Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1052: : Blizzard (1)

On the front rickshaw, two magic headlights let the light shine out, a few miles away, and it was dazzling. However, no one in the team turned on any lighting equipment.

Now Blue Moon is high, everyone is a professional, even if there is no special skills, there is a weak night vision ability.

The feathers on the wooden horse, envious of the army of this world, even fought with metal puppets. The number is quite large, there are more than one hundred. What's important is that these puppets' combat effectiveness is not low. They can shoot accurately. Looking at the weapons on their body, their melee ability should be good.

But these are all money. Although the marshal loves soldiers, he may not be able to equip so many puppets for everyone.

Oh, this world is called a robot warrior.

There was no risk along the way, and it took two hours for the team to reach the edge of the big crack. This large crack is actually not uncommon on the ice sheet. But this one is quite huge, with a width of more than 200 meters and a depth of at least 500 meters.

If this falls on the edge of the crack, the life will be over.

Billy asked the soldiers to remove the flying robot from the chariot, put it in the crack, and then issued an order, saying: "Build a coordinate here, then we will first explore the north, then return after a hundred miles, and then south Probe. "

"Yes!" White Cass replied loudly, then whispered: "Why don't we split up?"

"Robot soldiers, if you can't command, the strength will be weak. We are the inspection team, there are not so many people, so safety is paramount." Yuren is polite, and Billy answered patiently.

"Shall we fly down and explore?"

"No, I have more flying robots this time, it's a consumable. Unless you encounter a battle, you should save your energy. Because if there are enemies, we may have to retreat as soon as possible and want you to go in the air. cover."

"Okay." White Cass didn't understand why the Marshal did not send two legends to investigate.

Billy didn't explain that if the enemy has a strong legend, the flight configuration previously photographed can be sensed. The last time the airship came over to deliver supplies and brought in a new flight configuration, which was made from dead feather snakes. The biggest use is to make up for the shortage of flight detection robots, which can sense the existence of legends.

These feathers are so high-level, if there is no legend, what are you afraid of?

Robots are still on the edge, and everyone walking around the crack is also risky. Those robots poked the ground with long metal ice sticks, and some structurally dangerous ice cubes dropped cracks. The robot is trying to find a safe foothold.

The weather is good today, although there is wind, but it is not snowing. The soldier's door is moving forward against the cold wind. A small shield with an acute angle is standing in front of the Trojan's saddle to block the wind.

Li Anna didn't do this. Her iron horse had no shields. The wind blew on her visor and she couldn't feel how cold. The magic heavy armor itself is quite advanced, even if it is not specially built for her, it will ignore the bad weather and will not affect the actions of the heavy armor magic warrior.

She wants to come here for such a trivial matter, because the teacher said that she can't go up to the mountain because of monasticism.

Some people say that a monk has no years, a human dynasty, but a life span of thousands of years, which is fleeting. The world of the country has nothing to do with monks.

No, that's because such monks are too weak.

The true monk is the patron saint of his country.

Taoist practitioners must go to the world to experience the red dust, and they will not get lost when they finally become immortals.

By the way, some people will pursue excellence, regardless of this, just look at the realm, and when they finally become immortals, humanity will be lost and become a devil.

What happens if the fairy does what he wants?

It will destroy the world, because it is simply uncontrollable. In a flash, there are hundreds of millions of thoughts. If one wants to destroy the world, then the world is finished.

The heart of red dust is invincible, otherwise it is a demon.

However, contaminated with red dust, it is easy to drag down the practice, and unconditional practitioners are very distressed. There is no such trouble for the Taoist priests of the Nine Avenue Palace. They didn't even have the sky-tribulation. They wanted to learn the power to fight the sky-tribulation, so they created the sky-tribulation, which is very safe.

People need to practice, to improve, not necessarily to take risks.

Li Anna is now practicing, coming to this place to do tasks, and being a small captain, she feels red dust.

The White Bull thing gave her a lot of insights.

Sure enough, the teacher is right, you can't practice alone, what is the meaning of sword art no matter how high it is? But the teacher always haunted the ancestor and never saw her go to the Knights.

Li Anna has wronged Medieri, and Medieri's time in the Knights is really not short. All the old backbones of the Knights are cultivated by her.

She also promoted the battle song of the second grade.

Now those guys in the Knights of Medirelli, who say the name of Asra, even if the opposite is the true god, dare to charge forward.

In the Knights, Medirelli taught countless people, no matter what was taught, the core idea was a sword.

