Daomen Invasion

Chapter 106: : Siege

Phase Frost Dragon Shield!

No matter what the effect of this skill, Xiahe directly regards Dragon Shield as earth wall technique and stops in front of Diyan Dragon. The magician was too lazy to look at it. As soon as Diyan Dragon bowed his head, the sharp and dense dragon horn smashed the dragon shield.

Level suppression is essentially rule suppression, the principle of phase frost dragon shield is more subtle, and Xiahe is only a fifteenth-level magician.

Xiahe gritted his teeth, if the level is the same, it will make you hit a crushed body.

Xiahe throws a jade bottle back to Irene, and Irene's face is blushing. Just listen to Xiahe Road: "It's up to you, I can't stop him."

Irene grabbed the bottle and bit her lip.

Xiahe sent a message in the Taolu bracelet to Medierli: after a while he tried to find a way to run.

Medi LiLeng a moment, this is about to escape?

But the epic strongman above level 30 is still a magician, and he seems unable to resist. What does the Lord Lord mean to make Irene resist positive?

Lin Qi found a bottle of potion to irrigate, listening to Xiahe said, there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, and he could be relieved immediately.

This is basically what happened to him and Irene. Asla came from the storm corner, and he has done his best.

Xiahe still continuously releases the phase frost dragon shield, blocking in front of the magician, the magician does not look at it, urged the fire dragon to just hit it, leaving behind the blue ice scum, floating in the accumulation Water.

Fifty meters ...

Xia He sighed in his heart. From the information returned from Phase Frost Dragon Shield, the power of the magician was constantly rising, and the camp could not be kept. The void magic monument created by myself cannot be removed immediately, it must be destroyed. The magician has a strange breath and must have an inhuman lineage.

In desperation, Xiahe released the sixth Shenhuo Flying Raven Talisman.

The rain was a little small, the water vapor formed a white mist around Shenhuo Flying Crow, Xiahe stepped on the back of Shenhuo Flying Crow, and the magician looked up at the sky and hated it.

He is not a legend yet, nor does he have a flying pet, he can only watch the magician standing high and start preparing for magic.

Broken Hell, God Ember Fire Arrow!

Tens of meters in front of the camp, the flames floated on the surface of the water, and the fire light was fuchsia, which made people feel palpitations. Yin Mo's spirit also followed the rippling, he could not make up his mind for a while.

Escape, or go up?

Go to the top, you must use epic equipment, that is to save your life.

"Prepare to attack the wings!" Medirelli drew her sword and issued a battle order. The dead man in the middle withdrew immediately. The hard clothes rustled, the spears pulled out, and they gathered on both sides.

"Don't be afraid, there is me." Lynch drew his single-edged sword and came to the silver demon. He wanted to pat the silver-haired mage, and felt that the other person had a thorn on his body, and he pouted.

What's so cool? At first, Asra did not hide from people like this.

At the foot of Xiahe, before the Shenhuo flying raven, a row of nine huge metal warhammers condensed out, driving the wind and smashing down.

"Go!" The magician's scepter was swept away, and nine huge metal warhammers were transformed into pure elements in the air. The attack was not completed, and was instantly dispelled by the magician.

Xiahe sneered and continued to summon the serial warhammer.

I can afford the magic power, and I do n’t believe your divine power is endless.

Diyan Dragon came to the camp. The magician on the dragon's back waved his scepter at the silver demon. A huge red awn was lit up like a ten-meter machete, and it was cut down.

The silver devil is miserable, why is it me?

On his ring, a blue light flashed across, and the sound of the dragon sound suddenly exploded between the world and the world, the magician's attack was suddenly broken, the frost dragon appeared, opened, and spouted out under the camp The dense ice crystals.

In the center of the camp, the Void Magic Tablet almost dispersed at the same time, and the Frost Dragon borrowed too much power, which has exceeded the upper limit of this magic building.


The Yanlong dragon rammed into the camp's earthen platform violently. This moment seemed to have caused an earthquake. All of them rolled into a ball. Only Medelly stood steadily on the spot, and an unhealthy crimson appeared on her face.

Ice crystals form a storm, passing through the formation of magic energy, will block all penetration in front and freeze!

In addition to Diyan Dragon, and the magician on its back.

After the frost dragon sprayed the ice crystals, it did not dissipate, but fell from the high platform and ran straight to Yanlong. There was only anger left in the mind of the magician. He never expected that there would be such an epic equipment for a group of ordinary professionals. In less than three seconds, he swept his magic ride.

The ice crystal penetrated from the body of the magic rider. The magic rider rolled on the ground, his body was stiff, and white frost lines condensed on the armor.


Poo ......

Close to two hundred magic rides, the whole army was wiped out in an epic range of magic. The undead Moqi also completely lost consciousness and rolled in the water. Their armor was soaked in stagnant water, and there was rapid freezing of ice around them, freezing their bodies in the ice.

