Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1005: : Ease

Under the siege of the powerful legendary devil, hundreds of robots, it soon fell apart.

The battalion will take a soul bead and put it on the devil's head to let the soul bead absorb itself. At the same time he used an identification scroll. This thing is not valuable, and Xiahe is not something of the main god, so the appraisal price is set very low.

"Hahaha! I killed a 60th-level devil!" Ying Jiang laughed wildly, and his face was much better than before. I didn't know whether it was because of excitement or taking medicine.

His brigade came up, and his men couldn't help complaining.

"Master, what are you doing so hard?"

"How to do it without desperation, the enemy is the devil!"

"I mean ... Alas, forget it, you can know what it says."

"Know what you know, and be afraid of it. Asla himself let me be a battalion, and it wasn't me who begged him. Don't you mean that this is Asla's war, isn't it mine? But don't you forget By the way, the devil did not appear in Rhode Island, but in our hometown. Asla, he is an occupier, what about? If it were not the construction borrowed from him today, I would n’t win at all! "

The battalion pointed at the battlefield excitedly and said, "I dispatched 5,000 people, but there are so many robots, do you think it's worthless? If we rely on our 5,000 people, can we win over 10,000 demons? "

The following people confessed that they did not win. They were all ready to die.

"More than two hundred artillery, I brought all that I could bring out of the city. I brought it out. Duke Asra, let me have nothing to say, do you know how much these cannons cost, if I run away, he will also Feeling meat pain. "

"This guy!" Medirley raised her eyebrows.

"It's okay, it's a meticulous person, and I want to be better with Zhesu's people."

"Don't say this, you see, this devil has level 60. I'm only level 45. I construct level 40. The level of the devil is calculated according to the theory of parallel space, which is level 50. I won. Yes, I won! "

Xia He also smiled and said: "Before the artillery bombarded and bombed, this devil was unlucky and was hit by a bomb. He was not injured, but the consumption was not small, otherwise he would have to thank hard to win."

"The devil's soul is dull, it should not be adapted to this world." Being able to be blown up by artillery is an incredible thing for level 60 creatures.

Xia He was very pleased, and finally Medirelli began to think about these seemingly inconspicuous things.

"Yeah, so next, we may go to different worlds, to understand the question of what the soul should do under different laws."


"Construction of life, and Anduzias, can suppress the situation."

"Whether with or without Smith?"

"Of course we have to bring it. Let's go to the outside world first, and then find a parallel space. We all feel it."

Xiahe is going to experience in another world, actually for both Medierly and Smith, he has already experienced it himself. When the master was still there, he took him to various alien worlds, the strongest of which was the broken abyss, the world where Andusias was.

Xiahe's soul is stable, and almost no one can affect his soul, at least not one higher than him. Like now, ordinary gods have no choice but to take him.

Long quinoa went to find a life construct, and Xia He realized that in the short term, there would not be too much change in the main world. Then, in the next period of time, just let the two students learn more.

Although these two are sword repairs, Xiahe devoted a lot of effort.

And his identity in Taixian Xianfu is his ancestor. Freya often comes to the world of Taiyin Xianfu. Whatever comes is to create a phantom of Xiahe and preach on the spot.

All Taoists know that their ancestors are working hard in the main world, and at the same time, they are nourishing the Taiyin Xianfu World, trying to evolve the Taiyin Xianfu World into the main world and replace it.

Therefore, Xiahe's status is still very stable in his own door, and the Taoists also hold their feet, collect resources, and upgrade the level of the world of Taiyin Xianfu.

Therefore, both sides of Xiahe had no worries, and they had the idea of ​​going out for adventure.

As long as the things needed for the Star Wars, especially the parts that Xiahe needs to personally refine, have already been done, other things can be done over Kirishima.

Like the world of the Taiyin Xianfu world, in addition to the Tao Palace, human power is beginning to take shape.

The whole imitated the world of Shenzhou, the country name is Xia.

Xiahe is temporarily the first emperor, and is in fact the highest military chief of the Xia Empire. However, the Xia Empire had no foreign enemies, only four legions. These four legions are carefully selected.

Unlike the main world, the four legions of the Xia empire were all flying in spaceships and proceeding to the nearby star field. There are space battles, and there are also battles on harsh planets.

In general, although the four legions of the Xia Empire lacked actual combat, they were not weak at all.

The harsh environment they faced during the exercise was more difficult than any expedition.

Xiahe is planning to let life construct in the future and temporarily go to the Xia Empire to support it, so that he will not be an emperor. The Xia Empire also has a parliament, but not a parliamentary system, but a civic parliamentary system.

