Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1048: : Tentative

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"Thank you for your reminder. The equipment of my men has been replaced, which is worth the money." Lennon's voice was clear, and it seemed so clear in the wind, not harsh.

Yu will be born when he is seven or eight years old before he can really fly. As a child, they will play with human children, so from the heart, they will treat humans as the same kind.

If Xiaoyu people will fly when they are two or three years old, it will be completely different.

"Hybrid troll, how is it in your world?"

"Not so much, the total number may be less than 10 million?"

"What about the Master Ratio?"

"It's higher than humans, but the level cap is smaller. Look at me this time, there are four legends, two feathers, and two humans. We don't pay too much attention to such things as racial characteristics."

"Not necessarily, I think the dwarves are all heavy armored soldiers, and they have a very high level."

"Their duties are nothing. The Featherman never wears heavy armor in order to fly. Humans are omnipotent occupations, and only talented people can do this. The dwarf man is infinite, and naturally is a good material for wearing heavy armor. It is slightly larger, and a set of magical armor is built, the cost is several times that of the dwarf ... "

Lennon's words made Li Anna amused.

"I see your magic heavy armor, is it expensive?" Lennon swept Li Anna's magic belt.

"That's right, my teacher's status is relatively high, ordinary magic heavy armor, not so expensive."

"Your teacher has a high status, are you still a team leader?"

"This is a rule. Even if I am the prince and grandson, I have to go to experience it, and I have to go there. Otherwise, the empire will continue to decay for generations to come."

"Interesting, in our world, this is not the case."

"Every world has its own unique rules."

"Because His Majesty the Emperor Yu is unparalleled in combat power, and still young, how can he live for tens of thousands of years." When he said this, he observed Li Anna's expression. However, Li Anna didn't hear it, her eyes still looked into the distance, as if there was something fascinating her in the boundless ice and snow.

"By the way, Li Anna, you said let me take refuge with Lord Duke, then I have a chance to meet him?"

"It depends."

"what's the situation?"

"You are sincere and have known each other. The Duke will only see you when you decide to surrender. If you just want to see the Duke ’s decision, he will definitely have no time. The dozen worlds under our Duke, every day There are countless things to deal with, most of them are decided by the staff around him. "

"It's really noble ..."

"That's of course, my Duke, it's expensive." Li Anna glanced at the Lennon with her eyes, obviously not very friendly.

Lennon said: "Look at my fighting level. In your army, what officer can you do?"

"Look at your theoretical level, exercise level first, and then the actual combat test. The level of this thing, personal combat effectiveness or whatever, will not be regarded as an absolute standard. In our army, there are many people in the 20s who are still captains. There are also a lot of captains who are more than a dozen. "

"Are you saying nothing?" Lennon looked at Li Anna with a smile.

"Which official are you in your world?"

"Marshal, one hundred thousand troops."

"That's the commanding ability, but you are a marshal and you're running for adventure, isn't it right?"

"What else can I do, I don't want to come forward in person, and don't worry. The joint expedition is good, what trouble is really, alas ..."

"You're a responsible person. In this case, you can barely be a battalion general."


"There are six thousand commanders and eighty thousand auxiliary machinery. The resources available in his hands are definitely higher than those of you as a marshal. You can see how many soldiers I have under your command."

"You told me this?"

"It's not a secret. This is public information. If you bother to ask, you can still hear it."

"You said that your teacher's status is high. I don't know if it can help me find a way of life?"

"OK, bribe me." Li Anna said with a grin.

Lennon was thundered by her remarks, and so clearly asked for bribes?

"What you want is not your way of life, but the way of life of your hundred thousand army, even the Yuren family. You think, I am not stupid. You don't make a high price. How can I agree. "

"It's straightforward."

"Are you looking for me, just because you saw someone behind me."

"That's natural. Your attitude of speaking to those legends is superficially respectful, and in fact you haven't taken them into consideration at all. As a marshal, if I don't even see this, I've lived in vain for fifty years.

"Are you all so old?"

"Yuren has a natural life expectancy of three hundred years, and it's not too old in fifty years." Lennon said innocently.

"No wonder the teacher said to me, no need to hide anything, I am still too young." Li Anna sighed.

"You are just as powerful, I don't know what kind of teacher, I can train->>

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