Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1017: : The business of Muses (2)

Muses was also very depressed himself. The Lord God ’s orders were issued, and he could n’t complete many of his tasks. As a result, he was punished, and his rank was reduced. Although he now has sixty levels, if there is no task for Asla, He should be at the 65th level up and the 70th level down.

At such a high level, there is little danger on the battlefield.

Finally, after the mission period, I can safely do business with Asla, but Asla ran to Little Sun City, and was too busy to die, he came to Rhode Island and traded with Sith.

The problem is that Sith was not interested, so he asked himself to find the head of the black steel fortress.

Before he found anyone, he hit Shrek and stopped himself like a thief.

"You're running from Little Sun City, to Xiacheng, and to the black steel fortress, what the **** are you doing?" Shrek was still very stunned.

He wasn't really so fierce, Muses had official documents all the way, and it wasn't really sneaky. He just wanted to stimulate Muses to see what he could say.

Muses said: "The Duke is busy now. Let me talk to the little prince. The little prince doesn't want to talk to me. Let me come here and talk to the head of the Beiyang Corps. How do I know you are here."

"What are you talking about, what is there to talk about? You and my lord are both ministers of auxiliary affairs. You now also have the command of two royal legions. You don't need my lord's help at all."

"The Royal Corps is not my army, except for what is on the side of the half-elf empire, actually it doesn't listen to me very much."

"My army is not yours."

"I don't want the army."

"If you are buying weapons, look for someone else. The alchemy factory on the black steel fortress does not directly provide goods. You might as well go to the city of stars to place an order."

"You really are ..."

"Why?" Shrek raised his eyebrows, and Muses was higher than him, and his fighting ability was stronger, but he was not afraid.

"You're really wary. The business I'm here to talk about is some intelligence transactions."


"I know that some noblemen of the empire, mages, are trying to build magic gods, and I found their traces."

"Go and sell to Juno City. Really, I don't understand how this information came to deal with the black steel fortress. People here will never deal with the empire."

"Okay." Muses bowed his head and waved his hand, and a map appeared on the ground. He pointed to the north of the map: "Look, here is north of Rhode Island, and west is the imperial continent. Looking north, thousands of miles away, floating icebergs begin to appear, right?"


"Going north again, it is connected to the ice field. The extreme north has undergone dramatic changes. This was a few years ago. Why did these changes happen?"

"A **** of magic is born?"

"Yes, the most north, the extreme north of the mainland, the **** of magic was born."

"What does it have to do with us?"

"Joint exploration, not interested?"

"A fleet?" Shrek smiled, no wonder that the Beiyang Legion is the only legion that contains the Navy. Muses was unable to build a ship deep in the extreme north, so he ran over to ask for help.

When it comes to entering the extreme north, there is no need to walk on the ice field. If it is east, there is still a sea route. But this sea road is all icebergs floating, and there is a powerful underwater warcraft, which is too dangerous.

As for why Muses did not go to the ice field?

Under the ice field, there are areas controlled by the three goddesses. He, a believer in the evil god, is easy to find.

Interesting, the land of Muses, controlled by Rhode Island in the south, close to the icefields in the north, has three goddesses, and the west is actually controlled by the royal family, mainly the king of Snowvis County. Way to expand.

As for the sea, Rhode Island, he dare not touch it.

Poor guy, trapped, looking for a breakthrough, saying what to borrow a boat, joint exploration, clearly can not survive. He was forcibly promoted. The earliest territory was really the size of the earl. When he was a duke, he had no new territory, no population, no resources.

But what is the point of joint exploration?

This guy is the son of the law, the teacher said clearly, the **** of magic?

Perhaps his goal is really the **** of magic.

Some mages of Omori, as well as those of the arcane empire, are all studying the creation of magical gods, but these mages do not really want to enshrine a god, they want a god, without complaint or regret, give The magician provides a magic net covering the entire main world. Isn't this magic **** an idiot?

"Musis, you are not called selling intelligence."

"Of course, I have a very long list. If I control the God of Magic, I can control everyone on the list."

Shrek frowned. How could the teacher be indifferent to such things?

It stands to reason that this guy should be killed as soon as possible. Or, the teacher is more concerned about the evil **** who sneaks into this world?

No, no, no matter what happened to the duke, no teacher did not know. Although he has an intelligence network, that is also the teacher training himself. It is definitely not leaving him.

