Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1038: : Wounded soldiers

The double swords pierced into the body of mechanical life, neither of which was the key, but the two long swords oscillated and instantly resonated. In the chest of mechanical life, a small crystalline particle cracked.

Its face showed a very emotional expression, which was shock, unbelief, doubt.

No matter how much Li Anna is, anyway, this sword is considered to kill this strong enemy.

No matter how good the learning ability of mechanical life is, it is impossible to learn something about sword repair.

She pulled out the silver long sword, with broken crystal particles on the tip of the sword, and put it away. This stuff is valuable. Even the combat skills can be learnt. It is shocked by your sword, and you have no time to destroy it.

Li Anna closed her sword, turned back, and returned to her position.

The mechanical life ahead starts to stop patrolling. The guy killed by Li Anna is the supreme commander of this film. Although there will be another replacement, the formation of the new commander will take a few minutes.

Mechanical life, strict hierarchy, everything has a system, can not be surpassed.

After Li Anna returned to the position, she released her magical armor again, repaired it herself, and took out the spear at the same time. Li was beside him, and a robot reached out to help her.

Chu Men also saw at this time that Li Anna was definitely not a 25-level magic swordsman.

However, he didn't say anything. Anyway, people were arranged to come over, and what he didn't mention was confidential.

But he couldn't overestimate Li Anna, Li Anna just burst out of strength, and did not reach the level of legend. The breath is at most a bit epic.

Chu Men watched her take a break and thought she consumed too much.

In fact, Li Anna didn't want to take risks. If she went deeper into the enemy line, she met another one. It was hard to say whether the sword in the mirror would still work.

She has a lot of things to save her life. The problem is that she has not reached the extreme north, and even the ice has not arrived.

Now everything is used up, what to do there.

After killing the strong enemy, she knew that she could escape because Chumen's side was almost the same. She was disassembling the robot's battery and arranging the lifeboat's power unit.

Two small magic artillery pieces were removed and installed on the lifeboat.

After more than a minute, Chumen ordered everyone to board the ship. The loss of the robots was not great, but more than 20 were dismantled, and another 150 robot warriors and structures were also followed by the lifeboat.

Chu Men turned and slapped on the armor of the battleship. The armor of the battleship was only a few centimeters, shattered in the magic shock.

Under the lifeboat, the motor turned wildly. The lifeboat more than 20 meters long glide on the track, and then like an eagle, it jumped out of the gap of the battleship and fell into the sea.

The magician was shaken upside down, and soon after finding the balance, the magic array was excited, and the power on the lifeboat was fully on, close to the sea, and there was almost no pause, galloping into the distance.

Chu Men turned around, a flashing light, caught up with the lifeboat and landed on the deck.

Kirishima ...

When Xiahe saw Li Anna getting out of trouble, she had nothing to pay attention to. In fact, Li Anna has no pressure to survive herself. Although she is a sword cultivator, she has learned some magic and Taoism, especially the classic magic created by herself-the fish man.

Xiahe didn't even know why he wanted to create this magic.

Anyway, the idea was that all attributes of magic must be understood and studied to understand the laws of this world. And there are many marine life in this world, very powerful, all in the deep sea, Xiahe created this classic magic.

After use, like a murloc, it can move freely in the water and reach the legendary level, almost not afraid of the water pressure of the deep sea.

Not only can he swim, he can breathe in the water, and after releasing the skill of the murloc, any magic in the sky on land can also be released in the water.

The Murloc is a state magic, which can ensure that the combat effectiveness of humans in the water has been improved.

This skill, created on the basis of the underlying rules, after release, does not delay the use of swordsmanship and Taoism.

Like the water escape technique, the speed will become more amazing in the murloc state.

Xiahe has a lot of classic magic, and Li Anna learned five. Xiahe doesn't know the principle. Why can some people understand it?

For example, wind riding, Li Anna will not, if she can wind riding, with her lance skills, it is really a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus on the battlefield.

Of course, wind riding is not necessary for Li Anna, as long as she does not hide Jianxiu's identity, the speed of her sword escape is simply not comparable to wind riding.

Although warships that are separated from mechanical life still have mechanical life at sea, the small lifeboat itself is also dismantled and manufactured by robots and structures. It has good reconnaissance capabilities. Underwater mechanical life does not exist if it wants to quietly approach.

Along the way, the main **** is no longer in its original position, but it is to escape from the battleship of mechanical life, sailing north, has been out of the scope of thousands of miles. Chumen had to let the lifeboat go north. This thing must not withstand the environment like a hurricane, so I had to pray that the weather would not be a problem.

