Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 263: Tenjin withdrawal

But the monks who saw the 2o Wan Xiao Mansion slowly marched across countless long streets until they left the city, and the monks were really shocked. {< [八? 一 小? 说 网 W] W & gt; W ?. ] 8? 1> YW. COM has the mentality of flexible cultivation, sensing the 12o monk atmosphere, and then extending forward in the direction they went straight, finally guessing where their final destination is, and suddenly couldn't help taking a sigh of cold air, and the pupils contracted. , Showing incredible colors!

God's Terrace!

Their goal is Tianrentai!

Leading to Heaven and Earth!

The 2o monks went to Tianrentai together. Although they did not want to believe it, the matter was in front of them. So when their eyes fell on the monk in the blue robe and black eyes in front of the 20o monks again, the look on their faces couldn't help but be awe. In just 3oo years, what kind of method did this adult use? It can actually make His Majesty monk ascend to such a terrible situation in a short period of time. If today is true, Xiaofu will spend 20,000 monks to heaven. People ’s calamity, this incident will surely become one of the most amazing news in the entire human race in all ages!

The repair of 2o million days of human realm, this powerful force, once combined, is enough to make Xiao Fu the most elite gatekeeper in the human race, even if compared with the unfathomable Yijia, it is definitely not too much!

So at this moment, whether it is the secret forces of the various parties who are in suspicion, or the excited red-faced monks in the city, at this moment there is a confusion in their hearts, that is, can they succeed?

Countless old monsters can no longer hold back. At this moment, they stepped out of the retreat, waved their hands to tear the space, and watched the army of monks marching from afar. They looked dull, and their eyes flashed in different colors.

It is in the countless attentions that Xiao Chen leads his army of 20 million monks and keeps marching!

Yes, their goal today is Tianrentai!

The 2o Mansion of Mansion, after 9ooo years of hard work in the dojo, has realized his own way, and has the qualification to lead the heaven and the world. And thousands of years of hard work made them a very profound and extraordinary monk. When they were fully sure of everything, Xiao Chen released them and killed them all!

Today, what he wants is to shake the human race, what he wants is to fully promote the reputation of Xiao Fu, what he wants is to severely deter the secret monk, and what he wants is to attract all their attention!

That's why Xiao House is so imposing and so overwhelming.


Heavenly platform.

As ethnic monks lead the heavens and the heavens, half-steps into the heavens and earth, there are countless forces to send eyeliner here, staring at the leading monks who lead the heavens and heavens, looking for the powerful potential to attract.

Heaven and Human Realm are already considered strong among the ethnic groups. Each of them is very important and is a high-end force component of all major forces. The number of monks in a celestial body can often reflect their strength.

The wave of spiritual power above the sky was like a galloping horse, which was extremely terrifying. It took only half an hour for the ruler to dissipate, exposing one of the monks with excitement and pride! The introduction of Heaven and Earth can keep the spiritual force tide for nearly half an hour, which is already an outstanding achievement. Therefore, this man had just fallen from the Heavenly Platform and was immediately surrounded by dozens of rushing figures.

"This seat is the repair of His Majesty the Li Family. Today, I specially invited Taoists to join my Lee House. The Taoist qualifications will definitely be valued by the family, and the future is boundless."

"This seat is the elder of Yunhua Zong. As long as Daoyou promises to join my Zongmen, this seat can assure Daoyou that the Daomen formation can be used with Daoyou to safely survive the ravages of Heaven and Earth, and there will be many more. Treasure. "

"Please ask the friendly students to think about my Nangong house."

The surrounding monks looked at the monk who had stepped up into the sky. He could not help but flash a little bit of envy. This is the magic of Tianrentai. As long as you can qualify for the monk here, you can step It ’s extraordinary!

But at this moment, whether it ’s the monk who held and smiled and fell into heaven, or the clever tongue-in-law forces were responsible for drawing up the monk, or the peripheral monk with a jealous envy and hatred at this moment His complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly turned to look at the distant sky, with a look of suspicion on his face. It was in their eyes that a cloud of black clouds appeared at the end of the line of sight, and came here at an extremely fast degree, but it was not until later that they could see what the dark clouds were. It was clearly a monk In the army of the ancestral city, the dark cloud is their shadow blocking the light of the sun.

At Tianrentai, monks of their own ethnic group maintain order to prevent accidents when monks cross the robbery. Now sitting here is a monk who is the peak of the ethnic group, the master of Jinling, who was born in Sanshou and was a self-supporting government. It is declared to be neutral, but it is actually the cultivation of the Lord of Swords. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes from the practice of closing his eyes, his eyes burst into clear light, the next step took off, and the tearing space appeared on the clouds, his complexion was slightly gloomy. At the same time, from the vicinity of Tianrentai, there are hundreds of light beams rising from the sky, and each light beams a strong breath, falling behind the Lord of Jinling, revealing one of the monks in shock. .

