Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1049: : The Power of Sword Repair

Li Anna's storage of sword energy is also a means for her. Such sword energy is quite violent and difficult to control. But she can store one every day.

The silver ring she issued was of a very high grade, and the ancestors helped to refine it.

Other messy methods are ultimately not as good as these stored sword spirits.

No matter how restrictive the environment is, she can't limit her power to release the silver ring. This is something she cultivated by herself, and no one can take it away.

After the water mirror dissipated, Li Anna still did not leave the ice tower. She greeted the mage and came to install the equipment.

The tall tower is nearly fifty meters in diameter and is a behemoth, but with the exception of the upper layers, the lower ones are nothing more than passages. On the upper floors, there are robots, large magic muskets, and mutants.

Because this base is in Rhode Island, the last time the flying warship came and sent supplies, even the previous losses were replenished.

Bai Niu said he wouldn't go back as a wounded person, and Li Anna would also let him, but he ordered a magic prosthesis and installed it on him. At least the combat effectiveness was not much different from the previous one.

Two squadrons are left, one is Malone and the other is Dean. These two people are responsible for the main god, one for the base. Over the Little Sun City, two floating fish were specially delivered this time.

The people of Muses were searching far away, while still under investigation under the sea, and captured many creatures as samples.

However, none of his people planned to stay at the base. A storage room was set up at the base to keep these samples inside.

This expedition team is getting stronger and stronger. Although a legend has been killed before, it has now increased by four. If you encounter mechanical life again, you do n’t have to be too afraid.

So many legends, but Muses was not happy at all, he died.

However, as long as he reaches the extreme north, for him, the use value of these legends is still there. Shrek didn't dare to move, but he didn't need to shoot.

It is the soldiers, magicians, and these legends who really go to investigate, to deal with the powerful existence of the extreme north.

The base was built in two days, but the team stayed for more than ten days.

In these days, Yuren desperately fished and stored food.

Because on the third day, a magic airship came, the magic airship brought Trojan horses, and vehicles suitable for driving on the ice field. The inspection team can carry more materials.

It may be delayed for more than half a year in the extreme north. It is reasonable to reserve as much food as possible.

Because the ice field is barren, it is impossible to get so many prey after staying away from the sea, and Muses and Shrek did not object.

Five squadrons, two hundred fifty-two, plus 501 feathers, this is the number of more than seven hundred.

Coupled with accompanying robots, configuration, Trojans, chariots, and mighty.

As we set off, the way-finding in front was given to Muses, and the heavy armor dwarves and half-blood trolls under the feathers followed the Chinese army. Two-hundred human soldiers with two wings alert to the feathers.

As for the one hundred pigeons, in the position behind the Chinese army, riding a wooden horse, following the team, occasionally flying for a period of time, about two hours a day, even if the wind is up, they will not rest.

Chumen's team is the Chinese army, and Tiffany is responsible for the cutoff.

So Li Anna, followed Shrek and Muses.

The chariots are all supplies, so everyone is riding a Trojan. Fortunately, the Trojan is a configuration, and it also has a certain magical array of danger avoidance. It will not step into any big pit.

The speed of the team is not fast, mainly because the flying machinery is exploring on both sides. At least the exploration range must be widened to three hundred miles. It is also to find an easy road to come out. There are many cracks buried under the snow on the ice field, and not all are flat.

After walking for two days, Li Anna knew why the half-blood troll followed the Chinese army. These trolls are better at cooking and cooking than ogres. The ingredients brought along with the team can be drooling in the hands of hybrid trolls. This is not only a matter of taste adjustment, but also involves the law level.

Changes in food, including attributes, can enhance the effects of food.

It seems that parallel space is not useless. The hybrid ogre has a profound grasp of the law.

At night, the team stopped and camped, and before they settled in, Muses issued a message, and found a sleeping frost giant in the position more than a hundred miles in front of the left.

The body of this frost giant is blocked by ice, the breath is looming, and the picture returned by the flying robot is very clear. It should have suffered a lot.

Even the robot fell down and sampled on the outer ice, the frost giant did not wake up.

Soon, the samples were sent back, and the legendary mages all checked and got a shocking result. This frost giant has slept for at least tens of thousands of years.

The lifespan of giants is not that long. Frost giants are considered to be long-lived, but reaching the level of legend is only a thousand years of life. Compared with humans, the innate advantage of giants is strength, but the life after the legend is very sad.

Human legends can live for three thousand years. Unless it is some waste wood legends, the road of cohesion is too fragile, but it can also have a lifespan of thousands of years.

