Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 449: Dead world

But as they approached the exit of the treasure, they couldn't help but jump hard, and suddenly turned around, and saw the deep red space in the deep space of the treasure. Eight [One? Novel? Network W] W) W). } 81ZW. Com

The earth is trembling, the space is moaning and groaning, they are shrouded in a breath of destruction!

"Come on!"

Yangri Daojun growled wildly in the mouth, and the two went all out to stimulate the mana, soaring, and headed for the treasure exit.

And at this moment, the crimson sky suddenly collapsed.

It is not a collapse in a simple sense, but a complete destruction. There is no power to blast out, but a horrible devouring force comes, just like an open monster giant mouth, devouring everything that can be devoured!

Even if the distance is endless, the sun-ridden prince and the yin-moon priest can still feel the power of the devouring force, and they are still skyrocketing at an alarming degree!

The entire space starts to collapse from the core, spreads madly to the surroundings, and becomes faster and faster. Everything that falls into it will be torn into pieces by this destructive force.

call out!

The sun, the moon and the moon didn't even dare to look back, and went directly into the entrance of the treasure that seemed to disappear at any time, leaving the treasure space.

"Follow us!"

The monks of the floating world are unknown, but they can perceive the panic and fear of the two adults. If they can make the adults behave like this, it must be a terrible thing. They dare not have any delay, and they hurriedly control Lu Guang to leave.

After the monks in the floating world left for a few breaths, the treasure portal disappeared, and the entire treasure space completely collapsed! Although a layer of space is isolated, they can also vaguely sense the terrifying atmosphere that emanates from it.

This power is enough to easily wipe out everyone!

Yang Ri Daojun looked pale, "to cause the space to collapse, and all go together .. Is this his method?"

"Besides that, he has no way to resist the three ancient forces. But I don't think he has been ridiculed, maybe he has survived in a way we don't know." Yinyue Daojun said in a deep voice.

"Do you think he can survive?"



"Because he is the one chosen by the ancestors!"

Yang Ri Dao Jun was silent, and nodded after a while, and said, "Maybe you are right, but we can't wait here, we must leave here immediately. The collapse of the treasure space may lead to a series of dangers .. if he is serious Undead, there will be a day of meeting in the Temple of War. "


Taking Sun and Moon Daojun as the monk, the six monks of the floating world drove Jiguang and whistled towards the vast and chaotic realm.


The blood-colored sky, the deadly big six, the howling winds, rolled up the gray and black dirt, and turned it into a huge wave of dust.

The rich and almost solid blood evil spirit fills the void. This is the evolution of the essence and blood when the powerful creature falls. The stronger the faller, the greater the number, the richer the blood evil spirit.

Looking at the immeasurable dead space, I don't know how many powerful creatures have died, to form such terrible blood evil, and dye the sky to the red color.

This is the palace of the dead, the forbidden area of ​​souls!

But at this moment, in this gray world, a crack suddenly appeared, accompanied by the horrible destructive force of destruction, like a tide, overflowing frantically to the surroundings, crushing the black earth, will The strong wind dispelled together.

A black stone was interspersed in this wave of energy, followed by the wave, and fell on the ground.

After a while, the force raging out of the crack gradually weakened, and it was completely restored during the space creep, and everything was calm.


Left eyebrow dojo.

Xiao Chen was pale, observing the outside world through the dojo restraint, and could not help but frown slightly.

After a while, it was determined that no crisis had occurred, and then he was relieved and groaned a little, and said, "All of you can step back and do whatever you want. This seat will naturally call you out if you need it."

"Yes, sir!"

The six leaders respectfully saluted and slowly stepped back a few steps before turning around and striding away.

Xiao Chen kept silent, and a moment of coldness appeared in the corners of his mouth.

He has a dojo in his hand, but he can safely escape from the collapse and destruction of space. The three kings of Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, and Dongtian obviously don't have such a life-saving card. Now they are afraid that they have fallen under the raging space tearing power.

Treasure space, Xiao Chen introduced Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, Dongtian three kings into the depths, in order to leave them all.

The blood debt between the two sides is dripping, and it is already an endless relationship. At the same time, he will naturally not be half-hearted.

Although the support of the source of the world is lost, the stability of the treasure space should not collapse without warning, but it must be forgotten that the source of the world is in Xiao Chen's body. When he senses the dynamics of the entire space through this object, Already faint, with the power fluctuations of the source of the world, he can instantly trigger the collapse of space.

It is precisely because of this that when hunting down the Three Realms, he kept Jelson and Montaign at the end in order to draw Ogudo and others with them.

On the day of Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, and the three kings of the sky, menacing menacing forces, trying to kill Xiao Chen and venting his anger, I am afraid that he did not think of this. Until Xiao Chen spurred the space to collapse, the three old faces showed despair and fear.

Especially watching Xiao Chen's aura flash into the dojo, it made them resentful and unwilling to die!

How powerful the Sangu Ancient Realm is, Xiao Chen is indeed not an opponent, but in this way, he buried the three in the treasure space.

