Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1002: : Endless war (1)

It turns out that everyone likes to order robots from the royal family, that is because they want to expand their main army to ensure that funds and combat power are in place.

And this time, if you attack the half-elf empire and mobilize the alien army, there may be a lot of cannon fodder.

Duke of Asla's robot, when the cannon fodder is better and cheaper, there is a plasma gun in melee, which is huge.

Regarding the weapons and equipment of the Duke, it has always been of quality assurance and good versatility. Technological muskets are not powerful, but it is still possible to kill half-elves.

Xiahe here, seeing the rapid increase of orders, everyone is very tacit, and they have not negotiated because of the large number of orders, which is the normal price to buy.

Xiahe also received a lot of drawings. Some big nobles themselves also produce weapons. Their weapons are all special. When placing an order here, some drawings will be added.

It is not only Xiahe that has an alchemy factory in the world. If it is not closed by the Ninth College, he will not have so many orders.

The noble's own alchemy factory is only small in scale, and it is not cost-effective to produce a large number of weapons and equipment.

Life was already very busy. Now I have to contact the nobility and finalize the details with the magician of the other party. I have to let Ulysses also participate to help solve the drawing problem.

Then, on Rhode Island, on the New World side, the alchemy plant started operating at full speed, producing the materials on the order.

To tell the truth, Xiahe really didn't care about how much money he could make from these materials. But this is tantamount to others taking money to make his factory run, which can increase the proficiency of his workers.

A large number of magicians returned to the alchemy factory. It is conceivable that during this period, many people's professional levels will rapidly increase, and many people will open their career paths.

Xiahe's alchemy factory has large-scale collection equipment, which can record the activities of all professionals here, including the soul. All data will be absorbed by the computing center such as Huowa-1.

One day sooner or later, this kind of computing center can replace humans and control the alchemy factory.

In other words, when the data is collected to a certain extent, Xiahe can guarantee automated production. For this purpose, he doesn't need to make money.

For this, Xiahe also purchased drawings of the royal family and produced royal robots.

But he signed an agreement, only in this war, to provide special robots for the nobility, will be produced, when the war is over, the drawing agreement is invalid, the Duke will not continue to produce royal robots.

Moreover, the Xiahe side only replaces royal production and does not directly deal with nobles. The production price is naturally lower. For experience, Xiahe does not matter.

Actually, the price of robots is not low, but considering that there are transportation costs, Xiahe does not earn much.

Like in the New World, the Tiantian Tower is okay, and the Demon Worm Forest is also ok, but Blue Moon and Chiyang City are geographically remote, so they have to use large airships to transport robots, pack them on the western coast, and send them to Bingfeng Mainland . The cost of this part will be high and the profit will be very low.

After leaving the quinoa, it no longer appeared in Bingfeng, as if it had completely disappeared.

However, his information has far-reaching influence.

The arcane empire was in full operation, and a large number of foreign legions were sent to the main world. By the end of the year, tens of millions of troops had entered the semi-elven empire, attacking from north to south.

The Xiahe side also relaxed, and a total of ten legions gathered on the mainland's territory and launched a fight against the devil.

Small Sun City has also formed a large-scale alchemy factory. Robots are continuously produced. It almost makes people forget that this is a magical world.

Because the resources of the New World are too rich, many steel veins are almost bare on the ground, and the mining cost is low.

The advantages of scientific and technological weapons will be brought into play. As long as there is a pipeline, there will be a steady flow of energy.

Xiahe also realized the power of hell. Because the wear of the robot was too large, the alchemy factory began to produce simpler robots as cannon fodder, which only mounted simple plasma guns, and then equipped with an electric chain-type war knife.

Every day, thousands of robots are worn out, parts are dragged back and sent to the factory.

If you just rely on the appointment to pile up, at least the mainland territory can no longer support it.

The devil is in the north, madly impacting Little Sun City, and the town outside, changing hands several times. The devil is much stronger than those demons, at least in terms of wisdom.

At the very beginning, the technology musket caused great trouble to the devil. Later, the devil invented a new devil pattern, which can effectively defend against technological weapons. Therefore, in the later period, the robots only used plasma weapons, regardless of whether they were in close or close combat. In this way, the long-distance attack distance of the robot is only 50 meters, and the pressure of the human shooter is too much.