The Frost Giant, even if he is unparalleled in talent, will live for a thousand years.

With a short life span, there is no way to impact the demigod state.

Since ancient times, mankind has had a lot of demigods because of the long lifespan after the legendary achievement, and the bottom of 3,000 years.

This frost giant hasn't died after sleeping for thousands of years, is it already half god?

If demigod's words, even if seriously injured, everyone would not dare to wake him up. The demigod retaliated enough to make everyone die once.

However, the Frost Giant refused to wake up, probably because the cost of waking up was too great, and he did not want to accept this consequence.

Both Muses and Shrek lost their thoughts and discussed with Lennon. All three decided whether to bypass the frost giant overnight and stay away as much as possible.

The team did not stop all the way and escaped to the north.

Five hours later, a figure appeared in front of the ice made by the frost giant. She looked at the frost giant with a height of more than ten meters in the crystal clear giant ice, with a smile on her face.

Li Anna is right. It is a demigod, a demigod that is not dead. Others don't dare to provoke me. I don't have to be afraid.

Because, you die.

Wrapped in a cyan long skirt, Medierli looked like a green lotus blooming in the snow, and suddenly, her finger was pointing on the solid ice.

Among the ice, the frost giant who has been sleeping for thousands of years opened his eyes in amazement, and saw the blue light blooming in front of him, like a starry river.

How can it be……

The soul of the Frost Giant, who had been hit hard by the original, was invaded by the sword intention, and the sword intention entered the soul, and a thunder sound broke out when the universe opened.

Among the ice, the frost giant had no chance of returning, and was killed.

"It's still too far. It's too late to come to the rescue." Medieri sighed and reached out to collect the entire body wrapped in ice crystals.

Biological materials, even legends, may not be of value, but the demigod level is different.

Creatures that have reached the demigod, everything on their bodies is reported.

Facing the severely injured demigod frost giant, Muses had no idea, and after hearing about it, Medieli came immediately and directly killed the severely wounded sleeping giant, gaining a good trophy.

With absolute strength, there is a chance to snowball, and this opportunity is useless if someone encounters it.

After all, the Frost Giant is not yet dead, so he can't stand anyone under the deity.

But Medirelli was a sword repair, with a powerful explosive force. The frost giant was killed by a single blow, and the death was injustice. At that time, he was also a big man, who was in control, and no one dared to mess with it. But after ten thousand years, he was treated as a prey by a young sword repairer, suffocating.

After Medley succeeded, she didn't stop and turned to fly towards the sea.

Isn't there still a lot of mechanical life at sea? Anyway, no one pays attention to this side, by the way, clean up.

Mechanical life is planning here, the layout time is not short, it must be something to hold back. This is the northern waters, and the closest imperial territory is Rhode Island.

Medirley flew back, without using the sword escape method, the figure broke through the air, making a slight thunder.

The thunder did not spread. It roared around her body, dissipated, and repeated, like a terrible thunder shield on the body.

The method of Lei Dun is much less expensive than Jian Dun, because it can be adjusted according to the speed, and is not afraid of any sneak attacks.

No matter what kind of spell, if you want to penetrate Lei Dun smoothly, you must have a much stronger power than Medieri.

As long as each practitioner reaches a certain height, he will eventually embark on a unique path. This kind of thing originally happened to the earth immortals, or some powerful human immortals.

Like Xiahe, Medirelli touched the law of longevity early, and her life transformed.

Lei Dun is slower and faster than ordinary magician flying. Early in the morning, above the sea, battleships gathered. I do n’t know how many armies of mechanical life surround the broken warship, just like the stars arching the moon.

Mei Dierli saw from a distance, suddenly accelerated, a thunder, came to him.

I saw the long hair flying ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a sword qi fell, this sword qi is so restrained, in the army of mechanical life, I don't know how many legends have failed to sense.

The sword qi fell, and the sea was divided by the sword qi, spreading toward both sides.

Medirelli has never released this sword so freely. She stood in a vacuum, watching the open sea sink deep down, as if never ending.

The range covered by Jian Qi, all the battleships of mechanical life, fell towards the sword abyss formed by her sword.

Such a majestic force almost immediately made the world react. In the sky, the breath of terror gathered, and the faint thunder sounded in the clear sky.

Medirelli looked up, staring coldly at the will of the world coming in all directions.

This is something without emotion, as if you hit the wall with your fist, naturally there will be the power of anti-shock. Without any suppression, he released the seventh-order sword repair attack. For the first time, the will of this world showed such a straightforward response in front of itself.

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