Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1033: : Mechanical evolution? (2)

"Nevertheless, if these things have evolved, they will still pose a huge threat to our soldiers. The mechanical life is shorter than that of humans ... The training period is shorter. If it is spent, we can't fight."

"It makes sense." Li Anna immediately echoed.

"How serious are you ..." Chumen was helpless, why was Li Anna always careless?

"Don't say it, I'm nervous in front." Li Anna said, drawing out the magic sword and rushing out with someone. There is a team of mechanical life in front, humanoid shape, smooth body, single metal color, iron gray color. These mechanical beings, with spears in their hands, don't care about the magic projectiles that hit them.

Li Anna clearly sees that only one of the army of mechanical life is the commander, and the rest are unknowingly. Most of the metal on the body is in liquid form. Even if it is really destroyed, it will not lose its combat effectiveness.

So Li Anna crossed the robot, her body turned into a black light, and her big sword pierced.

The mechanical life in front is like the sea water repelled by the warship, tumbling towards both sides. There was no expression under Li Anna's mask.

This mechanical life, very cunning, is a legendary level.

However, he is not really twenty-five.

The sword was stabbed straight, covered with gray-black mechanical life, and the spear in his hand was raised, and the light was lingering on it, and he spun back. The spear is long and the sword is short. This sting vaguely smells like a gun master.

There is no mood for Li Anna to play against this thing. Behind her helmet, there are black hairs.

The so-called green silk is black hair.

She did not practice the blue silk sword by herself, but she was also quite proficient in the green silk sword of teacher Medieri. Dozens of blue silk swords crossed the spear and wrapped the arms and legs of the mechanical life.

Cut constantly?

Li Anna was surprised, but the opponent's spear was also fixed. She lifted the magic sword with her hand, blocked the spear, and then cut it off.

This sword, the breath on the blade front, is already the true sword of Jianxiu.

The mechanical life was entangled by the blue silk sword, and the whole body of energy was concentrated in the place where it was entangled in confrontation, otherwise it would have been cut into pieces.

After the sword was cut, its energy was insufficient, and it was split in half on the spot.

On Jianfeng, Jian Gang burst out, twisting at the core of the head of the mechanical life, the mechanical life suddenly dissipated, and the vital characteristics disappeared.

Sword repair battle, how can there be so many fancy.

Li Anna put away two pieces of wreckage of mechanical life. This stuff, with good materials, is indeed a legendary stuff. She suddenly discovered that mechanical life has the advantage that it reaches a certain level, and the material on her body is definitely not too bad.

Unlike half-elves, slaughtering is useless. Half-elves are still flesh and blood, and there is no magic core for Warcraft.

A sword secretly killed a legendary life. Li Anna was satisfied, but without slacking, she swept the magical sword homeward and wiped out dozens of mechanical lives around her.

These mechanical lives lose their command, and the cut parts of the body are recovered very slowly.

From active offensive type to passive type.

However, the mechanical life of this team is quite powerful. There is a legend in the middle. The mechanical life level outside is not high originally, but the special attributes and the ability to fight together make each mechanical life have more than 20 levels of power. Like an ant colony?

The advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are obvious.

After killing the core by yourself, the fighting power of the surrounding mechanical life quickly declined, but the cost of manufacturing them was not very low.

But how do the advantages come from? It is not a peripheral mechanical life. In essence, there is no computing core. It is relying on group wisdom to fight. Adding a queen-like commander, the group wisdom rises linearly.

Because there is no computing core, there is no real weakness. Most of the body is made of liquid metal, and its self-repair ability is extremely strong, and it exceeds the undead creatures.

Li Anna also did not let her hands do it, and personally packed up the life of these liquid metal machines, which is regarded as a harvest.

Some things are useful to her, she will keep them, some will be turned in, and some will be given to the men.

She broke away from the robot and killed the enemy alone, also to have the right to distribute.

In front, a mechanical lizard lay prone on the ground, blinking his eyes, watching Li Anna pack up the battlefield. Li Anna finished cleaning up before going to see the lizard.

The mechanical lizard turned around and walked away. Li Anna chased it with a sword. The tail of the mechanical lizard lifted up, detached from her body, and hit Li Anna's door.

The figure of Li Anna made a turn in the air, letting the mechanical lizard's tail off, the sword falling smoothly, and cutting off the head of the mechanical lizard.

Very weak ...

Thinking this way, she suddenly turned around and saw a silver shadow flying in the hole on the ground in the passage between herself and the team members. It was a real mechanical ant, with wings and a length of one foot.

