Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1034: : Selling teammates

The welding deck is actually equivalent to a metal bunker. Those mechanical lives really want to impact, and they can break through at the expense of a few low-level ones. If it is a high-level life, it is as powerful as a human professional. This temporary repaired deck , The thickness is less than half a meter, how can it withstand the attack.

"that whoever……"

"What's the matter!" Chu Men was originally taken aback. Li Anna ran down alone. When she came back, she talked to herself on the communication channel and even forgot her name?

that whoever?

"Chumen, yes, Chumen, we seem to be retreating?"

"What happened below!" Chumen heard her immediately.

"Below, it seems that the mechanical life is swallowing each other. I do n’t see much. The mechanical flying ants are bigger, the structure of the body is deformed, the level is improved, and, in some cabins, it seems that the energy has become hugely fluctuating, certainly not What a good thing. "

Chu Men had a headache. The problem here was that there were too few troops. He only brought four teams. He originally thought that Muses and Shrek had already cleaned up the battleship. They didn't expect it to be a hard battle.

But to leave now is the person who does not care about Muses, although it is nothing from the point of view of the duke, but if the cooperation is terminated because of himself, the responsibility is still there.

What if we don't retreat? It is indeed no problem to cooperate, but it is also a responsibility not to persevere to kill or injure soldiers.

To be an officer, to make choices, too often, is to have the ability to take responsibility.

Chu Men understood at this time that the difference between him and the officers of the main legion was in front of him. He had been thinking for two minutes. For a legend, such thinking is too long.

Truman gritted his teeth and said, "I contact Master Shrek."

This is to shirk responsibility. Although it is not wrong, many people will choose this way, but the combat evaluation is reduced. This time, he does not have much income.

There will be loot, but because of the commander's reason, the overall evaluation is lowered. He still has to pay some money to appease the soldiers below. This is the rule.

Soldiers will not resent him, because Chu Men still adopted the most stable approach. When he was difficult to judge, he consulted his senior officials.

He can take risks and directly give orders to continue fighting.

Anyway, he is a legend, and the rate of fall may not be high. If he wants to escape, the soldiers cannot escape, and the chance of his escape is too great.

Things are simple, but the result of processing is very complicated.

There is nothing more than fighting or retreating, each with a 50% chance of being right.

Li Anna sighed, this Chumen, still need to continue to exercise. After this incident, he will grow up. If you shirk the responsibility next time, the evaluation will gradually decrease. The Duke's side is unlikely to train him to become a general in the future.

Shrek heard the news and thought for a while, then said to Chumen: "Hold on, this time the loot delivery part, you can leave half, if the equipment you borrowed is damaged, I will also calculate half price compensation for you. The materials you withdraw are not included in the share, just use them. "

Shrek was afraid that he would ask for money, and he specifically advised.

Chu Men smiled bitterly, and he didn't want to. The problem was related to the lives of the soldiers of the four teams. By the way, it wasn't all the soldiers. There were four magicians under him.

Well, half of the loot turned in can be intercepted, this has already allowed me to use the scroll with confidence.

There are two types of scrolls on his body. Anyway, the dragon scale scrolls have been stored long enough. The other kind is borrowed from the Duke ’s warehouse, and you do n’t need to return it. You only need to pay very little money. If it is used, it will be compensated according to the price.

Either way, after using it, it is a lot of money.

By the way, there is a third type, which is a reel that is distributed with the task. This reel is a public product, has no special features, and is superior in power, but it is not optimized for users.

This reel should be used according to the battlefield evaluation. If you throw it around, it will also reduce the evaluation.

But this kind of scroll is really the enemy is not too strong, but used in too many times.

"We moved to the north, strengthened the position, and moved a distance of 700 meters." Chu Men gave the order, and the robot immediately took action.

At this position, it is really vulnerable. Because of guarding the upward passage, although Chumen doesn't run now, he won't stay in an important position.

The above Muses has a lot of manpower, mainly because the number of robot warriors has a huge advantage over himself.

The legendary mage of Muses has a higher level, and before coming here, he must have bought some magic potions led by the Duke, and the ability to continue fighting can be guaranteed.

Chu Men did not want to sell his teammates, so he withdrew the seven hundred meters.

The team transfers, disassembles various metal materials, and builds new positions. Chumen specially arranged a temporary magic array for the four small magic cannons, so that this weapon can exert enough power.

This time, it was really a reinforced position, the deck underneath was thickened, and a magic array was arranged.

The overhead deck is thickened to avoid the direct damage and destruction of the mechanical life of the three floors.

The metal walls on both sides are reinforced, and a weapon station is arranged in the back space, with a small number of robots.

