Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1067: : Lich

The legendary mage shot and casualties of hundreds of people were terrible. And quite simply, although the mage under Muses only killed more than 30 infantry, these infantry were all dressed in heavy armor and were elite with dense patterns.

If you don't use legendary spells, it would be very difficult to kill in such an instant.

Thousands of this team had been damaged before, and there were more than 25,000 people. If the two legendary mages kept fighting, it would be terrible to kill more than one hundred at a time and get three or fifty consecutive spells.

So the legendary mage must kill the knight first, and then go back and deal with the two legendary casters.

Because the female knight has a ranged attack, the effect is more terrifying than the magician's attack.

Two knights in gorgeous armor, struggling forward in the battle, rushed to Li Anna. The color of the armor on them is getting richer and thicker, and the richness is unreal.

Li Anna ignored it. The speed of the chariot did not decrease too much. She was still rolling forward. She was next to the chariot. Her spear puffed up, her gun flickered, and she never shot one shot.

Two colorful knights, riding a white horse, the pure white light under the hair on the horse is the power of the element. The white light reflected the two knights more clearly. They rode forward with guns in their hands, one left and one right, locking Li Anna's path to death.

The legendary mage flew in the air, preparing a magic in his hand, but did not release it, just waiting for Li Anna to make a mistake.

His performance of controlling the spell in this hand made Li Anna look at him impressed.

It seems that the magician on the green forest side is not necessarily weaker than the arcane empire. The magic of this hand is condensed and placed in the college as a textbook.

However, what do you fly?

The last legendary mage was killed by himself and the 18th because of flying around.

You are much weaker than that mage, what about good control?

Li Anna didn't want to think about it, her body was taken out of the armor. Behind the iron horse, there was a heavy magic armor on her back. Her people had flown into the air and turned into a sword light.

The sword light was as thin as a hairspring, and touched the magician's neck.

The magician's spell was lost, and it hit the magic armor on the iron horse's back. The magical armor was solidified by a layer of golden gelatinous material, and two legendary knights, one left and one right, pierced by the lance at the heart of the armor. The magical armor made a metallic friction sound.

The armor waved a lance, and one shot was drawn on a knight's neck.

The knight's neck suddenly softened, the helmet hung down on the side, and was dragged by the war horse to run forward for more than 100 meters before falling off the horse. The other knight felt bad, his lance pierced, did not feel the flesh and blood, this armor is an empty shell?

Smoking a gun, passing the iron horse, an ordinary man in front of him stood close to his horse's head.

The entire left hand turned into a bright red color, grabbed on his neck, and across the neck metal armor, he felt extremely hot.

Immediately, the severe pain came, and the metal armor of the neck melted in an instant.

Decree, shock!

Yes, this is the magic in him, so he didn't notice it when he appeared. It's really wrong. I have just advanced to the legend and will die?

Clearly, there is a thousand years of life.

If I knew this, why should I come today?

In fact, he was killed on the 18th, how could there be another knight injustice. Li Anna's armor will automatically attack, and only the power of the blow. The color knight was too confident. The spear pierced the heart, and the fighting broke out, thinking that the opponent was dead.

Especially the enemies controlled by the legendary mage can't move at all.

The most innocent was the legendary mage in the air. He was held close by Jian Xiu and wiped his neck. When he died, he did not know he was dead.

Li Anna took his body, and a sword light flew from top to bottom, falling into the enemy's battle.

The sword light exploded like a green lotus on the ground. Each lotus petal is a sword light of more than ten meters long, spreading in all directions.

This is the sword that just killed the legendary mage. The power has not been exhausted. It fell to the ground and was completely consumed.

Li Anna turned around and hurriedly collected the bodies of two legendary knights, as well as her own magical armor. The magic armor is no longer usable, and it's not even worth repairing.

The attacks of the two legendary knights almost destroyed the inside of the armor, and the magic control of the legendary mage was even destroyed on the magic pattern.

On the 18th, he grabbed a snow-white horse and rode up.

Li Anna said: "Come with me and go back to the camp!"

She got on the iron horse again, picked up her spear, and opened the way in front. The two legendary mages in the back also fought hard to attack. The chariot had already penetrated most of the formation, and the speed did not decrease too much. It still looked like a hundred miles.

After a group of people penetrated the enemy line, they merged with two legendary mages, turned around and looked again, and there were more than 20,000 troops just about to turn around and kill.

