Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1068: :real identity?

The lich convened the team with confidence, waiting for his army of undead to come together, converge on one place, and slowly advance towards the human camp.

Li Anna didn't hurt much. She responded too fast. She broke a few fingers of the lich, and escaped without thinking.

This lich is an extremely high-end combat force, and it must be more than level 60. His own speed cannot break through the last layer of defense, but if he is counterattacked, he will die.

Sword repair instinct is not to die in the end, but to instantly judge what you can do.

The lich's finger was broken, and it was a bit of a loss, but it could quickly make up for it. What's more, the lich's mount is a skull dragon, also a legendary creature, and its level is unknown. Considering that two legendary mages were suppressed at once, it was at least about level 55.

It ’s fifty levels alone, and it ’s hard to suppress two.

Summoning the eighteenth is a terrible victory, and there is no way to be injured. You have to flee back to Xiacheng to recover. The problem is that at such a long distance, it is dangerous to escape.

Let Shrek worry about it. After the confluence of the tenth, with Muses, it is not a problem to deal with this lich. As for the lack of troops, I have no choice.

As the eighteenth said, if you come to a camp of unicorn knights, what kind of bone dragon lich, just rush forward.

Li Anna flew in the air and swallowed a little jade paste to make up most of the lost power.

Fang just attacked for a while, and the loss is not small.

Slowly back around the camp, around the camp, a 30-meter-high ice wall has been erected, and the ice wall is full of robots. Around the camp, there are already a large army of troops, and it seems that it is not so easy to fight.

There are no less than four legends in each direction. In the north, there are simply ten.

Li Anna was thinking, in which direction to fly back, don't be blocked, suddenly, under the ice in the north, a magic pattern flickered, and then a big explosion occurred.

Within a few hundred meters of the radius, the flames skyrocketed, and the legendary mage could not suppress it.

Within the explosion range, all creatures were instantly scorched, and the shock wave carried white steam, spreading in all directions, blowing various divine magic creatures in the army, and some were directly torn.

On the ground, a large crater with a diameter of more than 500 meters appeared. The white steam quickly burned up again, forming a secondary explosion.

Magic bomb.

Li Anna was terrified. It was not the power of this bomb, but the concealment. When I only did a rough investigation, I didn't find this arrangement in the underground.

If you were in the center of the explosion, you must have been seriously injured.

When the explosion just happened, there were two legends at the explosion site, both of which hung directly.

The disadvantage of this kind of attack is that it is too expensive and won't get any loot. Harm others.

The attack power was so uniform that the entire enemy formation was within the attack range, and the entire northern force was instantly emptied. Most of the surviving soldiers escaped their lives without listening to the above command.

Not only to the north, the troops in the other three directions also became chaotic and rushed back.

Who is Li Anna? She immediately took advantage of the confusion and mixed with the army in the north, quietly approaching a legendary mage. The legendary mage shouted and reorganized the team, but no one listened to his orders.

After Li Anna approached, the silver long sword pierced under the robe, and the legendary mage's amulet flashed a bit, and the heart had been torn apart before it was activated.


The personal soldiers who guarded the legendary mages pulled their swords and rushed up. Li Anna laughed, turned into a sword lotus, and exploded in the same place. More than a hundred personal soldiers were separated by her in Jianguang.

She didn't dare to stay too much. There are many legends in the army to the north. This fragile mage is still easy to deal with. If you come to a legendary combination, it will be bad.

The reason why she is not afraid is because no one can leave her. If she is entangled by the warrior and can't release the sword escape, then the legendary mage will fall down by layers of magic, she has to rely on strength to resist.

Although the people from Taiyin Xianfu's hometown are certainly full of qi, they can't survive the mad bombing of several legendary mages.

Sure enough, the army of Rhode Island is the best.

Li Anna judged in her heart that if you went to assassinate the legendary wizard of Rhode Island, it would be too difficult. Because Rhode Island ’s army has never been so chaotic. Everyone has a badge logo, ribbon, and various armor designs that indicate their identity.

If you are not affiliated with this part, it is impossible to get you close.

And all kinds of deceptive magic, the magic array of the armor itself will cause a reaction and give an alarm.

Li Anna has conducted a lot of tests in the phantom array, not to mention assassinating the legendary mage. At her level, it is difficult to deceive the army. When the size of the squadron is large, it is not easy to get close. If it is a brigade size, she will be found on the periphery.