This position only defends the front and back directions. There are no passages on the left and right, and only the entrance and exit that is cut by yourself can allow the heavy magic warrior to pass smoothly.

The space inside the battleship is spacious, even if the unicorn knight comes, he can also come and go. Positioning is not difficult.

The corpses of various mechanical lives are stacked and welded to form front and rear bunkers.

"Li Anna, Billy, you two are responsible for the back, and Gore and I are responsible for the front. When all the soldiers attack, pay attention to the frequency, you must solve the enemy by two magic projectiles." After Chumen gave the order, let everyone Take a temporary break.

boom! boom! boom……

The metal door between the fifth and fourth floors was forcibly opened, and a mechanical life came up from below.

The mechanical life body is metallic, and the head part is clearly flesh and blood.

He looks like a human, standing two feet tall and walking on two feet. In his hand, he carried a double-edged battle axe, and behind him were also a group of humanoid warriors, all with fleshy heads and metal bodies.


A robot, holding up a technological musket, attacked the head of a mechanical life at a distance of more than 700 meters.

The mechanical life raised his hand, grabbed the bullet, and dropped it on the ground.


Chu Men knew the trouble at first glance, because the power of the technology gun is huge, usually a few bullets, and it can destroy an enemy, as long as the enemy is not a means of magical defense.

However, this reaction speed, strong metal body, and flexible skill, if you want to kill with a technology gun, it may take dozens of bullets to destroy a mechanical life.

The battle above, the mechanical life below also learned?

The mechanical life holding the double-edged battle axe shouted. On the metal shells of these mechanical lives, a transparent cover was raised, and the head was covered in a blink of an eye.

Chu Men was helpless, and his mental power scanned downwards. In the five floors of the battleship, I didn't know how much mechanical life was gathering in this direction.

Li Anna pouted, only to kill too little by herself.

But where are those mechanical flying ants?

On Chumen ’s side, he was thinking about whether he would first take action to clean up a group of enemies, and suddenly the voice of the legendary mage under Muses was heard.

"Chumen, I can't stand it anymore, I have to retreat, and you should leave immediately."

Chumen almost spit out swear words, let me block you below, and you are going to run immediately. To retreat, you said earlier!

I have to follow along, if I persist here, I am afraid that I will be overwhelmed by mechanical life.

The legendary master is not bad, there are too many mechanical lives, and there are legends. Thanks to the convenience of the main world, he can even kill ten. However, it is a separate fight, one by one, one by one, you will die.

I already knew that I had to run directly with someone, so I shouldn't be entangled. As a result, the evaluation of this battle fell directly by two major levels.

Chumen was really infinitely sorry, so he quietly opened a magic circle and hung it on the battleship. The small warship led by the Duke was remotely controlled off the rope and drifted away into the distance.

Anyway, if you do not go to the outer deck, you will never summon it back.

Fortunately, as a legendary mage, Chumen is not a fool, nor is he incapable. The communication channel opened to the rank of soldiers, and everyone heard the voice of Chumen: "Everyone, the Duke of Muses decided to retreat, we don't have to stand still. The bad news is that they ran first, the good news is that I control It ’s a small warship, and we ’ll call it back when we evacuate to a deck. "

Someone laughed silently below, abandoned by others? What doesn't exist, everyone and the people of Muses are not one mind.

Shrek's attitude showed earlier that all these soldiers heard that the other party ran first and did not feel betrayed. Especially the legendary mage on his side, controlling the battleship, let the other party run up to the deck at most, and there is no place to escape.

"But I can't put the robots away and attack upwards. I have to rely on them. On the first deck, I might give up a lot. If it has to be so, I will take away their computing core. If there are sacrifices on the scene, I Will also take away your corpses. "

"Hopefully, it's a complete body, so you don't have to tidy it up." Gore, the captain, made a joke.

"Yes, Master Chumen, if we die in battle, it may be incomplete. I hope that the Lord will take more effort ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Take it all away."

There are soldiers responding below. The people in the main world are also fighting outside life, or fighting against aliens. They are very open to life and death and will not be taboo. This is an irreversible war, even children can understand it.

Countless years of education have cultivated this characteristic of humanity in the main world.



"Can I use the thirty-level scroll?" Chu Men asked.

"Yes, my mental strength is much higher than that of normal professionals, regardless of grade."

"On my side, there is a scroll sequence launcher. The twelve dragon scale scrolls above are all fireballs. Should you be in control?"

"completely fine."

"Then you and Billy are in charge, I open the gap in front." Chu Men said, throwing a bracelet-shaped reel sequence transmitter to Li Anna.

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