Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1001: :chain

Long quinoa was shocked by the magic of life configuration. When I first saw it, I was completely forgotten.

How can someone who can perform such mysterious magic not be Asra?

He has been in contact with Xiahe for a long time, and has seen Xiahe cast magic. This time, he feels that Asla is much stronger than before, and the magic is in the same line, which can't deceive people.

Phase Frost Dragon Shield is the classic magic of the Duke of Asla, and the core secret is unknown. Even if this magic is reduced to a magic circle, it can be stimulated on the magic armor, and no magician can crack it.

As a creator, Xiahe can change this magic and make numerous corrections.

The long quinoa can see that this magic can't be displayed by others absolutely.

What makes him somewhat afraid is that the phase of the Frost Dragon Shield, the shield attack released, is a warrior skill. A legendary warrior can use this skill to repel even a tank with a weight of more than a dozen tons.

I have long heard that the Duke has advanced magic, and it looks right.

Long quinoa in a plain white robe, after coming out, invisible in the alley, disappeared. The guard of the Duke's Mansion, who followed, had no choice but to turn around and report back.

Life constructs: "I know, it doesn't matter."

The guard hesitated and said nothing in the end. He wanted to persuade the Duke to kill the **** stick. Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with the temple now.

But the Duke seemed to use the magic stick. He was just a guard, and it was not good to say too much.

Watching the guards leave, life configuration contacted Xiahe.

"Well done, it's right to scare him." Xiahe was on Xiacheng's side, encouraging himself to build.

"But the assassins sneaking in are really troublesome. There are more than a dozen, and no specific location can be found."

Xiahe Road: "It was a short time for the construction of Little Sun City, and it was not perfect. Regarding the assassin, you can rest assured to Andusias, as long as the assassin appears, he can clean it up."


"The rescue will continue. I have collected all the money from the imperial nobles. Besides, we have no plans to act."

"I made the airship fully operational, but the people here are too scattered, unlike Rhode Island, if Rhode Island encounters this kind of thing, it would be good to send the people from the village directly to the city, It wo n’t take much time. "

In Rhode Island, 80% of people live in cities, and most of them live in big cities.

Xiahe has done nothing else in recent years. It is for people in the territory to study. There are a lot of institutions set up under the college. The people read and literate, develop life skills, combat skills, and select talents. Asla College is doing.

Otherwise, he dare not say that the entire empire, the people in his own territory, have the highest literacy rate.

Except for being too old, or babies, they are basically literate.

"No way, on the ground, did tank troops increase?"

"Increased, but the tank is not very good against the devil."


"If you get close to the devil, the devil has many ways to open the metal shell of the chariot. As long as the robots and soldiers disappear around the chariot, the chariot can't deal with the devil at all."

"What about the flying devil?"

"That's okay, the flying ability is not comparable to our flying warship, not even the six-pointed star airship, nor the old-fashioned flying warship."

Xiahe nodded and said, "You continue to deal with it yourself. I already know everything about the long quinoa, don't worry. This guy, this time, I came to see me specifically, to deliver this news, I hope I can help, clean up The believer of the god. "

"Do you help him?"

"Well, pass the information to the princess, and let the empire know that the world is turbulent because of such a **** and believers."

"If you don't say ..."

"Why don't you say it's right, it's okay to sell soul shards to Chang Chen, but we'll keep some of our own."

"it is good."

Xiahe and Life Construction soon finished, and Life Construction contacted Princess Angelina.

Princess Angelina heard the information and immediately called a meeting.

The princess's flagship is still very scary. Even from Xiahe's perspective, this battleship is also a huge war monster.

More than 500 meters long, driven by 18 magic furnaces, usually three are enough. When needed, only three spares are left. When fifteen magic furnaces are opened, the battleship can run faster on the water than the chariot. More, it will fly away.

Naturally, the defense also uses magical means. There are scale armor similar to the star warships, and space technology is used.

In fact, in the world of science and technology, it is quite difficult to come up with space technology, and the consumption is large. The magic world is different. Although it is also difficult, the consumption is much smaller.

Princess Angelina opened the meeting room to communicate with the House of Lords. The huge mast of the battleship is the magic transmission device, which is similar to the magic tower.

In addition to the House of Lords and Lords, all major aristocratic territories were summoned by the magic circle to initiate communication.

