Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 448: Slaughter

On Jiu Xiaoyun, the monk Qingpao walked, his face was stunned, his eyes were cold.

Huangquan Da Mopan followed, and Huang Huanglingguang pervaded the whole sky, imprisoning the dead souls, floating fiercely and horribly.

In front of him, a monk in the celestial sphere was pale, and drove away from Yuguang. His eyes were filled with endless fear and fear!



It was the only thought in his mind.

However, at this moment, feeling the sudden appearance of breath behind him, the face of this monk in the cave heaven suddenly showed despair.

Xiao Chen's thoughts moved slightly, and Huang Quan's large grinding disc shot behind him, turning into a streamer and suddenly falling!


The tremor of the void shattered the monks of the Three Stone Realms directly, and the Yuan Shen was restrained and fell into the withered yellow light, becoming a member of many souls.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, without revealing any mood swings. He turned and walked in another direction. He seems to be unhappy, but has the power that ordinary people can't imagine. If you take one step, you can cross the endless space.

The Three Realms who fled in the assassinations are now being chased and killed by them.


Killing the blood monk monk in front of him, Xiao Chen lifted his eyes and looked at the end of the endless void, which is the treasure portal, and also the direction of the escape of Jelson, Montai and that cave Liu Huan. The Dongfeng is like breaking, the three kings of the sky and the floating king on the 6th can protect them from harm!

Hurrying in silence, they have exerted their power to the extreme, seeking the fastest escape!

Every moment behind them, there will be a wave of destruction. They are very familiar with this breath fluctuation. It is the Huangquan Grinding Disk controlled by Xiao Chen. Each shot represents the ridicule of a monk.

And they may be his next goal.

At the moment when death is coming, this torment is enough to cause people to collapse, and the more powerful monks, the less they want to die, not to mention the power ahead that can shelter them from surviving!

Maybe now, Lord Ogundo, they are already on the way to coping. As long as they persist for a while, they can escape to heaven and save their lives!

At this time, they had the strongest potential. But because of this, they would be more desperate after they sensed that the machine behind them was locked.

Obviously there is hope for survival, but they have to die. This desperation is a cruel means of giving vitality but chopping it.

Xiao Chen looked indifferent, without a little anxiety or guilt. He entered the shrine, unconsciously incurring any trouble, and grew up in persecution and forbearance. Today, everything is their fault!

Why need to be pitiful to kill.


A desperate roar emerged from Jellson's mouth, and his body of blood suddenly emerged, burning, turning into a powerful force, pouring into the body frantically, turning his figure into a blood red, soaring!

When the death threat came, the idea of ​​the monk ancient pole octagonist monk had reached the verge of collapse.

Mengtai gritted his teeth suddenly, and the sea of ​​blood was also ignited in the next instant. The powerful power exchanged in this way would cause horrible damage to them, and even cause irreparable damage, and repair it as a drop.

But these are no longer important between life and death, they just want to live!

Both Jelson and Montain turned into blood rainbows, and their degrees skyrocketed, leaving Liu Huan behind. The cave heaven concealed the monk who conspired to secretly conceive the ancient pole eight songs, his face paled instantly, his body was stiff, and an unwilling roar appeared in his mouth.


Huangquan's large grinding discs fell, and the monk in the cave heaven has always been known for his powerful flesh without any resistance. He was instantly smashed and stirred up by the **** rain. It has not dispersed under the decaying power of the withered yellow light, and it has disappeared into oblivion.

The monk of the ancient pole eight monk realm became the strongest one in Huangquan Da Mopan's suppression of the dead souls. After incorporating the withered yellow light, it actually increased its coverage again, and the sound of wailing and screaming soared, shaking the world!

Xiao Chen lifted up, looking at the two rainbows fleeing wildly to the sky, marching forward in silence.


Treasure entrance.

A blood-colored jade screamed from the sky, Augusto's face changed greatly, and his eyes showed an incredible color.

This jade Jane was used by His Majesty to protect his life, and it must not be used unless it is a matter of life and death.

What the **** happened!

Augusto stepped forward and directly took Jade Jane into his hands and into Yuan Shen, his body suddenly became trembling violently, a manic, overbearing breath emanated from his body, and the endless destruction was contained in the shock. power.

"Xiao Chen! My husband must kill you with my own hands!"

During the roar, the old stranger stepped forward, and the figure turned into a beam of blood.

Dongfeng's face changed greatly, and his heart suddenly developed an extremely unpleasant premonition, without any hesitation, immediately following Augusto.

The three kings of the heavens were gloomy and directly merged the three breaths, summoning the godlike figure of the man that day, they actually took the three of them and disappeared instantly.

Yangri Daojun looked dignified. "From the perspective of Augusto, he should have identified Xiao Chen's whereabouts, otherwise he would never leave."

