Daomen Invasion

Chapter 113: : Lord Long

Cotton Jack's choice, Xiahe was not surprised at all. How many people have exhausted their lives for the love of their youth?

Cotton Jack didn't say much, he took a note and gave it to Xiahe.

This is the record of his journey to the Arcane Empire, the details are vivid.

Xiahe took notes, read while asking, and gradually got a clear outline.

After the emperor of the Arcane Empire got the Book of Goblins, it was the cotton Jack that he met two days later. Two days later, the envoy embarked with Jack and came to Stormwind.

There are only 18 envoys, but there are regular envoys, deputy envoys, etiquette officers, clerks, and then officials of the House of Representatives. This is to seal Xiahe, otherwise only a secret ambassador will do.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Xiahe let Cotton Jack rest first.

"Austin, Medirelli has not returned yet?" Xiahe summoned Taring.

"She contacted me ..."

"Hurry up." Xiahe stunned.

"Medi Li, detained by the envoy at the government office."

The Office of Government Affairs is where Andrea works, and the entire Stormwind business is entrusted to him. After the envoys arrived, they were arranged to live there. Stormwind City was not perfect yet, and there was no place to receive guests at all.

Xiahe laughed, and was really caught.

Xiahe went out of the magic tower and went straight to Medierli's barracks. These hundreds of dead men are different from other pirates. They are trained very harshly. They get up and train every day until dawn.

When Xiahe arrived at the barracks, it was no nonsense. He ordered 200 people, wore armor, took weapons, and went straight to the government office.

The area of ​​government affairs is not too large, Andrea ’s soldiers are not stationed here, and the envoys live in the courtyard behind. When Xiahe arrived, no one dared to stop, so he rushed directly to the backyard with the soldiers.

The soldiers were fierce and evil, and their spears were like forests, which filled the courtyard.

Xiahe said to the row of houses in the back: "Who caught me, come out and see you."

The middlemost building was lit, and an old voice came out: "Is it Earl Asra?"

Xiahe Yusai, claiming to be a baron to His Majesty the Emperor, or is it inferior, how many levels will he jump? Isn't this too unreliable? Know that you do n’t know where you came from. Even if you present a treasure, you will at most register a lower-level Viscount. Earl, the title, can raise three thousand soldiers.

Xiahe didn't answer, and the people in the room coughed and said, "Master Count, don't you dare to come in?"

Xiahe sneered, letting two dead men of 20th grade and above throw away their spears, and only brought a long knife into the house with them. The emperor must not have thought of killing himself, otherwise it would be enough to secretly send an epic strongman to come. With the background of the arcane empire, sending dozens of them at once was not a problem.

If the embassy embarrasses himself, don't even think about leaving the storm corner alive.

Xiahe entered the room for a moment. There were only two people in the room, an old man, and Medieri.

The old man was wearing a silk robe, his hands were empty, sitting on the table, and a book was placed on the table. Medelly stood beside him, with a black light wrapped around her, as if wrapped in a giant snake.

Arcane imprisonment!

This magic Xiahe knows that the minimum cast level is also 30, which is a very powerful arcane magic, extremely practical and changeable.

"Adult." Medirre saw Xiahe coming in, and nodded hard.

"You all go out." Xiahe said to the two dead men.

After he had said this, Medieri was involuntarily driven by the black light and went out of the room with the dead. The thick wooden door clattered together, and Xiahe saluted the old man.

This is a magician who is more powerful than the magic king, the epic peak, can be advanced to legend at any time.

"Asla, what did you give your majesty to make him value you this way?"

As soon as the old man opened his mouth, he exuded false realms and enveloped the whole room. Xiahe suddenly felt that he was completely locked, and a force of nothingness was wrapped around his body. Years of fighting in the broken abyss made Xiahe feel the threat of death.

The power circulates continuously on the surface of his body. Everywhere, it seems to be able to penetrate through the body at any time and go straight to the soul.

Even in the face of Bloody Mary, he had never felt this way.

Was completely controlled and could not resist. It was like an antelope that was knocked down by a lion. The teeth had penetrated the throat. The feeling of suffocation came. The brain was hypoxic and the thinking was a little confused.

Xiahe held out his hand, grabbed the chair by the table, slowly pulled it back, and sat down.

"Her Majesty didn't say anything to you, I can't say it either." Xiahe clasped his palm with his fingertips, supporting his spirit, fearing that he would sleep like this.

