Daomen Invasion

Chapter 109: : Back to the heart

The bloodsail warship travels through the waves with a medium speed. Xiahe estimated that Irene could wake up at least three days later, and she could never take her to a comatose state ashore. Moreover, the wind and waves are too great, and it is also dangerous to move at a fast speed.

Xiahe was very anxious in his heart. After he got the stone wall, he wanted to go back to the storm corner immediately and leave it to Freya. It is estimated that with this stone wall, Freya can create a true magical soldier.

Lin Qi knew that the Three Saints would take Aileen back to the main shrine of Chenxi, and knew that when the time came to separate, after Xiahe broke through, he had no idea what to do. He just wanted to accompany Aileen at this time.

Xiahe repaired the equipment in the cabin, supplemented the magic in the magic book, and cleaned up the harvest. After they were done, it was found that Lynch had not returned, which had been in the past half a day. Xiahe tidyed up and out of the cabin, he saw Lynch standing outside the door of the side cabin, staring blankly.

"Why don't you go in?" Xiahe pointed to Irene's room.

"Medi Li did not allow, she said she was going to rest." Lynch blushed. He was intimate with Eileen, but Medirelli was just a strange little girl. When he came out, he was still very aggressive. He was almost beaten by the scabbard.

"She may have been awake for three days. What's the use of looking at me? I'll give you a phantom gem." Xiahe forcibly controlled his thoughts. He wanted to say that he gave him a mirror gem. This matter is not allowed in the Temple of Dawn, and the creation of avatars by the gods will cause great trouble.

"Forget it, one day sooner or later ..." Lynch gritted his teeth and didn't say anything cruel.

"Come back, I'll give you something." Xiahe didn't want Lynch to be so depressed. He dragged Lynch back to the room and gave him a dozen drawings.

"The gods are on!" Lynch, the unbelieving demon swordsman, couldn't help but marvel at the common saying.

what are these?

Goblin gun, goblin flying wing, mechanical tank, mobile artillery, armor ...

"It's for you."

"No, Asla, this is too expensive!" Lynch looked at what it was and pushed back immediately. Xia He shook his sleeves and clapped Lynch's hands away.

"This is my sponsorship. If you want to be a lord like me, you can't rely on your own strength. You have to have your own territory and your own soldiers. Without these things, what do you use to compete with others? Green In the southern part of the continent, the gods are going to war, you have to prepare as soon as possible. "

"Why do I have to go to Green Forest?"

"On the ice maple continent, there are only two empires, and you have no chance to insert them. On the Leo continent, there is only one holy thunder empire, and it is not able to splash water. The green forest forces are complicated, and you have a chance to rise."

"Why do you believe me this way? Believe that I can succeed?"

"Because we are the same person!"

Lin Qi smiled bitterly, put away the drawings Xiahe gave him, thinking: We are not the same person, I am a traverser from another world, I am destined to have my own secret. However, Asra, I will advance and retreat with you, no matter what happens in this world, I will be on your side.

Lynch was also a little ashamed. What did these icons count? Asla's true friendship was that he helped thousands of miles to save himself and Irene.

Do not receive drawings, it is indeed a bit hypocritical.

Lin Qi's heart disease Xiahe couldn't cure it, but after getting the drawings, Lynch was bored in the cabin all day, studying these things. The portable system will naturally upgrade the drawings and transform them, which requires a lot of investment. Fortunately, Xiahe bought a lot of his loot and adventure income, and the money is not lacking for the time being.

Xiahe was meditating in the cabin, and he did n’t worry about what Lynch saw. He was now very well integrated with this world. If he went further, he could be advanced to the fourth grade Taoist priest.

Four-ranking Taoist princes become Yin Shen. If they cannot adapt to the laws of this world, Yin Shen will also have problems.

Three days later, the Bloodsail battleship went around the northern part of the Dragon Island, but he did not dare to approach the route. The Bloodsail battleship was a pirate ship at first sight. The power of Dragon Island is intricate, and there are legendary strongmen sitting in town. In the Dragon Island, the legendary strongman will not do anything with ordinary people, but fighting pirates is hard to say.

The boat was floating on the water, but fortunately, after another half day, Irene woke up herself.

Xiahe arranged a boat to let the silver demon **** Irene to the shore with thirteen dead men. Lynch would not go directly back, he would go to Stormwind with the silver demon. The bloodsail battleship is about to leave, and it will be time to hire another ship.

Eileen originally wanted to invite Xiahe to see the three saints, but she couldn't wait to see Xiahe for a second, only to sigh.

On the deck, Irene stood beside Lynch and said goodbye to Xiahe.

At this time, the sky was clear, the sun shining on Irene's face, with a layer of light golden light, the thin hair on her face was like a free dandelion in the field, clean and pure.

