Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1004: : Miscellaneous battles

Andrews was full of blood, and his team urged the Trojans, and in a blink of an eye, bypassed the forward team and rushed to the front.

However, at the forefront, what he saw disappointed him.

The sparse devil fled on all sides, dragging half of his legs with several serious injuries, and blood shed all over his back.

"Slow down the speed!" The captain ordered, everyone slowed down, raised the magic musket, and the surrounding robots also raised the plasma gun.


The projectile blasted out and felt the same as the illusion training. Andrews's arm shuddered, but the whole trembling process was maintained at an angle. At the moment of the attack, the muzzle did not jump, and the subsequent jump seemed to be delayed by half a second.

The magic pattern on the armor was rippling, and his arm was slightly sour, and then returned to normal.

The arm returns to normal, the magic musket has cooled down, and the next attack can be issued at any time. The magic musket is filled with projectiles, and the weapons on the Changling legion can hold twelve.

It is not allowed to send lightly, but must aim at the target. If it is released, it will damage the military calculation.

The waste of projectiles is also a violation of military law.

After chasing the deserters, these soldiers will naturally not mess up their positions, adjust them, and issue a second attack. The robots swarmed up, and the electromagnetic sword struggled to chop without beauty.

However, the robot's electronic eye can see the target's weakness, and with a sword, the devil either breaks his hand or breaks his foot.

There are also robots, who simply use electric motors to wield the hammers, and come close to them.

Behind the battalion, observe the battlefield, the chase within twenty miles, the devil is almost cleared, and the dead are not dead, most of them are wounded and cannot run fast.

The legendary wizards collect the devil's souls everywhere. These parallel space souls are not high-level, and no separate soul beads are needed.

The situation on the battlefield is transmitted layer by layer, and the life configuration can be seen, as can Xiahe.

Such large-scale group operations, various configurations, and robots are themselves information collectors, which are relatively easy. If there is only one team fighting in the remote wilderness, you will have to use Fire Crow One, and Xiahe will find it too expensive.

It's not that people who don't have a lot of lives are worthless, but the cost of information itself and how to bear it.

Medirelli is back, and the practice of the seabed seems to her to be of great benefit. She stands behind Xiahe, watching Xiahe while refining items, while paying attention to more than a dozen pictures.

"Teacher, why should you pay attention? Just look at the war report, there is a crisis, there are emergency measures below, we are so far away, it is too late to catch up."

"This is spiritual practice, look at these ordinary people, how hard they are to survive."

"You can practice by other methods."

"Medi Li, we, are not a species with these people, but our origin is no different from these people. Look at them more, don't forget that we are human."

"How could it be forgotten?"

"Because one day, when you think the gods are just like that, you will really forget it." Xiahe sighed, Jiu Avenue Palace was okay, and there were three thousand gates.

Forgetting the feeling of transformation that I used to be a human being, I thought I could dominate everything, including fate.

It was only an instant, thousands of years of practice, and it was destroyed.

"I shouldn't, I still think that the gods are just that ..."

"Oh, I forgot, your soul has been baptized by Thunder. But look at it and see that there is no harm. These things sometimes make you confused, not."

"Then look at it." Medieri's eyes fell on a picture.

On the battlefield, a human army is bombarding the devil's infantry with heavy artillery. This was the half-battalion's strength, not the Changling Corps, but a later-formed army composed of old troops from the Duke of Zhesu.

Less magic equipment, less magicians, personal combat effectiveness is not bad.

However, this battalion has good intelligence. The flying robots and airships are used to investigate. The computing center is used to calculate the time and position of the devil's army camp and arrange artillery positions in advance.

The only magicians are used as hidden positions.

Then divided half a battalion, garnished behind that devil's army. After attracting the attention of the half-battalion, the devil's army set up a cautious camp and divided a force to contain the force of the half-battalion.

Half a battalion concealed in magic disguise immediately fired artillery fire. Tens of thousands of demons flew under the heavy artillery. This is not a war at all, but a massacre.

In the first batch of shells, half of the special shells with flashing dust were mixed, and the entire devil camp was shrouded in silver.

"Have the information, so powerful!"

Seeing this miscellaneous army, Medieri immediately launched an attack, charging both the north and south. The artillery cannot blow up these demons.

"That must be rich. He used more than two hundred artillery pieces. The army around him can use less artillery pieces. This is our army. In a medium-sized city, there are three hundred artillery pieces. You know, not all technological weapons are cheap, this kind of artillery is very expensive. "

"There are obviously more powerful weapons ..."

