Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1045: :joint

In the restaurant, Shrek met Muses, and the two sat together and communicated.

"In a few days, you can reach the ice, and this boat can't continue to drive forward." Muses said.

"Well, I will leave two squadrons as backup bases. The Lord God will dock at a safer place and wait for us to come back."

"Before that, do you have to clear up the troubles around you?"

"It must be cleaned up."

"I am missing a squadron now."

Shrek said: "There is a small alchemy laboratory on the Lord God, which can't be a factory, but when the logistics is no problem, we have few people. When we find the parking place, we all go around to explore and clear up the unrest. After processing, you take three squadrons, I take two squadrons, and I go all the way north, how? "

"What can I do ..."

"Musis ..."

"what happened?"

"The expedition to the extreme north is for you. To be honest, even if we each dispatched a battalion, we would not be able to spend the money. But we should always be reasonable. What are you dissatisfied with? "

"I don't know why Asra assigned me like you, you have no concept of cooperation."

"Because, I am his student, and I am worthy of trust." Shrek said with a smile: "Trusting this kind of thing is more important than anything. As for the question of whether I will cooperate, you are really right, I am here. I haven't worked with others before. "

Muses changed color and said, "Is that just playing me?"

"Look at the Lord God you are riding on now, how much does it cost to build such a boat. Otherwise, would you come to tease me?"

"Did I not pay?"

"It seems that you haven't arrived. You go to another house to take a loan and see if it works."

Muses was angry and got up. He walked on the deck sullenly, looking at the thick clouds in the distance, and a feeling of powerlessness developed in his heart.

Shrek is hard to get around, and he is still a student of Asra, who can't touch it himself.

However, Shrek is not stupid. He killed a squadron before. Why? Do you irritate yourself?

Impossible, he first provoked, Shrek is just a little radical in self-defense, and it would be a similar choice for himself. His heart is not really angry, so what is his purpose?


It's not necessary, because I dare not start with Asla at the moment, the strength gap between the two sides is a little big.

Asla has a vast territory, and his strong men are like clouds. With the number of legends, he can kill himself.

Is there anything in Asla's mind worth remembering about himself?

Murcis wondered, his robe fluttering in the wind, like his mood.

Shrek pushed the dinner plate, and he didn't quite understand the value of Muses, but the teacher said he had, then he must have. Shrek sometimes does not think deeply. He knew that his talents were not as good as those of other teachers.

If you think too much and waste your time, then spiritual practice can't keep up.

"Sir, somebody is coming, near the Lord God." A soldier came to report.

"Got it, just let Malone deal with it." Shrek waved his hand, and in his vision, he could see all the information brought by Lord Lord.

In the sky, the white spots approached, and the speed was astonishing. When they reached the main god, they suddenly slowed down. On the deck, Muses looked up, and more than thirty feathers landed slowly.

Muses didn't do anything. The Feather had a weapon on his body, but he didn't hold it in his hand.

At this time, Malone had already been on the deck, and behind him was a squadron. The main **** was almost stopped, and the feathers were in the air, keeping a stable distance from the main god.

Malone thought for a while and said, "Can you understand what I said?"

The voice of the first feather person condensed and passed on: "Universal language, we will."

"I'm curious, why did you come here, this world has fought too many wars with intruders, without exception, and never compromise."

"We have no intention of war."

"A lot of times, you can't help you."

"Everyone is a civilized person. Even if you want to fight, let's talk about it first, how?" The leader said.

Ma Long said: "Then please come down."

Of these thirty or so feathers, there are three legends, two epics, and the rest are more than twenty levels of existence. There are clear signs in Malone's field of vision. The age of these feathers is equivalent to that of human beings from 25 to 50 years old. The average grade is very high, and the age is not big, but it is still more obvious to be suppressed by this world law.

If in their world, the flying ability of these feathers is comparable to a powerful magician.

"There is no meeting room on the ship, let's go to the restaurant." Malone is not too afraid of these feathers, even though the three legends are in front of him, he did not show the state of battle.

In the restaurant, there are still a lot of people eating. The main **** is usually open in the restaurant, but only during dinner time will there be dinner. Dinner means better handling of World of Warcraft and Lingmi.