"The situation right now means that there is no need to do anything." Yinyue Daojun frowned slightly.

"Let's go."

The two people burst out of the sun and the moon at the same time, perfectly integrated to form a boat, and whistled away.

"You leave the treasure space and wait outside."

"Yes, sir!" The monk Floating 6 said respectfully.


Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he slowly raised, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and it was cold, without any temperature.

Waited so long, you finally received the news, it's fine.

That being the case, enjoy the great gift prepared for you .. I hope you can afford it.

Looking at the two **** monks in front, since there is no value to use, naturally there is no need to continue.

One step forward, seemingly ordinary, but instantly crossed the endless space, appearing less than a hundred feet away from the two behind Jelson and Montaigne, the breath approaching suddenly made them look pale and despair in their eyes.

Just a little bit worse!

They had sensed the swift approach of Lord Ogundo!

But this slight difference is a double life and death!

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered sharply, Huang Quan's large grinding disc suddenly shot, cut through the space, crushed the two bodies, and directly detained the Yuanshen!

Being wounded in the body, burning the sea of ​​blood in exchange for strength, has put the two of them at the end of the crossbow, and it is naturally vulnerable under the Huangquan mill.

Xiao Chen easily killed them, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, feeling the swift approaching breath, a smile on the corner of his mouth grew heavier and he waited so long, finally arrived!

"Xiao Chen! The old man is going to kill you!" Augusto growled wildly, his blood flew into the sky like a demon!

Dongfeng Rubao, the three kings of the sky can clearly see where Xiao Chen is, and his eyes can't help turning instant red, and his mouth screams, "Xiao Chen, you must die today!"

At this moment, Yue Daojun, who is still floating on the 6th, hasn't arrived yet, but looking at Xiao Chen, his body couldn't help but startled, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something unimaginable.

Now they finally understood that Augusto would be so violent ...

Behind Xiao Chen, more than a hundred dead souls roared in the crackdown of Huang Quan's grindstone. Although their faces were distorted, it was not difficult to see their true identity.

Hellworld Frost, Jelson, Montai ... Floating 6 Realms ** Dongri, Changhe Minghui, Yilou Siyue ... Dongtianjie Liu Huan .. These dead souls are all three strong realms, none Escape alone, all here!

Use your own power to kill more than one hundred Realms!

What a horrible method!

However, if this is the case, it seems that today will be a deadly battle.

Yangri Daojun and Yinyue Daojun looked at each other with bitter mouth corners, but did not mean to shrink back.

The mission left by the ancestors, they have to complete at all costs, even if they are ridiculed here, they must keep Xiao Chen away safely.

But at this moment, without waiting for the two to take any action, a voice sounded directly in their ears, "You leave the treasure world at once, don't have any stay."

Xiao Chen's voice!

The two weirds carried up. Although Xiao Chen didn't look at them, he nodded slightly, apparently signalling to them.

The next moment, a giggling laugh came out of his mouth, and he single-handedly pulled forward fiercely, letting go for a moment, the horror split sky sharply burst into an instant, turned into a devastating blade, to Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, Dongtian Three King Severely cut off!

In the face of three to ancient monks, dare to take the lead, this courage, the world's largest, how many people have?


In the roar, Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, and the three kings of the sky shot at the same time, punching out in one punch, combining three ancient forces, the split-day front was strong, but it was still broken by life!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen looked pale, erecting his own light, and fled frantically to the depths of the treasure world. "Ha ha ha ha! Three old immortal, even if you want to kill me, Xiao will not be afraid of you!"

"You **** it!"

Ogudo chased wildly in the roar, Dongfeng Rubao, and the three kings of the sky didn't follow closely.

The strong in the Three Realms died and died, everything was worshipped by Xiao Chen. If they could not be killed, how could the three be willing!

Although I don't know by what means he can have the power of the ancient realm, but the three shot, he could not escape!

Yang Ri Dao Jun groaned a little, and said, "Let's go. Since Xiao Chen has spoken, obviously there is some secret reliance. He asked you and me to leave. Xu didn't want to hurt us by mistake."

"Big brother thinks, what card does he have? It can resist the pursuit of three to ancient monks." Yinyue Daojun whispered.

"I don't know, but he is the creator of miracles. Since he entered the Ares of War, but just over 300 years ago, have you ever thought that he can have the power to fight against the ancient power today! Perhaps today, he can do wonders as well. "

Yinyue Daojun nodded slowly, and the two glanced towards Xiao Chen's departure direction, turning and whistling away.


[Fifth more, thank you for your support! No matter you win or lose today, you and I have fought, and there will be no regrets! Lost this month, we start again in June! fighting! fighting! Dear friends, dare to fight! Pay tribute to the honor of the Great God, charge! See you tomorrow and start the prelude to the June battle, one day we will surely succeed! 】

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