Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1046: : Trading

Ma Longdao: "Yes, I think your weapons are mainly scimitars and bows and arrows. Do you know a musket?"

"I know, there were gnomes in our world, but the musket attack is close and the cost is high. Why are you all using it?"

"The attack distance of two or three hundred meters is not too close. It is farther than most bows and arrows. There are two kinds of muskets on our side, one from the world of technology and one from the world of magic. You can buy some of the world of technology Five hundred guns are enough? If these guns are aimed at professionals, even if they have magic defense, within three to fifty meters, they still have lethality. If there is no magic defense ability, the killing effect within three hundred meters is very impressive. . "

Lennon was cold, when he was suspended above this boat before, only a distance of more than 100 meters, and also calculated the power of the musket.

Muses was also puzzled. He didn't even know that the other party brought so many muskets!

Shrek said with a smile: "This is not difficult, just use a flying warship and send a batch of muskets."

"Then why don't we go to the extreme north by flying warship?"

"You said you want to ship, I thought I would investigate along the way ..."

Muses felt like he was confused in his head. Indeed, he was thinking about being able to investigate along the way, and the number of supplies brought by the ship was far more than that of the flying warship.

Shrek arranged someone to contact Little Sun City, and let Little Sun City send a batch of supplies with the flying warship.

This ship is indeed designed for 1,200 people, including logistics supplies, but Shrek ’s mission is to spend some time in the extreme north to conduct a real investigation, not to fight.

Most of the sealed cabins on the ship store supplies, and the reduction in the number of members makes the main gods self-sustaining.

But he didn't bring so many weapons. Four squadrons only took six squadrons. After all, sometimes weapons are completely destroyed and cannot be repaired.

No matter how big the ship is, there are robots occupying the place. If there are no robot warriors, the ship can carry more people to explore.

Lennon and Malone have signed an agreement on a joint expedition. Do you say this thing is of little value?

It must be big, and it has a certain magic binding effect.

But if you want to tear up the agreement, it is not impossible. What can really maintain this agreement is the strength of the Lord God. The passage of the feather world cannot be moved here. If Lennon did n’t want to die, he could only honestly abide by the agreement. He would love peace and oppose violence until he could see the weakness of the Duke ’s leadership.

That night, Lennon brought 500 people to the Lord God.

Among these five hundred people, there are only one hundred pigeons, then two hundred human beings, one hundred dwarves, and one hundred hybrid trolls.

Shrek and Muses were surprised to find that the Yuren had large flying equipment, a flying magic carpet, and the blanket looked as white as snow, as if woven from feathers on the Yuren.

Li Anna secretly went to Lennon and asked if this thing could be sold.

Maybe Li Anna's image is better, and Lennon is also very polite, saying: "Yes, but we don't have many of these things, so it's very expensive."

"It just feels full of art, and if you want to collect it, one piece is enough!"

"This is a legendary item, really expensive ..."

Without saying a word, Li Anna took out a magical musket. The magical musket is dark gold and more than one meter long. The barrel is covered with magic patterns and beautifully shaped. It is inlaid with perfectly cut magic gems.

"Legendary magic musket, with an attack distance of 1,200 meters, fired once every 15 seconds."

Although Lennon wanted to refuse, the look in his eyes had already betrayed him. Li Anna said: "Don't hesitate, the refining of magic projectiles should not be a problem for your mage. The price of this thing once launched is much cheaper than the legendary scroll, but it has less rich attributes.

"Changed!" Lennon gritted his teeth and took out a white flying carpet. The flying carpet also had extremely fine silver patterns. Those were magic circles.

Li Anna took the flying carpet with a smile, stroking the soft material, feeling a warm warmth in her hand.

Good thing, although it comes from parallel space, the evaluation will decline, but the research value is really high. As for the legendary magic musket? This thing is not too difficult to make.

Both parties take what they need. She hasn't seen the flying carpet, but it's the first one that can fly so well and so comfortably.

The convenience of the flying carpet is still above the magic flying wings of the Duke.

That is to say, as long as the magic circle above is thoroughly eaten, the magic flying wings of the mage may have to be canceled, and the magic circle is directly arranged on the magic robe so that the wizards of the 20th level and above have flying ability.

"Li Anna, you said, will our world of feathers be invaded?" After Lennon traded with her, the relationship got closer and could not help asking.

