Daomen Invasion

Chapter 111: : Love

On the fifth floor of the Magic Tower, Austin listened to the metal elevator down the ground floor and wanted to chase down and ask the lord, what happened, but looking at the unattended Ovilla, he still came to the room obediently. , Stay beside Ovilla.

Couldn't catch up, Freya locked herself in the magic tower, and it's estimated that adults didn't want to listen to their nagging.

Xiahe went down to the first floor of the magic tower, and after thinking about it, he picked the dragon and tiger road 箓 down, which turned into a blue light, flew to the top of the magic tower, and fell in front of Freya.

Daojun's words came out, and now he can only target Freya.

Xiahe asked Freya to be on the sixth floor of the magic tower. Without leaving, she could not leave the top of the magic tower for half a step.

Freya saw Xiahe's Dragon and Tiger Dao, and quickly looked at the contents. Now she is in no mood, seeing Xiahe's harvest, only bitter.

The ring-shaped broken stone Bi was taken out. Of course, Freya knew that this was what Xiahe prepared for her.

But how can we remove the hidden dangers in our souls?

Saw the opportunity at that time, but didn't want to think about it, he gave Oville a heavy hand. If it were n’t for Ovilla ’s life-saving equipment, it would make her go away.

The shackles of the gods will definitely not work, that will limit his development. After Master Daojun achieves Yangshen, he will be useless and he will have to spend money to raise it. It was too late to condense the Heavenly Emperor's Nine Seals, it would take 1800 years. It takes a long time to make even six lines.

Completely absorb the lunar deity? It is extremely dangerous. Without transforming the attributes of Daomen, it is likely to become a native **** of this world and an enemy of adults.

This stone wall was originally able to be refined into one of the Emperor Nine Seals, but now it has to be refined into weapons.

A weapon with greed, killing, jealousy.

Some things must be separated from the soul, otherwise next time ...

Freyya's heart is still in fear, only then Master Daojun really wants to erase everything he used to have.

Fortunately, he was not willing.

Freya held up the broken stone bi, with all kinds of tenderness in her heart, and was afraid that everything would be broken like this stone bi. She was cautiously walking on thin ice and began to search for things in her soul.

Xiahe was a little upset, he liked Ovilla very much, but Freya could not give up anyway. After coming to this world, it is Freya and he live together and die together.

He could not do it for Ovilla to kill Freya.

Because he understands that Freya will always stand behind him and will not leave.

The night under the stars, Stormwind is quiet and depressed, the power of the magic tower controls everything, and there is no one on the street except the soldiers who defend the city. Xiahe let the soldiers open the small door, walked out of Stormwind City, and went straight to the Temple of Wealth.

The temple of wealth is dark, and only one room is lit.

Xiahe is an honorary bishop. The secret temple armor did not stop him. He came all the way to the temple and found Abigail's room.

Standing at the door, Xiahe introspected himself, he was still not ruthless enough, not a pure war priest.

Was supposed to deal with Freya, but he couldn't bear it.

Was supposed to give priority to solving the matter of Cotton Jack, as well as the emissaries, but he still came to Abigail first, even if he knew that Ovilla would not die immediately.

But why should I be the same as others?

Xiahe's mood calmed down, raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door.

Abigail opened the door from the inside, the light spilled out and shone on Xiahe's face. Xia He narrowed his eyes and listened to Abigail: "Oh, isn't this Lord Lord?"

Even if she had sarcasm, Xiahe laughed.

Should study with Abigail, she is always enthusiastic and will find her own happiness.

Even gold coins are at least true.

"It's me, Master Bishop."

"Come in and sit down, what are you doing coming here so late?"

Xia Hexin said, you are not sleeping so late, aren't you waiting for me to come? The affairs of Ovilla cannot be concealed from the regional bishop of the goddess of wealth.

"I heard that your little maid hurt Ovilla?"

"She is my magic guardian."

"Then **** it."

"How can you say that." Xiahe was already very upset, and Abigail's words made him feel better, and the mood worsened.

Abigail's room was luxurious. She took a bottle of wine from the crystal cabinet and poured Xiahe a glass.

The color of this wine is like her eyes, amber gold.

"Of course I have to say that, Lord Lord ran to my room late at night. If Freya knew that, I would be very dangerous." Abigail held the crystal cup in front of Xiahe.

Xiahe took it and sipped it out.

"Drink slowly, this wine must be tasted carefully." Abigail filled him a glass in Xiahe's hand again.

Xiahe drank the second glass of wine in one breath, feeling warm in the stomach and more comfortable.