"Asla, God will remember everything you do."

"What about you?" Xiahe couldn't wait for Lord Chen Xi to forget himself. He wanted to hear how the little priest thought of himself.

"Me, I will always be your friend, no matter when. But ..."

"There is nothing more?"

"I heard Lynch say that he planned to go to you for a while, if you are not good to him, hum!" The little priest's nose was wrinkled, and there was no sacred feeling on his face.

Xia He smiled, and formally performed a wizard ceremony for Irene.

"Relax, you are also my friends forever."

"I'm leaving, maybe I won't meet me for a long time, Asla, this thing is for you." Irene said, taking a book page-sized Warcraft skin from her space equipment, The color is white.

Xiahe took it in his hand and saw the divine pattern appearing on this Warcraft skin, with a dozen lines of divine writing written in light red ink. There is a mark of the deity at the place where the deity is registered.

"This is a book of light. In addition to the main temple, you can go to any regional temple to ask for help, and the regional main church sends all the power."

Xia He thanked Irene and put this bright book in his arms.

Similar things, he did not dare to include space equipment. It seems that he would have to manufacture the container separately in the future. He has too many secrets in his body and does not want to be peeped.

"If you have time, go to the main shrine of Chenxi to find me. You don't have to waste the book of light and show the gold coins of Chenxi, they will let you see me."

"Thank you, Irene."

Xiahe watched Irene and the others get on the boat. He stood on the side of the boat and waved his hands. His heart was finally relaxed, except for a heavy book of light in his arms.

It seems that the Lord of Dawn wants to hang his own line.

Maybe it is not the person who is valuable, but the goddess of wealth?

This temptation is not small, be aware that in some regional temples, there may even be legendary strongmen sitting in town and using the power of the entire regional temple. This is equivalent to an army of powerful lords serving you.

If you do n’t want to throw it away, do n’t blame the future.

"Medilly, let them sail and return to the storm corner." Xiahe watched the boat disappear on the skyline, and then gave the order to return.

"Yes." Medelly led her away, and she thought as she walked, Lord Lord is really good for Freya.

It was only a few days later, so I hurried back.

The rainstorms in the south for a few days have long been gone, and the aftermath may pass the storm corner and continue to the south. The bloodsail warship was full of sails under the clear sky, and the sharp blade generally cut through the waves.

The entire Dragon Island is only a few thousand miles from south to north. The blood-sail warship uses magic power, and does not have to rely on ocean currents. It took more than a day to return to the storm harbour.

It was already night, the new lighthouse in the sea lit up, and on the blood-sail warship, Xiahe waited for the boat to slowly enter the port, and simply got off the boat and took Medieri ashore. The rest of the docking work is given to the magician on board. Medelly followed the Lord, almost unable to catch up with the magician.

Medi Li even doubted her life a little bit. Did she make any mistakes in her cultivation? Lord Lord uses no magic and cannot catch up with herself?

Xiahe went all the way to the magic tower. He had already replaced the original magic robe. The **** clothes on the half side were absolute power in the storm angle. The soldiers on patrol did not dare to stop them even if they were newcomers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Stormwind closed the city gate unexpectedly. Xiahe remembered that when he left, he specifically told that there was no curfew.

Seeing the figure of the Lord Lord, the soldiers guarding the city hurriedly opened the small door and greeted Xiahe and Medirley into the city. Xiahe left a few silver coins, and asked, "How did you close the door?"

"I don't know very well, it is the order of Lord Austin."

"Austin?" Xiahe suddenly felt something wrong. When he left, didn't he let Ovilla help manage it? Austin is Taring, and although he can control the entire city, Xiahe does not give him such power.

Xiahe stopped and asked, "Is the envoy of the Arcane Empire coming?"

"Master, the ambassador arrived a few days ago."

"Sir, you're back! Hurry back to the magic tower, Ovilla is injured!" Taring suddenly called Xiahe among the dragons and tigers at this time.

Oville is injured? Xiahe was taken aback. He returned to the storm corner to observe carefully. There were traces of fighting in the port, but there were not many repaired buildings. It should be a small devil disaster crossing, which was solved by the goddess of wealth. How was Ovilla injured?

"Austin, tell me what happened, and Freya?" Xiahe looked cold, blessing himself with the Feather of the Void, and rushed towards the Magic Tower.

"grown ups……"

"Say it!"

"It's Freia's injured Ovilla, I don't know what happened."

Xiahe looked dark and asked again: "How is Ovilia injured?"

"It's serious, I'm afraid it's dying." Austin, as Taring, didn't dare to do any deception and answered truthfully.

Xiahe felt cold in his hands and feet, but he couldn't be angry. She came back happily and wanted to give Freya the best gift, she actually started to Ovilla!

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