Daomen Invasion

Chapter 105: : Power of the Beast God

The nail stick turned around in the hands of the magician, and the half of the ashes turned, and the third foot of Shenhuo Flying Crow was shattered.

He was furious in his heart, and the other party summoned an elemental creature to destroy his first weapon!

Damn magician, all the magicians in the world should be damn, they must be killed!

Shenhuo Flying Crow was dispelled by a divine light, feathers were flying around, intensified in the torrential rain, several demon riders were touched, and the body in the armor was ignited in an instant.

Moqi's offensive suddenly eased. In the camp, fifty dead men stood up without cheering.

Among the demon riding teams, there is a demonized warhorse with a red mane. The person on its back is only seven or eight years old, wearing a gray cloth. Seeing the speed of the charge decrease, another fireball flew from the camp. He looked up and took off his poncho's hat, revealing a vicissitudes of his face.

His eyes are pure blood red, with a black line in the middle, like a beast. Between his eyes, there was a small divine pattern at the center of his eyebrows.

"Hang!" The short magician suddenly opened his mouth, bursting out a strong syllable.

All of the magic horses felt blood boiling, and the tip of the rifle was raised, and the whole body was covered with **** brilliance, and the speed burst out incredible.

"Beast God!" Silver Demon opened his eyes inexplicably, watching the Demon Rush rushing in the distance.

Are the beast gods falling? The half-orc was driven to the northern wilderness by the Holy Thunder Empire because of the lack of powerful gods. But the magician's magical technique was definitely the **** fighting spirit of the beast god.

Was the beast **** revived, or did other gods gain his authority!

Xiahe looked at the **** fighting spirit of the magic rider, knowing that the electric chain was useless, but fortunately he did not prepare in advance. The powerful magic has created amazing magic resistance, and now the electric chain is released. I am afraid that paralyzing the enemy can not do it for a moment.

One hundred and fifty meters, the magic ride is approaching, Xiahe has no choice, four element digital cards fly out, surround the body, forming a regular tetrahedron. This regular tetrahedron covers a large range, even the silver demon is wrapped in it.


Lynch's wooden arrow just fell, and broke the chest of a demon rider, and the devil spit Xuemo in his mouth and fell off the horse, because the shot was not the heart. Inhaled, and blocked by blood in his throat. At this time, Lynch took the second wooden arrow, and then put on the bowstring. At this speed, when the demon rides his face, he shoots up to three arrows.

Master totem, devoured earth, broken hell!

The flames burned in the heavy rain, pulling apart the 50-meter-wide area. The flame floated on the water, rising to a height of six or seven meters, and the color was bright red.

Moqi's fighting spirit was cut, Hell was split, and in a blink of an eye he closed again.

Silver Devil gritted his teeth, at such a distance, he didn't know how much he could control the magic, but before that, the blood mage had always controlled the casting distance within 100 meters, this time relying on the magic monument behind, blood The mage's ability to control magic exceeds 200 meters.

Is it OK?

Looking at the **** double pupils of the magician in the distance, the anger broke out in the silver demon's heart. Even if you kill it, I also have the sigh of the frost dragon, really when I am afraid that you will not succeed!

The cold environment!

Silver Demon urges magic power, and behind Xiahe's Broken Hell, an ice range magic is released.

The flames in the Hell are broken one after another. No matter how fierce the blood-red fighting spirit is flying, the Hellfire is still wrapped up perseveringly, wrapped around the body of Moqi. Even if this flame is not comparable to the magic fire flying crow, it can't burn the **** fighting spirit, the pure high temperature still makes the Moqi's skin hot, and every ups and downs on the horse's back is heartbroken.

In the bleak environment, the air is pale white, and the temperature suddenly drops. The armor of the magic ride cannot withstand the two heavens of ice and fire. It is ravaged by the power of two elements and cracks a deep mark.


The water on the ground was sticky, and the demon rushed into the cold, and the horseshoe stepped on the muddy ground, and it was frozen in a flash. The powerful impact force caused the leg bones of the demonized war horse to break, dozens of demon rides fell out, rolled in the stinging water, and the flame on the armor was extinguished.

So comfortable ...

Released from the prison fire, Moqi, this idea came into my mind, and sharp ice cones suddenly grew in the water, just like the sword sea and sword sea, with a puff, Moqi penetrated.


Lynch shot the second arrow, the wooden arrow was still spinning, drawing a strange arc in the air, and hit the life-long magic ride at the end of the team. The arrow still hit the right chest, penetrating the lungs, and the magic ride fell off the horse in pain and rolled on the ground.

