks at the same level.

I felt that Xiao Chen's breath suddenly increased, and the farther and farther it was, the more angry he was, but there was nothing he could do. He could only bury his head in the road, and the killer in his heart became more and more raging!

"Xiao Chen, I will kill you!"



The tribe Tianjiao, the king of arabesques, noticed the change of breath in front, and his face suddenly became cold.

Xiao Chen was going to die, but he had to die in his hands, otherwise he would be killed by others. How could he be rewarded by Director Bo Ye and enter the ancient demon's secret realm. With a slight frown, it didn't take too long, and the person had made a decision.

"Two Taoists, in order to prevent the human race Xiao Chen from escaping, this seat is one step ahead!" As the King of Arabesque suddenly stared, his mouth sprayed a turquoise energy, wrapped his figure, and instantly turned into a green streamer. , Galloping away.

There are endless killings, bursting wildly from within this streamer.


The demon is wrapped in a cloud of devils, roaring across the killing machine, tearing the sky, exposing its inner black background, looking far away like the ancient deities coming into the world, it is terrifying.

Regardless of the shame of the demons or Shi Mudan, he must not allow Xiao Chen to retreat.

This human race must die.

"Want to escape!" The demon sensed the sudden acceleration, and his eyes flashed sharply. "Fear the Demon King, summon the soul of the Sitian Demon Monster with me, and use this demon degree to hunt down the human race Xiao Chen!"

The Dread Lord nodded, and the two of them drank together. The next moment, the rich magic of the two people suddenly turned into a black and dark shadow. The monster had wings on its back and was covered with scale armor. Substantial.

"Summon, the spirit of Sitian monster!"

The two spoke at the same time, and the sound spread as if they had directly penetrated into a certain place, calling for the existence of a space that is not here.


At the same time, the magical shadows of the two people ’s sacred ghosts suddenly opened their eyes, their eyes were blood red, their wings were shot in the roar, and the avatars suddenly shot.


Fu Yunqi frowned. At this moment she waved her sleeves and drank: "Confucianism Six Arts, Royal!"

This Royal is the Royal Royal.

Along with this low-drink, the space was torn abruptly, and then there was a golden crown with sharp heads. The sharp-eyed bird and beast flew out of it and entrusted it directly behind him. Li Xiaozhong whistled forward according to the guidance of Fu Yunqi's Yuanshen.


In their minds, because Xiao Chen's sudden advance soared, many monks behind him followed, and they went all out. In this way, the distance between them was gradually widened and gradually expanded.

In this way, Xiao Chen was given the opportunity to kill one by one.

All this is going on as he wants to imagine, the timing of the shot is getting closer!


Moving forward in the torn space, Xiao Chen's mouth sneered deeper and thicker, but within his dark eyes, there was a calmness, like an ancient well, indifferent, yet another bright light to the extreme murderous power, slowing down in it Hover slowly.

Between the lines, three jade bamboo slips appeared in his hands, and every so often they would hit one and go straight to the ground. This jade Jane is not ordinary, and there is no trace of mana in it. What is contained in it is Xiao Chen's insignificant trace of thoughts. Under the layers of restraint, the faint breath was completely banned. Except that he could perceive himself through the elemental spirit, others would never notice it.

Just in the process of moving forward, he threw Yu Jian in succession.




When the third piece of jade was shot, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, and there was an instant killing intention in the depths of his eyes!

Today, he is going to kill!

Today, there are destined to be proud of the ethnic group again!

Today is the day when Xiao Chen's ascension to the spirit world has burst into the strongest force, the Megatron!

It all started with this person.

A little blood appeared in the depths of Xiao Chen's eyes. This was a murderous aspect, when he skyrocketed to the extreme level. He tore space and stopped suddenly, instead of moving forward as before, he turned around and watched. Behind the sky, waiting silently.

The sword is already in hand, and seeing today's blood flowers bloom, dyed through the blue sky!

A robbery that shocked the spirit world slowly unfolded the picture.


A golden mang cut through the sky and ground, and suddenly dissipated at this moment, revealing Sangbo's uncertain look. "I did not continue to escape, but stopped and waited for me to come forward. Is this a fraud?"

This man looked cloudy and clear, then suddenly lifted, revealing endless killings.

"Xiao Chen used mystery to escape, perhaps because the mystery was too heavy. This person could not escape under my chase, so he had no choice but to stop. Therefore, he was so confused that I did not dare to come forward and gave it He adjusts his time. "

"Huh! How can you hide me from such a shoddy method! Now I have to grasp the time, otherwise if several people arrive behind me, even if the human race Xiao Chen is killed, the opportunity contained in him will be divided up. I absolutely It's not exclusive. "

"If that's the case, let's go! Human race Xiao Chen, today is your death!"

