Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 161: Fight with Thor

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Duan Modi nodded gloomily, glanced coldly at the Qingpao monk, his brows frowned slightly, but in his memory there was no impression of this person, was he a hidden lone strongman in the human race.

Thinking of this, he calmed down and said in a cold voice: "This Taoist friend, did not heed the whistling of this seat, but he dared to kill the killer. If I had not stopped it, I am afraid that Master Yi has already scoffed at this moment. "

"What kind of storm will this matter cause? Have you ever thought about it? Dao You Xiu is not weak, but in this storm, I am afraid that there will be only one death, and this will end for my brother Yi."

"Today's matter, Taoist must give an explanation to this seat, otherwise said that this seat can only capture you and give it to the Yi family."

Xiao Chen lifted his face, looking calmly towards Duan Modi, his mouth slightly tilted, and a hint of chill, "No matter what family he is, if he dares to hurt my disciples, and even disrespects this seat, he must pay the price."

"Do you want him to stand in his way now? Is it because he wants to bear the anger of him?"

Duan Mo Di laughed angrily. He hasn't encountered such a monk who dared to provoke his coercion for a long time. "Haha, it seems Daoyou is very confident in his own cultivation!"

"That's right, today's brother Yi Shi will take care of this together! That being the case, you and I have done it once. In the field of cultivation, I always believe that cultivation is everything!"

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "It's so good." The voice was calm, without any fear, and there was a slight coldness flowing deep in the eyes.

After the first day of the auction after the auction, Xiao Chen could have retired after seizing Shi Mudan, but was defeated by Duan Modi. He secretly counted him as a killer. If Xiao Chen's combat strength is not dazzling, this time I'm afraid it has been ridiculed.

He remembered this, and wanted to find a chance to find it back.

As early as when he forced out the thunder ball in Yun Sheng's body, he had already noticed the breath of Duan Modi. Today ’s battle was originally intended by him, and Duan Modi must pay the price for his actions!

This man is proud and narrow-minded, and cannot tolerate others to be stronger than him. In this case, today he was defeated in a large court, and he was humiliated. Although it was not death for him, it was even more uncomfortable.

"Today, this seat will make you regret your decision!"

Sen Leng glanced over Xiao Chen's body, and Duan Mo's feet suddenly stepped. The void shuddered, and there was no wind and waves on the lake, setting off a wave of dozens of feet. However, the figure suddenly rose into the void. , The power of endless thunder pervades into the imaginary shadow of the thunder pool around his body, and it looks like the **** of thunder is coming. Endless emptiness, thunderclouds, the sky suddenly darkened, there was a flash of thunder, and occasional touch, it was a booming muffled sound, terrifying!

The human race's violent thunder **** is invincible. How can it be an easy generation?

Countless monks are watching and looking in awe.

Yi Shenquan's eyes were resentful, and his heart was full of embarrassment. With the power of Brother Duan Duan, he must be able to kill the cultivation of this robe to the slag, so that he can dispel the hatred in his heart!

Xiao Chen lifted his mouth, revealing that if there was no sneer, the higher he held it, the heavier he fell. Today I can't understand this side. Heaven and **** are just one step away. Now he is more bright and magnificent. It's even more ridiculous!

Footsteps are empty, no tumbling-momentum, although the pace is slow, but one step can cross the endless space. Within a few steps, the figure has confronted Duan Mo, and the two sides are separated by thousands of feet, standing far away.

The two breaths burst out into the sky, and the mighty coercion filled the sky, shocking countless monks throughout the cities. At this moment, they left their residences and drove the clouds into the air, looking with awe in their faces.

On the third floor of the tea house, Fu Yunqi was sitting side by side, holding a tea cup, sniffing the aroma of tea in the cup, feeling a change in emptiness, and groaning slightly, still sighing, "The cause of the day, the fruit of today, since you have anger in your heart, then Leaked. "

"Duan Mo Di is indeed a little overdone, and now let him suffer a bit."

Shake his head slightly and drink tea without saying a word.

Duan Modi's eyes are densely covered with Raymond. Previously, Lei Dao's magical power broke through the bottleneck. His cultivation has made great progress. Now he has not yet verified it. Today, he took this person to prestige, so he warned everyone that he was violent. The thunder **** is a arrogant human being, and his prestige does not allow any monks to challenge it, otherwise he will have to pay a price.

"It was this man who provoked me proactively today. Even if he was killed and beheaded, presumably the senior members of the community could not make it difficult for me."

"That being the case, today I will blame my heart for being so cruel!"

With a cold smile in his heart, Mo Di shot instantly, raised his hand to the sky and grabbed it fiercely, and suddenly an endless thunder converged in his hand, turning it into a thunder spear, exuding a breath of terrible horror, and throwing it forward instantly!

Thunder spear shot, suddenly turned into a ghost of Thunder Dragon, opened his mouth and went straight to Xiao Chen swallowed.

This magical power, this man once exhibited when confronting Si Mo, but now it bursts, and the power has improved a lot compared to that day, then the Thunder Dragon Void is more solid, exuding an endless arrogance!

"Thunderbolt magical power." Xiao Chen faced Lei Long swallowed, his face remained unchanged, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Raise your hand to the sky and catch it!

Starting and falling is no different from that on the other side, but with his movement, the entire sky is endlessly trembling with Lei Yun. Since the endless booming muffled sounds like a thousand leiqi, the sound of tumultuousness is huge. Soup, terrifying.

Thousands of Thunders are summoned and compressed like crazy, but turned into the same spear, but they are more gazing, and the momentum is stronger, and the color of this Thunder Spear is rich in blood, and there is endless evil.