On the other side of the Parliament, the army is not controlled, and the army is controlled by the royal family. This is the model of Shenzhou.

Anyway, the significance of the empire to the existence of Taoists is to continuously provide high-quality talents, transport them into the Taoist palace, train more outstanding Taoists, and spread and promote the civilization of Taoism.

Only when a sufficient number of Taoist priests exist will Daomen flourish, and there will be a lot of shocking and brilliant immortals.

This is the same as the world of technology.

In the world of science and technology, only when the population base is large enough will there be many big scientists.

The great scientist is the same as the Daomen fairy in the world of science and technology, and has a guiding role. Therefore, the relationship between ordinary people and Taoists, Xiahe is also very clear.

Nine Avenue Palace is because of this prosperity.

In the universe, there are many gates like ox hair, and it is almost unique to grow to such an extent as the Jiu Avenue Palace.

Xia He said to leave, called Smith, and the three of them left quietly with Medierly.

Life is informed, crying and laughing, okay, although my soul is not complete, it is not a human, but how to say it is also high-level wisdom, to deal with the current scene, and it will not be out of the basket for a year and a half.

At the beginning of the year, the war of the semi-elven empire fell into the quagmire, but on the Xiahe side, in the territory of the empire, it was Lien Chan and Lian Jie.

All the demons have been compressed into a region by his army, which is more than 300 miles away.

The core of the space is a singularity, and the continuous devil behind it is killed from hell.

However, the deployment of the Changling Corps and the secondary Corps has been completed, and the devil's army is surrounded by gun towers. Various artillery has restricted the pace of the devil.

The countless assaults, all covered by artillery fire, fought annihilation.

Magic cannon, magic ballista, technology artillery.

Either way, the destructive power to the devil is huge. What makes the devil even more annoying is that in the sky, those flying warships are flying too fast, and the legendary strongman in the devil cannot catch up.

The number of legends among humans is also too much.

With the progress of the war, many humans in the epic realm are in the war, and the advanced is a legend, and the legend has grown into a stronger legend. There are more than 20 people with a level of more than 60.

War is a catalyst. Although the number of legendary strongmen of other forces is also increasing, like Xiahe, it is relatively rare for people to make rapid progress.

In fact, there is no particular reason.

Xiahe taught those who could be cultivated a Taoist improved breathing method instead of other cultivation methods, and then gave higher-level Lingmi and Lingquan every day. The effect is not as fast as Princess Angelina's use of soul liquid, but this method has a low cost and can increase the upper limit of the practitioner, while eliminating many thresholds in practice.

Xiahe resources, in fact, are spent a lot on the cultivation of these spiritual rice.

Anyway, there is a starry sky worm, and the chaff of Lingmi can also be recycled. The cost is really not high. But if there is no star worm, it is two different things.

Overall, Xiahe really supported the Duke's collar.

However, the selection of Xiahe is still very strict. Soul identification and soul binding are only eligible to consume higher-level spirit rice. There are many levels of spirit rice. In addition to different varieties, there will be deviations in the planting process. The quality of the same batch of spirit rice is different, and they need to be screened with spells to separate the levels.

The best Lingmi is for Taoists between Tier 6 and Tier 9, which is the best food before becoming immortal.

Then there is the first to fifth order. This part of Lingmi is also carefully selected.

Before the first level, each grade of Lingmi was clearly divided, from one grade to nine grades, corresponding to nine grades of Taoism.

As for Lingquan, it is also brewed by Lingmi, which is usually used for cultivation or healing, not wine, but more complicated Taoist craftsmanship.

The leftovers from these high-level spirit rice will be collected and mixed in ordinary spirit rice, which is the food for ordinary soldiers.

Don't think that ordinary spirit rice is not good, if Xiahe is open for sale, even the Royal Magician will rush.

As long as it's not too expensive ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No one would dislike this kind of food that can improve physical fitness.

Ordinary Lingmi rice has low requirements for planting and consumes less energy, making it easier to promote. With long-term consumption, the soldier's qualifications will also be improved, and there will be no disease, the endurance will become stronger, and the body's self-healing ability will be better.

If you consider the impact on the next generation, the value of this Lingmi is even more immense.

In the Shenzhou Empire, Lingmi was the ordinary food of citizens.

The Changling Corps, because of its many military achievements, has also recently released Lingmi, which will gradually be included in Xiahe's core forces.

When the situation was good, Rhode Island and Sith suddenly announced that they would hold a weapons exhibition.


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