"Chumen, what about the people of Muses, they can't locate the Lord God."

"It's bad luck for them." Chu Men brought all the soldiers out, and he was already satisfied. As for the friendly army, he had ignored it.

Whoever lets these goods escape, does not cooperate with themselves, and the one who leaves is called a neat one.

I secretly let go of the small warship, and the other party didn't know. Anyway, the small warship had already sunk, and there was no proof of death.

"Okay, I don't need to carry the pot anyway." Li Anna finished and came to the stretcher of the tall soldier and sat down.

"I remember, you called Bai Niu ..."

The tall soldier had woke up, and he heard a shy expression on her face when she heard Li Anna's words.

Many people with no status have no surname, although the Arcane Empire is not so backward, but in some places, it is no different from the green forest.

The children of the poor family, casually named, may just see a white cow and call it white cow.

"You are all professionals, just pick a new name."

"No, just like the White Bull." The tall soldier said.

"Relax, the guardian's configuration has dealt with you, your knees are not damaged, if you go back and install the configuration, flexibility can be guaranteed."

"I'm out of luck." There was a trace of pain in the eyes of the tall soldier.

Such a serious injury is definitely about to be retired. He was ready for this day, but he retired without making much money. It is really not reconciling.

"Good luck, for the metal powders I found before, you can divide a lot of money, and go back without doing business, which is enough for retirement."

"Can I continue to practice martial arts?" The tall soldier asked, gritting his teeth.

"This, I have to ask Lord Duke."

"So there is hope?"

"Forget it, I'll help you with some money, let you go to a small business or something, you can apply to enter Rhode Island with such a degree of disability. It is still good to do business there."

"I'm not reconciled. Following the Duke, I feel ..." The tall soldier suddenly burst into tears and burst into tears. As he lay on the stretcher, Li Anna reached out and wiped his tears away so as not to flow into his ears.

He was born in poverty, and when Duke Zhesu confronted Xiahe, he forcibly recruited many soldiers. He was one of them.

Later, he turned to Xiahe, and his life changed.

The breathing method provided for free, although the level is the lowest, but let him break through and become a professional. At this point, you have the qualification to enter the regular army of the Changling Corps.

And this time he came out, it was an opportunity for him, if he did well, he could continue to climb up.

Many people are envious of the work that is not coming, but before he reaches the extreme north, his feet are gone.

"Otherwise, go back and I will give you a recommendation to see if you can change jobs and become a magic net mage. If the magic net mage, the requirements on your legs are not high."

"Thank you Captain." The tall soldiers stopped the mourning.

Li Anna lowered her head, raised her head again, and looked at the other three men. The three men were wounded. Not everyone, like her, had a powerful magical armor and was able to charge with impunity.

"Leanna ..."

"What's the matter." Li Anna was in a bad mood and answered Chu Men with a cold face.

"Thank you this time."


Chu Men is really grateful. He feels that Li Anna must have been sent to monitor himself, as well as a few of them.

As a monitor, in order to protect everyone, choose to expose your identity, the evaluation will go back to the top.

I have sacrificed myself, and Li Anna's sacrifice is not small.

"The loot, except for the distribution to everyone, you keep it. Without you, we can't take those things away. No need to rebut, it's an order."

He is the supreme commander of this battle and can make this decision. As long as there is no selfishness, it will not affect the evaluation, and the above will naturally be evaluated.

He really can't carry any loot, Li Anna has her means, that is her luck.

Li Anna said: "No, I am not short of this money."

What she said is very true, these things are ultimately Xiahe, who is Xiahe, is her ancestor.

Other people practice ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ To find a way to make money, she does not have to. What she collects is mainly for the sake of masters and masters. What I want to keep is not for money, it is just something that can be used directly.

"Well, I'm going to maintain the lifeboat, defending things, and trouble you."

"you are welcome……"

Chumen really started to take charge of the lifeboat. Li Anna saw the wounded one by one. In addition to the tall soldiers, the rest maintained their combat effectiveness. The guardian is constructing and is hurrying to help everyone repair the armor equipment.

The soldiers handed over the magic rifle to the structure, inspected for any problems, retracted them without problems, reloaded the magic projectile, or replaced the magazine. The tall soldier also held his magic musket and pressed the projectiles one by one into the magazine. Yes, he is crippled, but he can still shoot, and he doesn't want to be a drag.

Li Anna did not stop, she did not expect that the people of the Changling Corps would be willing to continue to fight instead of leaving the army.

Why, as a soldier, retiring is the right choice.

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