Daomen Invasion

Chapter 110: : Difficult

Medi Li did not know what happened, and the Lord Lord suddenly ran up and left himself behind.

Xiahe entered the magic tower, Austin was waiting beside the magic array, watching Xiahe angry, he grabbed the blood mage and panickedly said: "Admiral, you have to give me control!"

Xia He looked at Austin's neck, tied with an iron chain, like a dog collar. The other end of the chain is suspended in the void, and it is not long, but it must be fixed on the sixth floor of the magic tower. This is Freya's imprisonment, and the imprint of the soul on it cannot be wrong.

Xiahe pulled the chain, feeling that he could not handle it, and he became more angry.

"Take me to Ovilla, by the way, does Cotton Jack know this?"

"Yes, he came to Ovilla, was caught by Freya, and locked in a magical cage." Tarin Austin added oil and vinegar, and danced. Although it has become a ghost boy, it is still a goblin in every way.

"Okay, very good. How about the envoys of the Arcane Empire? Haven't you been arrested?"

"That's not there, but Freya took over the magic tower and blocked the Stormwind City. They can only stay on Andre's side. They can't get out of their homes.

Came to the fifth floor, Ovilla had her own room on the fifth floor, Xiahe pushed the door, and the door was locked inside.

Xiahe's fingertips popped golden light, just about to break through the door, and the door opened from the inside.

The radiance of magic overflowed, and Xiahe saw that Ovilla was lying on the bed, wearing her own leather armor, her eyes closed, and her face and lips blue. Freya sat on the floor and leaned against the bed.

Xiahe came to the bed in one step, and his consciousness penetrated into Ovilla.

Ovilia's soul abroad, the two breaths hover endlessly like a dragon. Xiahe's consciousness had to penetrate into it, and was ejected by these two breaths.

Xiahe felt a slight pain in his brain, and then calmed down.

"Freya, why are you doing this?" Xiahe held back his anger and asked in a gentle tone.

Freya raised her head and looked at Xiahe's hard neck.

Xiahe felt Freya's gaze, and slowly turned around to look at Freya's face.

"I do not know either."

"You don't know!" Xiahe's anger could no longer endure, and grabbed Freya's collar with her hand and lifted her up.

"You are a god, don't you know what you did?"

Freya is like a rag doll, her body is weak, and Xiahe put it in front of her, her hands and feet are drooping softly. Her eyes were red, but no tears.

"I made it by you, how do I know why?"

"Very good!" Xiahe smiled angrily and dragged Freya away. Austin was at the door and was rolled by Xiahe. He saw Xiahe grabbed Freya and went straight to the sixth floor. It felt bad in his heart. .

Is this why you want to kill her?

Austin got up from the ground, chasing desperately behind, the door of the metal elevator suddenly closed, and almost caught him.

"Sir, don't you ..." Austin looked up and listened to the sound all the way up, went to the sixth floor, Taring held the metal door of the elevator with both hands, I didn't know what to do.

Xiahe went up to the sixth floor and came to the center of the four elemental pools. The magic circle under his feet was constantly changing. He stopped and put Freya down in front of him. The magic circle had become a huge red seal.

This is the secret of the Taoist mystery, the core of the magic tower.

Xiahe is no nonsense, a shot on Freya's head, Freya's soul was taken into the sea of ​​his soul by him.

Seeing Freya's soul, Xiahe was a little surprised. The spirit of this **** was no longer translucent, but like a living person, he had flesh and skin, and his body stood in front of him with a naked body.

"What's wrong with your soul, why don't you say it?" Xiahe asked somberly.

"I said, what would you do." Freya looked at Xiahe, the soul of Master Daojun, the crown of Yuyi, and a bright moon hung high behind her head, which was really fascinating. How long can such feelings last?

Xiahe was also asked. What should I do if there is something wrong with his soul?

Is of course a correction.

After the correction, even if the original memory is retained, it is not hers. Freya will no longer exist. Originally this was nothing. The gods made by Taoists should only be war weapons.

Ke Freya was modified by herself from the beginning, erasing the mark left by the palace.

Taiyin Xianfu's Taoism is far inferior to the Dragon and Tiger Palace in this respect, and it is not surprising that something went wrong. I was afraid that Dao Palace had the means to control the seeds of the gods, and it was completely erased. It is very likely that some of the dimples in the rung, which have the trajectory of the growth of the gods, have also been completely erased by themselves.

