Daomen Invasion

Chapter 103: : Former friends

Leaving the area covered by the Devil Banyan, the rain suddenly became heavy.

Silver Demon slowed down and wanted to say something, Xiahe said: "You keep 60% of the loot and give them two of the four ingredients."

There is no dissatisfaction in the Silver Devil's heart, if in the internal distribution of Bloody Mary, the proportion of the Master is more, but half of it needs to be turned in.

The shadow wolf walked in the center of the team, this time the silver demon was at the forefront of the team, after Xiahe and Medirelli broke off.

The ghost was left in the forest of the Devil Banyan by Xiahe. Its life was not much. The owner left it here. The ghost was hidden in the canopy, staring at the battlefield that was barely cleaned.

Its combat effectiveness is not strong, and life is only a short day.

From the essence of life, it is also a god, but it is too fragile. When the master leaves, he will never meet again. The little devil does not have much sorrow. It uses both hands and feet, holding the branch tightly, and doing the last thing in life.

"Adult, will there be any danger?" Medierli followed Xia He closely to distinguish the lord's emotions.

"Of course there will be, but what do you observe me doing?" Medirley's investigation did not mean anything at all.

"Your breath, your footsteps, I feel ..."

"More like a warrior?"

"Yes, more like a warrior." Medieri replied softly, the rain on her body, all spurted backwards, no trace of water stains on her face, a small face was clean.

"Do you want to learn swordsmanship with me seriously?"

"I don't know ... what do you want."

"I want you to be my sword until the day I can't grasp you." The magician's voice knocked word by word in Medierli's heart.

"If your world is too small, I will leave."

"Relax, it will be bigger than you think." Xiahe rejoiced in his heart, and Medierly agreed. She can't be a Taoist, but she can do sword training!

The team's speed was doubled compared to when it came, and soon returned to the camp. Xiahe finally sensed an imp, but still no new enemies appeared. Xiahe did not immediately wake up the soldiers to leave, and before entering the rainforest, Irene and Lynch were found, at least three days ahead of schedule.

Lynch and Irene are very tired and have injuries. Xiahe took them both into their magic tent and let the two people rest and heal in the tent. There were four people in the magic tent.

Linqi hesitated for a while and directly chose to upgrade. His injuries were suppressed, and if he was not treated completely, his attributes would be lost. Only when Xiahe saw a flash of light on his body, his injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the momentum of his body climbed more and more. In a blink of an eye, he broke through the level 20 level.

Eileen has been surprised, she and Lin Qi have been living together along the way. Life and death battles have gone through hundreds of battles. Every time Lynch seems to be dying, the results of the injury in the process of upgrading.

Since God did n’t say it was wrong, that ’s normal.

Xiahe was also the first to witness the escalation of the Son of Law. Instead of spying on himself, he let the little ghost curled up in the corner observe in secret, silently writing down the characteristics of the escalation of the Son of Law.

Eileen took the medicine given by Xiahe, and her spirit quickly recovered, and she began to release the magic art to heal herself.

Eileen is already at level 18. For a child who walks on earth, the speed is not fast. So in Xiahe's eyes, Irene's foundation is still solid, far from reaching the level of pulling seedlings.

Medi Li did not care about the two friends of Lord Lord. She whispered to Xiahe and asked what she did not understand.

Xiahe hunted the magician this time, almost in a straight line with Huang Long, and took a straight route. After the past, the magician was killed on the spot as if there was no strategy.

It was because of this that Medieli felt incredible.

Xiahe guided her patiently, how to communicate with the imp, how to find the magician through the details on the battlefield, without revealing herself. How to deceive each other's eyes and intuition, how to break out the most powerful attack.

Xiahe is not talking about swordsmanship, but about the art of warfare. Medelly listened to the joy, holding the long sword and eager to try.

"Give you more time to use your heart to experience."

"Okay." Medieri resisted the urge to try the sword and sat on the ground to start thinking.

"Asla, come here." Irene greeted Xiahe at the other end of the magic tent.

Medi Li frowned, stood up next to Xiahe, and walked to the other end of the tent. When she got up, she sensed Xiahe's emotions and found that Xiahe had no objection and took her naturally. Then he was right, and Lord Lord was somewhat helpless to these two friends.

"This is my knight, Medirelli? Xia." Xia He took the initiative to introduce Irene and Lynch.

Medi Li also did not salute, standing proudly beside Xiahe with arrogance between her eyebrows.

"Hello, this is Irene."

"I am Lynch, friend of Asra."

Medi Li nodded slightly, and it was an answer.

