Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1003: : Endless war (2)

On the side of life configuration, among the repeated information, a computing center filtered and screened him, and he saw the dialogue above.

Recently, many new recruits have joined, and similarly, many people are saying.

The war will never end, and naturally people will get bored.

But are you okay if you do n’t hit?

The captain said to Andrews again: "If you fail, the devil will track the space coordinates and invade all the worlds related to the main world. Your hometown is also inevitable. We are soldiers and we have to guard Own land. "

"Soldier, don't you just fight?"

"The Changling Legion did not do that. The Duke allowed us not to leave our homeland. Going to fight elsewhere, it was the Expeditionary Army. If you like, you can go to the Expeditionary Army."


"Go fight in another world, the sea of ​​stars."

"Anyone who likes war?"

"War is an unavoidable thing. I have a wife and children at home, and I will not go to the expeditionary force."

"Captain, you are a family!"

"Nonsense, I'm in my early thirties. What happened to my family?"

"It looks ... not that old."

"Become a professional early, but the qualifications are not good, and later joined the Duke side, accumulated some merit, upgraded the level, and also learned the method of saving vitality, it looks a lot younger. Our occupations of illegal departments, Preserving vitality, it looks young, unlike a mage, it does not show itself externally. "

"Hey, our mage, don't like the old look, okay?" A team next to it happened to be the caster squad. The captain came over and retorted.

Suddenly an alarm came from the air, and the precision shooter and the magician all took off their muskets alertly.

However, the alarm was short and the level was not high. After a few minutes of silence, the alarm was lifted.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Andrews, the recruit, asked again.

"Maybe the flying devil, or the legendary devil, was beaten back."

"Let's camp, I heard that there are four legends."

"Six, not classified."

"This time, there are eight legendary demons on the opposite side, but don't worry, the leader of the legion has approved four legendary outfits. The high-level combat power is still our advantage."

"Legendary construction!" Andrews feels dizzy. In his world, the most powerful magician occupies a large island. It is said that there is a legendary construction in his magic tower.

Because of that configuration, he is invincible.

In this world, the head of the Changling Corps approved four legends at once.

The team continued north, and occasionally someone would whisper a whisper, and some people would communicate normally, just like Andrews. Most people move in silence.

Some veterans of the Changling Corps even sat on a wooden horse to sleep.

No matter how cheap or low-level the Trojan is, it is also a configuration. It has a balancing function. This function can cooperate with the occupants. In other words, you really fell asleep on the horse, because it was supported by armor, so you would not fall.

The veteran also has the ability to not panic when he hears an alarm during light sleep, but will enter a combat state in about five seconds.

This is the time when the big corps fights. If it is a small-scale operation, the veterans will not do this.

There are a large number of reconnaissance units on the periphery of the large combat team, and the enemy will not rush to the front immediately. Five seconds have already allowed.

The most urgent alarms are usually ten seconds apart.

Andrews envied the skills of those veterans, but he did not dare to fall asleep directly. The Trojan wobbled, although theoretically stable, he could not sleep.

The northern town, with three battalions in each direction, is slowly approaching.

The Changling Regiment is only one of them. In the west, it is an aristocratic army of foreigners. There is a battalion, which is only in cooperation with the Snowvis Army from the north.

There was a battalion in Snowvis, who had just finished the war in the north, turned back, and received information. He greeted a noble battalion and formed a siege with the Changling Army.

The battle broke out early, and the striker encountered a devil army of more than 2,000 people when the town was more than fifty miles away.

The neat-looking devil troops, armed with steel forks, spears, and tomahawks, rushed towards a brigade of the Changling Regiment.

This was an ambush. When the two sides approached two miles, the Changling Corps discovered the enemy.

It was discovered by the legendary mage. The mage released a meteorite without hesitation.

The sky was torn apart by red claws, and hundreds of small meteorites burned and hit the ground.

Above the devil's army, weird six-pointed stars flew, trying to block the meteorite, but the chariot in the rear fired, the shells flew against the ground, and drove directly into the devil's team.


The white light is the color when the flash dust is filled.

The injured devil endured the pain and tried to continue the charge, but he quickly rolled to the ground. This dust makes their breathing unsustainable.

The six-pointed stars shattered one by one, the devil shouted sharply, trying to interfere with the soul of the human mage.

Most of the meteorites still fell, hit the ground, hit the devil's head, and hit the devil's chariot.

