Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1037: : Anna Secret

Li Anna did not adopt the penetration tactics, but leaned against the enemy's frontier and swept across.

The first ten rows are all within the range of her attack. Behind her, the white plasma flashes. She is the sharp knife of the entire team.

Chu Men slightly raised his eyelids and saw Li Anna's figure on the ground, like a mollusk bug, moving forward one by one.

This rhythm, this speed, gave him an illusion. This guy, such a tactic, can face the legend?

The extremely concise attack is extremely concise. That's because it's irreducible.

One shot at a time, not to mention neat, the target of the killing is definitely a node of the other's battle line, and if it is destroyed, it cannot support each other. Behind the robots, the plasma gun can be easily harvested without being attacked.

A dozen soldiers were led by Li Anna with a rhythm, and naturally there was a tacit understanding between the steps.

Those robots are commanding as they please, and don't need to give too many commands, almost all of them are guns.

With a joy in her face, Li Anna seemed to be playing a game, and she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the battle. Her status was not similar to that of peace.

The entire team, soldiers and robots, were united by her and merged into a sword.

She is a sword blade and a hilt.

After sweeping twice, most of the mechanical life in the outside channel has fallen. Li Anna led the team too fast. The mechanical life did not make up her mind to hit the magician. Li Anna seized this opportunity. At that time, he rushed straight in.

The soldier was already injured. It was Li Anna's other two soldiers. They were fighting too hard.

Short-handed spear in left hand, straight knife in right hand, relying on a bit of magical protection on the armor, one-handed chopping has the same effect as battle axe. The straight knife of the duke's collar was not too light.

Large tomahawks are all 20 jins. Normally normal tomahawks, starting at 10 jins, and those with less strength, only use about 6 jins. The straight knife of the duke's weight is almost ten pounds.

Don't think that heavy weapons are all over a hundred pounds, what level of people are they using?

Ordinary soldiers, even professionals, have a spear below level 5, which is seven or eight pounds.

The reason why the weight is not high is because all weapons are magical creations and can bear the power of any professional, such as sword energy, fighting energy and so on.

According to different occupations, either spears or short spears, enter various strengths and you will get different types of effects.

For example, warrior, if you have ordinary guns and spears, you can change the weight after entering the combat, and use it as a long-handled hammer. As long as it is not a magic armor, a long spear and a short spear hit it, which is a direct stun effect.

The straight knife itself is no longer a standard configuration, and now the main force of the Duke will use a shorter short knife as a tool rather than a weapon. When using a dagger as a weapon, it may have been exhausted, and finally dying.

The duke's collar is still redesigning the short knife. The length of the blade is more than fifty centimeters. If you input all kinds of energy, you can use it as a short-handled hammer.

In fact, there are many soldiers in the world of science and technology with very strong armor. Xiahe people are still testing how to increase the power of the short knife to the point where it can be arbitrarily broken. Not to mention, some armor in the technological world is protected by force fields, so new weapons must have the ability to break through the energy field, so instead of choosing a hammer, choose a short knife.

In order to easily release the skills of breaking the force field, the hammer is purely smashed. It is not impossible to create a hacking effect and a tearing effect. The problem is nondescript.

Now everyone still uses a spear, followed by Li Anna, one shot at a time, sweeping the battlefield.

Li Anna also knows that everyone can't persist for too long, mainly because the energy consumption in the armor is very fast. The protective power of mechanical life is quite strong. Soldiers must open the magic circle in the armor and see the key point of mechanical life through the screen on the artificial crystal.

If the opponent is a flesh and blood, destroy the brain or heart. But the opponent is a machine, and the computing core is not bad, so it still has combat power.

At the same time, there will be many models of machinery, the last one is in the abdomen, and the next one may be on the face.

Any power comes at a price.

Inside the soldier's armor is the raw coal crystal, there is a magic circle that can run automatically, and any professional can switch it.

Like this, it is necessary to find the key to attack, relying on magic, to accurately search.

Li Anna led people to sweep, and looked like a rainbow, but soon she would become a lonely man, one gun per person, it was impossible to stop so many mechanical lives.

Thinking in this way, the mechanical life behind has already tried to attack the magician.

The magicians are dedicated to building ships. It is not impossible to fight, but if they are fighting, there will be no artificial ships. If there is no ship, they will still be trapped here. In addition to the first wave of attack, Li Anna rushed to hundreds of mechanical lives, and the speed of the subsequent killing slowed down.

