Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 160: Mori Mori

[The last chapter of the public chapter, today the 4D update is complete, it can be said that there are beginnings and ends, and the commitment has been completed. 〔< 〔八 (一 [[小 [说 网 W? WW.81ZW.COM will start to update the first chapter of the vip chapter at 8:00 tomorrow morning, I hope to see everyone. On the shelves, Baozi will work hard to keep it up to date, Let your friends be satisfied. Bow and step down, you all have a good dream.]


"Brother Yun Sheng, you must not be in trouble, otherwise, even if I am dead, I have no way to explain to the adults." The blood of the mouth of the ferocious Taoist man, but at the moment he was holding on to Sheng, this fierce man, It was actually red eyes at this moment.

The attack just before was definitely a means of attack at the level of heaven and man at the level of three realms. It was clear that he and the brothers behind him should be beheaded together. If Yi Sheng was in a hurry to resist him, I am afraid their brothers would have been stunned. .

"Cough! Cough!" Tong Sheng was pale, blood was flowing from his mouth and nose, and his breath was extremely weak. If it were not for the protection of the sky leather armor, I'm afraid he would have died directly at the moment. "Hey Brother, rest assured, I can't die."

"I have crushed Yu Jian from Master Shizhuang, and his elderly will arrive soon."

The ferocious Taoist nodded again and again, at this moment there was no time to say more. From the flower boat, several figures flew out. One of the skinny monks flashed a cruel look in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "The ferocious Taoist, I did not expect that you and I are here today. This encounter, hehe, it saves me a lot of trouble, and today I will clear all the enmity between you and me. "

"You all, die!"

The voice was resentful, apparently the man was extremely hostile to him.

"Yin Booklet, Brother Sheng Sheng has no resentment against you. Today you have resentment against your brother. Don't implicate him."

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, Brother Sheng's Master is definitely something you can't provoke. If you hurt him, don't want to leave here today!"

The fierce Taoist spoke, and was also fierce.

The Yinshuzi's face changed instantly, and his eyes flickered. This person can live to this day and naturally is not stupid. Although this little guy is weak and pitiful, he only survived the young master's blow, but he obviously has treasures on his body.

It seems that what this ferocious man is saying is not groundless.

This person was about to promise to avoid causing trouble, but did not want a voice of indifference from the rowing boat. "Yin Book, my son has some interest in the treasure on the boy, and killed me."

Yin Bizi said respectfully and said that he turned around and his eyes were already flashing with fierceness. "Hey, since my young master speaks, he can only count this kid as suffering."

"Master said, haven't you heard yet, kill me together."

This person waved his hands, and a few monks sneered at him, his body flashed a little outside, and he wanted to take a shot.

The fierce Taoist was in a hurry, but at this moment, a faint voice came suddenly, "This seat is to see, who wants to take my disciple's life today." The voice did not fall, a green robe monk The figure appeared torn directly into space.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on Yun Sheng, and the anger in his eyes became richer for a moment. Then he turned to the monk who fluttered and drank suddenly, "Go!"

The word exit was not displayed, but the monk who was approached was severely hit. In the tragic state, the physical body collapsed directly, the Yuanshen was hit hard, and the screaming Zhongran fled into the flower boat.

The pupils of Yin Booklet contracted and showed endless terror, turned pale, and turned to escape, but then Xiao Chen suddenly looked up at the person, his eyes flashed, his sleeves waved, and the endless power of the void appeared instantly. Like a grinding disc, wrap it inside and crush it fiercely, causing the person's physical body to collapse and Yuanshen to collapse.

Above the whole lake, there was a sudden silence at this moment, and countless lights came together, all showing shock and fear.

Xiao Chen instantly deterred the audience with fierce means. At this moment, he turned around and appeared on the side of Yun Sheng. His brows were even tighter and his face was gloomy. He slaps him on the palm of his hand, forcing the destruction of Thunder and Thunder into the flesh. Hold a Thunderbolt in your hand.

From this thunder ball, he felt a familiar atmosphere, his face could not help a bit more ugly.

"Master, the disciples are ashamed of you, please respect him for punishment." Lei Zhu was forced out, and Pu Sheng was not at risk of his life. He was struggling to stand up at this moment, full of guilt.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen felt a chill in his heart, suddenly turned around, looked at the flower boat in silence, and shot it suddenly.


The flower boat, which is equipped with countless restraints and is comparable to ordinary road defense, has no ability to resist under this palm. It is directly broken and turned into radiant fragments, exposing one of them who is slightly pale and young. Monk, repairing in the middle of the robbery, but at this moment is very calm, in the face of heavy injuries to his men, he never showed the slightest fear.

"It's guts. It's been a long time since nobody dared to be so rude to Ben Shao."

"The monks in the Heaven and Human Realm are indeed powerful, but they are still dying!"

Afterwards, the young monk had a sullen expression on his face, a dark black ball suddenly appeared in his hands, and his hand went straight to Xiao Chen. In ridicule, this man is full of confidence and has the treasures given by Duan Brother. This monk in green robe will surely die!

After the black bead was shot, it instantly shattered into a dark black thunder, and Langzhong turned into a thunderbolt. After a flash, it crossed the endless space.


Lei Yue fell, wrapping Xiao Chen's figure directly into it, and the horrifying thunderous destruction of thunder raged wildly. Its imposing momentum instantly attracted the countless monks of Zhucheng in shock. This breath actually reached the level of heaven and man!

