Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1053: : Blizzard (2)

Billy said: "Keep on guard and open all communication channels."

Baikas said: "I applied to move outward a little bit. Yuren can also fly in this weather. If it is too close, it may be restricted from flying.

"Request permission, on both sides of Li Anna."


The Yu people moved their positions and moved some distance towards the opening, and stopped on both sides of Li Anna.

They put down the board and sat on the floor.

Li Anna turned sideways and carefully observed the Yuren for the first time.

The average height of the Yuren is more than one meter and eighty, which is similar to that of humans in this world, not reaching two meters. And unlike some races that are good at flying, the feathers are very strong, the muscles are raised, and they are wearing light armor. Except for a pair of wings, the feather man can hardly see the difference from humans.

Most of the feathers have black hair and black eyes, and only one hair is silver-white. I don't see how special his status is. There should be nothing strange.

A feather man stared at Li Anna for observation.

Li Anna threw out her tongue, made a lovely expression, and then released a water mirror to examine her flowery beauty.

The man suddenly felt bored and bowed his head in frustration. How do you compare with a little girl.

Li Anna pouted, if she attacked the situation, this guy might be dying immediately. A simple trick has affected his emotions.

Yuren, it should be a race with little knowledge.

Li Anna just tentatively tried it, and did not continue. She whispered to her men.

"You few, you have bad luck. This kind of investigation task does not have to force the enemy to fight. It is a credit to get intelligence, but it is a pity that there is a snowstorm."

"Captain, just follow you, and you need credit." The precision shooter flattered. They also got acquainted with Li Anna. Although they knew that she often had short-circuits, they were really good and maintained.

"It's nice to say, who heard the task so bright, who is so bright?"

"Cultivation, I'm a precision shooter. What if my eyes are not bright."

"You have good luck, entering Rhode Island's army, other precision shooters, but not as good conditions as you. Your gun is worth a lot of money."

"It's not about buying bullets yourself." The precision shooter said with a sad face.

"Bullet is so expensive, white for you? Then you hold a brush merit? Think beautiful. If you can reach the epic realm, you can make magic projectile yourself. Although it is not cheap, but you make magic projectile yourself, you can Pursue quickly, take your time, and accumulate one for a few days. Anyway, it is not a battle every day, so it is cheaper. "

"Is it true!"

"Of course, magic projectiles are expensive, just because they need to be manufactured quickly and in large quantities. If you build one a year, you don't have much money." Li Anna is telling the truth.

In fact, many high-level magic projectiles, especially legendary ones, are cheaper here.

In places like Tongtian Pagoda and Mount Vajra, the energy emitted by the magic array is used to enter some alchemy magic arrays. These magic arrays do not pursue speed, so they put the projectile embryos inside and slowly develop them. It usually takes only three or five months to produce a legendary projectile.

Because of the large cities, there is enough energy to escape, and the use of it to create advanced magic equipment is the waste of energy.

Cheap is indeed cheap, but the prerequisite is that private individuals cannot do it.

Who can own a huge city, a huge magic circle, and run all year round?

"Epic, it will take a long time." The precision shooter shrank.

"Captain, seems cold?"

Li Anna froze for a moment, then stood up suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Billy couldn't help asking, he didn't rebuke Li Anna's arbitrary actions, this sudden action was not allowed in the army.

"This temperature is unnatural. It was caused by something. This snowstorm is unnatural. It is ..."


The ground cracked, and in a blink of an eye, a thick layer of ice slipped towards the crack, and everything near the entire ice wall was turned upside down.

In the eyes of the Trojan, the red light burst, and four feet were stuck on the ice, as if it were steel bars.

On the 18th, there was no sound, and the power of the two feet penetrated into the underground magic circle. The ground within the scope of the ice wall suddenly turned into a steel-like structure and blended into one. However, after all, the magic circle had limited strength and could not be fixed on the ground. The entire temporary refuge slipped deep into the crack.

Li Anna was fearless, and Billy also looked cold, shouting: "Get on the horse, fix yourself, and don't fall!"

The soldiers struggled, pulled out their straight knives, inserted them on the ice, moved a little to the wooden horse, climbed up, and fixed themselves on the saddle. The magic array on the saddle and their armor lit up, and they were firmly locked in place. Office.

The Featherman Armor does not have this function, but the Featherman has a higher level, so he grabs the saddle and sits firmly on it, letting the ground tilt, falling into the crack, and his face is also fearless.