What surprised Xiahe was that the nobles gave the second batch of support because of the difficulty of fighting the war.

A coalition of 120,000 people entered the territory of the duke of the mainland.

Xiahe is not understaffed, only that he does not want to fight too easily. In fact, as long as a few demigods can sweep the devil, the problem is that after this demigod is exposed, things will move in an unpredictable direction.

Everyone still supports him now, because the prince is not strong enough.

Xia He is very clear about the delicate relationship.

He has a lot of powerful legends, all of which are pinned by the devil's strongman. The war is still contested on the strength below the epic, before it seems to be glued.

The Devil's Legion, no one has reached the level of the demigod, otherwise Xiahe alone can solve the problem if he does not care about the interior of the empire.

The demigod may also be besieged to death, but he will not.

Was originally supported by a small nobility. Now in Xiahe territory, the strength of other nobles has reached as much as 200,000.

Also has the advantage that some medium-sized cities do not need Xiahe's people to guard. So there are more than 200,000 field forces to actively attack and destroy the devil.

In the northwestern part, outside a medium-sized city, the human army is ready to go.

Brigade as the scale, with the tank squadron as the core, toward the north, a team of 500 people quickly left. This was a battalion attack. In the north, in a small town, about 40,000 demons appeared.

These demons, in a huge formation, seem to summon **** creatures out.

This is absolutely intolerable for the duke.

"I don't know when this war will be a leader." On the wooden horse, a soldier was a little depressed.

"Andrews, it is dangerous to talk like this." The captain sneered coldly in front.

"Captain, he is from a different world, and may be unable to withstand the pressure." The soldiers next to him quickly said peace. This is a new battalion extended by the Changling Corps, which has absorbed some foreign troops.

"Stress, everyone. If you can't bear it, I will introduce you to the medical mage, you can take a temporary leave."

"No, captain, don't drive me away!" Andrews was scared.

"Either rush you, or go to treatment, do psychological assessment, heal, and come back."

"I don't mean that, I just think that the war doesn't seem to end. The number of demons, at first it was more than one million, now it is more than five million, and there may be more."

"So the Changling Legion was expanded, and you are all recruits like you," the captain said.

Ashamed, he is a first-level swordsman. In his world, becoming a professional is a great glory. However, after coming to the main world, a first-level professional is just a soldier.

Professionals are very low-level troops to be a treasure.

The army of this level of the Changling Corps can speak when marching, of course, depending on the rank of the march. A few of them spoke, and no robots reported it.

Non-combat, not quarreling, it doesn't matter what you say. Anyway, riding a Trojan, not much physical exertion.

"Just fight well, save your merits, and exchange for learning opportunities. You, an outsider who is already a professional, can grow at a faster rate after learning something from the main world. If you exceed level 5, you will have outstanding performance. It will definitely become the backbone of the legion. When the time comes, you will have discounts for buying books, as well as learning things, and you can make loans. "


"Yeah, the swordsman skills, someone taught you specifically, it is not opened at will."

"No one told me!" Andrews was surprised, in his world, after the pros advanced, what skills they learned were random. In the main world, can you choose?

"You're only at level one, early, at level four, a magician will come to you and ask if you want to become a full member of the legion. If you are willing, you will be given the opportunity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let You take the initiative to open up professional skills, which is a key training. If you refuse, it will increase your salary, but when the war is over, you will be sent back to your world. "

Andrews looked at his squad leader. The squad leader was a tenth-level fighter. He was so strong that he had an indescribable awe. This kind of professional is only a small captain.

Of course, this is not a common phenomenon. In fact, the tenth level can actually be the captain.

Outstanding commanding ability, it is not impossible to be a captain. Anyway, the size of the brigade, the core combat capability, is the Master Squadron, which has little to do with the captain.

"Andrews, tell you, the Changling Legion is not the main force."


"Small Sun City, there is a main army, the fourth city defense army. The captain there may not be as high as me, but when I fight, I will definitely die. But the Changling Army is already good, the Duke invested There is a lot of money, you have to work hard. One day, we may enter the main army. "

Andrews touched the mane of the Trojan, and there was an indescribable sense of disillusionment in his heart, about the world he was originally from.

The main world, everything is so powerful.

If his world suffers from the invasion of the devil, it may have fallen? On the Duke's side, he repeatedly sent troops to suppress and suppress the formation of the Devil's Legion.

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