The entire Knights of Medirelli is actually a sword she created, a sword of heart.

Medierli had a green silk sword, cultivated Jianyuan, and built a sword of human hearts. In fact, it was already fully consummated, otherwise he could not break through to achieve Demigod.

This step by step she was steady, not because of a good teacher.

With this in mind, she was particularly attentive to her two proud disciples. The apprentice is now practicing in a different world and polishing. The young apprentice is Li Anna. After becoming a first-order sword repairer, she sent it to the extreme north.

Of course, her disciples are more than these two, but there are no more than ten people who are expected to become immortals. These two qualifications are among the best.

In any world, even with unlimited resources, all differences are necessary. Otherwise, there is no one to be motivated.

Besides, the unlimited use of resources is itself an act of destroying the lifespan of the universe. The so-called Dao Tian Tian Dao is to balance.

Li Anna, the baby of Medirelli, came out this time and gave her even the original spear.

However, Li Anna felt disagreeable, and she made another one. For others to look at, it might be silly. It is not necessary to put weapons made by demigods.

Li Anna didn't think so. She was still thinking on the back of the iron horse.

The armor, spear, and iron horse are all shackled, all shackled.

Because they are very easy to use, I am a sword repairer, and it doesn't make sense to use other things easily. But the teacher said again that the teeth are correct between life and death, and these foreign objects should not be thrown away.

There are thousands of ways of Daomen's spiritual practice, and the world of Shenzhou is a kind of reaching its peak.

Soul and physical cultivation, that is because there is a way to go, not lost in exploration.

At this time, Li Anna thought to herself that the armor, iron horse, and spear should be regarded as the body shell, which would not affect her combat effectiveness.

In this way, it is much more comfortable.

When she thought about it, the armor, the iron horse, and the spear had a little more spirituality.

Spirituality was born, too weak, and did not improve any combat power, but Li Anna's mind felt a little more, and her heart was suddenly bright.

Dark clouds appeared in the distance and moved crazy towards this side. In the cracks, the wind screamed and made a terrible sound, as if the power was going to destroy the cracks and the earth would collapse.

"Damn, it's going to be a blizzard." Billy was very depressed. The blizzard of the ice field, only legends can come and go, even the magician of the epic realm, will be affected.

There is still more than a hundred miles from the camp, so it's too late to rush back.

"Magic! Prepare for temporary protection. We have five minutes to prepare." Billy shouted loudly, using amplified magic. In the icefields, the expedition team must deal not only with strange enemies, but also with the inexplicable weather.

Of the two teams, only Billy had a magic net mage, but on the feather side, there were two casters.

They took the initiative, listened to Billy's command, put a simple array from the cricket, fixed it on the ice, and then cast a spell, which soon accumulated a real magic ice wall.

The magic ice wall is concave, facing the north upside down.

The ice wall is extremely thick, six meters. The four robots climbed up, built a defensive position, and set up a large technology gun.

The muzzle of the musket was covered with paper bags to prevent wind and snow from pouring in.

The wind grew colder. Nineteen trojans and an iron horse stood at the sides of the ice wall depression. The soldiers got off the trojan. The chariot was in the center and the pallet was at the concave exit. Outside, more than five meters away, the robot piled up a snow wall to prevent the wind from reversing.

The ground was compacted with snow, and planks were laid on it. The feathers were also convinced. There were planks on the car. What can this thing do?

Yes, spread on the ground, make people feel more comfortable, it can be less cold.

Then, behind the ice wall, the chariot in the central position began to emit a little heat, a slight warm breeze, spreading around.

Do you come out to perform tasks or go on vacation?

But this temperature ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is really comfortable, the feathers' wings are not so tight. The cold feeling of both hands dissipated, and now if the bow and arrow come out, the combat effectiveness should be maintained well. Well, this is really enviable welfare treatment.

Behind the scooter, Li Anna took her soldiers and sat on the board.

"Second alert." Li Anna said, pushing up the mask.

The soldiers relaxed a little bit, all laid their magic guns in front of them, and maintained a relatively comfortable sitting posture. The army composed of all professionals, as long as it gives some warmth, the combat effectiveness can be maintained well. If ordinary people, this warm wind in the ice and snow, it is equal to no.

After spending a few hours in the wild, they all freeze into popsicles.

In six and a half minutes, the gust of wind blew through the snow and passed the ice wall. In an instant, the roof of the ice wall was covered, and the sky could no longer be seen through the transparent cover.

The lights on the scooter shot a dozen meters away.

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