All the legends were killed in battle. These soldiers did not know what was affected, and they were still in a group, and they were not defeated.

"Hurry and go!" Li Anna ordered her men to retreat, rushed to the camp, and then pointed to the two legendary mages, "After three of us broke off, we stopped for a while."

Of course, the two mages were reluctant in their hearts, but this was already the case, and it was no good for them to be hypocritical, so they nodded and agreed.

Li Anna didn't think so much, she was still immersed in the joy of victory.

Unlike illusion training, killing the enemy this time is a real verification. The sorcerer alone, if he is in air combat with himself, does not know the way his sword escapes, and may not even use the blinking, he is already dead.

No body magic can match the speed of sword gas cutting.

At the same level, it takes three magicians to hopefully defeat themselves, and it has to pay a great price.

After all, actual combat is different from simulation. This victory gave Li Anna great confidence.

Ice wall, fireball, ice gun, meteorite ...

After the two legendary mages and Li Anna broke off at the back, the magic was scattered, and the magic seemed to be used up. The chasing army is limited in speed and can only move forward against the magic turtle. The terrain here is not too wide, and there is no way to get around. Soon Baikas approached the camp, and Li Anna turned with two mages.

The two wizards were also tired enough, and when the spells were released one after another, they never stopped. For ordinary magicians, the loss of mental power is the most terrible.

When mental energy is excessively consumed, the magician may fail to release the magic.

The cost of failure often carries backlash.

Li Anna concealed the unicorn logo on the badge and said: "It is not the most difficult time now. There are enemies coming in all directions. There are not many people in our camp, but there are more robots. But you also see When it arrived, this time the breakout, the robot lost half, and there were more than 50 left. As long as the fighting time is prolonged, our robot will run out sooner or later. "

"Will there be supplements over there in Little Sun City?" The mage of Muses asked.

"Yes, but I don't know when. And the airship can only transport a large number of robots. You also know the speed of the airship. It is not a flying warship. It is several times worse. When we need it most, we may not be able to wait for supplies. . "

As he was talking, a huge shadow quickly landed in the sky.

It was a bone dragon more than 20 meters long. On the back of the bone dragon, there was a lich.

Death cloud!

Evil kingdom!

Positive energy deprivation!

Corpse explosion!

The lich's spellcasting was lightning fast, with almost no pause. At the same time, the bone dragon's two huge front claws, according to the ground is a press.

The two legendary wizards who were sore and sour, barely escaped with a flash, and were pressed by these two claws.

Li Anna split a paw on a paw, and the bone dragon's body twisted, and heard a bang, and the two shields shattered.

The human mage under the feather man released a streamer silhouette, barely escaping for more than ten meters, and the man of Namius chose to be covered with blood and fell out of a grass man to protect his life.

Li Anna's body flickered and came to the dragon's back, shouting, "Ride my iron horse to escape!"

The legendary mage under Muses rolled on the ground and bounced up, just like a warrior, flying on the back of an iron horse.

At this time, he can still take care of his face.

Li Anna got on the dragon's back, according to which the lich was a sword. The lich stretched out her hand, and her phalanx was smashed by Li Anna. Li Anna's figure flickered, avoiding a black figure spouted by the lich.

Li Anna attacked with all her strength, and still attacked with only a few fingers, she knew she was not a lich opponent.

This lich has a high level. Even if he tries hard to kill it, he can't kill it completely. Usually a lich has a life box, and its own level is not enough to eliminate the body of the lich's life box.

Teachers are required.

The lich's finger was broken, and he was also stunned. Li Anna did not hesitate, turned into a sword light in the opposite direction, and turned away.

That lich was furious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ attacked with all his strength, three guys who didn't even have level 50, none of them killed.

But who is chasing?

The two legends fled to the human camp, and if they caught up, they might encounter a more powerful human mage. Chasing that female doll? She is too fast.

A hesitant person in both directions escaped.

The lich roared helplessly. Just before attacking, using Dragon Flash, this ability can be used once a day. Now no one can catch up. Bone Dragon does fly fast enough. The problem is that it is too close to the human camp.

"All ... march with me!" The lich thought for a long time, but still could only cooperate with the whole to encircle the camp.

As for the few legends that were damaged, it was not his faction, he died.

Anyway, the mission is to eliminate any existence near the **** of magic. The team from Rhode Island is indeed difficult to chew, but the number is too small, and the heap is also dead to them.

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