Daomen Invasion

Chapter 108: : Man's tears

Xiahe was forced to protect Irene by the Lord of Dawn, and there would naturally be resentment in his heart, but he would not target Irene. Or Ilin took some potions to stabilize the soul, and let Lynch take care of it, then Xiahe went to see the silver demon's injury.

The silver devil was seriously injured, the magic was dried up, the magic was disordered, and the soul was shaken.

These Xiahe can be healed, but if his heart is damaged and scared by the epic strongman, there is no way to go further in this life.

Seeing that the silver demon had woken up, there was a bit of awfulness in his expression, and Xiahe hesitated.

Is it worth the cost to save him?

Although Lynch ’s children have a long relationship and have a flaw in his heart, he can dare to die. This is a great courage, far stronger than the silver demon. And Lynch is also very loyal to friends. He has nothing to do with money and can be friends.

Silver Devil is just minions, eagle dog.

Thinking of this, Xiahe sighed. Eagle dogs are also a life, and if their dog is sick, can't it be cured?

"Your blood mage ..." Yinmo watched Xiahe bend into the rain shed and struggled to say a few words, breathless. Xiahe's wand lit a little, shining on the silver demon's face.

The original shady facial features were pale and weak under the radiance of the elements, and he could not see his usual coldness.

In this world, power is real and true, and it is the only one.

"You did a good job this time, very good ..." Xiahe did not say anything about healing, but praised the battle of the Silver Devils. The silver demon listened to the blood mage, and his eyes lit up.

Is really a good test product ......

Xiahe's face was concerned, but what he thought was very evil. The Silver Demon can't die, not only because he betrayed Bloody Mary and became his minions. It is also because he is the first experimental product, the real leader.

According to Freya, this is the best sample and worth studying.

Xiahe sat down, took a test tube, and poured medicine powder, solution and tissues of unknown creature into it. Since it is a test product, develop some new drugs.

The real fire floated in the palm of Xiahe, heating the test tube, and changing the material structure.

Seeing the color of the material in the test tube gradually becoming the same as the golden liquid, I do n’t know why, and I felt grateful to the blood mage in my heart.

This medicine must be very precious.

Xiahe was so absorbed that he did n’t want the potion he created to eat the silver demon, which cost thousands of gold coins. It's so easy to stab a silver devil.

In the original solution of the medicine, the structure of the material changed quietly, and there was a shadow of a few door symbols, which could be merged with the laws of this world. He is slow in refining pharmaceuticals, and the Silver Demon feels as if he is living like a year.

Out of the awning, there was a voice from Medierli: "Sir, the boat is coming."

"Waiting for me." Xiahe is still focused on refining pharmaceuticals.

Seeing Xiahe motionless, continued to refine the pharmaceutical agent, and the silver demon's eyes began to weep.

Xiahe suddenly had the urge to smash the test tube. Why are you a big man crying? Is this just masochism? Or is it that the lead party has the feeling of finding an organization?

The waves hit the reef, deafening. The thunder was rolling, and the bloodsail warship was only driving magic power, and stopped at two miles from the shore and anchored. Everyone was waiting for the silver demon. Xiahe originally wanted to personally feed the medicine. When the silver demon cried, he became sick in his heart and put the test tube in the silver demon's hand.

I don't want to think about the silver demon, I swallowed it.

Tastes a bit bitter, like tears.

The injury to the lungs quickly improved, and it was faster and more effective than healing magic. The feeling of headache and nausea also disappeared, the magic in the body stabilized, and the silver demon even felt that he could release a few low-level magic.

"Can you act?"

"No problem!" The Silver Devil stood up and found that even his weak feeling had disappeared.

Is a magician himself, and he is quite sure that the blood mage's potion has no overdraft vitality, so it will be particularly expensive. By comparison, the loss of your own epic ring is nothing.

"Then let's go." Xiahe Ping said flatly, and the silver devil took the poncho from his space equipment, wrapped it in his body, and followed Xiahe out of the shed to the seaside. There were boats on the beach waiting, and the sailors were anxious, but no one dared urge the blood mage.

There is a saying in Dao Palace.

Xiahe looked at the silver demon respectfully and let him get on the boat first. His mind was also clear. If he left the storm corner in the future, this guy would soon forget what happened today.

Or Freya is reassuring, no wonder Daomen wants to create an army of gods.

It's really wonderful to feel that everything is in your hands.

There are only sailors on the bloodsail battleship, and the soldiers are brought back to the storm corner by Freya. Pirate sailors can also act as warriors, but these pirates are not as useful as mercenaries. There are also magicians on the ship, but they are all humanoid machines that drive the formation. There is no type of combat experience, and the level is less than ten.