Xiahe's eyebrows were tightened. This theologian's range of divine art was not sufficiently proficient, and the combat effectiveness of that body would be extremely sturdy.

If you are yourself, there is an epic realm that can definitely resist the frost dragon's range attack and protect all the magic rides around you.

Xiahe would rather these demon riders live, rather than the current situation.

On the back of Diyan Dragon, the magician stood upright, and the scepter pierced towards the Frost Dragon.

"Time ... Forgotten ..." Irene stood up by the pillar, the Divine Code opened, and the snow-white divine light enveloped the entire camp. She has intermittently quirky syllables, mostly divine words.


The red light on the scepter condensed into substance, piercing into the frost dragon's eyebrows, a dragon head of elemental condensation frost dragon split open, the earth fire dragon roared, shaking his head, whirling around in place.

The red flames exploded, and Qihan was smashed into the bones of the frost dragon, and was blown out by the Diyan dragon.

The magician felt bored in the chest, and got a morning magic. He seemed to have forgotten what he had done, and he was a little ignorant. The power in the body seemed to disappear, and even the connection with the beast **** was forcibly interrupted. Only a trace of blood power is still running at a high speed, so that he has not completely lost his ability to think.

Purple Electric Ice Cone!

Xiahe finally seized the opportunity, the purple arc fell into the sky, the magician fell down inadvertently, and the ice cone rubbed his shoulder and shot into his thigh.


The magician moaned and watched one of his thighs almost cut off by the ice cone. He waved his scepter and pointed to the sky. Xiahe's heart was creepy and he did not hesitate to release the phantom flash.

A boxy blood-red divine appearance appeared, and gently dropped on Xiahe's original position.

Shenhuo Flying Crow was hit by Shenyin, and when it was hit into nothingness, even the flames disappeared completely.

Xiahe appeared more than 100 meters away, and his body fell. Only that divine seal attack clearly used pure divine power. The magician is not a god, how can he use such power!

Son of blood? Impossible, if he is the Son of Divine Blood, the camp can be destroyed with just one click.

And the son of God's blood is not tolerant to the gods, and they will be destroyed if they appear.

"Toss!" Medierli ordered loudly that the dead had climbed from the ground and grabbed the spear. A splendid fighting spirit erupted on the spear and threw it on both sides.

"God said that time is endless, time is long river, fate is shackles, faith is hope ..." Irene knelt on the ground, her face flushed and her body shivered.

"Kill his mount!" Medirelli jumped off the earth platform with a sword. Lynch hesitated and followed with the sword.

The magician broke his leg, but there was a powerful magic ride. No one could run him except Xiahe.

The magician's scepter waved, two red lights crossed, circling his body, fifty spears were broken into half, and the rest hit the Diyan dragon, and two silently inserted into the scale armor Crevice.

The Yanyan dragon howled in pain, jetting flames into the wound, pushing the spear out hard.

The magician reached out and grabbed the thigh he was shot in, and pulled it all the way, and the whole leg was pulled off by him. At his broken leg, flesh and blood squirmed and grew outward, like a bright red tentacle, plunged into the scale armor of Diyan Dragon.

The magician threw the broken leg forward. The Yanlong dragon turned his head and swallowed it open. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Medillie, who jumped off the earth platform, was also surprised.

Lin Qi's single-edged long sword ignited a black flame, rolled in place, and rushed to the back leg of Diyan Dragon. The magician is unkillable, killing his mount, Irene has a shadow wolf and can escape.

The magician still didn't reply to the memory, he could only use his instinct to wave his scepter and sweep towards Medieri.

The red light bloomed, enveloping a space, and Medieri was unavoidable and was blocked. The scepter swept, and there was no response from all over her, as if her brain was disconnected from her body.

"Dispel!" The silver demon forcibly urges magic, releasing dispel against the red light.

Phantom flashes, Void Blade! Gold sign!

Xiahe's figure disappeared, and with the Void Wind Blade the next moment appeared behind the magician. He also knew that the opponent would definitely not be afraid of melee, but Medirelli was also in danger. If he didn't fight at this moment, there would be no chance.

The red light was dispelled by the silver demon, and the silver demon spurted out blood. This time, he counterattacked, causing him a magical disorder. He felt that his entire body was burning, and he would be turned into ashes in the next moment.


The fear in the silver demon's heart reached its zenith, even if the teacher was by his side, he might not be able to save himself.

This moment he regretted very much, why should he approach the blood mage actively, if he is not greedy, how could he end today?

Void Blade disappeared in the red light, and a golden light appeared on Xiahe's fingertips, and he suddenly poked at the back of the magician.

The cast material used this time, the legendary strongman, can also be stabbed into a hole.

The magician's neck twisted strangely, twisted over 180 degrees, his blood-red eyes suddenly stared at Xiahe, and he grinned happily.

Waiting for you.

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