Daomen Invasion

Chapter 107: : Divine Fury

Did fall into the trap? After a temporary loss of memory, a half-human monster can use its bloodline instincts to create a trap in battle?

Seems to be really the power of the beast god, does not need wisdom, only pursues instinct.

The space became very sticky. Xiahe's hand seemed to stop. Only he could still feel that the gold sign was sprinting forward. The distance of a few centimeters may take several hours to reach.

False Realm!

The boundless sea of ​​blood was thick and hot, but could not stick to the power of Xiahe's consciousness. His consciousness swept the battlefield and found that this false realm had covered half of the camp. Lynch, Medirley, the Silver Devil, and all the dead were motionless, shrouded in blood.

Only Irene, shrouded in divine light by herself, the white radiance blocked the sea of ​​blood and could not move forward an inch.

The magician grinned, and an empty hand grabbed Xiahe's face. His left hand was furry, half-animalized, and his nails were sharply curved, like a huge claw knife.

"... God said, unforgivable!" Irene suddenly looked up, and there was anger in her eyes like never before.

The white radiance burned, it was the anger of God, directly covering the boundless sea of ​​blood, the whole sea of ​​blood was boiling, the palm of the magician suddenly stopped, the golden light of Xiahe's fingertips had arrived, and the entire palm was cut by the golden light. No blood flowed out of the fracture, as smooth as a mirror.

Broken palm and flew into Xiahe's Dragon and Tiger Dao, and the magician's thick bear waist suddenly folded back, and the whole person was translated, and the place connected to the earth's blood was cut off.

Under the wrath of his anger, his blood was boiling, and he could not use any skills.

Phantom flashes ...

Xiahe's phantom remained in place, and a golden glow appeared on his fingers, sweeping back towards Yan Yanlong's back. The wound was cut a foot deep, and the dragon of the land suddenly twitched and bounced on the ground. Lynch, who was strangling its hind leg, was kicked and flew out, and Medieri's sword struck its forehead. .

The whole body of the magician twisted around, the red light on the scepter gathered, and turned into a blade in front, just swept horizontally in front of him, and the space in front of the magician was suddenly cut into a fine crack.

This blow is powerful enough to hurt the legendary mage.

Xiahe's body has flashed back into the camp. If he wants to pursue, no matter how to deal with it, it will be cut into pieces.

The epic skill that comes with the scepter, tear.

Ai Lin's magic technique and Xiahe's blow failed to kill the magician, and Medirelli and Lynch saw the fire dragon seriously, turned around and left.

The Yanyan Dragon wailed and lay prone on the ground. The body of the magician gradually shrunk. He looked down at his broken leg, then at the half-cut palm.

God's anger is something close to the advent technique, which can only be performed by the deity.

People who asked for their own shot, but did not say that the little girl is such a powerful patron. The memory was restored, and the animator's anger quickly recovered. He stood on one leg beside Di Yanlong, holding a scepter in his hand.

Can't catch up, but it doesn't matter, you all remember your breath, and wait for my broken limb to grow, and then go to your trouble. And he lost more than three hundred magic rides, and someone had to pay the price.

Watched the enemy flee, the magician stood in place for more than half an hour, and the magical power in the body restored order.

The rain was still raining, the magician was soaked all over, and the spine of Yandi Dragon was cut off by Xiahe, but he was not dead yet. The magician stroked the scale armor of Diyan Dragon, and said softly, "Old man, if you eat me one leg, you should give it back to me."

Diyan Dragon's eyes were loose, and he couldn't understand what the master was saying. The magician supported the scepter, jumped one leg forward, and came to the position of Diyan Dragon's chest.

Was just a thorn, and then the Yanyan dragon died.

The powerful vitality was drawn into the body of the magician along the scepter. The first half of the palm was lost, but the hand was the thigh that was almost completely cut off, all of which were growing fast. The Diyan dragon shrank slowly, and it was another half an hour before the magician withdrew his scepter. His right leg had grown and his fingers bent a few times. It felt no problem.

Diyan Dragon had almost only one skin left. His body was pressed into the standing water and was washed by heavy rain.

Under the black clouds, the magician looked at the direction of the disappearance of the enemy, and was still a little uneasy.

Has offended a deity dependent, or a deity dependent of the supreme deity, and things must not be so. But the power of God is not enough to fight against the Lord of Dawn, even with allies, it is insufficient.

Ordinary priests, killing will kill, the gods are different.

Hate that those mercenaries are all waste, but they did not succeed early, so that he himself led the magic ride to solve the problem.

Thinking of this, there was another look of resentment on the face of the magician. No wonder the priests of other gods refused to do it. It turned out that they already knew!

Cannot be chased, otherwise they will be laughed at by those people.

Perhaps they are still saying in their backs, walking on the earth of the beast gods are all idiots and no brains.