With a smirk in his heart, Sambo stopped and suddenly disappeared.

30,000 miles, 20,000 miles, 10,000 miles, 5ooo miles, 1ooo miles, here!

The appearance of Sambo, the golden wings behind him, has not only disappeared, which can not only help him soar in the battle, but in the event of an accident, he can leave as quickly as possible to escape from danger.

But at this moment, when he saw the man he was chasing, he could not help but change instantly.

Calm, it's too calm, Xiao Chen doesn't feel half-hearted and impatient, as if standing here just to wait for him to come. It was this calmness and calmness that made Sambo's firm convictions shake again. A sense of suspicion appeared in his heart uncontrollably, and accompanied by a horror from the bottom of his heart. It felt as if there was no explanation, but it really existed.

And here it was, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes, slumped on Sambo, his dark eyes flashed sharply, did not waste a little bit of tongue, stepped forward and drank, "kill!" This roar was mixed with infinite murder. .

The next moment, a horrible breath burst from his body, like a stormy sea, and suddenly spread madly in all directions, turning the calm space here into a party of anger and wolf, just like the sea.

Not only does he have the idea of ​​killing him, but he does n’t need to waste his tongue. Besides, he does n’t have much time. He must fight. Otherwise, if he is caught in the siege, he will most likely face a killing situation. .

"Swallow a finger!"

Xiao Chen stepped forward, and his single finger dropped instantly, just as his fingertips fell into the void, and the magical forces rang out in thousands of miles, rolling backwards and whistling.

5ooo's fingers appear suddenly, mixed with the power to destroy the world, and come to the world!

Sang Bo frowned slightly, seeing Xiao Chen's magical shot, the suspicion in his heart not only did not dissipate, but grew stronger. Regarding his cultivation, although he belongs to the Three Realms of Heaven and Man with that empty line, the cultivation is much deeper than him. With this supernatural power, he can absolutely not cause any damage to him.

Xiao Chen waited here, killing the killer, is this the only way?

Although he was puzzled and secretly guarded, in the face of Xiao Chen swallowing the sky, the man showed no hesitation, his face folded with his hands together, held his arms high, and suddenly fell off. At the moment of his chopping, Sangbo's hands burst with endless sharp spiritual power fluctuations, faintly transformed into a misty sword shadow, proud of his sword, pointing obliquely to the sky, as if to want to chop this heaven and earth, It returns to death.

The power of one finger and Jianying met violently, the two were in a stalemate, and the violent breath burst from the contact.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't pause and the second type of magical power was shot instantly.

The wind rises, the clouds are rushing, and the rain is coming. The second realm of the three types of supernatural powers in "Da Sen Luo Shou" can be transformed into Dacheng "Hands Over". A single palm can hold the sky upside down, and can turn down and force everything under pressure.

Today, "Hand Cover" magical powers are unfolded for the second time in Xiao Chen's hands. They are full in size and full of black and blood, such as the deities slap palms outside the region, which contains the power of destruction. But even more strange is that now that the magical power of "One Finger swallows the sky" has not dispersed, and the magical power of "Override Hand" has exploded again, the breath between the two parties has suddenly and tightly connected together. gap.


The palm of Wanzhang fell directly, and it was the finger that swallowed the sky before Xiao Chen. Even if it was the same monk supernatural power, if it was so direct and hard, it would cause conflicts between supernatural powers and even backwash at the same time, causing the caster to be hit hard. But at this moment Xiao Chen looked dignified, but his eyes were calm, without any intention of stopping. As early as when he shot before, he already had a vague understanding in his mind. Perhaps there is another way to use the magical powers of "Dasen Luoshou". Now it depends on whether he guessed it correctly.

The palm fell, and the 5ooo swallowed the sky to meet him without a slight hedge reaction, but directly began to merge! The volume of swallowing fingers has shrunk, and it is only the size of the palm fingers of "Overhand", born outside the thumb, becoming the sixth finger of this palm!

The old saying goes, six fingers are magic!

At the moment when the palm of the mandala gave birth to the sixth finger, a terrifying breath suddenly burst out from it, and the rolling magic breath instantly grew from heaven to earth, enveloping it inside, overwhelming and overbearing.

These six fingers cover one hand, and the power they possess is actually even stronger than the previous superposition of the two supernatural powers!

This was expected by Xiao Chen, but the supernatural power was beyond his expectation.

