Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1039: : Results (1)

Xiahe didn't pay attention to this side, and naturally didn't know that there was a soldier named Bai Niu who lost his legs and couldn't cry because he couldn't fight him anymore.

Xiahe got nine golden spheres, divided into six, used to make the core of the starry flagship.

Although the starry flagship is huge, it is only a battleship after all, and its volume is limited, so the materials required for the computing core will be very special and very advanced.

The computing core on the ground can completely achieve the goal of super computing regardless of its size.

Therefore, the golden sphere obtained by Xiahe will not be used in urban weapons, because it is unnecessary, he can make a powerful calculator long ago.

For example, in the world of Taiyin Xianfu, his Xianfu has a computing core created by Xianyu, which can support the calculation on the entire planet.

In the main world, Xiahe's large cities all have computing cores and can be networked.

If the fleet wants to fly into the starry sky and cannot obtain the support of the main world, then the computing core becomes very important.

What is the core of computing?

Not to mention the normal combat mage, and the dependence on the computing core, it is said that the magic net master, when releasing magic, actually only made an application. Then the composition and details of the magic are all done by the computing core, Give back to the magic net node, the magic net mage releases the magic, but only the spiritual power is paid.

This process can also be done by combat mages.

When Xiahe's magic network node becomes more and more powerful, all magicians can easily release magic through this method.

The key to restricting a person from becoming a mage will be wisdom.

Because of the release of magic, although the process of magic organization is completed by the calculation core, in fact, the magic master of the net has a thorough understanding of this skill.

The achievements of the Magnet Master are not easy, but they are also done step by step and after a lot of training.

What is the illusion, but it can provide them with perfect training.

The magic net mage, when detached from the magic net, will not be able to do anything, but only without the sustained ability of the battle mage.

For example, a legendary battle mage can continuously release more than 30 legendary magic, but the magic net mage, after leaving the magic net, may only release three or four legendary magic.

The legendary level will not be changed, which is one of Xiahe's achievements over the years.

In the hands of Xiahe, there are also three golden spheres, one of which is given to his own life construct, which can be absorbed and fused by the life construct, making the life construct itself a powerful center of magic net.

That is to say, any magic master around the life can be supported.

With the remaining two, he slowly nurtured himself, watching what creation he could use in the future.

He is now busy refining the Starry Sky Flagship, the Asra and the Medirley, all of which have been completed, and the remaining four flagship materials are ready. After the core is built, they will be sent separately to let all control the flagship Of people make their own refining.

Asra, Xiahe's own, has the core of Fire Crow One on it. Fire Raven One has set up a laboratory and an alchemy plant on the stars close to the sun, which is already a powerful help for Xiahe.

The Medirelli has been made into a dragon ship by Medirelli, in fact, it can already be used in actual combat. But Xiahe didn't force it, this flagship's path is destined to be different, and may focus on combat effectiveness in the future.

With the Freya, Xiahe didn't have to worry about it, just throw it to Freya, and everything could be solved.

The Odin is for Ovilla.

Ovilla has always been on the side of the world of Taiyin Xianfu, and the practice is quite enjoyable. She does not want to go back to the main world. Xiahe couldn't help it, but since there was Freya's help over there, he didn't need to worry about this flagship.

Then it's for Cotton Jack, who wants to be the captain and lead the fleet in the universe to fulfill his own ideals.

Of course, Xiahe is already at ease with the command ability of Cotton Jack. Everything on the New World is now handled by Cotton Jacket, and there has been nothing wrong with it for so long.

And the talent of Cotton Jack made Xia He envious. In the hands of Jack, many commanders have also been trained. No one may reach his own level, but they are all very well-grown.

There are many talents and backbones on the New Continent, which are all thanks to Cotton Jack.

In practice, Mianmu Jack must have received the favor of Xiahe. Without Xiahe, his achievements could not reach today's level, nor could he have any future. However, in the construction of the territory and the cultivation of talents, the role of Cotton Jack is unmatched by others.

Give him a fleet, in Xiahe's view, it is normal.

As for the last flagship, Xiahe thought about it and gave himself to the adopted Sith.

Sith is the heir to the duke, and he is also very good, so good that no one can replace him. If there is no accident, Sith has no pressure up to level 160, and his life is very long. After he abdicates, there is a starry flagship, and it is okay to run everywhere.

In the end, the Star Fleet still operated around Taiyin Xianfu, and Xiahe could not give the flagship to outsiders.

After the core of the flagship is processed, Xiahe will leave Kirishima. Anyway, on the mainland, there is a living structure, and Rhode Island has Sith. Now he can completely retreat behind the scenes.