The robots are okay. They all lie on the ground, their fingernails pop up, and they hook the ground.

In the vast snow and snow, a huge shadow glanced across the sky, a hundred meters long. Li Anna's sword heart swelled, and there was a feeling of wanting to kill it, but she refrained.

This thing is not easy to play, it is clearly from another world, but it can already control the rules of this world. This is a better powerful creature that merges. The combat power may be higher than it seems.

Li Anna herself is only a first-level sword repair. It is not a problem to play a creature of more than fifty levels. If you exceed it, she will rely solely on equipment and luck.

The huge ice slipped and Billy's voice spread out: "Don't be nervous, I have released the signal for help. There are also micro robots and flying robots rushing to the camp. These robots do not carry the breath of life, very Hard to notice. "

The chill spread, spreading from the huge creature and pressing into the cracks. In the small chariot, the magic circle is running wildly. The heat emitted from the chariot instantly rises to more than 500 degrees, and then falls back to Baidu.

Even so, everyone felt cold in the bones.

However, within half a second, the magic circle on the armor turned on, isolating the temperature inside and outside, and slowly increasing the heat inside the armor.

The new armor is much thinner than the original, but instead has an insulation layer, which reduces consumption.

Li Anna's face dignified, and she didn't care about the temperature. Although her level was not high, but the limit test had happened. Even without this armor, she could endure a day or two in an environment of more than one hundred degrees below zero. time. With armor, a lot of magic stones, and chariot guards, she didn't care about the cold.

But this coldness means that the large creature is very, very powerful.

Range attack is the most annoying, can you not be afraid, but the soldiers? How long can it last?

Feathers are very nervous one by one, but their condition is okay, even on the edge, a little heat is enough to fight against the cold. Feathers have natural wings that allow them to fly high in the sky after they reach adulthood. At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the temperature has always been quite touching.

Yuren's cold resistance is far above humans, and their armor also has cold resistance.

Shizu bless.

Li Anna murmured in her heart and took off her spear, ready to fight.

But the large creature spewed a large frost downward again, and after wrapping the huge ice block, there was no movement.

The surrounding ice wall and snow wall are all connected together, leaving only one exit, and the wind and fury are outside.

A feather man couldn't help but leave the Trojan and flew outward.

Billy said angrily: "Come back!"

What responded to him was a scream. The man answered back, the wings on one side were broken, blood was dripping, and the wound on his body was shocking.

It was a large number of fine wounds, as if countless insects had bitten it.

Snow flakes rushed in, and the robot attacked for the first time.

It was not a snow flake, but a white creature, like a butterfly, but the wings were sharp, and between the rotations, the feathers that had fallen back had been destroyed on the other side.

Now it ’s not just Li Anna, everyone feels wrong.

However, Li Anna spoke, and she shouted: "Everyone found out that the ice cubes under our feet have stabilized, which is not normal. We should be trapped in a certain space, and we have not continued to fall under the crack. If trapped, such creatures may be endless, and we have to find a way to persist for a while. "

"Li Anna, you take the people and keep the entrance." Billy gave the order at this time.

The so-called entrance is above the ice wall and the snow wall, the skyline.

Li Anna said: "Come with me, the feathers are on both sides, use the back arrow, don't attack unless I have a loophole, try to ensure that the loss rate of the arrow is reduced to the minimum."

The butterfly-like white creature, whose wings are as strong as steel, can tear the armor of the feathers between hovering ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This creature level is not too high, it is too dangerous.

Li Anna moved forward, no need for others, and personally controlled fifty robots. Robots are armed with technology guns and do not use plasma weapons.

Li Anna's spear was raised and stabbed upward, only to see the shadow of the gun shaking, there was a white withering wherever the spear pointed.

After the first shot, Li Anna determined the defense power of this creature. Afterwards, the power was slightly reduced, and they were all fatal shots.

Her men, armed with magic muskets, did not participate in the attack. The nine feathers, regardless of their companions, waited closely with Li Anna. They held short bows, like ice sculptures. When there were no holes, they would never attack. They are well aware of their positioning, high level, high attack power, and fast speed.

What Li Anna wants is their ability to make up for the loophole, and they don't need them to charge.

The injured Featherman was dragged into the chariot by the robot for treatment. No companion came to accompany, and every feather knew that if they could not defend, everyone would die.

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