Daomen Invasion

Chapter 102: :escort

Xiahe blessed Medierli with a sense of sharing, and took her into the mist of death.

After the two master-level mercenaries fled, the remaining mercenaries were elite, but there was no magician. A dragon's heavy blow would make them dizzy, and the electric chain that followed was a spur.

Mercenaries are far too big compared to the real army.

Xiahe didn't do it again this time, and Medelly produced a sword beside him, one sword at a time, stabbing the giant stone mercenary to death.

In the mist, Lynch cut off with a sword, and his breath was furious and scattered.

The dragon slammed him back, and the electric chain did not attack him, but he could not see who was approaching.

Xiahe put up Asra and cut the devil's mallet, blocking the sword, saying, "Lynch, this is Asla."

"It's you!" Lynch closed the sword, still alert, perceiving to glance around.

"There are no more enemies." Xiahe said, several hundred meters away, there were two screams, followed by fierce explosions, and sharp weapons breaking into the air.

The Silver Demon attack was successful, and the masters of the two giant stone mercenary regiments could not escape.

Xiahe dispersed the mist of death, his wand glowed white, warm and not dazzling. Lynch saw Xiahe's face and fell straight back.

Irene screamed in the distance, and Xiahe's hands slowly held Lynch's back, letting him lie on the ground.

"He is too tired." Xiahe said, took a bottle, poured out two pills, one of them was stuck in Lynch's mouth, and Lynch was not comatose, and swallowed the pill hard. The other one was thrown to Irene.

Medi Li looked coldly, Irene took the medicine, and put it in her mouth without checking.

Is okay, it is worth a trip from the Lord.

Under the ficus ficus, the raindrops were sparse, and Xiahe dragged Lynch under the tree trunk. The battle in the distance continued, and the Silver Demon didn't want to lose anything, so he slowly used magic to kill the enemy's power.

"Asla, you're here." Irene sat on the ground, feeling that her whole body was hurting, but was very sleepy and wanted to sleep.

"You won't tell me, this time I used prophecy again."

Eilen had a strange expression and said, "The prophecy did guide me to this place, but I didn't say it was you."

Xiahe looked up and down at the Lord of the Dawn's Lord, Irene was a little uncomfortable. Asla's eyes became very aggressive, unlike when he first met him, so gentle.

"There are not many people in the mercenary group who dare to deal with the clergy. The background of the giant stone mercenary group is not strong enough. Erin, you tell me, what are they for?"

Lin Qi struggled a few times and was held by Irene. She looked calm and said to Xiahe: "The two of us said separately."

The sound of the battle in the distance is getting smaller and smaller. The Silver Demon has dealt with an enemy, and the battle will soon end. Xia He glanced at Medillary and said, "You are on guard, don't let Lynch hurt." . "

Irene stood up, turned to a tree, and Xiahe followed, and the four element digital cards suspended around his body gave off a pale white radiance. The figures of the two disappeared completely in the radiance, and the voice and breath were completely destroyed. Isolated.

"The process can be said slowly in the future, let's talk about the reason directly." Xiahe was a little worried, in addition to the giant stone mercenary group, there will be other people.

"After teleporting to Dragon Island, I and Lynch got a few things, two of them were related to the gods, one was eaten by me, and the other was this." Irene also concealed Xia He and took it from the space equipment A stone with a diameter of more than one meter. The stone is black and heavy, carved into the shape of jade bi.

There is no jade in this world, or we should describe it with weird wheels.

The stone has been cracked and divided into thirteen pieces of different sizes. The pattern above seems to be refined from the inside, it feels smooth and moist.

"Good thing! Can you give it to me?"

Aileen froze for a moment, then said: "God did not say that this thing is to be sacrificed. If you like it, give it to you."

"It's not an artifact, it's not a divine personality, and it doesn't have divine power, but it contains the authority of God. I have only heard of this thing, and I haven't seen any real thing yet. But Irene, they are not chasing this thing, I am afraid you are? Xiahe put away this thing easily, this time the harvest was too great.

This stone wall contains powerful laws, and when the gods are asleep, the power that escapes is condensed.

Go back and give it to Freya. Since then, Freya will no longer have to consider the issue of the power of incense. This stone wall is enough for her to achieve the righteousness. In this way, you have the power to cultivate a second god.

"Yeah, I swallowed that thing and fully integrated with myself. They want to catch me, but they are afraid of self-destruction. So they slowly persecute and want to catch Lynch to threaten me." Irene still Simple, but already know a lot of truth. This time she was involved in Lynch, but Lynch was still willing to die with her.

Asra saved Lynch, no matter how precious the stone was, she was willing to give it to the magician.

