Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1047: : Means of appeasement

"This low-grade gem, either?" Lennon couldn't help asking.

"The price is still too high, do you know, the reason why I am willing to accept it is because my lord Duke intends to use this gem to build a city."

Lennon stunned, Li Anna said with a smile: "So, don't ask for too high a price, so as not to end the big business. We are all according to our own prices, really, otherwise our weapons want to increase the price, not yet What about minutes? "

"Relax, your weapons, sell me at internal prices, my gems, sell you at internal prices."

Lennon's current mood cannot be described by excitement.

Such gems are everywhere in the world of feathers, but only such advanced ones are worth a little. All the low-level gems have been used to repair the palace.

Although this gem is advanced, the magic affinity is still small, so it can't be sold for the price.

Large quantities of purchases, the price will definitely come down.

For weapons and equipment, it is quite troublesome to refine them by yourself, and the cost is not cheap. In the case of magical creation, where the things are placed and the cost is not fake, this kind of transaction is the most comfortable.

"Lennon, I said to you, you might as well take your people and surrender to my lord, the emperor Yu will definitely not object. In the future, he will really fight, he still has a retreat. Now he does not have to surrender directly, continue to be his Emperor Yu. "

Seeing Lennon not squeaking, Li Anna said: "This expedition, if you show value, even if you are a new surrender, your status will not be worse. If you have any hesitation, you should fight for your emperor. An outpost to understand the world below. "

"But what is good for you?" Lennon couldn't help but asked a very delicate question.

Looking at Lennon, Li Anna was also curious and said, "I passed by, I saw you, and then the things I could choose were nothing more than to go directly to the war with you, or turn around and go, or unite your strength There are three choices. The Duke's leader will definitely be able to eat you up and greet the army. It won't take a day, but it costs a lot of money. Turn around and leave? Keeping you here in doubt and suspense? No matter if you are chasing and mad I still mobilize the army on a large scale and prepare for a war. The reaction is very normal. The abnormal reaction is that you continue fishing here when I have n’t been. "

Lennon couldn't help but smile, Li Anna said it was straightforward and plain.

Yeah, I can't be the other party if I haven't been there before. If these people turn around and leave, then they are more than suspicious. They will definitely think that the other party is gone, to mobilize the army.

Then the third option is not surprising.

The second kind is the worst, the first kind is very expensive, and the third kind has no losses. Fighting is also a matter for the future. Let's understand each other first.

"Malone invites you to travel, mainly because you are not much different from humans."

Lennon nodded, which is why the status of human beings in his world is okay. Apart from the difference in wings, the two sides are indeed not far behind. Human cultivation ability is similar to that of Yuren, but the difference between Yuren and other races is particularly obvious.

The human race, in terms of quantity, also surpasses the feathers, and other races have relatively few numbers.

Li Anna is here and secretly signed an agreement with Lennon to exchange goods for barter, and the mood is also good.

This matter is her merits, although it is useless to give her merits.

If you can get a lot of jade by trade, then don't go to war for now. Anyway, the price given by the Feathers is easy to accept.

For weapons manufacturing, the bulk of the cost is technically, once the alchemy plant is scaled up, the material cost will be kept very low.

And technical issues, in the magic world, there is no patent.

The magician led by the Duke created something, and got the merit. Merit is not money, it determines your social status and citizenship level.

Unless starved to death, no one will be rewarded for gold coins.

And in the prince of the Duke, if you are a citizen, you will certainly not be starved to death. At least a bowl of rice can still give you something to eat.

There are more than 500 people on the Lord God, and these 500 people still brought their own supplies. Although the Yuren were gorgeously dressed, and the dust was collected by the gods, including the Yuren's men, they were not very similar to the original race, but the supply was a bit plain.

Yuren used a cloth bag similar to a magic box, and brought a lot of beans. These are the food of Yuren. Green beans, the size of a thumb, Li Anna got a bag of research in her hand and found it was very similar to the Lingmi led by the Duke. However, the Duke's Lingmi contains all the human body needs. In fact, it does not eat meat or vegetables, nor does it affect health.

This bean is hierarchical, the core substance provides energy, and the outer two layers of skin provide various elements needed by humans.

If Lingmi is needed for spiritual practice, this kind of bean is a war supply.

