Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1040: : Results (2)

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This is the cheapest piece of heavy magic armor, and it cannot be the same as Li Anna's. But what does it matter if you consider the cost?

Reinstall the magic armor, divided into two layers.

The outer layer is used for fighting on the battlefield. The inner layer is not a regular suit, but also has certain combat capabilities, but it is easy to wear and very close to the body. There is no magic to reduce the weight.

On the back of the armor, there is an obvious ridge line. On both sides of the ridge line are scales that can spread like wings.

The ridge line extends all the way to the end of the battle skirt, and the waist width is large at the waist position, showing a metallic color. There are still many hanging points on the belt, but they are all empty. Equipment other than the armor must be purchased separately.

The upward helmet, which is fixedly connected to the armor, can also be removed, which is relatively troublesome. But this also provides better protection. Even if the warhammer hits the helmet, the shock force will be dispersed downwards, burdening the scales that can be opened on the back of the armor.

On the front of the helmet is artificial crystal, which occupies half the size of a face.

The neck also has multiple layers of protection and support, spreading downwards, just like a lotus that is upside down.

The breastplate of the chest is a pair of blade-like structures, and the heart and lungs are well protected.

The shoulder armor is relatively exaggerated and has a bulge, but it is not an artistic shape. There is a magic array inside, which can provide strength support for the arms and wave weapons. It is quite pleasant.

The part of the glove facing the palm is a cortical structure, which is quite delicate. In the direction of the back of the hand is the **** structure, which has a strong hardness. After making a fist, it is a small hammer.

This armor looks like its legs are very long. After all, the average human being is more than one meter and eighty meters. Two meters and five high armor is basically an increase in the height of the legs.

The huge combat boots can actually be removed without delaying the use of the armor. This pair of combat boots can adapt to various terrains, and there is also space to store energy inside. In fact, at the beginning of the design of the armor, no one had considered it that way. This design is also the first time.

At the beginning, Xiahe didn't like this design very much, but a large number of soldiers passed repeated tests, and the feedback was very good.

Everyone likes this design, and it takes only two or three days to adapt, and then they use the armor as part of their bodies.

Not to mention that the boots are more than one meter long, but the soldiers feedback that the boots are as sensitive as the soles of the feet, and can feedback various information on the ground, and the combat movements are not affected. In fact, more than one meter long boots, half a meter is thick, which contains energy space and various magic arrays.

The remaining half-meter was put on the armor, all covering the soldier's calf.

Xiahe clicks on the data panel. This heavy magic armor costs nine gold coins. Without any pendants, the combat effectiveness is several times better than the original.

The cost of the original armor is more than twenty gold coins.

This is the result. Like this kind of armor, they are all used by the captain, and the demand is too great. Now the cost is controlled at nine gold coins, plus various plug-ins, which is the same as the original one.

This can save too much money, not to mention the increased combat effectiveness of this armor.

There is such a squad, as long as the captain has five levels and brings 50 robot warriors, he can sweep three thousand old army.

The excitation point of Phase Frost Dragon Shield has been changed to the position of the lower chest and the center.

This is a very expensive skill, it will not be used unless the enemy is too strong. There are small shield sockets in the position of both arms, which can inspire small shields and be regarded as real combat weapons.

The new weapons have abandoned the spear, and replaced it with a magic musket that can be plugged in.

This magic musket specially designed for reloading magic armor is hung above the left arm. There are six rounds of built-in magazines. You can choose to launch different types of magic projectiles, and then there are twelve rounds of magazines. . Although it is troublesome to fill the built-in magazine, either take it out for your own help or companion to help, but this weapon was originally designed for enemies stronger than yourself, and it is rarely used.

Melee weapons are straight swords led by the Duke, and are specially equipped for reinstalling magic armor.

Even if there is no blade, this straight knife can be used as an iron whip, and it will definitely be broken and broken when it is drawn on the enemy.

Then there are hand guns, four rounds of equipment, close-up weapons, and rapid reloading.

Reinstalling the magical armor, gave up the ultra-long-range attack, but on both sides of the helmet, there are light magic launchers, which can lock the enemy thousands of kilometers away, providing coordinates for more long-range weapons.

This kind of magic damage is low, unless it is faced with death, dark and evil creatures.

The final decision is this, because the cost of the mutant build is reduced and can be distributed in the team. Mutants can use magical firearms and can fight like precision shooters.

With a new firepower point, reloading the magic warrior, there is no need to add a long-range attack attribute.

What's more, in the battle at the brigade level, the long-range attack is done with artillery.

At the squadron level, there is a module tower, and the responsibility of the small captain should be more to organize combat, and->>

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