Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1036: :shipbuilding

Li Anna stepped forward, took off her gloves, and reached for a hand. It was too late for Chumen to block, she used her fingers to carefully hold the metal powder, and said: "It's interesting, for mechanical life, this thing is placed on the upper layers, the number is still large, there is no guardian power, it is equivalent Not very valuable. "

"Very valuable to us?" Chumen was surprised.

"Metals with magical affinity, the price is also above silver, maybe cheaper than gold."

Everyone's breathing suddenly tightened. This cabin is very large. There may be more than 600 similar boxes.

"Don't be too happy, this thing is very light." Li Anna threw the blue metal powder back into the box and reached out to cover the box. "I have the equipment to take away these metals, but I want more points."

"OK." Chumen immediately agreed that he didn't want to take away so much material in order to maintain combat effectiveness.

Li Anna asked the robot to open all the boxes again, took out a gourd, and absorbed each box. I don't know how big the space inside the gourd is, but how much is collected anyway.

"It can only hold items of a single quality, not compatible." Li Anna explained.

Chu Men also thought of it, it seems that there is indeed such a product, usually filled with water. Because in some battlefields, the water source may be extremely tight, and there will be senior mages, carrying similar equipment, and preparing drinking water with them, which can be used by a large group of people for a long time.

The single attribute of this equipment allows it to reduce the burden on mental power.

"Except for the part turned in, everyone is considered to be rich." Li Anna said: "So in addition to the disability or pension received by the Duke, I propose to give twice the amount to the injured or killed."

"I agree." Chu Men agreed to come down, and the rest of them naturally nodded.

They didn't know if they could leave alive, but Chumen should be able to escape?

If they die in a battle, they are not the main legion. The pension is only one third of the main legion. Although it is not low, but there is no main labor force at home, the life will be sad.

With extra compensation, Chumen has some authority.

Li Anna nodded secretly, the authority was very easy to use, but the evaluation was lower. Chumen finally matured, and he knew how to be a sergeant, he had to bear the responsibility, and sometimes he had to bear the blame.

Whether Chumen will die or not, she doesn't worry, there is Huang Quan's escape.

Anyway, there are records in the armor. This thing, Chumen will bear it. If they can all escape, they will take their own legs and expect to install money from the booty.

When Li Anna had absorbed all the boxes, the robot had already stacked the boxes on the door. Not only did the door be completely sealed, but it was also welded tightly.

Although more than two hundred boxes were used, half of the wall was covered by the metal box. Chu Men looked at the boxes and said, "The mechanical life is very powerful at refining metals. These boxes are strong and light, so big. Multiple, if made into a shield ... "

"Magic resistance is too bad."

"It's the same thing." Chu Men extinguished the idea of ​​taking away the box. The material of the box was not pure. Even if there was one other from Li Anna's gourd, it couldn't be put in.

There was already a voice of mechanical life outside, but no attempt was made to attack.

Chu Men patted the wall behind him: "This, one meter thick, has surface armor on the outside. It may be more than two meters. The middle layer is filled with no idea. But if you want to penetrate it, you can still do it. . But there is also mechanical life on the sea outside. We ca n’t run away from here. "

"Chumen ..." Li Anna called out.


There are more than 400 of these metal boxes left. We have magical structures that can be quickly processed to make these into a boat.

On-site alchemy?

Chu Men was surprised, saying: "I am not mentally strong enough."

"No, the drawings are ready-made, and the magic configuration can help, but the consumption can't be counted on my head, although I brought a lot of magical rough stones. Create a hull, remove some robot warriors, and use their batteries Then remove the mutation to build it, get the magic furnace, and our ship has power. "

"Do it immediately, Li Anna, you are in charge of defense, all non-casters, listen to Li Anna's command!"

At this time, Chumen seemed to act decisively.

"The drawings are for you." Li Anna passed the drawings of a simple lifeboat to Chumen. When Chu Men looked at it, he immediately shared it with the magic configuration. Five magicians and four magic configurations were busy at the same time.

Although the mutant is also a magical configuration, but the level is low, can not help.

They also face the fate of being dismantled at the same time.

Li Anna pulled out her big sword and stood at the gate where she was sealed. Behind her, the soldiers sat on the floor, and the surrounding robots were also silently waiting for the enemy to attack.

Outside, there is still no offense, but more and more mechanical life has gathered.

The lifeboat on the drawing can accommodate a standard of fifty people, a squadron, but it does not include robots, only the space of standard construction.

In other words, this lifeboat is not intended for robots.