Freya is like this, becoming a free-growing god.

This is indeed not Freya ’s fault. Ovilla was injured because he did not create a god.

Xiahe forward two parts, hands inserted into Freya's chest, slowly separated to the sides. In Freya's chest, a bright red heart slowly beats, and the blood veins seem to be.

"Master Daojun, don't ..." Freya's hands and feet are still hanging, the tears in her eyes are full, but there is no overflow, but her eyes are blurred.

"Why not?"

"I don't forget you."

"No, all memories can be preserved." Xiahe withdrew his right hand, drawing a ray of six gods in the shadow of the shadow behind his head.

"Don't do this, I didn't do anything wrong!" Freya wanted to struggle, but the state of her soul still couldn't do anything against Xiahe.

"I was wrong, so I have to fix it."

"Master Daojun, I was arrested last time, do you remember?"

"Remember, those who hurt you, I will let them go to hell."

"Not so, listen to me, please ..."

Xiahe's hand stopped, and the six Dao Shen's embers on his fingertips were invisible and colorless, a bit cold.

"Last time I was caught by the people of Bloody Mary and turned the Dragon and Tiger Dao into an avatar. I wanted to escape and send you a letter. I ’m afraid they have any means to spy on the secret of my soul, so I lock myself in the soul prison Medium. Do you know what it looks like in Soul Prison? No time, no space, darkness and despair are eternity. "

Xiahe's heart was hurt by Freya.

"May be a few months or a few days. In fact, in Soul Prison, every second can be extended to tens of thousands of years. I'm scared, scared, I can only think of you, think of your Look, thinking of how good you are to me, indulge me, and let me grow up quickly. I think you are by my side, the darkness is not so cold, and not so desperate. "

"The soul prison is made by me, I can free myself at any time, but if it comes out, I may get the soul by the other party and reveal the secret of Master Daojun."

Xiahe bit his lips tightly, he could understand such pain.

"I don't want to die, and I don't want to live like this, I have to think of you, and then you come, just like in eternal darkness, you have never left."

"You shouldn't have such feelings, you are a god." Xiahe's mood is complex.

"But I already have it. I don't want to go back to when I was just made by you. Everything is false. In the soul prison, I really lived."

"Freia, between you and Ovilla, if you can only choose one, I will definitely choose you. But ..."

"But, I can only be a weapon, right?" Freya's tears were too much, and finally fell down and fell on Xiahe's hand.

"Yes, you can only be a weapon." Xia He said, inserting the finger of his right hand into Freya's heart.

Freya felt her heart hurt, she felt more desperate than in Soul Prison. It turned out that feelings are such a fragile thing, making the gods so unbearable.

"Master Daojun, slow down, so I can watch you for a while."

Xiahe stopped, his hands could not get in anyway. Did you just erase Freya's existence? In the past, it was all false?

But if you do n’t fix it ...

"Remember to change my eyes to green, I know you like it."

Xiahe retracted his finger and watched the wound on Freya ’s heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Freya, how can you trust me? "

Xiahe's trust means that Freya, as a **** of Taoism, will not make mistakes any more and cannot be emotional. He wants to conquer and change the world, the greatest help is his own god.

"I don't have authority, I can't be a god."

"So what should I do, who do I rely on?"

Xia He asked, Freyja started crying. I am really too capricious. If I do n’t become the emperor, Master Daojun can only make another choice and start over.

However, there is not much time. If Master Daojun does not move, Dao Gong will send war priests to come over sooner or later.

If you don't become the emperor, who can Master Daojun rely on?

"A matter of Ovilla, was it an accident?"

"I just practiced with her, but I couldn't hold back for a while."

"How can I stop making mistakes?"

Freya is in a daze, Master Daojun, are you going to spare yourself? But how can I stop making mistakes?

Ovilia is not particularly important to adults now, but what about the future? If you can't help but kill the more important people, if you break the adult's business, you may be in vain.

"You think about it, and tell me clearly, before that, don't leave the sixth floor of the magic tower." Xiahe said, pushing on Freya's chest, pushing her out of her soul sea .

In the center of the four elemental pools, the Daomen Zhuyin disappeared and became the magic circle of this world again.

Xiahe got up and walked towards the metal elevator.

Freya shouted behind her: "Adult!"

"What's the matter?" Xiahe didn't look back.

"where are you going?"

"Go to the temple and ask the goddess of wealth to save Ovilla's life."

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