Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1018: : Deterrence

Life Construction said solemnly: "This is not your teacher's, it's Medieri's, so it's loaned to you, don't lose it, unless you think you can stop Medieri's sword, The soul is still there. "

Shrek chilled behind his back and put away Huang Quan's escape. "No, no, this thing must be kept carefully. If you lose it, I'm sorry for her old man."

"She is in Mount Kong, and she has high authority. What do you say, if she wants to know, she will definitely know."

Shrek was about to cry and had to say: "I'm not a teacher's official student, so I dare not call her master sister. It's also from the heart!"

Life Construction shook his head and smiled: "In addition to the drawings, the personnel selection, I have prepared for you. This time I go to the extreme north, in addition to the problem of the **** of magic, I also have to investigate the local geographical environment Let ’s see if our Duke ’s lord can take down the extreme north. "


"Choose people and choose equipment. This time, if you apply for some special equipment, you don't have to pay extra, and you will spend it at public expense, but you know the rules."

"Understood, those who shouldn't misuse it will definitely not misuse it. The rest will be turned in. I dare not make mistakes."

"Well. The people I selected for you don't have the Guardian Mage. They are all drawn from everywhere. Many of them are people under investigation. This time you have to check it out."

"Are there any indicators?"

"No, try not to let them go wrong."

"I see." Shrek suddenly felt that this inspection mission was not light. Because at the same time, there are team members who go together. Some inspections are for casualty indicators. No one this time, one more death, will greatly reduce the evaluation of him.

The duke is not allowed to die. When doing dangerous tasks, there is no guarantee.

However, this rule is also an inspection of him.

Half a month later, Muses came to Little Sun City as promised, and signed a contract with Life Construction. He brought four squadrons of his own, and Shrek also brought four squadrons to the icebreaker built by Little Sun City in half a month.

Obviously, these people were not directly taken from the army. In addition to the leaders, the squadron leaders of the four squadrons are all legends. Not to mention the Muses army, Xiahe's army did not have such a luxurious configuration.

The teams on both sides were temporarily put together.

The ice-breaking ship is 120 meters long, which is smaller than those warships. But Muses was also quite satisfied. The icebreaker as a whole is carved out of a piece of metal, without any trace of stitching. Of course, the magic patterns on the surface cover up everything. Looking at the magic pattern structure, it is still very convenient to repair.

There are three guns on the front of the icebreaker, and one in the center, with an embedded electromagnetic track, which can only be adjusted at an angle not greater than twelve degrees. However, considering the range of this main gun, the two-way 24 degree angle adjustment can already cover a very large range.

On both sides are magic artillery, with a range of fifty miles, which is also considered powerful.

There is also a turret at the stern, which is also an electromagnetic gun. Then two small magic cannons were arranged.

Under the front deck, there are magic ballistas fired vertically, usually hidden. Below the rear deck is a six-pointed star airship.

As for the sides of the ship, they are all mutant structures, full-attribute robots, and water soul-type mechanical sailors.

Compared with battleships, there are many weapons.

Inside the bridge, there is a huge full-angle phantom magic array, combined with advanced alchemy telescopes, and reconnaissance robots, which can zoom in on the distant scene.

Shrek took Muses to visit. This icebreaker is a two-body structure. A diving device can be placed under it, with up to ten members.

But the Duke ’s leadership has never been so dry, basically it is five human soldiers, plus the distribution of five configurations.

Muse is very satisfied. The 120-meter boat and the 400 members are not too many. After all, the space inside the icebreaker is slightly larger than the outside. Not a ship in the technological world, the mechanical structure is also quite simple.

Muses said to Shrek: "Magic propulsion, I saw it, with protection, even the legend has no way to influence it, why use mechanical propulsion structure?"

"Save money, anyway, without requiring multiple pieces, mechanical structure, you can use all kinds of fuel, just charge the battery."

"I understand why your Duke is so rich, it really saves."

Shrek smiled. The teacher said that the bottom-most rule is the least susceptible. Unless the structure is propelled by violence, this metal propeller will never fail.

Although Shrek brought four hundred squadrons with two hundred people, two squadrons took care of the icebreakers. Only one hundred people really participated in the investigation.

"What's the name of this boat?"

"Master God," Shrek replied.

"Why?" Muses asked nervously.

"Let's go to the **** of magic, just get up, and get lucky," Shrek replied very casually.