This is something Xiahe has been pursuing for a long time.

The development of forces on the main world side is to obtain more resources. The real construction is in the world of Taiyin Xianfu.

Therefore, he is a violent soldier in the main world and continues to expand his forces.

Xia He used a phantom array to observe his achievements during this time in the laboratory.

The starry flagship has been completed, and the mothership, battleship, frigate, and cruiser have all been finalized. Among them, the mother ship is also a logistics ship, which has a planting plant, an alchemy plant, and various mining equipment, which can fully support the consumption of a fleet.

Unfortunately, it still stays on paper.

However, the four small warships on the mothership have all been completed and improved.

If it were not for cost reasons, Xiahe would definitely promote it downwards. The final shape of the fire crow type 1 to type 4, the cheapest is also the cost of tens of millions of gold coins. Of course, you can't buy gold coins, just a horizontal comparison.

The most expensive retro scale, the battleship in the atmosphere, costs 18 to 1 million gold coins, depending on your personal preference.

With a cost of 180,000 gold coins, the fighting power is already considerable.

The three flying warships of the anti-scale, fire arrow, and floating fish completely replaced all the old-fashioned flying warships of the Duke.

Then the transformation work of the six-pointed star airship is completed. The large six-pointed star airship on the Xiahe River can transport a large group of the main army. It does not look as good as the airship on the side of the princess, but this airship is quite fast and very safe.

The most important thing is that a large group of transportation includes all equipment. Various tanks, mounts, equipment, weapons, logistics, etc.

Now in the establishment of Xiahe, one battalion is composed of twelve brigades and one brigade has five hundred people.

Twelve sorts of large six-pointed star airships can deliver a standard reloading operation anywhere.

And the so-called large size is not too big. The diameter of the six-pointed star airship is more than 100 meters. It looks like a behemoth. Considering that it can transport so many things, it will be considered too small.

The rapid advancement of materials science has made Xiahe's flying forces also change their face.

The original flying robots have been replaced by flying structures. Strictly speaking, the flying structures and the internal mechanical devices are not many at all. However, no matter the operation mode or materials, they are already the same as the original flying robots. No connection anymore.

From top to bottom, all flying equipment uses a lot of biological materials.

In particular, the reconnaissance flight configuration is to use dead feather snakes as materials for refining, and has certain combat capabilities. Xiahe has a large number of feather snakes. In the breeding factory, the number of feather snakes that die every year is a huge number. No matter how you choose to breed, there will always be a large number of dead snakes.

These feather snakes were eventually used by the magician to study the feather snake configuration.

Feather snake's broken soul has been used, and with a tiny computing core, it is very convenient to control.

There are quite a lot of similar designs. Various kinds of Warcraft are raised. The meat on the body is made into military grain. The bones and the like are recovered and refined into biological materials.

The Dragon Scale Scroll is one of the representatives, it is the earliest batch of achievements.

The biggest cost of biological materials is the cost of time. Xiahe also knows that if it is during the war, the supplement of biological materials may not be as easy as metal materials.

However, biological materials are very stable and will not decompose naturally. They can only decompose in special environments. The storage is easy, the price is cheap, and usually there is not much loss. At the accumulative speed of the Duke's leadership, half of the plane has been developed to store these things.

In other words, the alchemy factory has a fixed half plane to communicate as a material warehouse.

These achievements are not the credit of Xiahe alone. His academy and countless magicians are devoting their energy. Year after year, only today.

Xiahe is the role of a mentor, put forward ideas, let everyone develop ideas.

In the illusion, a magician came to Xiahe, and Xiahe turned back, and the magician said: "Master Duke, the magic armor has been re-set, do you want to take a look?"

"Look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then the magician is a little empty, and a heavy armor appears in front of Xiahe.

This armor is two and a half meters tall, but it doesn't look bloated and heavy at all, but it has beautiful lines, rich colors, and no glare. It only makes people think that this thing is very beautiful, very steady, and loved from the bottom of my heart.

Xiahe didn't speak, and the magician said: "It has been compressed to the extreme, no matter how small it is, you cannot control costs."

Xia He smiled and said, "I didn't say there was a problem, I just sighed, something happened too quickly."

"Yes, Lord Duke, we all feel incredible." The magician's eyes also had a strange expression. The Duke's side, the research ability really makes him feel a little scary.

Regardless of the cost of development and research, the manufacturing cost of this heavy magic armor is less than ten gold coins.

That ’s why it ’s unbelievable. Take it out alone. No one would think it ’s too much to sell hundreds of gold coins.

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