"I am Takashi, the emperor ’s personal adviser, and usually he will not hide anything from me. Of course, I should not ask what your majesty does not say. Actually, I ’m not too interested in your business. At that time, Your Majesty said to me, if that Asra has satisfied you, let him be an earl, and Stormwind is his, and Rhode Island has also allocated him. His family can also restore its original glory. "

Xiahe felt his chest feel stuffy and his eyes were a little blurry, but he heard it clearly.

"The emperor of the Holy Thunder Empire inserted a nail here and was pulled out by me." Xiahe gritted his teeth.

"I heard that." Long dropped his eyelids, looking indifferent.

"I still cleaned here. It stands to reason that no one will dare to do business here for at least three to five years. But ... only a few months later, many noble ships came again."

"The **** of the ancient sea god, this is not a big secret."

Xiahe's lungs started to hurt, and he felt sweet in his throat and had bloodshot eyes. He regretted it and left the Dragon and Tiger Dao in the Magic Tower. Now I can't do anything to contact Freya.

"We are building a floating city, no empire is allowed to succeed, so they block supplies in the trade, send spies to destroy, and secretly support the half-elf empire, if there is a storm corner as a pivot ..."

Xiahe couldn't say anything, because Long yawned.

The magician of epic realm is full of spirit, and he will never be sleepy. This is clearly not wanting to listen to his long talk.

Xiahe was only numb in his hands and feet, but now he can't feel it.

"Master Long, what is the market over the empire!"

"What market?" Long finally replied.

"Adult, what level do you generally charge?" Xiahe's facial features are distorted, and I can't express regret in my heart. You should not leave the Dragon and Tiger Dao in the magic tower. Now that Freya cannot be reached, you cannot escape from this room.

"I am clean in my life, and others ask me to work, only accepting the meaning of thirty or fifty thousand gold coins." Long slow and reasonable.

"I give 300,000!" When Xiahe felt like saying this, all the air in his lungs was exhausted. His eyes were full of blood, and he could no longer see anything.

"You are still saved." Long let go of Xiahe's imprisonment. Xiahe was like a person sinking under the water. Suddenly he appeared on the surface of the water. His arm rested on the table and he took a big breath.

He finally understood the pain of the silver demon. When you are unable to resist, all wisdom is in vain.

"Asla, I don't accept your money in vain." Long looked at the young magician across the table and said: "Actually, I am His Majesty, and you want to make me happy, the simpler the better. In Empire, there are countless people like me. If everyone is like you, the floating city has already been built. "

Xiahe was surprised. Has the politics of the Arcane Empire been so eroded?

"You offer treasure to your majesty, your majesty seals your count, and in the eyes of everyone, you are the same person as me. If you go to the empire and are still so radical, you will not live for a few days."

"Please also ask adults to advise." Xia He slowly sat up straight.

"Your Majesty has sealed your position, you don't need it, just apply for a college lecturer."

Xiahe made a puzzled expression. In the arcane empire, the noble faction is divided by the magical academy. To be a lecturer at the college, it means to climb high. If you are excluded, how can you go to the Academy of Magic? Besides, he is less than 20th grade, and he is reluctant to become a lecturer.

"It's better than fighting all day long, and I don't have time to do things ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yes, I understand." Xiahe no longer asked, but could only put his doubts in his stomach.

"When can you leave? Your majesty wants to see you in person."

"I have to make arrangements to go, the storm angle has not settled down yet."

"Then you go back and deal with it, the priest's ritual is fine, I don't want to work hard. When can I leave, send someone to notify me." Long raised his hand, beckoning off.

Xiahe got up, saluted, and exited the room that almost killed him.

Medi Li sees Xiahe's face is not good, so she doesn't ask anything, and leads someone behind Xiahe. Xiahe left the government office and embarked on the road of Stormwind City, only to fist forcefully.

Only strength is true, he is still too weak.

The sky had lighted up, and Chen Xi had shed some warmth in the east, and Xiahe couldn't help thinking of Pope Chen Xi. That big man is not dead yet?

In the world, he is a chess player, and among the gods, he is a chess piece of a god.

"Count Asla, please wait." Inside the government office, a female magician came out and called Xiahe behind her.

"What's the matter?" Xiahe turned around, looking at the envoys of the empire across the two hundred dead. This magician also has more than 20 appearances, wearing a mage robe of the arcane empire, with unique badges and magic patterns.

"Master Long asked me to give this to you." The female magician said, throwing an ancient badge in her hand. Xiahe reached out to catch it and sensed the space inside the badge. There are many documents, contracts, books. Look at the magic pattern on the front of the badge, it is the family logo made by yourself.

The level of emperor fraud is really amazing. The badge judges from the texture that it has a history of 3,000 to 5,000 years.

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