In other words, the teacher knew what the guy did.

In the end, he came here and met himself.

Shrek considered it from the source, and suddenly understood, so he smiled and said to Muses: "I'm afraid I can't let you do this."


"I am the head of the Guardian Mage, and everything on the Duke's side. If it is not the procedure to go from the Duke's Palace, I have the right to stop, or say, force it to end. Because I feel unsafe, this kind of The behavior will touch some weak links of the duke's collar, causing unexpected risks. "

"How is it possible to go together and investigate."

"I think it's unsafe, that's unsafe, get it?" Shrek laughed annoyingly.

"Well, what do you want?" Muses understood.

"Gems, enough gems, I will tell you and the Duke to ensure that this matter can pass."

Muse also smiled and said, "Gem, not a problem, but the Duke rejected me before ..."

"I am also a student of the Duke, and I still have some weight to speak. You can rest assured." Shrek publicly asked for bribes, just to see how determined this guy was.

Muses said: "I want a good battleship that can break ice and glide on land. It doesn't have to be able to fly, but it has an absolute load, because this time, it may stay a little longer. The supply must be If it is installed on a ship, space equipment may be restricted. I will naturally take out the money. "

"Then you go to prepare the funds, I will prepare the boat, the gems pay first, you look at it." Shrek grinned.

Muses said with heart, I'm afraid that if you don't collect money, people who don't collect money won't do anything.

Without any hesitation, Muses took a box and handed it to Shrek: "I am not afraid that you will not do anything ..."

Shrek didn't look at it, so he put away the box and said, "Do not do anything? I will go to the joint exam."

Muses was suddenly uncomfortable. This guy wanted to go long ago, and by the way, he misled himself with a sum of money?

However, it is a good thing to have such a student next to Asra, the money is not wrong.

Shrek sent Muses back to the pier and got on the boat that Muses took, watching him leave the shore, and then opened the box, which shook brightly and yarded twenty pale blue stones.

Shrek's consciousness swept this gem level very high. If you create an item, I am afraid that it can have a level 60 level. However, the source of the gem is parallel space, then it has no value of level 50.

It is still very valuable, but even Shrek now has a high vision.

Ordinary legendary gems, he can also distinguish between good and bad.

The box is not big, but it has its own space, the size of the fist of the gem, and it is not a problem to make any equipment. Converting it into gold coins is of course high in value.

However, things in parallel space are not very stable, and normal sixty-level items will not change their attributes for hundreds of thousands of years. But the parallel space may be broken for thousands of years.

If the equipment is made again, the reliability is difficult to guarantee, so Shrek does not see it in his eyes.

The problem is that this thing, in the hands of Muses, is definitely much higher than in the hands of the teacher. He is not as rich as a teacher. These twenty pale blue gems are willing to take out and bribe themselves. It seems that things in the extreme north are too important for Muses.

Shrek went to the commander of the legion, borrowed a flying warship, and returned directly to Little Sun City to see the life configuration.

The high-level of Mount Vajra looks out to see the sea, the life configuration looks at the sea, the expression can not tell the richness.

"Shrek, this gem is called the heart of the water moon. Did you know that your teacher can use it to create a lot of special equipment that meets your needs."

"Mussis is not good?"

"It must be, even if you don't blackmail him, he will find ways to offer these. This is a gift he specially prepared for the Duke."

"Then why don't you kill him? I don't have this skill now, but there should be many people on the teacher's side, can he get his soul all right?"

"Because he can't become a real threat, the upper limit is too low. It happens, you can use him to hook the evil spirit. You see, now I'm here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I feel it directly. The power of Mount Vajra has accumulated and reached To a certain extent, the demigods came over and they all just died. The technology and strength of our duke no longer need to fear the son of this rule. Even in King Kong, I do n’t have to fear the evil god. "

"Things of joint inspection?"

"I have prepared the drawings. At the alchemy plant, shipbuilding takes up to half a month. You can take the drawings and study them. This ship can be completely controlled by you. After you remember, the drawings will be destroyed."


"This time, do n’t bring too powerful mages, a new type of legendary configuration, grant you two, and ensure that you are safe. In addition, Mediel Li has been here, this is Huang Quan's escape, when he runs away It's best to use it. "Life Configuration, handed Huang Quan's escape to Shrek.


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