"It can't be used, it's really dangerous." Xia He also sighed.

Science and technology weapons, as he knows, can be very powerful, at least under the legend can be crushed and beaten. However, one is the problem of law, which makes it difficult to manufacture high-tech weapons in this world, and the cost remains high. The other is, why did he make such a thing?

He has a small population. After it was created, others would learn it. With population as the advantage, it would be particularly easy to attack his territory.

The gun fired by this kind of charge is the pinnacle of a stage. The barrel life is very high, there is no residue of propellant, easy maintenance, the attack distance is more than twenty miles, the accuracy is extremely high, powerful, anyway, the epic master is wearing magic If you do n’t hold on for a long time, you will definitely be killed.

In this army of demons, there are even legends, but they have not been bombed.

There is only one legend in the mixed army, not a mage.

The battalion of this battalion was observing the battlefield nervously, fearing that the legend in the devil's army would be killed. He applied for a legendary configuration, but only had level 40, and he had no idea.

"You see, this is the difference between the main force and the miscellaneous cards. He has control over intelligence and he has no idea. This devil army, in its early 10,000s, is a legendary devil, fighting head-on, and the devil is not his opponent. Legendary construction, I was still a little scared. "Xia He said to Medicil.

"But he is brave!"

Medirelli pointed to the picture, and the camp would release a legendary atmosphere, attracting the legendary devil.

The legend of the army that had been blown up flew angrily, and the wings behind them spread out, over twenty meters in length. The battalion stepped forward, holding a war knife, leaped into the air, and rushed to the devil.


With a cut, the devil released a cloud of smoke, and the long knife seemed to be cut in cotton.

On the ground, a flash of electricity flashed by, and the legend constructed a lightning ice cone, hitting the devil's ass. This is legendary magic, and the devil is covered with a layer of frost and snow. The worst part is that an ice cone is inserted in the buttocks.

"Construct magic and accumulate power. If the mage, the accumulative damage to the body is quite large, and the configuration can avoid this shortcoming."

"I know, it's just feeling, such an attack, it's disgusting." Mediel replied.


On the battle battalion of the camp, the golden light was shining like a lot of jagged teeth, shattering the smoke, and a trace of panic appeared on the devil's blue face.

The battalion will sprint forward, the ice cone on the devil's **** shatters, and at the same time the tail flicks, and the sharp end of the spear pierces the camp's nose.

This time it felt faster than the lightning ice cone launched, as if it had already been on the route, just waiting for the battalion to hit it.

"Cut down!" The battalion will ignore that tail, and the war sword will be turned into a light wheel, with a golden half-point, slashing forward forward, and it will be the same posture as the opponent.

The devil sneered, I do n’t believe it. Are you willing to die with me?


The devil's face was hit by a long knife, and his tail was stabbed on a token. The token shattered in a blink of an eye, and the figure of the battalion flew back, spitting blood.

"Hahahaha!" The battalion laughed happily, and the structure on the ground fired an ice cone again, hitting the devil's **** again. This time, blood came out behind the devil's ass.

Bang ...

I don't know how many magic rifles sounded, covering the devil's figure. Most of the muskets failed to break the defense, only a deep pit was formed on the surface of the devil's skin, and then was bounced away.

However, there were six magic projectiles that penetrated into the devil's body, turned into finely divided metal, and spun madly, making several big holes in the devil's body.

The battalion will land, swallow a pill, and look up at the devil, saying, "The robot goes up and kills him!"

The legendary devil has already been hit hard, and the attack power is absolutely intact, but the battalion will be cautious.

Hundreds of robots rushed to the falling devil, the plasma flashed in their hands, and the warhammer flew.

They are the body of steel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fearless, if the legendary devil has not been hit hard, they can be pulled away with one tail. But the devastated devils, the roots of the tail, were really frozen this time.


The devil's fingers and claws smashed a robot. The devil looked at the flying metal parts and stunned.

Zizi ...

The plasma flickered, the smell of burning scorch filled, and the devil rolled on the ground, ignoring the injuries in the body, moving like lightning. A robot rushed up and hugged him. The devil shook his body and wanted to shatter the robot. However, the battery in the robot's body instantly exploded and changed some parts of the robot.

The whole robot turned into a soft metal torture tool, which stuck his body.


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