"Medi Li, I plan to send them to the north of Dragon Island, we happen to have a boat."

"Master, Lord Stormwind, there are things waiting for you to go back to deal with." Medirelli looked a little bad, staring at Irene and Lynch fiercely.

Xiahe made a contemplative look, he was willing to help Lynch, even if he was the son of the law, but did not want to have anything to do with Irene. Irene is still an innocent girl, only her man and gods in her heart.

But when she transformed, she would immediately become a character like Pope Chenxi.

Such a person cannot make evil or make good friends.

Become an enemy and die quickly, become friends, and may not be able to live long.

"Asla, you are the lord!" Aileen gave Xiahe a congratulatory look.

"Yeah, the emperor's ambassador, we will arrive at Storm Point in the next two days." Xiahe said helplessly.

"Lin Qi, it seems that we are not preparing for the gift?"

"What a gift, I am already very happy to see you guys."

"How do you do that?" Lynch took a large roll of Warcraft leather from his ring and placed it in front of Xiahe. "Luck this time, I found a piece of dragon skin and it was alive."

Xiahe didn't intend to ask for it, but when he received Shibi, he had already paid two people to the north.

But this dragon belt is active and can make a better set of leather armor for Ovilla, able to withstand her transformation skills. This kind of thing is purely encounterable but unrequestable. In terms of attributes, it may not be top-notch, but the whole world is not much.

"I have collected the things, I just need them." Xiahe was also welcome.

"I still have a lot of gains here, if you can exchange anything with me, I will exchange it for you." Lynch said to Xiahe Road.

"Okay, but I only have gold coins in my hands."

"Adult!" Mediel's face was as cold as frost.

Xia He laughed and said, "This must be done. Irene is the lord of the Lord of Dawn, and I cannot afford to lose it. And I just sent them to the port with the battleship, and I immediately turned around, and when the time came, let the Silver Devils Take someone to escort, and you and I will immediately return to Storm Point. "

"It will take two days to delay."

"Linchi, you really are too. What's the surname of Medieri?" Irene reminded.

Lynch suddenly realized that this powerful girl swordsman had the same surname as Asla, that is the closest knight, just like a family.

He immediately took out a long sword and pushed it in front of Medirelli, saying: "I was rude, this is for you."

"Medi Li, take it." Xia He saw that she wanted to refuse, and quickly uttered a reminder. This long sword is amazing. If Xiahe is Jianxiu, he wants to get it immediately.

The son of the law is really weird, is it not possible to get the weapons of this world?

Medi Li is already learning how to feel the intention of Lord Lord. After hearing this, she silently received the sword.

Then she watched the lord really trade with that Lynch, both sides did not bargain, and they all looked very happy. She did n’t know that Lynch would suffer a lot if he used the loot as points, but his things were not easy to sell. He would give Xiahe some cheaper shots and exchange real gold coins.

Medi Li no longer objected, the atmosphere calmed down. Xia He talked to the two people about the adventure together, and they were all filled with emotion.

"The two of you ..." Said for a while, Xiahe originally wanted to let the two people rest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let's go on the road later, and suddenly he can't sense the imp in the distance. No news was sent out before the imp, and Xiahe only felt a shadow of divine power.

"Adult?" Medirley also felt wrong, and the little ghost who had been curled up in the corner suddenly climbed up and made a low whine.

"The devil on the devil's banyan is dead. Someone found the battlefield. Although there is heavy rain, if the other party has a magician, you can quickly trace it here. You go and say to the silver demon, let everyone prepare to fight."

"Yes." Medieri turned out of the tent.

"Eileen, can you still fight Lynch?"

"Yes, but Lynch had better rest a little longer." Irene stood up.

"No, both of you are resting. The other party will check the battlefield for a while. It takes about an hour to arrive. I will arrange it outside." Xia He motioned to Irene to rest first. Irene and Lynch experienced too much and listened to Xia He. If you do n’t insist, lie down immediately and use this hour.

Xiahe appeased the little devil, let it continue to guard in the tent, and turned himself out of the magic tent.

The heavy rain was still washing the world. Not far away, the silver demon braved the rain, and the soldiers smashed a pile of wood into the soil. Then he demonized separately to create a defensive wall for the camp. He ignored the image, the rain on his face, his eyebrows messed up.

"Adult, what can I do?" Medirelli returned to Xiahe. Xiahe looked at her short body and was asked by her.

"Can physical work be done?"


"Well, put these eight stakes around the magic tent and hammer it into the ground, at least half the depth." Xia He said, taking the eight thick stakes out of the Dragon and Tiger Dao and placing them in the Mediel Li before.

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