"It's definitely going to be a question sooner or later. You don't know this world. Communicating with many worlds, it's not a feather world for you. Even if my Duke doesn't come to beat you, it will be a matter of time for you to be exposed, maybe one or two One hundred years, three or five thousand years, what's the difference? Others have discovered that it is natural to fight, and the battle with this world requires resources, Yuren world, resources should be good. "

"However, Your Majesty the Emperor Yu, who has been in power for thousands of years, will certainly not trust others!"

"You are worried about what we are doing, we will not fight for the time being, we will not leak the news out, you still have time to prepare. When the day really arrives, will the emperor refuse to surrender to whom, heavier? Think about it for yourself, watch today The soldiers we arrived at were all squadrons of the size of our duke. A legion, with a total of 150,000 people, plus mechanical warriors, do you think the world of feathers can resist? "


"Master Duke of my family, there are more than a dozen worlds occupied, and there are more worlds that have not conquered, how can you feel the opportunity to capture the small world of Yuren. In fact, if you do n’t die, maybe your family will be in tens of thousands of years. The Duke will not have the mood to attack, because it will be forgotten at all. "

"Alas, you also saw that on our side, there are still a lot of humans. Although their status is not low, after all, it is a world ruled by feathers. It is inevitable that some humans will be dissatisfied."

"The feathers can rule this world, which shows their strength. If my prince wants to conquer, he will definitely dominate your feathers, and will not consider other people. If they follow the sincerity together, their status may have improved. But I want to rely on you to come to power, I'm sorry, we don't need traitors. "

When Li Anna said this, naturally, there was a kind of arrogance that came from within her.

Lennon is legendary and certainly feels the deepest.

Strength is the capital of pride. Li Anna even believed her own words, of course Lennon would not believe it.

"What if I want to buy a batch of weapons?"

"Then I don't mean, you can go to Shrek. Are you worried about the different rules of the world before buying weapons?"

Lennon nodded, knowing that people would not say anything that was not nutritious.

"Ken sells you a technology musket. Others should not be a problem, but your men have dwarves and hybrid trolls. How loyal are they?"

"Actually, human loyalty is also very good, but people's hearts, alas ..."

Li Anna understands that if he is a Dwarf on the Duke's side, Lennon will worry about the Dwarf's loyalty.

"Are there elves in your world?"

"No, it was killed."

"That's good. In our world, we hate elves. There are orcs and half-orcs."

"A troll is not an orc?"

"It certainly doesn't count. In the words of the troll, there was a high-level civilization, but the existence time is very short. There is not so much **** enmity with humans."

"That's good, there are not so many races in the feather world. There are very primitive orcs, not even villages, like orangutans, wandering everywhere, family units, history is very long, and our nobles occasionally hunt. The number of orcs is already scarce. "

It seems that the two people are chatting and buying equipment. In fact, they are trying each other to listen to each other's tone.

Lennon was in a very disturbed mood now, and he could feel that at least Shrek and Muses were much stronger than him. The other legendary mage should be similar to his realm. The problem is that people have home court advantage and their power can be fully exerted. He comes from other worlds and is suppressed.

"Li Anna, I don't really want to trade with others. How about we two do transactions?"

"What deal?"

"Yuren World, there are any special products, I will give you, you help me order weapons and equipment. If there are drawings, I will pay a big price."

"The Duke is not short of gold and silver, not even low-grade gems."

"What about this gem?" Lennon said, taking out a blue stone.

Li Anna said with a smile: "This can, can create very good art, there is a beauty that fits the law."

"You know the goods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lennon said, this kind of gem, we have a lot of feathers in the world, basically used to make art. And those magic gems, although more precious, but too utilitarian Too.

"Okay, how do you plan to sell this one in your hand?"

"Although the magical attributes are not so good, such a large piece still needs to ..." Lennon took out a gold coin, which may be a little smaller than the small gold coin popular in the main world. . "

"I have to discuss with the teacher unless it is of this quality."

"Relax, this quality is the most common, there are better and worse, if worse, more than one hundred such gems can be bought for a gold coin."

In fact, in most worlds, gems are not valuable because they are related to production.

Unlike the world of technology, the magic world and the value of gemstones all depend on the magic and laws contained therein.

Lennon had a piece of jade in good condition.

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