The magician of the beast **** didn't know that he flinched like this, which was a sequelae of anger. Not to mention him, even if the legendary strongman is hit by God's wrath, his mind will not be peaceful in three to five years.

On the back of the shadow wolf, the unconscious Irene was held by Lynch, and the same unconscious silver demon could only rely on the dead man behind his back.

Fifty dead men, just hit by the boundless sea of ​​blood, died thirty-seven. Thirteen people who survived, except for the two master-level warriors, the remaining eleven all exceeded the tenth level.

Medi Li is also a little depressed, she was just affected by the battle, and was hit by the boundless sea of ​​blood. Fortunately, the pendant Xiahe gave her worked, and the soul was not hurt.

The group quickly fled to the seaside, Xiahe released acceleration magic, wind feathers and other magic for each soldier.

The magician of the beast **** did not come, and Xiahe did not dare to delay. When he arrived at the beach, he tried to release the magic signal. The magic fireworks exploded under the clouds and turned into a huge distress pattern. The wind and rain mixed, and the wind and fury, the magic fireworks still condensed together, burning in the air for three minutes.

The silver demon was filled with jade paste, and finally woke up, Xiahe asked: "How, is there any damage to the soul?"

"It's alright, did you kill him?" The Silver Devil asked anxiously.

"It is impossible, he is a melee magician, and my ranged magic is almost ineffective for him."

Silver Demon was a little disappointed, and took the medicine that Xiahe gave him, and swallowed it in his belly. Xiahe let the dead guard the silver demon and came to Eileen and Lynch.

Medi Li was already there, and when Xiahe came over, she pointed to Irene's clenched hand.

Eileen held the Divine Code in her left hand, and inside her right hand was the Jade Bottle given to her by Xiahe.

Didn't take medicine?

Xiahe's medicine to Irene can protect the soul and has great value. It was originally prepared for Freya, and it will take effect when the divine art is reversed.

But the bottle is still sealed, which is troublesome.

Xia He frowned, and he was also responsible for this matter. Dao Palace had a lot of summaries for the magician, but the beast god's magician was too different and had strange powers.

If he didn't have that strange power, he was slaughtered by himself when he hit Irene's first divine spell.

Lynch looked at Xiahe and couldn't say anything. In this battle, Asla rushed in front, and faced with the magician face-to-face, for him and Irene.

Erin, even if he died, did not change his words of resentment.

If Irene died ...

Lin Qi hugged the female priest in her arms tightly, and she burst into tears in her eyes.

How can she die?

"Asla, please, save Irene." Lynch was about to cry and she was shaking.

Medi Li jumped in the corner of her eyes, can't stand this kind of numbness, and took a few steps back. Is this a big man for a woman? Seeing him crying to death or alive, I really don't know how to become a master.

"Let me see." Xiahe's voice was soft, and he sat in front of Lynch, reaching for Eileen's pulse.

Peeping at the **** benefactors usually leads to the anger of the gods. Xiahe was cautious, first sent a ray of true energy, and walked in the body of Irene. After confirming that there was no problem, a ray of consciousness entered with the true energy. Hurt.

Xia He was surprised. Irene's body was nearly perfect. The magical confrontation did not hurt her body, and her brain was intact ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The fluctuation frequency of the soul is no problem, just like being alone After several days of exhaustion, he fell into a deep sleep. Overseas of her soul, there is entanglement of divine power, that divine power is pure, and it almost has the taste of innate innocence.

This divine power is definitely not from the gods. If the Lord of Morning Dawn directly arranged the means on her, the beast god's magician could not hold on for a second.

Of course, Irene wants to directly use the power of the Lord of Dawn, at least to practice to the level of the demigod.

"It's not a serious injury, it's just too tired." Xiahe took back the jade bottle in Irene's hand. Every pill in it was worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

"Really okay?" Lynch raised his head, not quite convinced of Asra's judgment.

"Lin Qi." Xia He patted the back of the magic swordsman's hand and said: "Concern is chaos. She is a **** beloved. The ability to use divine art is not something you and I can understand. I guess she is about to advance. This time, using divine magic may make her advance to level 20. "

Lynch nodded vigorously. As for this kind of thing, Asra should not lie.

As long as Irene will not die, it will be fine.

The element digital card floats around Xiahe's body. The tetrahedron releases its power to repel the rain. This structure becomes particularly clear in Medieri's eyes.

The bloodsail battleship has not yet opened, and I do n’t know if I saw the magic fireworks of Lord Lord.

Medi Li took the repair liquid and began to repair her long sword.

Is just a sword, cut on the face of the Yanyan Dragon, the blade is somewhat damaged. This damaged ordinary person couldn't see it with the naked eye. In the eyes of the master swordsman, Jian Feng almost collapsed.

This sword, the sword is hurt, but the heart of the sword advances by leaps and bounds.

Medi Li never thought that he could rush to the epic power alone without fear.

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