"Luck is very important." Muses smiled dryly.

"Go eat something." Shrek suggested.

"Let them get familiar with the environment first, by the way, I see the small boat hanging from the side ..."

"Rescue boat, if you need to rescue, you can put it into the sea at a much faster speed than the main god."

Muses nodded and took someone to rest in the cabin.

The cabin of this ship has a room for five people, and both Muses and Shrek are separate rooms.

After returning to the cabin, Muses checked around and found that the cabin was unexpectedly clean without any magical arrangement. Should be afraid of suspicious.

Many of the detected magic will be hidden in other magic circles, and will not appear alone.

This is a world of magic and prosperity. Many powerful people have things they do not understand.

I made sure that there was no problem here, so Muses went to other cabins and inspected them one by one. They all had the same style, but they were not spacious and comfortable. He wouldn't use the people led by the Duke. He carried robots in his own house. Some of them were not used for fighting, but were purely service-oriented.

Xiahe can come up with such a thing as a mechanical maid, and others can.

Muses greeted the four squadron captains and went into his cabin. They all said, "This time, we are not targeting Rhode Island. The most important thing is the God of Magic."

"Sir, this boat is not bad ..."

"What do you think, taking Asla's stuff is useless."

"We are afraid of what he does, and the big deal is to turn around and leave."

"Go? This world is probably the center of all our missions. Even if we go today, we have to come back someday. Do you know how many teams have entered this world? Besides how good this boat is, how much can it be worth, we are just No such technology. "

The squadron leader stopped talking. Although he was a legend, he was indeed shallow.

He probed the ship. If he wanted to exchange it with the Lord God, the price was ridiculously high. If he could **** it and trade it to the Lord God, it would be equivalent to ten years of tossing him.

As soon as Muses reminded, he remembered that it was ridiculously expensive to exchange things with the Lord God.

How long did it take to get on board, I almost didn't grasp my heart. The Lord God is really terrible, as if he didn't care about anything, nor peep at your thoughts, but just let you do things for him willingly.

"This time, there are five legends coming from Asra, but the rest of the masters are only magic masters. It looks like they do n’t want to do anything. And the two legends have to sit on the ship. The three legends, including Shrek.

"We are stronger than them?"

"Yes, their power is dispersed. I remind you, don't be greedy, the duke of the duke has always been difficult to deal with. If you kill him, you will have to pay a great price. There has never been a duke of the duke Solve it easily. "

"Sir, don't be so ambitious ..."

"I'm talking about the facts. In the intelligence I have collected over the years, there are a lot of unremarkable things, such as the battle report of the low-level soldiers under Asla. Do you remember the devil's invasion? One squad placed the order and was besieged by the devil, and one squad of casters. "

"Spellcaster Squad?"

"It is the command level of the entire squadron. The captain is the battle mage. The remaining four, all of them may be magic net mage. This time I said, this is the configuration of the four magic net mage. That team is still For the level-level legion, the command chariot was destroyed at that time. There was a thirty-level commander magic configuration, a twenty-level assault magic configuration, two balancer magic configurations, and five full-attack robot warriors. There are twenty robots on the charge, followed by the destruction of the robot, and five scorpion-shaped robots. "

Muses is like a family, and he is very clear about the configuration of the army led by the Duke.

After all, Xiahe also trained him in accordance with the standards of the secondary legion.

"This squad, to get out of the way, was out of touch with its own squadron, was attacked halfway, and the tank was destroyed. Some robots were destroyed. In order to get rid of the attack, they hurriedly marched and spent 120 hours raiding the 120-mile In the distance, he rushed to an old fortress and occupied a stronghold. More than 10,000 devil took turns to siege, and they stayed for a whole day. "

"All dead?"

"No one died."

"How is it possible! Ten thousand demons ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They are only five!"

"There was a magic circle in the old fortress. After their chariot was destroyed, the raw coal crystals on the chariot were taken away, which stimulated the formation in the old fortress and left a gap. The devil attacked the gap. The two sides fought Has always been less than six meters wide. "

The four legendary silences, even if they are not of the same level, and if there are too many professionals whose enemies exceed level 20, the four of them do not dare to say that they can resist more than 10,000 demons.

Less than six meters, it looks very narrow, but five people can charge it side by side.

"When Asla's main force arrived, there were only two outfits left in this team. They were still intact. So ah, don't look down on them, never." Muses was serious.


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