Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 264: Calculate

At present, thousands of people have been introduced at the same time, and the heavenly rewards have been superimposed. In order to create more mixed spiritual power, the scope of this spiritual power tide will surely increase. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. The com is ten million miles, ten billion miles, one hundred million miles, and one billion billion miles. Although this is not really the sum of calculations, the thousands of monks in the Xiao House have also been cited by heaven and man. The scale and strength of it are still far from the imagination of any monk. Taking Tianrentai as the center, the entire ancestral city and even more and more extensive areas are wrapped up. Looking at the celestial platform outside the city, the mind was shocked that he had lost any speech ability.

The rumbling, the mighty horror, and the monks of the monks of Xiaofu collectively opened the curtain.

Since then, the whole ancestral city has been completely wrapped by the mighty spiritual tide. Although countless monks are already familiar with the scene before them, they are full of awe in the eyes of Tian. This move has made Xiao Fuzhi The name has risen completely, and it is widely recognized as a horrible gatekeeper with profound heritage and can even be compared with Yijia. On the 2nd day of the beginning of the Xiaofu Zhixiu, the master Xiao Chen of Xiaofu watched the energy tide of the sky and suddenly realized that he asked the Lord of the Swords and others to take care of Xiaofu's leading monk from heaven, and turned around and returned hurriedly The retreat could not come out, and ordered the non-mansion to live or die in the future. Never go to the mustard room to disturb. Although this matter attracted a lot of attention, after a while, the energy was moved to the heavenly platform again. After all, it was extremely difficult to keep people's attention.

After half a day, a monk covered in a black robe followed the flow of people and left the ancestral city. He set foot on the road leading to the northeast region. After leaving the city for tens of thousands of miles, the black robe monk stepped forward. The figure tears away in a moment, and the space disappears again. The next time it appears, it is already above the clouds. Looking away at the platform of the day, the black robe is put away, revealing one of the green robe and black-eyed monk.

This person is exactly Xiao Chen who claimed to be in retreat!

"Today's calculations, although a bit tedious, can make things better. Now leaving the ancestral city, they will not be noticed." Xiao Chen murmured in the mouth, "This time to the East Manchu, you need to cover up your identity and change your capacity. It may be dangerous to look ahead, but be careful. "

He slowly raised his voice while talking, and his eyes suddenly flashed a little arrogantly. "When I left the ancestral city today, we still need to be careful to hide the whereabouts. When others return to this seat, they will go straight and have the power of heaven. , The greatness of the spirit world, let me be free! "

With a wave of the robe sleeve, the robe of Qingpao turned suddenly, waved his hand to tear the space and walked into it.


Ancestral City, Elder's Hall.

The master of Hanlin sat on high, and at this moment slowly put down Jade Jane in his hands, and kneeled down on the ground. The monk slowly opened his mouth. "You have done a very good job, and you will be brought to the Lord of Swords by this good student training. It will take 10,000 years to become his confidant. "

"After this incident, the Lord of Swords will certainly be aware that you will not go back when you come out. This seat has prepared all the things you need. After you bring them, you will immediately go away, and you will never come back in your whole life. Now. "

A monk wearing a servant's gown was kneeling on the ground. At this moment, he said respectfully that he took the shot and took it into Yujian's hands, then turned and strode away. His life was given by the Yugong family, and his cultivation was also given by the Yugong family, so he became the most loyal spy and dead of the Yugong family, and was ordered to lurk on the side of the Lord of the Swords for thousands of years, Careful, we have today's status. But everything is false, so when facing the request of the Lord of Hanlin, he has no room for bargaining, and after finishing the account, it is already a great blessing to be able to retreat from the whole body.

Watching this jade palace leave with one of the deepest nails in his veins, the Lord of Hanlin frowned and waved slightly, and a dark shadow followed him silently.

There is no secret in this world that can be kept forever. Although the Lord of Hanlin does not doubt his loyalty, the dead can always be the most reassuring during a stable period.

"Xiao Chen, you thought you were trying to get away from the ancestral city, and this seat wouldn't be able to detect it at all?" The Lord of Hanlin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flickered with murder. "This seat used the dark chess under the cloth to capture The opportunity to kill you, this time the East Manchu and his party, this opportunity will not be spared. "

"The origin of thunder? Hum, let this seat push a hand slightly, without having to leave the ancestral city half a step, you can use the hands of others to make you come back."

In the low groan, the weird backhand took out a jade Jane with a simple style and a whole body of turquoise color. A dark channel, with gusts of wind overflowing from it, I do not know where to lead. And that jade simply disappeared into it, and the black hole formed by the collapse of this space disappeared under a shudder.

"Xiao Chen, wait for the great gift prepared for you, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

The sound of mad laughter echoed throughout the temple.


The dim palace, only a few lines on the wall are scattered with dim blood, which makes this dark place out of the sun a little more light, but it can only be dimly seen, it is not real .

