Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1032: : Mechanical evolution? (1)

"Captain, I also want a head ..." The precision shooter came up at this time and said to Li Anna.

"Go and apply, you can apply for a first-level five, it doesn't cost much. But if you want to develop wisdom and communicate with each other, you will definitely go bankrupt."


"It eats better than you." Li Anna said. This is called the outside world version of the inferior man.

Growing, there is no price.

The Duke led everyone and owed a large sum of money to Xiahe. No one complained. Why? Because Xiahe gave them something that they couldn't afford.

Lingmi planting sounds easy, but these are the technologies monopolized by Daogong.

Others want to plant them, even if there are seeds, the cost is more than 100 times that of Xiahe planting Lingmi.

This is still a case of good technology, bad technology, cost thousands of times, how do you compare? The consumption of eating for three years is equal to what you eat for one day. What do you use to cultivate talents?

The feather snake does not eat much, but it eats meat. Ordinary meat can only prevent it from starving, but it will not grow.

In fact, the number of ordinary feather snakes is already large. This thing can be cultivated to remove the ferocity. In the Duke's collar, it is a common warcraft. The biggest role is to distinguish pests and perform automatic predation.

At the same time, it is also a creature that magicians can use. For example, in the Forest of Devil Insects, there are many varieties of feather snakes that survive, mainly eating things like mosquitoes. Although the level is not high, the magician can cast spells remotely, using the feather snake's eyes to observe everything.

This is the standard for investigating Warcraft. The upper limit is very high, and the lower limit is not low, so the feather snake only multiplies because of its value.

But if you reach the level of Li Anna, there is no difference between the price of training an epic master. The combat effectiveness is not as good as the epic mage, but the special attributes are incomparable to the epic mage.

Raising this thing is equivalent to spending your own money to support an epic mage, so Li Anna said it would not be an exaggeration to say that it would go bankrupt.

This kind of feather snake, the meat eaten, is the meat of Warcraft.

Li Anna also needs to be equipped with alchemy potions, the cost is even higher.

Treating her men, Li Anna really has a soft taste, and she comforted: "You really want a flying eye, I can help you apply for a mechanical bird, or simply a flying configuration. With my permission, There can be a good discount, and the cost of maintenance is not so high. "

Many precision shooters develop occupations as archers, with sighting skills and shared vision skills.

Especially the shared vision skills, even if it is not an archer, the duke leader has a way for you to learn. If there is an auxiliary Warcraft to provide high-altitude vision, one can allow the precision shooter to zoom in on the target, and also have a third-party corrected coordinates, the aiming speed will also be accelerated.

In the Duke Lords, the skills developed for precision shooters, in addition to sharing vision, also have weapon control, various critical strikes, penetration, and attack enchanting skills.

It may be that the accurate shooter is not as powerful as the mage's, and depends on the weapon, but on the battlefield, the effect is not small.

The magician's attack distance is not as good as a precision shooter at the same level.

"Captain, I don't know too much about the things our Duke sells." The precision shooter still trusts his captain, although the captain often doesn't speak.

Li Anna was also very serious and thought for a while, said: "What is your occupation?"

"Magic archer."

"What was the first skill learned? How many skills are there now?"

"Master Captain, I am now at level 9, and have invested a lot of money in skills, and have nine skills."

Not every professional can get a skill by upgrading one level. This is the welfare of the Duke. You can learn a skill at each level according to your needs. This is conducive to a stable level, master the laws of lower levels, and so on.

Wild professionals do not have this condition, and it is normal to obtain a skill at the third and fifth levels.

"Not level five ..."

"No." The precision shooter feels that he has been neglected. When he introduced it, he said the level.

"Right, what skills do you have?"

"Precision talent, shared vision, weapon control, chase attack, all-around armor breaking, magic tear, stun strike, multiple strikes, archer meditation."

"You have learned archer meditation, not bad." Li Anna's rare praise made the precision shooter comfortable.

Archer meditation is a unique skill developed on Xiahe's side. It is developed from the ancient books of elves. It is specially used for archer occupations and can enhance the strength of the soul, that is, expand the thickness and breadth of spiritual power. At the same time, this meditation is not a rest in the ordinary sense, but is carried out in battle.

Essentially, the beginning is the elf archers, the ability to free themselves from interference.

A magician may release a lot of state magic. This skill can keep the archer unaffected and continue to release his blow.