The hole in this deck was exploded by his own plasma bomb. It was cool at the time, but because it was far from the position, there was no repair. Five layers of mechanical life are now rushing out of this hole. A large number of mechanical flying ants are hit by bullets from the technology musket. They just roll a few times in the air and still steadily rush towards the position.

Air shield!

The balancer constructs and quickly releases the air shield, and the mechanical flying ants hit the air shield and are bounced off one after another. In a blink of an eye, there was a lot of accumulation in the passage, and there was frequent trembling in the air.


Chumen in the distance found that something was wrong here, and was a little anxious. In the other direction, there were also five layers of mechanical life. There were signs of rushing up, so he had to strengthen the deck.

"Busy your business, don't worry about me." Li Anna angered slightly, her tone rushed.

Chumen was wronged. He was really worried about Li Anna. In his opinion, Li Anna, a 25th-level magic swordsman, was blocked on the other side of the air shield. So many mechanical flying ants would be dead. .

Magic swordsman, powerful is powerful, but the sustained ability of battle is not as good as pure swordsman.


Li Anna took out a shield. The shield was small and more than one foot long. It was embedded in the armor's hanging point. Then she held the sword in one hand and strode forward with one step, stomping her foot hard.


In front of her, a phased frost dragon shield suddenly appeared, and the mechanical flying ants who turned around were hit by the dragon shield and frozen one by one.

Li Anna walked over step by step, and the frozen mechanical flying ants shattered in the footsteps.

"Just waste!"

Li Anna walked to the hole, inserted the magic sword next to it, took a bomb out, and threw it into the cave.

When Jianguang retreated, he saw a powerful shock wave, shattering all the mechanical flying ants around, and the air became purple-red. The cave on the deck has been enlarged more than ten times, but no mechanical life has appeared. Too. In the fifth floor, deathly silence.

Li Anna turned and jumped into the bigger cave, all the way forward, the magic sword in her hand was put away, and replaced with a slender silver sword.

Jianguang was moving faster and faster. A metal giant ape was sitting in the small square in front of him, and when he saw Li Anna appeared, she roared upward.

Hundreds of metal apes sprang up immediately, leaping like a leap and rushing towards Li Anna.

This is not a battleship, this is a farm, or a place to train new soldiers!

Li Anna was born in a high-level, although the bottom things are known, but the purpose of real learning is to become a ruler.

Her ability to analyze and judge is above Chumen.

The messy mechanical life, despite its strong combat power, is not on scale. The power of each layer gradually increases, which is not at all a warship arrangement.

If it is a troop carrier, it will definitely have a balanced combat power, and even more powerful on the periphery.

No wonder Shrek is also here, staring at Muses, it should be the core of this ship. A technological warship that nurtures mechanical life.

Li Anna is not really a magic swordsman. She is a Daomen sword repairer. What she cultivates is not spiritual power, but the consciousness that directly purifies the soul power. The persistence of battle is much higher than that of a magician.

The metal ape flew often, Li Anna swept the sword, his body swiveled and rushed out, a metal ape was cut off by the waist, and the weak Jiangang on the wound entered the deep body and exploded in the computing core.

The computing core of mechanical life is equivalent to the human brain, as long as it is damaged, it will die.

Li Anna rushed to the square, pointed her finger at the metal giant ape, and said, "Surrender, give you a chance to live."


The metal giant abruptly stood up, then bent over again and made a rush forward.

Li Anna smiled and learned the language of this world ...


Li Anna released a Taoist technique and a hold-up technique in her left hand. The metal giant ape fluttered slightly and suddenly lost her balance. Li Anna ’s magic silver long sword cut the ankle of the metal giant ape and jumped upwards. From now on, the sword of the silver long sword flew.

The metal giant ape more than six meters high ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was broken by her sword.

Li Anna walked away in an instant, and the body of the metal great ape made a tremendous explosion.

The legendary creature exploded in death, with great power. The five decks were directly blasted through, and a huge hole appeared. Li Anna can't help crying, is she going to the sixth floor?

There will not be anything too powerful on the sixth floor, but what about the seventh floor? You may not be able to do it yourself.

When the manpower is poor, the sword is strong, and the fighting power is long. However, there are a few legends, and Li Anna can't stand it. She is not Xiahe, and she has an absolute level advantage.

In the dark, the rustling sound sounded, I don't know how many mechanical flying ants, approached by crawling.

Li Anna frowned, turned away, and returned to the fourth floor. She greeted the robots under her hands and started to close the deck, dismantle the surrounding metal materials, and weld the holes.

Although I can't say anything, but directly penetrating the deck to the top, it is equivalent to warning others.

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