A coffin was located in the center of the hall, and countless blood-colored silk threads tied it tightly like iron cables, spreading to the surroundings, and disappeared into the entire hall wall without seeing its final connection.

At this moment, blood flashed slightly in the corner of the temple, and a figure suddenly appeared here. He stepped straight to the coffin, stood a few feet away, frowned slightly, and said, "I have done my business. The news of the Seven Spirits and the Colorful Yinyang Flower has been returned to the Terran Territory through the Shangyuan Auction Hall, but are you sure that Xiao Chen will really come? "

It sounded very familiar at the moment.

"You can rest assured, with Xiao Chen's heart, if you know the news of the Seven Spirits and the Colorful Yin Yang Flower, you will definitely come here even if you know the danger. You and I will wait here for him to be hooked." The voice came out of the coffin, revealing a repressive decaying taste.



The top of the coffin slowly moved away from the other side, and a skinny palm leaned out of it, slowly falling down the edge of the coffin, and it seemed to be trying to get out of it with a little force, but at this moment the countless arrays on the surrounding temple body The road pattern suddenly became a masterpiece of blood, reflecting the whole hall, making it clear here.

This is a vast and incomparable palace. I am afraid that it is no less than tens of thousands of meters in size. I do not know how many years have passed. The blessing matrix method has gradually stopped because of spiritual loss, making the hall extremely shabby and terrible. The hall is extremely empty. In addition to the countless iron-closing town formations, there is only one dilapidated coffin that seems to have been dug out of the ground after being buried for countless years. Now the coffin cover is mostly opened. In the flash of Fa Xuemang, along the boneless palm, I immediately saw a horrible dry corpse in the coffin! It looks like an old corpse that has been dried for countless years. The body is dry and there are a few yellow hairs on the scalp close to the skull. A pair of red but with a weird luster. There is a creepy smile on the corner of the mouth, a broken The tattered armor was weird on this old corpse.

At the same time, under the shining of the method, the appearance of the monk who appeared before was also clearly clear. This person is actually the source of Yishen, and the front color calmly looked at the old corpse in the coffin, haunting that. The odor of the corpse between the nose and nose seemed to go unnoticed.


The formation burst, and the coffin seemed to be forcibly suppressed. The blood-colored lines flashed wildly, and the coffin was closed directly to seal the old body!

"Hey, now you can still seal this town for a while, but it won't be long before this seat can completely destroy you, and see how you can stop me!" The old corpse's cold laughter came from the coffin master, Howling like a ghost.

Yishenyuan frowned. "I will not talk too much if this is the case, but I also ask my predecessors to remember their promise and share the two of the four origins in Xiao Chen's body with me, otherwise you and I can stop cooperation." Yu Fengjian A touch of cold mang rolled.

"Huh! I have sworn with my corpse blood. If you are not a junior, what can I do!" There seems to be a little more anger in the voice of the old corpse, "4 sources you and I kill Xiao Chen each. Second, rest assured! "

Yishenyuan's eyes flickered, arching: "The junior did not doubt the senior's meaning, but just reminded the senior just in case, and also asked the senior not to get angry. The younger immediately set up the matrix to help the senior from here Get out of sleep. "

"Well, go." The voice of the old corpse in the coffin also eased.

Yi Shenyuan stepped back a few steps, I do not know what he used, a flash of light outside the body, the figure disappeared directly.

"If it weren't for this junior who still needs you, now you have been swallowed up as blood, but when the old man kills Xiao Chen to gain the source, you can go with him."

"If there are 4 origins, if this seat can be obtained, it will be able to become a great magician in the future, and even return to the peak state, reorganize the fragmented memory, know what the identity of this seat is, and where it comes from ..."

The voice gradually deepened, gradually disappeared into a calm disappear, and the whole hall died again.


The territories of human race are endless. Many monks may have traveled hundreds of millions of territories throughout their lives, but have never left the land of a state or county born. Those who dare to leave the ethnic territory at will must be cultivated as powerful and powerful people. rely.

In addition, people are powerful, and most of the surrounding ethnic groups are vassals of human races, or they are subservient to ethnic groups. They definitely dare not harm the monks. Therefore, the control of monks leaving the ethnic territories is not too strict. However, if you want to return, you need to go through rigorous investigation to make sure that there are no accidents before returning to the ethnic territory to prevent alien spies from entering the ethnic territory.

"All the queues are lined up. Once you get out of this gate and go one step further, you will leave our ethnic territories. The outside is not like someone in our city maintains order. You will lose your life if you are not careful."

"I didn't want to know what you did when you went out of customs, but I just wanted to remind you that if you want to come back alive, you need to be extra careful, otherwise you might be killed if you are killed."

At the gate of the city, a monk wearing a mail armor rode on some kind of strange beast. At this moment, his voice was deep and he drank, cooperating to make his whole body furious, but it made people's hearts stunned and felt a little more careful.

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