"If you learn archer meditation, your mental strength will increase by leaps at level 10. Buy a flying outfit, if you don't choose, I will go back to Sun City to help you set one. The price will not be too much Expensive, about two hundred gold coins, do n’t frown, some things are cheap to sell, but they make you vomit blood when repaired. I ’ll choose it for you, it will be easy to repair, and you can definitely accept the maintenance.

"But two hundred gold coins, I really can't make it up, I still owe ten gold coins."

"If you work hard this time, you might have two hundred gold coins."

"Isn't it possible?" The precision shooter was surprised.

"If there is a life-threatening mission, there will be additional rewards when you look back. If there are similar battles on this battleship, the cumulative accumulation will be about a dozen gold coins. Chumen will give you a few more gold coins. , And then go to the extreme north, there will be many battles along the way, if you can go out for half a year, two hundred gold coins will be almost the same. "

"Captain, can't you make money like this every time you do it?"

"Of course not, but the place we went to was no one visited before. It belongs to the expedition type, and the loot points will be a little more. If it is the earth-defense type, the loot will be much less. This time, no luck is needed As long as you do n’t die, it is possible for everyone to collect two or three hundred gold coins. "

"I can earn so much ..."

"Fool, you have to fight for your life." Li Anna hated the iron and looked at her men.

"It used to be desperate, and it's not without money."

Li Anna smiled, how can Shizu let your money be saved? Going back to buy a flying structure, the income from the mission this time basically bottomed out.

As long as you are motivated, spending money is the same as running water.

The Duke led you to provide promotion channels, but it is not free. Following the ancestor, the biggest advantage is that no matter what your identity, you can get what you deserve.

Yeah, these four guys, if they retired after serving, what is the point of accumulating thousands of gold coins.

If you do n’t invest in equipment and skills on your own, you may not get the day you retire.

If the princes do not need to fight, then Xiahe would n’t mind letting the soldiers take the money out of the army to go back to a small life.

If you fight, no one can run away. If you want to go to the battlefield, the money will not be saved.

Take a look at Chumen. They are all legendary mages. They have not rented magic books or purchased mechanical demon worms. These are not cheap, but they can be used when fighting.

At the end of the passage, there is a mechanical life rushing out again. This time it looks like everything.

The final madness of the fourth floor can be more than the mechanical life of the previous attack, but it is no longer above the epic, and the strongest is no more than twenty levels.

After Chumen had figured it out, he took the initiative to take the initiative. Four fire dragons appeared, hitting the four sides of the channel. This time the dragon was bigger and almost rushed to the end of the channel.

The purple flame spreads to both sides, and the inside of the branch of the channel is also a high temperature that can melt steel.

The four magics were released, and the impact of the mechanical life suddenly disappeared. The ones rushing out from behind, the robot slowly named the guns.

Li Anna also breathed a sigh of relief, mechanical life, because of the limitation of the terrain, she could not send all the forces at once. For the legendary mages, if the number is not enough, the method of level rolling is used to clear the area.

"I used half of my strength and I won't do it anymore for the time being, you are responsible for the final clean-up of the fourth floor."


The other three captains answered seriously.

Chumen's team, in addition to him, also has four magicians. Essentially, he is one less, and he will not be weaker than other teams.

For example, in the squadron level, the captain of the caster squad is also the squadron leader. He usually does not participate in the battle at all, but only commands the entire squadron.

The teams are all pieced together temporarily, and come in the same way as the army.

Li Anna took the team, stepped forward slightly, commanded the robot, and actively attacked some nearby mechanical lives. More than once, those mechanical life, released mysterious radio waves, but the robots led by the duke ignored it.

Duke-led robots, receiving commands, are similar to humans. They are all magic circle communication. They have spiritual power, and they also have sound or graphics. Trained people can also command robots through simple symbols to master this. Skilled professionals, commanding dozens or hundreds of robots is not a problem ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course, that is also a genius.

"Actually, this time we should kill all the mechanical life we ​​come into contact with, and leave nothing behind." Chu Men said to Li Anna in the communication channel.


"These mechanical lives are not afraid of death at all. They are almost integrated. Information is shared and transmitted in battleships. As long as there is one undead, all combat experience today can be recorded and left to other mechanical lives. If these materials Pass it on ... "

"Then, all spiritual practice and technology must be supported by resources. Mechanical life, if you want to create a demigod-level weapon, then it costs a lot like humans to build a demigod soldier. Targeting this kind of thing, hehe ... "

Li Anna didn't go on. She remembered it suddenly. Recently, someone always said that she didn't speak well.

Chumen, after all, is his own nominal boss. Shouldn't he be comfortable with his words?

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