Princess Angelina sat in the center of the meeting room and read the information given by Xia He from beginning to end.

"The gods were blocked, a new **** appeared, with the invasion of strangers, and our world was messed up. The empire could not tolerate this matter. I hope everyone will do their utmost to capture these evil gods from other circles Believers. The Duke Asra has captured some and created recognition magic. Although it cannot be perfect, most believers of evil gods can be detected. "

Muses burst into tears, yes, for the most part, but he would not be detected, and some of his men would not.

The invasion plan of the Lord God has begun. The biggest trouble is not to be discovered, but he is afraid that the Lord God will give him tasks, such as killing Princess Angelina and the like.

Then he can't do it, let alone Princess Angelina's fighting power, over the royal mage, the strong are like clouds, let him go to assassinate? Guaranteed to go back and forth.

Or let him do something else and use up all the money he has accumulated over the years.

I already knew that I would n’t have fallen so deep. I came here this time and ran to the princess.

The nobles have promised and said they will contact the Duke of Asla.

Princess Angelina said: "No, the Duke has contributed to the magic circle, and it will not be sold. Everyone can get it, free of charge."

The scene was strangely quiet, and everyone knew that Asla would take out everything and sell it.

This time, is it because I just received the donation, I'm sorry?

It stands to reason, no.

"The Duke means that our empire does its own thing, only destroying the believer of the evil **** within the territory, but do n’t leave the empire, the green forest, the gods, the magicians should not help. So everyone wants Oath, don't spread this thing. "

The nobles can also understand that Asra is a pure magician, and it is natural to hate gods.

"The Duke will also publish a series of magic, which is aimed at gods and believers. This part is to collect money, but compared to other magic, it is more than half cheaper, mainly because the Duke studied these magics based on the souls of devils and invested A lot of manpower and resources. "

Everyone thinks that there may be no nutrition in the back.

Princess Angelina suddenly turned her head and said, "After the Empire has attacked the half-elves, sooner or later it is going to fight against the green forest, so the Duke Asra does not want the learning cost of these magics to be so high. They are also sold at half price. "

"The half-elf empire, we know that there is a **** of elves, new, but weak, and then the goddess of forest and spring. It is said that the goddess of the moon has a tendency to resurrect, but they are all sealed and unable to support the half-elves. Originally I plan to take it slowly, but the appearance of evil spirits is not a good sign. He is the only **** in the world who can communicate with believers, so I will speed up and increase the strength against the half-elves. "

The nobles said in heart, you have mobilized five million people, how can you increase your strength?

"I hope everyone, mobilize the alien army, enter the main world, and fight against the half-elf empire. I promise that the royal family only needs half-elf king city and the surrounding five hundred miles of land, and the rest, everyone will try to divide up."

The princess's words caused a thousand waves, and the royal family had said similar things before, but it was based on their own skills. Everyone felt that they could not argue. Now the princess said that as long as the land near the half-elf king city. The rest, everyone?

Most people think they have heard it wrong.

Princess Angelina said: "Guarding the empire is the responsibility of the royal family. Can we not see the crisis in the empire now? Can we not see the evil spirits invasion? We need the entire Bingfeng 6 and no more enemies. Let the outside army come over, one is In order to eliminate the half-elves, the other is to target the possible evil spirits. "

"His Royal Highness, the devil who invaded the territory of the Duke of Asla, wouldn't that also be the evil spirit?"

"Possibly, the nobles of the North have not been so courageous."

"I agree."





All the nobles, one after another, expressed their willingness to come from outside the army. This may make the nobles hurt, but in order to divide the half-elf empire, everyone will endure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Regarding the robot warriors, the royal family will sell it as usual, but it may be limited to family units. You do n’t have to worry, the alchemy factory of the King of Snowvis can also produce robots in large quantities. In addition, the robot of the Duke of Aslah, although unable to use magic muskets, has excellent melee ability, and is still very useful for dealing with half-elves. "

Princess Angelina started to sell, because the biggest problem of the foreign army is that there is no assistance from robots.

If we rely solely on humans to fight hard, the loss will certainly not be small.

Even if the robots are allowed to fight on their own, it is better than without them.

Xiahe was in Xiacheng and listened to the whole process of the meeting. During this process, people were constantly contacting the life equipment to order weapons and robots.

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