With a wave of the robe sleeve, the thunder spear shot, and it turned into a **** thunder dragon. It was a full-sized thunder dragon, full of scales, covered with thunder, and gave birth to 9 feet under his belly. He shook his head and tail and threw it out.

From a distance, the entire sky was extremely dark, and the clouds were raging with thunder. Under the cloud, the two thunder dragons met directly, fighting madly.

This situation, like the battlefield of Thunder Dragon in ancient times, has a strong visual impact, the eyes fall, and the mind is shaken.

In the tea house, Fu Yunqi's calm complexion instantly broke, his hands shook, and the tea escaped, but he did not care about the slightest bit, and suddenly stood up in front of the railing, looking at the **** thunder dragon in the sky, his eyes full of shocking color, The corners of his mouth could not help showing a bit of bitterness.

"Sure enough, you still have some concealment. In the previous battle, you didn't explode all the cards at all. At least you, the mighty Thunder Road Superpower, have never played before."

"It seems that today, you are ready to defeat him directly in the most proud aspect of Du Di, in revenge for the day."

When Fu Yunqi groaned in her mouth, Thunder Dragon's fight above the void was already separated.

Thunder Dragon transformed by Duan Mo Di Thunder Spear was torn apart and swallowed up, making Scarlet Thunder Dragon even more powerful. A roar in his mouth swept madly.

Duan Modi's pupils contracted violently, his mouth groaned, his face pale, and his blood in his chest twitched. But this man looked at Xiao Chen, but it was already filled with endless fear.

Defeating him with Thunder Road Supernatural Power is undoubtedly the biggest blow to the confidence of Du Mo Mo!

"No! I do n’t know that the enemy is a violent thunderous human race, and the tribe is proud. I do n’t know where the monks who emerged would be my opponents!"

"This seat will never fail!"

The heart roared madly, and the blood in the depths of this person's eyes emerged. The whole body's breath instantly became violent. The power of the surrounding thunder was raging wildly and turned into a thunder prison. The momentum soared!

"Thunder, punishment!"

Duan Mo Di roared, raised with one hand, pointed towards the sky, and suddenly pointed down. With the fall of this finger, the dark clouds suddenly violently tossed up, and innumerable thunders filled them, and finally a vaguely ghostly shadow appeared.

This imaginary body is tall and tall, wearing armor, and is composed of pure power of thunder. A pair of eyes is transformed into a thunderbolt compressed to the extreme.

It was at the moment when this phantom appeared, there seemed to be a strange power coming from the underworld, making the Thunder's composition figure seem to have a sense of wisdom, and the endless thunder overwhelmed the body and swept away in all directions.


In the roar of Yang, Thunder formed the shadow of Saul, like a god, pervaded with coercion and high above him. It seemed that all monks were ants in his eyes and could be destroyed.

With the supreme power of Thunder Road, summon the ancient Thunder God Phantom, drop the **** punishment, and destroy the life!

This supernatural power is the supernatural power obtained by the ancestors of Duanjia in some ancient ruins. Only one person has succeeded in training, and the power is extremely powerful. Once it is displayed, it seems that it can really summon the thunder **** to divide the soul!

This miraculous power can burst into a force comparable to that of Heaven and Man.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed in different colors. There is indeed some means at this end, at least for now, this supernatural power is not weak. But if you want to blame, then blame why the piece he cultivates is the magical power of Lei Dao. For Xiao Chen, who has mastered the source of Thunder, as long as he does not reach the source level, he will be absolutely suppressed by him!

Is Thor a ghost? This magical power, maybe not only you alone.

Xiao Chen sneered in his heart, waving his robe sleeves, and the thunder tumbling wildly, condensing on his head, biochemically transformed into a phantom of thunder god, and the core of the thunder of the thunder that he sent was at the core, making this phantom solid. Extremely, Levi's towering.

But at the moment in front of Xiao Chen, the ghost of the thunder **** fell directly on one knee, like a servant.

When has a real **** existed in this world!

In the eyes of mortals, perhaps Little Jindan Monk is a god!

But in the view of Brother Jin Dan, Brother Yuan Ying is a god!

So in the eyes of Xiao Chen, the so-called ancient gods are just some practitioners who have reached a very high level of cultivation. Like them, they are all struggling to survive in this world. So, what is the right to let him worship awe.

He took control of the source of Thunder, which was the owner of all Thunders at this time. With a thought, Wan Lei worshiped, and he would not obey!

He is the Lord of Thunder, and a thunderous illusion of thunder, how can he worship him!

Thunder spear magic power, Xiao Chenhui.

The ghost of Thor, Xiao Chen will!

Duan Modi gritted his teeth and he did n’t believe that the other side ’s superbly clever magical power would be his opponent ’s deep and mysterious opponent, and his mind moved slightly, and behind him thunder phantom roared, Wan Leiqi flew to Xiao Chen. .


In the cold hum, Xiao Chen stepped forward and stepped on the shoulder of Thor's ghost in front of him. This thing obediently stood up and condensed the ghost of Thor's ghost towards Duan Modi.

This roar is out of his mouth. Although there is no magical power to control the thunder of time, but it has a source of thunder in his body. He is the ancestor of thunder, and his coercion must not be offended.

Wan Lei approached, and at this moment suddenly trembled and suddenly collapsed.

Xiao Chen stood on the shoulders of Thunder God, stood with his hands on his shoulders, looked indifferent, and grinned with a blue robe, just like the Royal Lord Thunder God's fighting method, with outstanding style, deeply imprinted into the hearts of countless monks here, making them never forget.

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