"Don't be reluctant, I want to save Ovilla, can you make a lot of it?"

"You're the one who will make the money?" Abigail filled Xiahe with a third glass of wine.

Xiahe was holding a glass, and listening to Abigail said, he didn't drink the third glass. Yeah, if you do it yourself, you must make this money.

If Abigail ran in front of himself and told himself to save other men at any cost, even if he had always respected Abigail, it would be uncomfortable. So why not kill this knife?

This is human nature!

"Abigail, the imperial envoy came to Stormwind, I might not be here in the future ..."

"Don't say this, what happened to Ovilla?"

"The soul is fine."

"300,000 gold coins, give you 50% off, as long as 150,000."

"You are robbing!"

"I was originally robbing. To say such a small thing, fifty thousand gold coins are enough. I will keep one hundred thousand in my hands. If I are injured by Freya, I will not ask you for money."

Xiahe wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it.

If he later becomes hostile to the Goddess of Wealth, wouldn't he allow Freya to fight against Abigail?

"Look, I'm right, you dare not give me a guarantee." Abigail turned and put the wine bottle back in the crystal cabinet, then took a wooden box from the book of wealth and turned Place in front of Xiahe.

Xiahe's face is not too thick. After hearing this, the color on his face is a little unsightly.

"Asla, go and save Ovilla, I will turn off the lights here."

Xiahe had no choice but to collect the wooden box and stand up. Originally, he had to sit a little longer and ask how the Little Devil Calamity was resolved, and then talk to Abigail about the temple affairs after he left.

"Hey, when you come back, don't you bring me any presents?"

Seeing Xiahe was leaving, Abigail suddenly stopped him again.

Xiahe listened to Abigail's words, and took the half-handed palm of the beast **** magician. Abigail noticed that the blood mage did not use the wooden bracelet, but other space equipment.

Xiahe cut off one finger on the palm of his hand and retracted the space equipment.

"Meeting a magician, it is very strange and can be transformed. From the divinity, it is walking on the earth under the beast god, but the beast **** has long fallen, and I have not heard of the resurrection news. The place, for the goddess, should be more important. "

Abigail listened to Xiahe's words and became serious.

The angle of the storm and even the entire Dragon Island, where no believers walked originally, the Temple of Wealth was the first building of faith.

Now there are priests under other gods, this is a very dangerous signal.

The current temple of wealth is not strong enough. If there is a **** war, it is possible to directly destroy it.

"You go to communicate with the goddess first, I will look back at you, and talk about how to deal with the storm corner after I leave." Xiahe said, and left Abigail's room.

Abigail was a little lost, but looking at the half palm on the table, he knew what was more important.

She picked up the glass that Xiahe had laid down and poured the third untouched glass.

Hot feeling, the stomach is like burning.

How does the blood mage drink like this?

A magician, pioneering noble, powerful lord, is destined to be ruthless?

But Asra is not too ruthless, Abigail picked up the furry half of the palm, felt the evil power inside, and did not know whether it was the cause of the wine, and laughed out loud.

Xiahe returned to the magic tower, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com saw Austin standing next to Ovilla and said, "What are you doing here, go out quickly!"

Austin grievously said: "Master, am I afraid of her accident?"

"Go and call Medilé."

"Yes." Austin moved his short legs and ran out with a smoky smoke. Not long after that, Medelly walked in. Austin sneaky, shut the door outside, he did not dare to use the power of Taring to peep, and put his ear on the door.

Xia He looked at the female pirate captain on the bed. This wound was not difficult to cure, but he didn't have any symptomatic medicine on hand, and the heaven and earth ghost and **** pill was the best to repair the body. The problem was Oville's body and soul, like being The split is the same. Her soul is intact and needs no treatment.

This is like a dementia in the world of God Week, but the soul does not float away.

Taoist can easily deal with this kind of problem, but Ovilla can't do it. She has specialization in the art, and she can only save herself unless she becomes a legend.

Because the Taoist priests will not lose their souls, there is no such medicine in the materials that the Taoist palace brought to the war priests.

"Help yourself and get rid of her clothes."

"Sir, do you still do it yourself?"

"What do you think? She is poisonous and will be excreted. The equipment on her body can't bear it, but it is tens of thousands of gold coins."

"So expensive!"

"You only have one sword, different from others."

"The teacher said that people who learn swords shouldn't think too much." Medirelli said while removing the armor from Ovilla.

"In the beginning, it was like this, because there are too many temptations in the world, you want everything, how can you have time to learn the sword?" When Xiahe said this, Medieri took off Ovilla's corset Come down and reveal her ...

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