But at this moment, the unicorn Sambo's face suddenly turned pale, and an inconceivable sense of terror suddenly flew from his heart. Xiao Chen's two supernatural powers merged, and the explosive power that made him feel extremely Clear threat, this threat can make him ridiculed!

"Six pole sword, cut left, cut again, cut the vast land!"

"Six pole sword, cut before, cut after, cut the vast sky!"

"Summon the power of the golden system of heaven and earth, transform the sword of the six poles, and cut everything in the world, all broken!"

During the hissing and roaring, Sambo's hands turned into a mass of shadows, playing countless tricks, so that between the whole world, the gold spiritual power roared, and other attributes of spiritual power were Expulsion.

The endless gold spiritual powers converge, and under the superposition of madness, the intangibles manifest their own attributes. The whole world seems to be transformed into a golden ocean. Each spray in this ocean is pure gold spiritual power. Extremely sharp. It is in this golden ocean that a ghostly sword of Emperor Heavenly Sword slowly manifests, with the size of a thousand feet, standing between the heavens and the earth, and then suddenly cut off.

This sword is manifested when the golden magical power "Six-pole Sword" is pushed to the extreme realm, which represents the peak power of this magical power.

The six-finger magic palm and Optima Sword Shadow suddenly met, and the whole space shivered together, then turned into powder, with the power of endless space raging, silver and white, reflecting the entire sky.

Mountain peaks, rivers, and green trees are all turned into powder, and even countless living creatures within the scope of magical powers have died and were wiped out by life.

These two supernatural powers have infinitely approached the level of the heavens and the four realms, and the explosive power they explode can be called astonishing!

Xiao Chen's eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and his eyes were endlessly exquisite. The "swallowing one finger" and "covering hands" merged, and the palm of the six fingers was a magic palm! He has long speculated on this matter, whether it is swallowing the domineering finger by swallowing the sky, or the venomous maggot that covers the magical power of the hand, it is by no means the attribute of the magical power of the right way. It is a demon that can explain this.

This "Omori Naruto" is a complete magical magical power!

But what he was thinking at the moment was not the case.

"Xiao has been practicing" Dasen Luo Shou "for about 3ooo years. This magical power is incomplete. Only the first two or two realms have swallowed the sky and one finger and covered hands **. As for the third realm, the sky is broken and cannot be learned. "

"But I have cultivated to this day, relying on incomplete exercises and groping on my own, but have found a vague way to display this third-world magical power. Now I try it, and I think what I think is correct."

"The third realm of" Omori Luoshou ", the first supernatural power, tearing the sky!"

Drinking low, Xiao Chen stepped forward, tearing fiercely above the Jiuxiao! The next moment, his face suddenly paled, and the majestic mana in his body was flowing and disappearing like crazy rivers under this tear! It was at the moment of its action that the six-finger magic palm that was in a stalemate with the six-pole sword shadow was also grasped suddenly upwards at this moment. Under this grasp, the entire sky shook violently, and then a tens of thousands of cracks appeared. , Directly connected to the space turbulence!

Supernatural "Tear the Sky", really act like an ancestor, and shatter the sky!


The six-pole sword shadow suddenly shook violently, and whimpered like a spirit. The next moment it collapsed and turned into the power of the heavenly golden spirit.

This magical power, under the shock of this shock, could not resist the slightest, and it would be destroyed!

Sangbo's complexion turned instantaneous, with a scream in his mouth, showing endless fear. The wings on the back were photographed wildly, turning into a ghost image and escaping backwards. At the same time, he took out a sign with his backhand, holding it firmly with his hands broken.

This sign is exactly the teleportation rune, and it was made by the unicorn tribe and the heavens and the five realms. Once crushed, he can teleport him away and return to the safe place of the community.

However, although the symbol was crushed at this moment, the terror in Sambo's heart did not dissipate. Instead, it became richer, and the breath of death lingered in the Yuanshen, making him look pale!

Xiao Chen is going to kill Liwei today. Will this Sambo come to his door? Will he let him go? There was a sharp flash in his eyes at the moment, and one arm stretched out and shook it fiercely.


Manipulate the space with the power of the space origin and refuse to perform any space magic. Even the teleportation runes made by the Heaven and Earth and the Five Realms, as long as they do not own the origin, will be blocked for an instant.

And that's enough!


Although the six-finger devil's palm was not yet fully realized, there was a sudden misery in Sangbo's mouth. In despair, the flesh was torn apart, and the flesh flew into the sky. Even the Yuanshen failed to escape.

The third ethnic group is Tianjiao, and the unicorn Sambo is ridiculous!

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