The cabin was vacant a lot, Xiahe arranged for Irene to live in her room, and let Medelly accompany her, and Lynch lived next door.

Xiahe let the silver demon take a good rest, don't care about the things on the ship. He himself saw the 13 dead men who survived. Each careful inspection was done, and the potions were dispensed. Then he returned to the cabin to rest.

Lin Qi did not rest, he lay on the bed, saw Xiahe came in, and suddenly sat up.

"You ..." Xia He shook his head with a smile.

Lin Qi was embarrassed, grabbed his blond hair, and said: "Irene, is she really okay?"

"You still care about yourself."

"What's wrong with me?" Lynch was said by Xiahe. He quickly checked his body. There was nothing on the property panel that worried him.

"Eileen swallows something, it's weird. After she goes back, you may never see it again."

Lin Qi heard Xiahe's words, unexpectedly instead of panic, but pondered.

"Lin Qi, this world ... has a problem."

"What are you talking about?" Lynch shivered.

"Before I met you and Irene, my team encountered resistance. There were a group of people, not from this world."

Lin Qi was not a gloomy person. He was shocked when he heard this, and it also appeared on his face.

"Alien invaders, not just this batch, do you understand what this means?"

"What is it?" Lynch was a little flustered and catered casually.

"There are loopholes in the laws of this world, and even the gods have no way to prevent similar things from happening. The Lord of Dawn is one of the Lords of this world, and he must be very concerned about this issue.

"I don't know very well, you know, I'm just a warrior." Lynch seemed to explain, he hoped Asla continued to let him know more about the laws of the world.

He is an intruder, and he is afraid that he will be discovered by the gods.

"You do n’t need to know the principle, as long as you understand that the gods have a headache now, they will find ways to make up for these loopholes. If they do not do well enough, there will be more intruders, it will lead to war. If Irene is against Chen Xi If the Lord is very important, then it will certainly join in this war. She will devote herself to the gods and will no longer be involved in worldly things. "

"That's dangerous!"

"I will miss you too."

Lin Qi is sad, he will not believe in the Lord of Dawn, nor can he show his soul to the gods himself. He is a traverser and has no choice.

Xiahe sighed, this is the ordinary person's thinking, and the Taoist can not compare.

If you are yourself, this kind of thing needs to gain the right to speak, find a way to equal the gods, or surpass them. What Lynch showed to himself was despair.

"What should I do?" Lynch asked blankly.

"Anyway, there is no hope of crying and crying." Xiahe sarcastically said that Lynch was not his men, but a friend who could make friends. Interestingly, this guy is also not a person in this world, which makes Xiahe feel cordial.

Lin Qi's face flew red, shamelessly.

"Asla, I am a little ... I just want to ask, is it possible for us to surpass the gods?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Lynch gritted his teeth and said, "Can you help me?"

"What is this, I came from the storm corner, you think you want to help Irene? I know you have a brain problem, even if you die, she will not leave her half a step."

"I want to be a lord like you."

"and then?"

"I will continue to grow stronger, so strong that the gods must also respect my opinion."

"Very good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you are willing to do so." Xiahe made a handshake gesture, and in front of Lynch, a small mage's hand appeared.

Linch was also amused, and shook it in the small hand formed by that arcane magic.

"Lin Qi, you must remember that after becoming a lord, tears are the least valuable thing."

"I won't cry anymore." Lynch sat upright, then bent down on the bed and bowed to Xiahe.

"Maybe one day, we will become enemies, but now, let us work together." Xiahe also gave a gift, and I felt very wonderful in my heart.

Have you made friends with the Son of Law? There is no precedent among the war priests in the Taoist palace.

"This time Irene goes back to Green Forest, you don't want to go back."

Lynch hesitated and nodded. If Irene and the Three Saints returned to the Temple of Dawn, there would be a long time and they would be busy with the affairs of the temple. It was impossible to be with him.

He did not dare to go deep into the temple, otherwise it would be easy for the gods to detect his secret.

"Just follow me back to the storm corner, there is a goblin ruin on my side, very suitable for you to collect wealth."

Lin Qi's corner of the eye jumped again, but Xiahe continued: "I should be away for a few years, and you will accumulate at Storm Point, and when you find an opportunity, you will develop green forest."

"Will anyone make a terrier?"

"Yes, but are you afraid?"

"Not afraid, but worried about causing you trouble."

"In this world, as long as you want to grow, you will inevitably cause trouble." Xia He felt a little ashamed. Although he regarded Lynch as a friend, he still had selfishness.

Lynch is an intruder. Let him develop and see how the gods react. This is part of the plan.

But what choice does Lynch have?

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