Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1044: : Not for sale

"Although it is worth it, but this time you lost the money, the teacher is not responsible for reimbursement." Xia He patted Smith's head and smiled.

"Oh, once I got the way, I felt like I had the whole world. I really didn't have any losses. But the teacher's layout failed, and now the Empire doesn't know how many people are coveting our Duke. Teacher, how did you train me? This kind of person must be a concern of the nine colleges. Moreover, the teacher can train me, I am sure that I will not be a legendary master of the sixties or more? "

"Let them want to go, anyway, life is built on top of Little Sun City, no one can see my flaws."

"then what do I do?"

"You only ask me now?"

"Teacher, I know I was wrong."

"You're right, the avenue is in front of you, even if you sacrifice everything, you have to get it. This kind of mood can be understood by those who practice monasticism."

Smith scratched his head, Xia He smiled and said: "It's not that serious. You show your strength. It's not a bad thing for the Duke. At least when many people want to deal with me, they will think about your existence."

"Well, I'm willing to take responsibility. I will come forward if there is any trouble in the future."

"That's the reason, go to Little Sun City and build with your life."

Smith grimaced and asked, "Can I go to Xiacheng?"

"Your sister is in Xiacheng, there will be no danger on the side of Sith, the level of life configuration itself is still low, you just go to Little Sun City and make a protective gesture."

"Yes, then I'll go." Smith did not procrastinate, and said goodbye to the Xiahe River, and took a counter-scale to the Little Sun City.

Now Scale is the favorite flying warship of the core figures of the Duke. It is fast enough and has strong attack power. If you are in trouble, you can solve it without your own shot.

Xiahe let this matter pass quickly, and it was no big deal.

Smith comprehends Avenue, which is a good thing for him.

Both of the earliest students had a promising future, and they were still unhappy. Like his own seventy-two disciples, they are already talented, and they are everywhere in the 50th and 60th grades. Put it in the main world, it has been frying pan for a long time, but they are all in the world of Taiyin Xianfu, and they are doing research there and engaging in malicious construction.

Lord God ...

Shrek controlled the warship and fled wildly all the way, but finally got rid of the mechanical life.

After Shrek ran away, he felt something was wrong, and mechanical life was more like driving him away. When he escaped a certain distance, the smell of chasing was less obvious.

However, he was weak in his own strength and dared not go back to explore. He could only repair the loss of power of the Lord God himself after slowing down.

Although the main **** is powerful, most of the construction is completed in the alchemy factory. The legendary structure is also handled by ordinary legendary mages. In the eyes of Shrek, these legendary mages are too weak and ordinary people. Only the strength of the components can be guaranteed, and in terms of properties, the icebreaker cannot be played to the extreme.

The Lord God is not a battleship, its attack power is less than its defense power.

The main thing of the battleship is reliability. This time, in order to escape, even the main power system was damaged. Shrek had no choice but to repair it by himself.

Fortunately, the power system of the main **** is well integrated, not messy at all.

There are six tubes in the inner part of the jet, and two tubes on the outside, and they are detachable. The metal propeller shaft part of the propeller is fairly solid. The damage this time was because the speed was too fast and exceeded the design standard.

When he was busy, Muses ran under the cabin and watched Shrek working next to him.

"You look at people like that, isn't it good?" Shrek was also angry. Both sides knew what the other party was doing, but they didn't tear their faces. For him, he was too uncomfortable with this way of doing things.

"Oh, Shrek, I didn't even care about whoever killed me."

"Because you can't care about it." Shrek didn't expect that Muses would break, and when he answered, he still looked casual.

"Don't think about it, will I get revenge?"

"Everyone didn't think about this kind of problem, it's naive."

"It makes sense, do you want me to help?"

"No, it's not a difficult job, I can do it all by myself."

"So many mechanical lives, layout here, don't you worry?"

"My Duke will handle it, by the way, don't you send some troops over?"

"My people, it's okay to fight on land. It's really not suitable to go to the sea."

"The role of equipment in the sea is greater than that of humans. In fact, it is easier to get some trained soldiers and equipped warships to deal with those mechanical lives. The warships are built large enough, with enough mechanical soldiers and structures, and the rest I can't think of any difficulty. "

"It takes time, how to train for half a year."

"Take actual combat training?"

"Can you contact Rhode Island?"