The devil has a chariot and is huge, but it is not made of steel. It looks like it is made from the carapace of some creature.

"The robot blocks the enemy and shoots in a single shot!"

The commander of the brigade gave orders on the communication channel, and part of the two-winged robots rushed forward. These robots withdrew their large shields from the wooden horse and stood on the ground.

The devil doesn't need bows and arrows, they have javelins that throw more than 100 meters away.

The precision shooter, the Magnet Master, launched a blow to the devil who was near, and the magic projectile was still unsolvable. The devil was shot one after another, unable to rely on their powerful melee ability to attack humans.

All attacks occurred at a distance of 500 meters. One wave of meteorite and two waves of shelling have destroyed more than 800 demons. Despite the ears, this devil army was still stunned.

The enemy's weapon is farther than the javelin, and its power is similar to the javelin. This is the feeling of the elven shooter.

They have conquered the world of elves, and those high-level shooters make the devil fear.

To rush over, as long as you rush over, everything is over!

The devil gritted his teeth, staring at the magic projectile's attack and rushed forward.

The robot lifted its shield and greeted it at a regular pace. Five hundred meters, four hundred meters, three hundred meters ...

At a distance of one hundred and fifty meters, the robot suddenly increased its speed and rushed forward. The devil's javelin fell like rain.


Some javelins were inserted into the shield, and some penetrated the shield directly and plunged into the body of the robot. The robot waved the shield calmly, and the javelin could not hit the point.

After a round of attack, the distance between the two sides was close to fifty meters.

The plasma gun gleamed with dazzling light, and the chariot in the back fired two more rounds of attack, with a mess in front.

Andrews in the second sequence of squadrons, before they were in contact, saw a violent explosion in the distance, and a sky of magical glory.

The magician also shot, the killing effect of magic is far above the magic projectile.

Extreme cold storm!

An epic mage released the magic forcefully, followed by more than two hundred demons, who felt the spread of coolness, and the armor on his body was suddenly frozen. The wind blew into the crevices of the armor, making them stiff and slightly numb.

Purgatory Dragon Scroll!

A devil roared, his body flew, and **** spell was released towards the front.

Dispel, dispel, disperse, dispel ...

A large number of magic net masters have released a dispeller designed by Xiahe. This dispel skill level is not high, but the effect under the legend is very ideal, as long as the number is sufficient, the chance of effect is very high.

The tornado had just formed, and it was scattered.


At the back of the team, a modular tower robot, with a mutant sitting on his shoulders, blasted the devil's face with a five-meter magic gun.

Half of the devil's brain flew up, and the sharp long horns arced in the air, with the brain, rolling and disappearing into the wind.

"Great!" A young soldier, next to the modular tower, raised his thumb towards the mutant.

The mutant lowered his head and smiled at the young soldier.

"Assault! Assault!"

In the sound of the command, a squadron of cavalry, separated on the flanks, charged towards the already chaotic devil.

The squadron leader raised his spear and shouted: "Asla!"

All the iron horses re-ridden and followed the roar.

Fifty heavy ride, light blue ripples on his body, connected into a piece, the squadron captain rejoiced, spearheaded into the formation of hundreds of demons.

Scattered limbs, the blade on the spear, with a magical edge, swept forward.

The iron horse can only charge five times in a row. This time, he has n’t brought out the robot cavalry yet. There are really only fifty people, so the squadron leader stimulates the battle song and the magic weapon attributes.

In an instant, more than four hundred devil armies were punctured by cavalry.

Some of those demons stood up, almost as tall as cavalry on horses, but they were still swept away. The spear has the effects of cutting, tearing, repelling, etc. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The devil's army has collapsed, and the remaining hundreds of devil run around.

They have never seen such a powerful legion, human beings, can directly attack their heavy armored infantry.

The devil also has a devilish spirit similar to that of a war spirit. The devil of the warrior type, waving his arms, heaves a catty. However, those metal mounts weighed several tons and accelerated in an instant. Even if they were not swept by a rifle and hit by an iron horse, the devil would fracture his bones.

More than a dozen combat mages flew slowly at this time, and the magic wings behind them slowly waved, and at the same time raised the special magic gun in their hands to attack the fastest devil.

The battalion of the core brigade, at this time, ordered the follow-up brigade to follow up and pursue a twenty-mile hunt.


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