In addition to a large number of beans, the supplies brought by the feathers are all kinds of dried meat, dried fish, dried shrimps, crabs, squid ...

Basically, they are all caught in the sea, but after careful treatment, there is not much odor.

Li Anna soon understood the meaning of beans. The planting cost of this thing must be much lower than Lingmi. The energy contained in it can be maintained for a long time after being absorbed by the body. However, this thing has little meaning for spiritual practice. The Lingmi is a food that improves the human body.

Beans are very suitable for military food. Even for her legend, eating dozens of them can guarantee the consumption of a day.

It's easy to keep, no problem to eat raw, and the taste is pretty good.

Green beans can be included in the space gourd. This thing has little meaning for spiritual practice, but it is a high-end product. A space gourd that can charge the same substance is a thing of the Taoism. For the magician, the burden on mental power is extremely small. The amount of beans a legendary mage can carry is quite amazing.

The magic world is also under logistical pressure. This bean has strategic significance.

Of course, Xiahe does not have to buy it. After a large-scale transaction with Yuren World in the future, it is no problem to obtain seeds and planting methods.

In the world of feathers, the value is quite big. If you can get it peacefully, you do n’t need war.

The purpose of war is to obtain resources. If resources can be obtained at a lower cost, no one is willing to fight.

Of course, another purpose of war is to destroy the enemy and the opposing races. Feathers are not opposing races, and the number in various worlds is very rare. It is not easy to have a world dominated by feathers, even in a parallel space world.

When a race is always a relatively small base in the universe, then there is no need to rush to exterminate the clan, and often they will perish themselves.

Hate between races is often a matter of resources.

For example, the main world, half-elves, and half-orcs are all as capable as human beings, so they must compete for survival resources. What is said here is different from non-intelligent life. It is normal for non-intelligent life to have dozens of them in a nest.

Wisdom life can refer to the number of offspring that can nourish and survive in its own life cycle.

Humans can raise five or six children, and a few can give birth to a dozen. Orcs or half-elves have more births, but the survival rate is not good, which is about the same as humans.

They need the same resources and the same ability to expand their population. If they live together, it ’s strange not to fight.

Li Anna is a sword repair, but the people cultivated by the Xiahe system, the core talents, are not all proficient.

Even Smith is clear on things like political management.

It may be difficult for Smith to manage a country. It is really no pressure to make him a grand duke like Xiahe.

Another reason why Yuren relaxes his vigilance is that Rhode Island is willing to sell weapons to Yuren. These weapons are still used by the Rhode Island army.

Now the two sides are still happy. The Yuren delivered some beans and jade as money. On the side of Malone, the legendary mage personally cast magic on the people in these parallel spaces and let them learn the common language of the main world.

The main **** continues to go north, the speed is still not fast, floating icebergs have appeared, and four or five days forward, we saw the mainland, or the extreme north covered by ice.

The ice-breaking ability of the main **** is useless. The robot went down to investigate and found a good place outside the half-day voyage. The ice here is not so thick, and the frozen soil is more than 100 meters below. The magician cast magic and built a small port here.

Feather's troops also participated in the construction. They mainly cooperated with the people of Muses to build a small base on the land.

The base is equipped with a fort, and if it encounters a large-scale enemy, cover it with heavy artillery, the main **** can easily escape.

It is very easy to build a tall city wall in such a frozen place all year round.

But unlike other places, in the extreme north, most of the entire base can be sealed with ice. The firmness of ice can be improved with magic.

In other places ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ due to temperature, the consumption of maintaining magic ice is too large, it is not worth it at all.

In the extreme north, this problem is no longer a problem.

At the four corners of the base, tall ice towers were built. Although the diameter is several tens of meters, the internal space is not much. At the top is the lookout position, where the mutants are arranged and used as sentry posts with large magic muskets.

At this time, Li Anna was also on an ice tower, and beside her, stood the feathered Lennon.

"Actually, if you go all the way south, the temperature will get higher and higher, and if you go north, it will be so terrible."

Lennon's wings and feathers flicked slightly, and his vision, even if it did not reach the legendary level, could easily be seen a few miles away.

In the distance, on the ice field, a snowy fox was running briskly.

What a beautiful creature, with only a pair of eyes, is blue, like a gem.

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