The diamond-shaped hull structure, the hollow arrangement, all the power is sealed inside. On the lifeboat, there is also a weapon platform that can install a large magic gun. It is still a standard dual propulsion system, with liquid nozzles and two propellers.

The rudder at the stern is a magical creation, hard to damage, or a semi-soft structure.

Right in front, below the barrel of the large magic musket, is a transparent artificial crystal. The magic shield was refined on it. The tail structure, like half an egg buckled on the stern, formed a bunker. Inside is a small boat cabin, where the magician can control the ship forward.

Fortunately, the materials of these boxes are sturdy and lighter, and the entire hull is also quite sturdy after magic stitching.

There is not much magic defense ability, there is no way, but this is a high-speed ship, its fully sealed cabin structure, even if it is penetrated, it will not sink.

Chumen was slightly modified, and behind the stern, two small magic cannons were installed.

However, building a boat is not so easy for the legendary mage. According to preliminary estimates, it will take about five hours to complete.

The main thing is to maintain combat effectiveness, can not take drugs to restore mental energy, and rest when tired.

The robot cuts on the wall and digs out a large hole in the inner cabin. Inside the mezzanine, it is colloidal. This thing is worthless, but after Chumen got it out, people filled it into a watertight cabin. Gum can automatically replenish the damaged parts and has a certain self-healing ability.

The outermost armor layer was also cut so that it was only a few centimeters thick before it was finally penetrated.

Laying tracks on the ground, as well as a simple launcher, the rescue boat has to be ejected.

The mounting bracket, the pulley, and the launching device are all handled by the robot. At the time of launching, the batteries of the four robots are probably exhausted. In addition to using the magic furnace built by the four mutants, the small lifeboat has to dismantle the batteries of not less than twenty robot warriors.

Chumen followed the drawings very patiently, and pieced together the lifeboat a little bit, calculating in his heart.

Without these fighters, his combat effectiveness will not decline, but will increase slightly, because there are no targets to protect, but why are there still different levels of combat units in the army?

Lord Duke said that ordinary people also have the value of ordinary people, because they are all intelligent life.

After reaching the extreme north, searching and investigating everywhere, these 3rd and 5th level fighters can also be responsible for a dozen or so miles, saving a lot of time.

For legend, time is more precious than anything.

If you use ordinary people's time to save legendary time, you should pay for it now.

The Duke's analysis is really thorough. If it was in the past, under Zhesu's men, he had already ran away. This may also be the reason for the defeat of Duke Zhesu.

Absolute barriers!

The magical wall of elemental condensation instantly stood up, and the intense explosion sound made people feel dizzy across the helmet. More than a dozen soldiers turned around.

Half of the wall was blown up, Li Anna said badly, these mechanical life, still listen to senior.

A metal wall was directionally blasted, and behind the dense mechanical life, holding a musket, began to intensively fire into the cabin.

Fortunately, absolute barriers were erected, and all the musket projectiles were ejected.

"You continue to build ships." Li Anna stood up and asked Chumen for the four small magic artillery pieces, and quickly arranged a magic array on the ground and installed it.

The four small magic cannons lined up, and Li Anna stood behind, the elemental aura spreading under her feet, saying: "When the absolute barrier disappears, when my magic cannon attack is completed, you make a supplementary attack. After three rounds, all the soldiers Carry a robot and follow me down. "


Li Anna looked back and said to Chu Men: "My wounded, leave it to you, don't let him be shot to death."

"Relax." Chu Men lowered his head and continued to refine the rescue boat.

The absolute barrier disappeared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The halo under Li Anna's feet flickered, and four small magic cannons roared at the same time. The mechanical life in front, covered by the exploding element ball, was instantly cleared of hundreds.

This is the uncoordinated attack. Li Anna has tried to control it as much as possible, and there are still overlapping parts of the attack.

The sound of the musket is crisp and continuous, but there are only more than two hundred robots, which is really insufficient.

"Replace the plasma weapon, follow me." Li Anna did not return her silver sword, but pulled out a spear and jumped forward.

Sword repair is unparalleled, because it is flying sword.

Really close combat, the big gun is the king. Li Anna took the lead, speared like a dragon, and rushed into the battlefield of mechanical life, only to see the flash of the gun, and the soldiers who followed him could only follow the knife.

Li Anna's spear has only one stabbing method. One stabbing and one puffing destroys the computing core of mechanical life.

Without her giving orders, the people behind separated automatically and attacked Li Anna's wings.

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