Duan Mo enemy sat cross-legged to practice in the back room, recovering his wear and tears. At the beginning, when he was confronted with the magic, he was forced to swallow the danji force, but he had an unexpected gain. Realm.

It was only a step away from the highest goal in his heart.


Thunder Road Origin!

The body of innate thunder, the cultivation of countless treasures, and his own hard work finally made him touch the edge of the source. According to the current state, for a maximum of 1,000 years, he will definitely get a trace of the thunder source, and then he will become a monk of the source. , Valued by ethnic groups.

At that time, neither Fu Yunqi nor that demon will be his rival. Therefore, when he came to the cities, he began to retreat directly, and went all out to impact the realm of origin.

But now, Duan Modi suddenly opened his eyes, showing a bit of coldness in his eyes. If the waste had a strong background in his home, would he have valued him so much, and even gave him a thunder ball that incorporated the thunder spirit? , This thing can burst out of the three realms of heaven and man, almost the same as his shot.

Today, Lei Zhu used it, presumably this waste has caused trouble, but now it must be all resolved.

One shot from the Heaven and Man Realm is enough to solve any problem.

Duan Modi hesitated a little bit, still thinks that no need to show up, the practice of retreat now is the thing to do. But at the next moment, the person's complexion changed instantly, and the secret passage was not good, and he got up and tore the space and left.

On Yanbo Lake, looking at the figure wrapped by the raging thunder, Yishenquan is the size of it, "Ha ha ha ha! Offense is small, even if you are a monk in the heavens and the world, what can you do, it will still end!"

"In the future, who dares not do anything wrong, this is how it ends!"

Induced by the pervasive coercion of the Thunder, countless monks looked pale and felt a little pity in their eyes. It was a pity that a mighty man in heaven and earth was so scornful.

But at this moment, an extremely cold voice came out of the thunder, overwhelmed the thunder, and passed into the ears of every monk here clearly.

"With all these means, you can't hurt this seat by virtue of this." The voice didn't fall, and the thundering power that was raging and rolling was weakened, but after a few breaths, it had disappeared as if it had been consumed by life. Normalized.

Xiao Chen stood in the air, and the Qingpao was not damaged at all, but the chill in his eyes was heavier. He stepped forward and pushed forward.

Yishenquan's complexion suddenly turned pale. Looking at Xiao Chen's cold eyes without any temperature, an irrepressible fear appeared in his heart.

This person is going to kill me!

The thought in his heart made Yishenquan stiff.

"Stop! What do you want to do, don't you know that I am a monk from Yijia, if you dare to hurt me with a finger, you will definitely face endless hunting in the future, only death will end!"

"You can't move me!"

Xiao Chen looked indifferent, unmoved at the slightest moment, and said lightly at the moment, "I do n’t know what Yijia is, but you hurt your disciples, and you are disrespectful to this seat. You must pay the due price. "



During the conversation, a ball of thunder beads gathered in his hand, and Ray Mang flickered, exhaling an endless destruction.

"This seat gives you a chance to live. This thunder ball is yours. Now the original of this seat is returned. If you can resist it, do what you do today, otherwise you will die!"

"This Taoist must not be impulsive, otherwise a great disaster is imminent, and the night of regret!" Xiao Chen shot at the moment, a burst of stormy weather burst instantly, and the whistling rushed straight to this place, and the voice arrived first.

"Brother Duan, save me!" Yishenquan was horrified, and now he seemed to grab a life-saving straw and shouted.

But the next moment, he was desperate. The Qingpao monk clearly heard Brother Duan's words, but he didn't mean to let go. Lei Zhu shot in an instant and went straight to him. Based on his cultivation, under this thunderbolt, the gods and spirits will disappear instantly, and the smoke will disappear!

"Damn!" The far-off Mo Dijian suddenly looked gloomy, and his speed was fast, and it would take a while to get there. By that time, Yishenquan might have become a ash. Although he looked down on this waste in his heart, the background behind this man is that they are also very afraid of doing things. If this person is killed near him, no matter what, he will be angered by the Yi family, which he absolutely does not want to see.

"Lei Jia!"

In the growl, a thunder armour appeared in the hand, and he shoved it with his hands, and raised his hand to point at Yishenquan.

The next moment, that Yishenquan was suddenly a masterpiece of Raymand, and a set of Thunder Armor suddenly appeared, guarding it.


The thunderbolt fell, and the phantom of the thunder armor trembled violently, resisting more than 90% of the power of destroying the thunder, but it was only the remaining half of the power that also made Yishenquan scream, the physical body was broken, and blood was flowing from the seven tricks. Outflow, obviously suffered severe injuries.

With this instantaneous delay, Duan Modi forcibly tore the space on his side, dropped it with one palm, dispelled the thunder and the like in his body, and then relaxed his tension.

Fortunately, he has the Lightning Armor Treasure in his hand to save Yishenquan's life. Although he was not harmed, he is not in danger.

"Brother Duan, kill him! Kill me!"

"I want him to die!"

The gate of the gate turned around, Yishenquan had never been so close to death, and the endless terror almost smashed his mind. Now, when he returned to his senses, he hissed suddenly and roared, revealing the emotions in his heart.

No one ever let him eat such a big loss, no matter who he is, he will die!

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