The Lord of Jinling lifted his eyes slightly, but at this moment when he saw the man in the front of the monk's army, his eyes flickered, but his face became relaxed, leading the monks behind him to meet, "It was Xiao Chen Taoyou I do n’t know what the Daoyou is today, so-called? ”

The Lord of Jinling took the lead in smiling and arching hands, not to mention the relationship between Xiao Chen and the Lord of Wan Jian. The strength of his cultivation alone was enough to make this old man jealous.

The Lord of Swords had named his Majesty to Xiao Chen so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding between the two sides. Therefore, he was very clear about the identity of the Lord of Jinling. He arched his hand and said: "This seat is here to lead today. His Majesty the monk came to Heaven and Earth to lead the heaven and earth, the Lord of Jinling need not worry. "

Lead to Heaven and Earth?

The Lord of Jinling looked dull, so he suddenly looked up at the army of 20 thousand monks who stretched thousands of miles behind Xiao Chen, and sensed the breath that escaped from them. This weird face shuddered, "This ... these monks Today, I want to draw the lead of heaven and human? ”He has been stationed at Tianrentai for many years. The master of Jinling is very familiar with the breath of monks who understand his own way. Although he has just confirmed the doubt in his mouth after some induction, he is still subconscious. Ask.


It's too scary!

What is the origin of this disciple who is sitting on the master of Wan Jian? It can be cultivated in a short time. The limit of 10,000 crossings can lead to the monks who lead from heaven and heaven, and each of them is solidified, which is obviously a step. Cultivation comes step by step, by no means relying on certain secret techniques to forcibly improve cultivation to gain!

The idea of ​​the Lord of Jinling rolled quickly, Xiao Chen frowned slightly. "Why, what could be wrong with this?"

The Lord of Jinling shook his head again and again and said, "There is nothing wrong, nothing wrong, but the 20,000 monks at the same time lead to the lead of heaven and man. I am afraid that it will take countless time, and such a mighty action may cause unnecessary trouble. This block immediately asked Zongcheng to send more monks to maintain the order of Heaven and Earth. "

When Xiao Chen heard his words, his eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded.

The Lord of Jinling hurried to one side, took out a few jade bamboo slips, branded them into the information, raised his hands, and threw them, disappearing into the void in a flash.

After a while, the space on Tianrentai fluctuated, and the four figures directly tore the space. As the Lord of Swords, the left and right sides were the Lord of the Strategy, the Lord of the Sky, and the Lord of the Stars. The stranger appeared, and his eyes made contact with Xiao Chen, but the meaning was different.

The Lord of Swords is surprised and happy. The Lord of Heaven's Strategy is more equal to treat each other. The Lord of the Stars is a little bit more complaining. Only the eyes of the Lord of Heaven is the most complicated. Unwilling to share, extremely resentful.

However, Xiao Chen didn't say much about it this time, and saluted the four elders of the ethnic group.

"Well, this one is waiting today, and see who dares to give him thoughts about today's events." The Master of Wan Jian slowly said, "Xiao Chen, you have to arrange your monk to prepare for the lead of heaven and earth. Right. "

"The 2o million monks also lead the heavens and the heavens. If this can be done, you are afraid that Xiaofu will become the most noticeable place for the entire ethnic group and the entire spiritual world." In the talking, the old man laughed and laughed. There is no pride on the face.

Xiao Chen respectfully stated that he turned around and walked to the monk team of Xiao Fu 2o, and said lightly, "According to the previous division of the team, every 1ooo person, go to the heavenly platform, and lead the heavenly people."

"Now is the day when you wait for the penance and show your power to the whole spirit world, and when you show my momentum in Xiao House, remember to be careful not to let this seat down!"

The robe of Qingpao had his hands on his shoulders, stood on the clouds, and spoke faintly in the face of His Majesty ’s monk army.

"Yes, sir!" Monk Wan fell to her knees on one knee and promised suddenly. The next moment, the figure of 1ooo was wrapped in the envelope of Lu Guang, and went straight to the heavenly platform. Leading people!

The introduction of heaven and man is not a monk ’s calamity, but the award of heaven for the cultivation of breaking through its own limits and promotion of the heaven and human realm. Outsiders can still compete. Why should the monks lead the superposition of the awards of heaven together? It ’s just that most monks are very selfish, and it ’s not unprecedented for them to lead the heavens and the heavens together, but the metropolis has created gaps and even shots afterwards because of the uneven distribution of spiritual power. So today, the monks have led the heavens and the heavens. Do it alone, rarely willing to do it with others. What's more, thousands of monks such as Xiao Fuzhi also attracted the attention of heaven and man. If these methods are not careful, their monks may be incompatible.

The Lord of Swords frowned slightly, but at the moment he groaned slightly but did not speak. Xiao Chen's move may have his reason, and it is not too late to see how the results of the first wave of thousands of monks drew heaven.


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