The people on the side of Muses will also supply Lingmi, of course everything comes at a price.

Only the Feather Leader sat down, and the rest of the Feathers, even the other two legends, stood behind, looking serious and silent.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Lennon."


"Aren't you the captain of this ship?"

"You are not the leader of all feathers?"

"It's also said that we are feathers, our world, and this world have formed a solid channel, so many feathers come to investigate, fearing to bring disaster to our world."

"This is a relatively mature world, and we are used to fighting in other worlds, so what do we mean by meaning?"

"What do you mean."

"Normally, when discovering another world, as long as the other world is relatively weak, then the offense becomes an inevitable thing."

"What's the point?"

"Weak meat and strong food is the truth." Ma Long said.

"In our world, Yuren has an absolute advantage, but humans can live well."

"No, it has nothing to do with race."

The two said dryly, seemingly without sincerity.

"Can't we get along peacefully?" Lennon frowned. The tight wings behind him spread out slightly, full of vigilance.

"Successful, you can get along peacefully."

"Subjugation? Do you think the Yuren will be afraid of war?"

"No, Lennon, I have seen many races, and no one is afraid of war. Whether you are afraid or not, the war is there and it will never disappear."

Lennon was silent, and the feathers behind him put their hands on the weapons.

Ma Long spread his hand and said, "Look, this is how the war fought."

"Because, you are threatening us." Lennon stood up slowly and said, "Are you going to leave us?"

Ma Long smiled and said: "Although I am a soldier, but this is not a battleship, we are just a research ship."

"Survey ship!"

"Yeah, we are doing an inspection mission. In a distant place, a new **** was born, we will go over and see."

"God ..."

Lennon and the feathers behind him were shocked. These human beings actually went to investigate a new god. What the **** is this world!

In the feather world, God is untouchable, omnipotent, and supreme.

Looking at the human expression in front of him, he clearly saw contempt.

"How are you guys coming to this world?" Ma Long asked.

"Not much, probably less than 20,000. A small town was established on the island. It mainly depends on fishing for a living. The climate of this world is too bad ..."

"It's close to the extreme north. The environment is really not very good. Are you interested, bring some people with us to investigate the gods?" Ma Long smiled.

At this time, Muses couldn't help but want to stop, but Shrekla stepped aside.

"What's the harm of more people? Think about it. The feathers are not powerful enough. Unlike mechanical life, you are used to invading other worlds. You can tell, right?"

With a chuckle in his heart, Muses could distinguish it because of the existence of the Lord God.

"Feather is very strong, but not so dangerous. Even if it comes from a parallel space, just subduing it. Compared with the empire, do you think Yuren is terrible?"

Muses is speechless. For most of the world, the main world where he is is the truly terrible behemoth. It's just such a small noble himself. It didn't take long to come to this world. After climbing to the position of Earl, he actually invaded a small world.

"We are understaffed, and the Yuren can still use their strength."

Muses bowed his head and said nothing, he found that he was powerless to stop Malone.

Lennon was shocked and speechless. The other party invited him to investigate the gods?

Ma Longdao: "Although there will be danger to life, but the knowledge that can be obtained by exploring the existence of gods is also priceless. If the investigation is successful, you can also have loot."

Muses didn't say anything at all, and the Lord God gave him the task without hesitation, united the Featherman, and explored the secret of the God of Magic.

He also reacted, he was not a person in this world, what parallel space, what alien world, care about his farts.

It doesn't matter that the world is in chaos. Why have you been working with Asra for a long time and you think you are a person in this world?

This is a terrible thing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ unconsciously, subtle.

Lennon was silent for a short time, and said to Marlon: "Can you be the master?"

"Of course, how about you?"

"How many people and supplies can this ship hold?"

"Don't you have space equipment?"

"Not much can be brought, otherwise it will affect the combat effectiveness."

"When this boat was designed, there was a margin. We now have more than 300 people, but less than 400 people. In fact, this boat can accommodate 1,200 people and can carry logistic supplies for about a year. "

"Then I will bring 500 people over, as long as you rest assured."

"Just sign an agreement, do you like to hire, or joint venture?" Malone asked. Naturally, he can't take the lead, but the communication channel is assisted by vision, and he can put information directly into the retina.

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