"Yes, but the price is quite high. It is not necessary. I have sent a flying robot back to transfer the information here. A Rhode Island fleet will soon come to handle it."

"I also want to get a real fleet instead of escorting the army transport ship."

"Then buy it. The equipment Rhode Island gave you is pretty good."

Muses watched Shrek use magical flames to repair a crack and add it to metal powder. Such a powerful battle mage is doing what the alchemist does.

Rhode Island, great.

Those who are under their own eyes, one above the other, think that if they have a higher rank, they don't need to do anything.

It makes no sense to kill Shrek, Rhode Island, there are still a lot of them. Killing a few will not affect Asla's development plan. This is what makes people desperate.

"I want to buy a reverse scale."



"Even if the scales are sold, you don't need gold coins, and you can't accept the price. With that money, you might as well make legendary equipment. If you are lucky, the scales are more powerful than the legendary equipment. The mission may be shot down, and nothing will happen. "

"How do you know that I can't afford this money?"

"Because the Duke will set a price that you can't afford, it doesn't matter how much the inverse scale is worth."

Muses convinced, this is the obvious opening to ask the lion to open his mouth, for example, this thing was originally worth one million gold coins, the price of 10 million people, your wealth is also difficult to accept.

"You might as well buy more ignition vectors, and then modify it yourself. The price of a seven or eight million gold coin is almost the same. Why spend millions of dollars to buy a flying warship?"

"If it's millions of gold coins, it's not expensive."

"Because it is the price of the battleship itself, there is nothing on it. Armor, weapons, computing core, these are not included, do you still think it is cheap?"

Muses is really convinced, because a computing core, the price may be similar to the battleship.

Armor is a consumable and a big investment. As for weapons, that ’s okay, according to the needs of the equipment, even if you do n’t buy it, you can install a set to deal with it, and the power will not be too different.

The floating armor has no problem with defensive ability. It is a battle that will be replaced a lot after going back.

If you are lucky, you will still be able to repair and repair it. If you are unlucky, you will have to replace it completely.

"It's useless to tell me so much. If you want the price list, go to the Duke and get a gold coin."

Muses is even more speechless. If these things are just the price of a gold coin, it is really not worth talking to Shrek for so long. Legendary Master's time is precious. Usually you give me a hundred gold coins, and I may not be willing to chat with you.

Shrek reinstalled the drive shaft, clapped his hands, and said, "This time it's okay. I won't be able to escape the hard work of meeting those guys again."

"Nine of us, don't you dare to confront them?"

"Dare not, there is a very strong existence in mechanical life. It has become a disaster, not you and I can solve it. I do n’t know how many mechanical lives are here. The sea is rich in resources and mining on the seabed Building a factory, building an army, and the advantages of mechanical life is something we do not have. "

Murcis does not refute that although humans also make robots, human robots, for safety and cost, have less fighting autonomy than these mechanical lives.

"Furthermore, our goal is the extreme north. You want to die with mechanical life here. To be honest, I didn't have any opinions at all, it was just strange."

Muses was slightly nervous. He did receive the task, but it was not mandatory.

But from an outsider's point of view, it was because he was looking for Rhode Island, going to the extreme north, and now he suddenly wanted to stay and fight the mechanical life, then something was wrong.

Because of the battle with mechanical life, it is possible to mobilize a large army in the empire, without this icebreaker to resist.

"I am a little greedy. There are a lot of secrets in mechanical life, and there are many strange formulas and materials."

"Hah, then you can mobilize your troops and come to fight with us. There will be a lot of loot, and the security will be improved."

This is the truth that Muses thought.

Asla is strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Anything can be arranged to do it by hand, which is also one of the reasons for being strong. I can't develop a lot of men, I have to do something personally.

If you let it go, the benefits will be less, but the risks are also taken by the men.

Asla's development is how it snowballs, and all the money is invested in his hands. But his men really don't worry about it, no match.

In the future, if you are a person who should develop more in this world, then you have loyalty.

The apostles were all pregnant with ghosts, and it was impossible to really cooperate.

After a few more days, the main god, which was slowly driving, had reached the frozen area. There was huge hard ice floating on the sea, even the main **** did not dare to bump into it.

On this day, the main **** stopped and rested, mainly because the flying robot was in front and found a singularity. There was a space passage nearby, and there were large islands nearby.

I do n’t know what a bad parallel space, the opening is here.

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