She is a first-order sword repair. In the army, her power is quite rare.

Among the weapons and equipment of the Duke's leadership, many seemingly uninteresting things can play an unexpected role on the battlefield.

After Li Anna's blow, she escaped with sword escape. In the army to the north, the remaining seven legendary characters were dying, but the choice of Li Anna was so good that they were not within the distance and it was too late to chase.

They can only hate the legendary mage, the resistance is too poor, and they die without persevering.

Even if you put a dimensional anchor on your deathbed, you will not let the other party escape.

These people are also blind. Instead, when they are on the verge of death, they must also release self-defense magic or escape spells. How can they put a dimensional anchor in order to make the enemy unable to escape.

All intelligent creatures are afraid of death, without exception.

When Li Anna attacked, she took away the body and escaped to the camp all the way. Shrek let her down when she saw her come back and said, "Don't take the risk later."

"No risk, what now?"

"Discuss with Muses, and Lennon. We can only stay dead for a while. If we give up the camp and flee to the south, we will be pursued all the way and die more. If we are at the camp, we still have a chance to wait until Little Sun Side support. "


"There will be flying fleets, depending on the scale of dispatch."

It was the same reason that Li Anna thought. Although the mission was Muse, the patriarch could not watch his own people being wiped out here.

Sending a flying fleet to support, can fly more than 10,000 miles of scales in an hour, without having to worry about distance.

The speed of the floating fish is about the same, but the fire is slower.

"Hold on for eight hours, the backup will be able to arrive. But if you escape for eight hours, we may be left with these legends alive." Shrek said.

"Then stick to it, I'm fine, no problem."

"Your armor is destroyed?"

"I have my own armor."

"Then change it."

"it is good."

Li Anna promised to return to her barracks, seeing that her men were still there, relieved. Fang Cai ’s charge destroyed half of the robots, which was also a loss to the army. The Duke's collar can bear the losses of the robots not because of cheapness, but as soldiers who command humans, and the growth is too slow.

The cultivation of robot warriors takes only one month, including digging ores from mines, refining metals, manufacturing muscle fibers in factories, reassembling, plus computing core, debugging, weapon testing, overall evolution of computing core, packaging, and actual testing.

But what about human warriors?

The latest plan is to start teaching at the age of eight, start professional training at the age of twelve, formally join the army at the age of sixteen, qualify for battle at the age of eighteen, and formally hold the rank at the age of twenty.

In the first two decades, all you might get is a Level 5 fighter.

The robot can reach the level 5 warrior standard in only one month.

Of course, talented people, willing to invest resources, can achieve legend at the age of twenty. The problem is that robots, if they are willing to invest resources, can also reach the legendary level.

The advantage of robots is their rapid training.

Otherwise, the invasion of mechanical life will not cause such a big trouble. Medierli wiped out the fleet of robots in the northern waters, but for robots, this loss is negligible.

They can create a large fleet in the starry sky, forming a locust-like invasion gesture.

These troops on the ground are all guinea pigs, studying the poor worms that adapt to the laws of this world.

The same is true for divine magical creatures. The magical **** is testing, testing his control over the laws of the world, and he is clearly tested by him, then his divine power is quite terrible.

Imagine what level the three goddesses have completely controlled the underground world of the ice field.

Li Anna sorted and received the goods in her room before taking out her armor. This set of armor is not so heavy. Overall, it looks like a guard of honor, with a gorgeous shape and a **** cloak behind.

This is indeed an honor for the Unicorn Knights, but the combat effectiveness is not weak.

In the Unicorn Knights, there are three types of armor, one is long-term combat equipment, one is honour equipment, and one is regular service. Only the combat effectiveness of the regular service has been reduced ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but the regular service is in the armor equipment, wear the regular service, you can summon the armor at any time.

Although Li Anna's list is in the Unicorn Knights, she is not a battle sequence, so there is no standard combat equipment, but there is an armor of honor.

The ceremonial armor must be beautiful, making it troublesome, and its power is not much stronger than combat equipment, but the cost is higher.

After wearing the armor, Li Anna came to see Chumen.

Chu Men looked at her and smiled bitterly: "Li Anna, now, can I still command you?"

"According to military regulations, it is still possible."

"Thank you for bringing them back alive." Chu Mendao said.

"Yes, these people are very loyal. They are all good guys."

"So, can I ask your true identity?" Chu Men couldn't help it. 8)

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