With a sigh, Chu Men freely released a series of fireballs, killing more than one hundred mechanical lives rushed up from the right wing.

After releasing a magic, he was delayed for a while, he picked up the parts again, and found that there was something wrong with the internal structure of the transmission shaft. Ordinary ships do not matter. This ship is going to run at full speed. The problem inside may erupt after two hours, causing the metal shaft to break.

Chumen had to repair the magic, and Li Anna said in the communication channel: "Don't do it next time, I can solve it myself."

"Huh." Chu Men answered with his nose, and then he was indifferent, and continued his alchemy work.

"Stop, retreat!" Li Anna issued an order. The soldiers and robots ordered it to be forbidden, and retreated in the direction of the magician.

Li Anna did not retreat. She held a spear and spread the halo under her feet. At the same time, there was a silver light spreading out from the point of the spear.

The teacher's gun skills, although I have learned everything, but the level is not good ...

Li Anna pushed up her face shield and looked at the mechanical life swarming in the distance, stomping her foot hard, the aura under her feet detached and flew away.

She followed the halo, holding a spear, bending over and struggling.

Guns are like electricity, people are like dragons.

Li Anna, really turned into a dragon, wrapped in phantoms, scale armor.

The sound of metal impact was gone, and the sound of tearing the cloth was replaced.


Li Anna flew backwards, she ran out of more than two hundred meters, and hit a mechanical life. The mechanical life raised his arm and blocked, and Li Anna felt like she had hit a mountain.

Damn, mechanical life, manipulation of the energy field, formed the same thing as the skills of this world.

The phantom of the dragon was condensed, and Li Anna made a turn in the air and pounced down. As soon as the mechanical life grabbed the side, a metal robot was squeezed and liquefied by it, and suddenly turned into a spear, and stabbed at Li Anna.

Horrible learning ability, but ...

I am Jianxiu!

Li Anna's spear took off, as fast as lightning. The mechanical life spear picked up, and the action was quick and accurate, and it picked up on the tip of Li Anna's spear.

The rifle made a crash, as if someone was holding it at the barrel, bent backwards, and then bounced upwards. It pierced halfway through the upper deck.

The silver long sword appeared in Li Anna's hands, and at the same time she gave the order to attack.

The four magical artillery pieces had already cooled down, and the elemental ball arrived instantly. Li Anna flew upwards, grabbed the tail of the spear, and hung in midair. The elemental ball exploded, and the mechanical life holding the spear, kneeling on one knee, suddenly appeared a layer of energy field around the body.

The elemental ball raged and the chaos hit.

The mechanical life behind was in disarray, but the mechanical life with the lance was full of joy and sorrow. The lance was a little bit on the ground, the body flew up, and it seemed that it was not affected by gravity in the air. .

Li Anna let go and dropped, while the silver sword held a sword flower.

I heard the sound of ding ding bang, every shot of mechanical life was blocked by the tip of the sword, and Li Anna was shot back.

Li Anna is anxious, and mechanical life feels incredible.

It is too difficult to attack this world. In the past, it was swept away. As long as some wisdom mothers are sent to sneak into a world, secretly mine, create mechanical life, and a large number of warriors are built, there will be no opponents.

But there are also robots in this world, which can't be controlled yet. The intelligent life of this world is ridiculously high in combat effectiveness.

Li Anna was hit and flew more than 100 meters away. After landing, the dragon shape dispersed and her armor was damaged in many places.

She twisted her neck and shook her shoulders, her magical armor, and retracted it behind her belt.

She felt a slight pain in her cheeks, but it was just that the battle was furious, and she was cut by the energy that the other party escaped.

This mechanical life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is so powerful, and the learning speed is also ridiculously fast. Li Anna felt that she was not an opponent. She released a water mirror and took a picture of it. There was a slight scar on her face, which penetrated the blood beads outward.

The mechanical life carried a spear and walked step by step. In the metal passage, it seemed that the sky was rolling, and the sound hit the soul directly.

Li Anna turned and walked away, the speed of the mechanical life accelerated, and rushed up, just over a hundred meters away, in the water mirror, a silver long sword pierced, the long sword stalk, slender finger nails The juice stained with irises is crystal clear.


One sword hit, Li Anna turned, and the second sword penetrated the body of the mechanical life almost simultaneously.

The sword in the mirror, Li Anna's unique secret skills, self-creating ability.

This is no longer a skill, she can release this sword in any place where there is a possibility of light projection.

In the extreme state, in the environment of heavy rain, every raindrop can stab a deadly sword.

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