Talking about Asra appearing here is definitely not an accident. Irene knew that she had to pay enough to make herself and Lynch live.

"The power of the Light God cannot be extended to the Dragon Island? Who hired the Boulder Mercenary Corps?"

"There are too many temples in the southern part of the mainland, and I can't judge." Irene replied quietly.

"What are you going to do?"

Xiahe didn't know how to help Irene anymore, and it was not safe to take her back to the storm corner, it might even destroy her plan. It's hard to say if the goddess of wealth sees Irene, will she be tempted.

There is also Bloody Mary, and he is not an opponent.

Ai Lin's current value is definitely indescribable, and he is not tempted, because he knows how dangerous the Lord Dawn is. However, there are too many people willing to take risks, humble people, even willing to kill for a piece of bread.

The Boulder Mercenary Corps was stupid and could not stand the temptation to chase Irene. Even if you don't do it yourself, the Temple of Dawn will definitely send the entire mercenary regiment to **** in the future.

Chasing and killing the beloved? This mercenary regiment is crazy, thinking that the deep south, the temple will have no choice.

"Asla, I want a boat."

Xiahe frowned, and he said to Irene: "I don't have time to **** you, I have to go back as soon as possible."

"As long as there is a boat, the temple has sent three saints to the north of Dragon Island."

"Three saints?"

"After we left the green forest, a lot of things happened. His Majesty the Pope personally shot. The two legendary legends of the sword and the rose mercenary regiment died under the great prophecy, and their lives were exhausted and entered a state of survivorship."

Xiahe was not surprised at all. The power of the world, if he dared to get entangled in the war between the gods, would inevitably suffer the most fierce revenge. What about the two old legends?

"Guangmingshan took the opportunity to attack the Temple of Dawn, and was completely defeated by the Three Saints."

"Is that three sets of armor?"


Xiahe was horrified, but the master of the morning light step by step layout, the pope showed the last heat, and then arranged the three saints to take charge in the temple. This one after another arrangement has enhanced the majesty of the Lord of Dawn, the God of Light has been suppressed, and the strength of the world has been cut a lot.

I really should n’t be here, but if I knew I would get what I wanted, why did n’t I come?

Man is a dead bird for food, and he is no exception.

"Okay, then I'll take you to the northern part of Dragon Island." Xiahe took the opportunity to make a decisive decision. If it wasn't for returning to the green forest, thousands of miles of sea road would not take much time.

"Thank you so much, Asla, how can I repay you?" Irene lowered her eyelids, timidly.

This is not pretending to be pure. It is really that Asla changed his temperament too much, making her a little uncomfortable.

"Can I ask someone for a morning gold coin?"

Aileen was stunned for a moment. She had only one morning gold coin left, but after she went back, she could always get a new one. It's just that this one has been carried around with me, and some are reluctant.

"Don't you have one? You keep this one and give away another one." Irene still took the gold coins and put them in Xiahe's palm.

"Why?" Xiahe didn't understand the difference.

"This one is my own. If one day, you come to me with this gold coin, I will do anything and anything for you."

Xiahe got it, I collected the Irene's morning gold coin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seriously said: "Relax, I keep this gold coin by myself, and I won't show it to anyone."

In fact, another gold coin is still hanging on Freya's neck, shouldn't she be so stingy?

Xiahe intends to give the dawn gold coins to Abigail in exchange for a help from the goddess of wealth.

Lynch recovered very fast. He was not in a hurry to see Asra and Irene talking. After standing up, he put the single-edged sword back into his waist and thanked Medieri.

Medi Li snorted, it was a reply.

Of course she can see the relationship between the female priest and the magic swordsman. The female priest is very powerful and has a strong qualification. It may be a legend within ten years. But Lynch, she didn't see any advantages.

Lynch didn't mind either. The Silver Demon appeared with two dead men, and he thanked him enthusiastically.

"Lin Qi, let's go." Xiahe and Irene turned out from behind the tree and said to the magic sword warrior.

Lin Qi's face was hard to look at, and his body was already very weak. Xiahe gave him very good medicine, and his injuries were very fast, but because of this, the consumption of physical energy was also huge.

"What about your skeleton warhorse?"

"Destroyed." Lynch sighed.

"Then use my mount." Xiahe took the seal stone and handed it to Lynch: "Send you."

Lynch was a little ashamed, but he wanted to repay Asra, he had a way, so he took the seal stone, released the shadow wolf, and sat back and forth with Irene.

"Silver demon, we go back the same way and double the speed."

"Yes." Silver Demon glanced at Irene, and he dared not look at it again. He is a magician, he knows more, and when he sees the sign of the Lord of Dawn, he has decided to keep silent.

Lynch took a huge poncho out of his ring and wrapped him and Irene together.

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