Although he has the protection of the dojo, he can withstand the destructive force of space collapse and annihilation, but under the impact of this force, he also loses control and grasp of it, and can only follow the wave of energy in the wave of energy, along the torn The gap in space falls into this weird space.

This area, in the eyes of Xiao Chen, has a lot of familiarity. The strange and solitary world connected by the Jijia Xuansha Realm is quite similar, both of which are like battlefields after the catastrophe.

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and slowly shook his head.

Nowadays, regardless of the outside world, there is the dojo guardianship, and safety is not a concern for the time being. If you want to do something, you need to heal your internal injuries.

He resisted the killing of Augusto, Dongfeng Rubao, and Dongtian Three Kings, and even though he blindly seduced them deeply and never faced each other, he suffered severe injuries.

Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the figure appeared directly in the secret training room. He sat cross-legged in the Ascension Lingyuan array, swallowed several Lingdan, and began to retreat and recuperate.

This time the injury was very serious, but it was not without its benefits. His experience of fighting with the monks in the ancient realm gave him a very precise grasp of his cultivation. The mystery of the stone tower combat skills also gave him a bit of self-awareness. .

The reason why the stone tower warfare is so powerful is that the endless power of the bearer is due to the existence of regular lines, which can excite powerful power.

Xiao Chen can touch the ruled lines, so he also secretly envisioned that with the ruled lines as a support, can he create his own magical power?

Naturally, this can be achieved, but if we really want to put it into practice, we still need to explore it.

In silence, fourteen years passed away between fingers.

The ascension of the ascending spirit array ceases to operate, and the pure spiritual power like the thick fog is absorbed by the whale, exposing the repair of the blue robe in the formation method. At this moment, the eyes suddenly open, the light flashes, and then returns to calm.

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly. "The injury has recovered and we should find a way to leave here."

After a moment of hesitation, he stepped forward and disappeared.

In the desolate and desolate world, the aura of light flashed, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly. The aura of light propped up a layer of shield outside the room, so that the surrounding three-square-square space was within the envelope, covering the wind and sand.

Reaching out to collect the dojo, Xiao Chen took out Liuguang Tongtianshou backhand, and then looked up to the surrounding area.

The wind was blowing and the wind was blowing in the sand, and the gray area could not be seen clearly. Even with his eyesight, he could not see beyond ten feet.

Slightly frowning, God came out of his body and swept away.

After a moment, his eyes opened and his face didn't feel a little gloomy.

This deadly world is filled with a certain **** evil spirit, with a strong corrosion and dissolving power, even if the consciousness enters it, it is not immune. Fortunately, Xiao Chen's pale golden Yuanshen has enough magical powers, and the consciousness can be barely corroded, but also under the strong suppression force, which can only cover the area of ​​a hundred miles.

Xiao Chen lifted and looked at the gray sky in front of him. The space crack was here when he came, and it has now disappeared.

Maybe he can re-open the cracks in the space and leave ..

Anyway, since this is possible, always try it out.

Xiao Chen stepped back and raised a finger, Huang Quan Da Mo Pan suddenly appeared, mixed with terrorist forces, and crashed into the void.

The turbulent force wave is raging and tumultuous, but the space asks the silk wave, and it does not even produce the speckled ripple .. The degree of stability of the space here has reached an astonishing level.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly heavy. It seemed that this idea would not work. Now I can only go deeper here and find other ways to leave.

He has practiced so many times that he is on the verge of desperation, and the powerful mind he forged from death to death will naturally not collapse because of the predicament in front of him.

Even if it is really desperate, he still has to make a jump with his fist!

Xiao Chen lifted up, discerned his position a little bit, took the next step, and drove away Wuguang.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, with a low hum in his mouth, and his back hand went straight and shot!

It was at this moment that a dark shadow emerged and met Xiao Chen in the palm of his hand.

Although this object was extremely fast, it was repelled in an instant, Xiao Chen still saw the figure clearly!

Broken armor, dried purple body, valgus wounds, sharp-toothed claws, paired with those red eyes, like a dead body buried deep in the ground for many years, make people giddy.

Old corpse!

Xiao Chen didn't see this kind of thing for the first time. In the early years of the Moruo Jie Medicine Garden, there were 108 dead stone towers with old corpses sealed inside.

Ascend to the spirit realm, in the territory of Wu Yuan, the old corpse strongman who escaped from the dead city.

The third time is now.

The breath between these three is very similar, even if they are not from the same source, they must have a very close relationship.


[The first change, I'm sorry everyone, I slept too late last night, I have a headache after getting up, the code is very slow, the first change today! Last month's battle has ended, but the real battle has just begun! Every month in the future will be a battlefield, and in May we lose, we still have opportunities! Starting today, monthly passes are over 1o, and a chapter will be added the next day, no time limit! Fight, brothers, all the buns can do is try to update the codewords. All you can do is give me the greatest support! In June, the war officially started! 】

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