Child-like short magician, did not expect the enemy's magical attack to be so powerful, the second time the magic horse accelerated, it was blocked by the magic of the two ranges, and even the fierce fighting spirit could not resist. In his blood-red eyes, the raised line shook slightly, and his eyebrows lighted up.

"Supreme God, Lord of Courage, King of Blood, please give me the power to destroy the enemy ..."

The wrinkles on the magician's face twisted with the sound of prayer, as if a living creature crawled on his face. His voice was low, like a drum striking, hitting every demon rider's heart.

Xiahe's magic book floated in front of him, but he didn't dare to use it arbitrarily. It seems that he couldn't stop Moqi from approaching.

"Aileen ..." Xiahe greeted, his hands folded, and an ice cone formed between his palms. This magic cannot be recorded in a magic book, nor can it be cast with a wand.

Irene was so energetic that he would definitely not want to kill the strongest magician remotely.

The opponent has three powerful magicians. If they are all close, it will be a disaster for the soldiers in the camp.

Xia He regretted and let Freya return to the storm angle. If Freya is here, she and his equipment skills can definitely kill the short magician.

Irene took a book and held it in her hand. She lowered her head and concentrated on her divine book.

"God said that punishment is forgiveness, and Chenxi is hope ..."

Xiahe's cold in his heart, such a prayer seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is overbearing. Every time I hear it, I feel very uncomfortable. Punishment is forgiveness?

The pity of the gods is really terrible.

The white brilliance was not shot out, but fell directly on the tall and thin magician.

God punishment!

The magician suddenly felt that everything was separated from this world, and the warm glow enveloped his body, as if it was the only thing to rely on.

The magician gritted his teeth, bent his nails, and stroked the palm of his hand. His muscles were cut by his nails, and blood poured out. His heart was beating fiercely, and suddenly he was numb. The purple arc accurately hit his crazy beating heart, almost at the same time, a huge ice cone more than one meter long was inserted.

The magician opened his mouth and wanted to call his gods, but from his throat, a blue ice **** sprayed out. His entire upper body was frozen by the ice cone.

"Viper!" The child-like magician roared with a broken heart, and his magic was terminated without any backlash. Thunder and lightning flashed, and Xiahe saw that on the old face, all the wrinkles stopped twisting and turned into a complete pattern.

Aileen put down her divine code and breathed hard.

The magician may have exceeded the 25th level, the divine power is so terrible, if it is not the identity of the god's caregiver, this will die.


Lynch's bow trembles, and the third arrow shoots violently, heading straight to the magician wearing heavy chain mail. The bowstring trembled in less than a second, and then broke in the middle. The enchanted animal tendons were as fragile as silk threads, and the enchanted longbow shattered in his hands. The wooden arrow turned into a fire arrow, the momentary light was so gorgeous, and the ripples were shining on the clouds.

The childlike figure of the magician's head swelled and twisted, and he couldn't see the original Warcraft.

Xiahe's hands flicked together again, and the second azure ice cone appeared. He wanted to lock the magician, but the breath of the magician's body was violent and rich, and he could not touch it.

He didn't even care about Lynch's arrow. Is this to give up another magician?

If the Purple Electric Ice Cone cannot be locked, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. Com does not have the same speed as Lightning, and no matter how strong it is, it is just a classic magic that has not reached level 20. Xiahe made a choice in an instant, and the purple arc locked the magician in heavy chainmail, hitting the target almost at the same time as Lynch's arrow.


The burning wooden arrow exploded on the chain armor. The blood on the magician could not be resisted. The whole person was blown out and the purple arc fell on his lower abdomen.

Killed this man, he will face the full attack of the last magician.

He is not a master, but an epic, a strong man who can borrow the power of gods.

So Zidian Ice Cone could not lock him, this camp may be flattened by him ...

The phantom behind the magician like a child flew forward and plunged into his body. The body of the magician expanded rapidly, and the crotch mount also changed rapidly. The red mane of the enchanted warhorse drills out from under the skin, growing longer and longer. There are more than a dozen small sharp horns on the top of the head, lilac and spirally growing. The visor covering the face flew up, revealing the scales creeping up inside.

Fire Dragon!

The body of the magician turned to more than two meters in height, and his long red hair was flying. With the scepter in his hand, he pointed forward. All the demonized war horses gave a deafening roar.

"All sacrifices in the name of my lord!"

"Kill!" Moqi should be like thunder.

The body of Diyan Dragon twisted, and with a red light, he rushed forward dozens of meters. All the wrinkles disappeared on the magician's face and turned into **** divine lines. Di Yanlong's four hooves have not been transformed into sharp claws, wading through the stagnant water and exploding a thick white splash.

The red light on the Void Magic Tablet shook, and Irene leaned on a pillar, with a blank sheet of paper on her face.

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